Active Teaching Strategies - Australian College of Kuwait

[Pages:30]Active Teaching Strategies

Teaching & Learning Center 21st October, 2020

Faculty Survey Results

Why do we teach? What is the purpose of teaching?

Theories of Learning

? Behaviorism:

A Key Principle of Behaviorism is that behavior can be changed through reinforcement Desired BHV can be promoted through rewards Undesired BHV can be taught through Punishment (O'Donnell et al, 2011).

Students in such approach learn the desired behaviors regardless of their internal states or previous experience

Theories of Learning

? Constructivism:

Unlike behaviorism, instead of teaching behavior, it promotes how an individual can be the agent for his own learning.

(Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky) Instead of viewing the learner as a passive consumer of knowledge, it encourages teachers to alter their methods of instruction to foster active learner engagement

How is knowledge constructed through this


1. Assimilation: make sense of how information or things work.

2. Accommodation: altering knowledge to preserve consistency in the face of new information ex: a child may believe that people cry when they are sad then sees an athlete winner cry, he will alter his knowledge that people may cry when they are happy.

3. This cycle of assimilating existing knowledge then revise knowledge to accommodate new information is what represents intellectual development.


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