Learning Activities Page

| |Learning Steps |Resources/References |

| 1. Read |Unit and specific objectives |In this LAP |

| 2. Read |Chapter 4, “Understanding Children from Birth to Age Two, “ |In Working with Young Children |

| |& Chapter 28, “Programs for Infants and Toddlers” | |

| 3. Read |Information Sheets: |In this LAP |

| |Types of Development | |

| 4. Do |Assignment Sheet #1 - Motor Sequence for Infants |Use Text to complete this activity. (Chap 4) |

| 5. Do |Assignment Sheet #2 – Social and Emotional Development |Use Test to complete this activity. (Chap 4) |

| 6. Do |Assignment Sheet #3 – Developmental Review |Use Text to complete this activity. (Chap 4) |

| 7. Do |Activity A, Chapter 4, Types of Development |Student Activity Guide |

| |Activity B, Chapter 4, Reflexes |(Attach to this LAP) |

| |Activity C, Chapter 4, Understanding Development | |

| |Activity A, Chapter 28, Caregiver Traits | |

| |Activity B, Chapter 28, Environment Needs | |

| |Activity C, Chapter 28, Toys for Development | |

| 8. Watch |Video: Infancy; The Beginning (20 minutes) |Video Cabinet |

|& Do |& Video Review #1 |In this LAP |

| 9. Watch & Do |Video Enter Toddling (21 minutes) |Video Cabinet |

| |& Video Review #2 |In this LAP |

| 10. Watch & Do |Video: Terrific Two’s (21 minutes) |Video Cabinet |

| |& Video Review #3 |In this LAP |

| 11. Read |“Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate Practices for Infants & Toddlers” (Use this|In this RESOURCE FILE |

| |info to complete Assignment Sheet #4) | |

| 12. Do |Assignment Sheet #4 – Toy Inventory |In this LAP |

| 13. Stop |Discuss completed assignments with the instructor | |

| 14. Review |Completed LAP’s Text and Activity Sheets | |

| 15. Test |Take Caring for Infants and Toddlers Test |Get from Instructor |

| 16. If |Score is 85% or better; proceed to next LAP listed on Student Learning Plan or Course | |

| |Outline. If not, review and retake test. | |


Characteristics of Development

• Development proceeds in a predictable manner.

• Development is dependent on maturation.

• Growth and maturation proceed from the head down.

• Growth and maturation occur from the center of the body outward.

• Children move through the growth processes at their own rates.

Copyright Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc. Understanding Children from Birth to Age Two


Motor Sequence for Infants

(Arrange in sequential order from 1 to 10)

| |Standing with help |

| |Walking alone |

| |Head control |

| |Hitching |

| |Rolling over |

| |Walking with help |

| |Creeping |

| |Crawling |

| |Standing holding on to furniture |

| |Standing alone |


Social and Emotional Development

Rank these social-emotional skills in the order they occur in the development of a child. Begin by writing the number 1 beside the first skill that the child develops. Check your answers by referring to the development scales listed in the Appendix of the text.

_____ A. Can quiet self by sucking

_____ B. May become possessive about toys, hiding them from others.

_____ C. Begins to have sense of humor.

_____ D. Enjoys social aspects of feeding time.

_____ E. Shows interest in play activities of others.

_____ F. Recognizes a parent’s voice.

_____ G. Shows increased negativism.

_____ H. Is more aware of and sensitive toward other children.

_____ I. May be able to play peek-a-boo game.

_____ J. Likes to explore new places but wants to be able to return to caregiver.

_____ K. May not always want to be cooperative.

_____ L. Desires constant attention from caregiver.

_____ M. Shows feelings of security when held or talked to.

_____ N. Engages in imaginative play related to parents’ actions.

Copyright Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc. Understanding Children from Birth to Age Two


Developmental Review

Read the following definitions and write the corresponding terms in the blanks.

| |_____________ refers to change or growth. |

| |Learning related to getting along with other people is called ________ development. |

| |Improvement in ability to use the muscles is related to _________ development. |

| |The ability to write is influenced by a child’s fine _______development. |

| |The ____________ processes used to gain knowledge are involved in cognitive developments. |

| |Ability to identify the colors red and yellow is part of ________ development. |

| |____________ refers to a sequence of biological events occurring within a child. |

| |Infants differ in _____________, or the ways they react to their environment. |

| |Looking, smiling and crying are examples of ___________ behaviors. |

| |At birth the infant’s physical abilities are limited to _____________. |

| |By four months of age, the infant will have ___________ his or her weight. |

| |The sucking, breathing and rooting reflexes are necessary for _____________. |

| |The Moro reflex occurs when a baby is startled by a noise or sudden __________. |

| |The ___________ reflex occurs when the infant’s palm is touched. |

| |When an infant’s feet touch a surface, the _________ reflex can be observed. |

| |The fact that infants three to six months old try to locate noises indicates that these infants are starting to show ____________. |


Resource: Infant Development

1. Define self-esteem.

2. What is a “caregiver initiated activity”?

3. What is the primary source of an infant’s self-esteem?

4. Crying is an infant’s way of…(Circle the correct answers.)

A. being spoiled

B. communicating

C. letting someone know he/she needs something

D. misbehaving

5. When a consistent caregiver responds to an infant’s crying, it helps the infant develop a sense of _________________ in the environment.

6. Equipment for infants needs to be _____________, ____________, _______________.

7. For very young infants, visual stimuli should… (Circle the correct answers.)

A. be very colorful

B. be displayed at a distance of 10-12 inches

C. be in constant motion

D. have a definite contrast in color, such as black on white

8. Complete this statement, “Play is _______________________________”.

9. List four of the areas mentioned in the video that can be used to focus on self- esteem enhancing activities for infants, for example, changing diapers.

_____________________________ __________________________

_____________________________ __________________________


Resource: Enter Toddling

1. Define “toddler”:

2. Define “separation anxiety”:

3. Define parallel play:

4. Define “object permanence”:

5. Give two examples of objects you can use for sensory stimulation in each of the following areas:

sight: ______________________ ________________________

hearing: ______________________ ________________________

touch: ______________________ ________________________

taste: ______________________ ________________________

smell: ______________________ ________________________

6. Why do you feel it is important not to judge a young toddler’s (or anyone’s) level of self-esteem based on an isolated behavior.


Resource: Terrific Twos

1. We usually think of toddlers as being from ____ months to ____ months of age.

2. One example of using a community resource at your child care facility is ___________________________________.

3. Two-year olds who feel good about themselves tend to be able to __________ from their parents more easily.

4. When asked to make a choice, two-year olds should be given ____________ (how many) options from which to choose.

5. “___________________ is children’s work”.

6. The label “the terrible two” (circle the correct answer(s))

A. should be applied to all two-year olds

B. may cause us to expect negative behavior

C. should be avoided

D. doesn’t affect the parent, caregiver or child

7. We listen best to young children when we (Circle the correct answers(s))

A. repeat what they are saying

B. stand straight and tall and have good posture

C. look around the room to make sure others are listening too

D. get down on the child’s level and look at him while he talks

8. Appropriate self-help skills for two-year olds include (Circle the correct answer(s))

A. helping dress themselves

B. cooking meals

C. cleaning up after snack

D. putting toys away


Toy Inventory

Use the chart below to take an inventory of toys at an infant-toddler center. Place a number in the blank beside each type of toy to indicate how many you find. In the spaces provided, list any other types of toys you find.


|Sensory Toys | Stuffed animals | Nesting toys |Gross Motor Toys |

| Mobiles | Dolls | Blocks | Cradle gyms |

| Metal mirrors | | Busy boxes | Walkers |

| Picture books | | Plastic rings | swings |

| Rattles | | | |

| Squeaky toys |Fine Motor Toys | | |

| Audio tapes/CDs | Small balls | | |

| | | | |


|Art Materials |Fine Motor Toys | Small wagons |Language Toys |

| Paint | Stacking toys | Large blocks | Puppets |

| Paintbrushes | Building blocks | Climbing tunnels | Books |

| | | |Pictures |

| Large crayons | sorting boxes | Riding toys | Posters |

| Chalk | Puzzles | Jungle gyms | Unbreakable mirrors |

| Markers | Stringing beads | | Dolls |

| | play dough | | |

| | Nesting toys | | |

| | Cards |Musical Toys | |

|Sensory Materials | | Audio tapes/CDs | |

| Colored and/or scented water | | Musical instruments | |

| Soap bubbles |Gross Motor Toys | Music boxes | |

| Shaving cream | Balls | Video tapes | |

| Sand toys | Slides | | |

| Floating toys | Tumbling mats | | |

| | Pull toys | | |

| | Push toys | | |


1401 Michigan Avenue

Chickasha, OK 73018

Early Care & Education

Lap Name: Caring for Infants and Toddlers



Lap Number: CD-4

Unit Objective:

After completing this unit, the student will be familiar with the care and development of infants and toddlers. This will be shown by completing the LAP assignments and a test score of 85% or higher.

Specific Objectives:

□ Identify the abilities of infants and how to respond to them.

□ Select from a list the developmental milestones of infants, toddlers and two-year-olds.

□ Answer questions about physical care and safety guidelines for infants.

□ Properly hold, dress and diaper an infant.

□ Properly prepare, label and store an infant’s bottle.

□ Identify guidelines to follow when feeding babies.

□ State guidelines for influencing the development of infants and toddlers.

□ Identify ways to encourage the development of self-help skills.

□ Answer questions about guidelines for encouraging toilet training.

Copyright Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc.

Copyright Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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