Core English IV - Apex Learning


English IV

In English IV, students explore British and world literature from of a variety of genres and historical contexts. Beginning with

The Odyssey and Beowulf, students grapple with the question of how cultures define monstrosity and heroism¡ªa theme

that recurs throughout the course. That theme continues into an analysis of The Tempest, along with considerations of how

language can be used to empower or subjugate. As students delve into literature of the 18th century, they respond to the

satire of Jonathan Swift and arguably the first realistic fictional novel, Robinson Crusoe . As the question of how cultures and

individuals define monstrosity and heroism deepen, students examine how humans define and interact with what is

perceived as "other." In analyzing Frankenstein, students are able to witness the struggle between monstrosity and

heroism in both external and internal conflicts, through the lens of a writer of the Romantic era. Moving into the 20th

century, students examine the rhetoric of wartime speeches by World War II¡¯s most prominent leaders. They are also given

the opportunity to reflect on and respond to the writings of colonists and those they colonized, and to consider how

imperialistic attitudes might be reflected in contemporary scenarios. Finally, students enter the modern era, reading a oneact play, examining a technical document, and analyzing the effects media has on our perception of reality.

English IV supports all students in developing the depth of understanding and higher order skills required by the TEKS.

Students break down increasingly complex readings with close reading tools, guided instruction, and robust scaffolding as

they apply each of the lesson's concepts back to an anchor text. Students build their writing and speaking skills in journal

responses, discussions, research, and written assignments and presentations, learning to incorporate language conventions

to communicate clearly and credibly in literary, argumentative, and informational styles.

This course is built to fulfill the 2017 English Language Arts and Reading, English IV TEKS.

Length: Two Semesters



Study: Unders tand the Heroic and Mons trous

Examine the history of the epic and the traditional depiction of heroes and villains.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand the Heroic and Mons trous

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Read: A Book of T he Odys s ey

Read and comprehend a section of an epic poem.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : A Book of T he Odys s ey

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e the Heroic and Mons trous

Analyze how Odysseus and the Cyclops are portrayed and compare the language of the heroic and villainous. Analyze

the impact of the author's choices on the story.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e the Heroic and Mons trous

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Checkup: Pref ixes , Suf f ixes , and Roots

English IV

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Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in various domains by examining their roots and affixes.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Journal: Explore Etymology

Use an etymology dictionary to determine the meaning of roots and affixes in domain-specific vocabulary words.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints


Read: Active Reading: Es tablis hing a Purpos e

Read and comprehend an essay about story structures.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 40 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Study: Unders tand Story Structure

Examine the structure of stories and epics.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand Story Structure

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Read: Beowulf

Read and comprehend a section of Beowulf, paying particular attention to the development and structure of the


Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Beowulf

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e Story Structure

Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding the development of a story and the introduction of characters.

Analyze the impact of the author's choices in structuring the events in Beowulf.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e Story Structure

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Write: Prepare a Critique

Write a letter that critiques a narrative with a complex plot.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Practice: Complete Your As s ignment

Revise and finalize an assignment.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 30 po ints


Read: An Es s ay about Mons ters

Read and comprehend an essay about monsters.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Study: Unders tand the Language of the Mons trous

Examine the language of the monstrous over the course of time, especially long-term trends and significant changes.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand the Language of the Mons trous

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

English IV

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Read: Grendel

Read and comprehend excerpts from Grendel by John Gardner.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Grendel

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e the Language of the Mons trous

Analyze Gardner's depiction of the heroic and monstrous and how it differs from or is similar to Beowulf, and determine

the themes of Grendel.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e the Language of the Mons trous

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Write: Prepare an Argumentative Es s ay

Write an essay that uses rhetorical appeals to persuade an audience.

Duratio n: 2 hrs S co ring: 0 po ints

Practice: Complete Your As s ignment

Revise and finalize an assignment.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 40 po ints


Checkup: T es t Prep Skills : Wording in T es t Ques tions

Apply strategies to excel on high-stakes tests, both within the course and outside of the course.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Review: Mons ters and Heroes

Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 15 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

T es t (CS): Mons ters and Heroes

Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 40 po ints

T es t (T S): Mons ters and Heroes

Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 40 mins S co ring: 45 po ints

Read: Independent Reading

Select a book-length text to read independently and answer a series of questions about its content.

Duratio n: 3 hrs S co ring: 30 po ints



Study: Unders tand Poetic Forms and Storytelling

Understand how historical events affect themes in literature.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand Poetic Forms and Storytelling

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Read: "T he Monk's T ale"

Read and comprehend "The Monk's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer.

English IV

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Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : "T he Monk's T ale"

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e Poetic Forms and Storytelling

Analyze how historical events affected the themes in "The Monk's Tale." Analyze how monstrous traits are depicted in

"The Monk's Tale."

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e Poetic Forms and Storytelling

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Write: Prepare an Original Poem

Write an explanatory essay about the historical context of "The Monk's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Duratio n: 2 hrs S co ring: 0 po ints

Practice: Complete Your As s ignment

Revise and finalize an assignment.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 40 po ints


Read: Active Reading: Making Connections

Read and comprehend the introduction to Inferno.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 40 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Study: Unders tand the Ef f ects of an Author's Choices

Understand what motivates authors to write stories with messages such as the Canterbury Tales and the Inferno.

Understand how authors might address "real" issues in literature (and art).

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand the Ef f ects of an Author's Choices

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Read: Dante's Inf erno

Read and comprehend excerpts from Dante's Inferno.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Dante's Inf erno

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e the Ef f ects of an Author's Choices

Analyze Dante's language describing the worthy and the condemned, especially as it differs from Chaucer's. Analyze

the impact of each author's choices on their narratives.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e the Ef f ects of an Author's Choices

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Write: Prepare a Revis ion

Analyze Dante's choice of punishment for specified crimes by writing an analysis essay.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Practice: Complete Your As s ignment

Revise and finalize an assignment.

English IV

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Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 30 po ints


Checkup: T es t Prep Skills : Multiple-Choice Ques tion Strategies

Apply strategies to excel on high-stakes tests, both within the course and outside of the course.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Review: Sins and Crimes

Prepare for the unit test by reviewing key concepts and skills.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 15 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

T es t (CS): Sins and Crimes

Take a computer-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 40 po ints

T es t (T S): Sins and Crimes

Take a teacher-scored test to assess what you have learned in this unit.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 40 mins S co ring: 45 po ints



Study: Unders tand Writing in the Age of Dis covery

Understand how authors use particular writing techniques to convey observations and criticisms. Examine the historical

context of The Tempest.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 45 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Unders tand Writing in the Age of Dis covery

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Read: T he T empes t

Read and comprehend Acts I and II of The Tempest by William Shakespeare.

Duratio n: 1 hr S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : T he T empes t

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 10 mins S co ring: 10 po ints

Study: Analyz e Writing in the Age of Dis covery

Analyze the impact of Shakespeare's choices in relating his narrative. Determine the parallels between colonialism and

The Tempest.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 50 mins S co ring: 0 po ints

Quiz : Analyz e Writing in the Age of Dis covery

Take a quiz to assess your understanding of the material.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 20 mins S co ring: 20 po ints

Write: Prepare an Analytical Es s ay

Write an analytical essay about Shakespeare's attitudes about colonialism in The Tempest.

Duratio n: 2 hrs S co ring: 0 po ints

Practice: Complete Your As s ignment

Revise and finalize an assignment.

Duratio n: 0 hrs 30 mins S co ring: 40 po ints


Read: Active Reading: Making Adjus tments

Read and comprehend the short story "Tongue-Tied" by Maxine Hong-Kingston.

English IV

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