American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons ...

-177165254000American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeonsONLINE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM APPLICATION FORMPlease read the following information carefully and thoroughly before completing the form. Please type all information.APPLICATIONS WITHOUT ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.1.Clinician(s)/Lecturer(s):Type the clinicians’/lecturers’ full name and degrees exactly as you wish them to appear in the printed program/brochure and on the AAOMS website. Kindly indicate complete mailing address and phone number.On the lines following the clinicians’/lecturers’ section, type the Associate clinician’s/lecturer’s name and degrees exactly as you wish them to appear in the printed program and on the AAOMS website. Please be sure your listing is complete and all names are spelled accurately.THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CLINICIANS/LECTURERS ORDINARILY ALLOWED FOR A PROGRAM IS 2.Senior Clinician/Lecturer: FORMTEXT ????? Degree(s): FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ????? State: FORMTEXT ????? Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ????? Fax: FORMTEXT ????? AAOMS Member: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoE-mail: FORMTEXT ?????Secondary Clinician/Lecturer: (optional) Name: FORMTEXT ????? Degree(s): FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ????? State: FORMTEXT ????? Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ????? Fax: FORMTEXT ????? AAOMS Member: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoE-mail: FORMTEXT ?????2. Program Title:Type the program title exactly as you wish it to read in the printed program/brochure and AAOMS website. FORMTEXT ????? 3. Status of the Program to be Presented:New: Information is being considered for FIRST time presentation.Revised: The information reflects revision of previously presented material. This reapplication will compete with all other new applications; it will have no special priority because of its previous presentation.Repeat: The program has previously been presented at AAOMS meetings. This reapplication will be considered for repeat presentation based on participant evaluation and attendance.NOTE: All selected programs, once approved, are eligible to be offered in subsequent years, with the understanding that they will be reviewed annually by the Committee on Continuing Education and Professional Development to determine if they are continuing to meet the needs of the AAOMS meeting attendees. FORMCHECKBOX New Seminar FORMCHECKBOX Revised Seminar FORMCHECKBOX Repeat Seminar4. Length of Time Requested:Typically the seminars are 60 minutes in length. Please select how long you will need for your seminar. FORMCHECKBOX 60 minutes FORMCHECKBOX 90 minutes 4. Time of Day Requested:Please select what time of day is most convenient for you. FORMCHECKBOX Morning FORMCHECKBOX Afternoon/Lunch Time FORMCHECKBOX Evening 5. Synopsis:The synopsis must fit in the area provided and be presented in 50 words or less. FORMTEXT ????? 6.Objectives:You are required to provide educational objectives with your application. A statement of objectives is NOT the same as a clinic description, but should reflect what the attendee should know or be able to do at the end of a learning period. Use active verbs such as summarize, identify, list, select, compare, etc. A copy of List of Verbs for Formulating Educational Objectives has been included to assist you. APPLICATIONS WITHOUT A STATEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. After completing this program, the attendee should be able to:1. FORMTEXT ?????2. FORMTEXT ?????3. FORMTEXT ?????7. Program Outline:Outlines must be typed and present a moderate to detailed amount of information on the seminar. Also be sure to list your title (exactly as noted on the application form) on the outline.Please attach your typed outline to this application form. Outlines are required by the Committee on Continuing Education and Professional Development for CME review.8. Subject Classifications:Please select the single category you feel most appropriately covers your topic. This designation is for reference purposes only and will be used in determining your possible future participation in other AAOMS unsolicited programs or as requested by related health care agencies in development of their programs.Check the one classification most suitable for your program. FORMCHECKBOX Anesthesia FORMCHECKBOX Infection FORMCHECKBOX Pathology FORMCHECKBOX Clefts FORMCHECKBOX Medicine FORMCHECKBOX Reconstruction FORMCHECKBOX Cosmetic FORMCHECKBOX Nerve Repair FORMCHECKBOX TMJ FORMCHECKBOX Dental Implants FORMCHECKBOX Obstructive Sleep Apnea FORMCHECKBOX Trauma FORMCHECKBOX Dentoalveloar FORMCHECKBOX Orthognathic Surgery FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ?????11. Conflict of Interest or Dual Commitment:The AAOMS Board of Trustees has determined that dual commitment should not restrict any presentation provided that appropriate disclosure of such commitment is made. Dual commitment has been defined as a simultaneous commitment to commercial interests related to the subject of a specific scientific/educational activity, such as special customer preferences; financial interest; consultantships; governance; research contracts; ownership of patents, companies, royalties, stock options or equity; past/present employment of immediate family or relatives.Each clinician/lecturer of an accepted program must sign the attached disclosure on dual commitment form. Failure to complete and return the Statement will delay review of the application until such Statement is received by AAOMS.The clinician’s/lecturer’s presentation is to impart an idea, concept, or philosophy on a particular topic. The clinician/lecturer is to prepare the presentation in a generic nature and the presentation is not to contain oral or written reference to the name of a particular company or product whether the clinician/lecturer has any commercial ties or not. The clinician/lecturer may NOT make reference to a particular company or product, except as is required to describe scientific information.Do you or your associate speaker have a dual commitment in the program material?: FORMCHECKBOX Y FORMCHECKBOX N12. Representations and Warranties:All clinicians/lecturers must represent and warrant that any materials utilized, distributed or presented, including, but not limited to, handouts, electronic presentations, oral commentary or materials in any other format or medium, will not infringe on the copyrights or trademarks held by another. All clinicians/lecturers must represent and warrant that any materials utilized, distributed or presented, including but not limited to, handouts, electronic presentations, oral commentary or materials in any other format or medium will not constitute an invasion of privacy, a violation of patient privacy laws or libelous and/or slanderous behavior. 13. Signature of Understanding and Compliance with AAOMS Policies: I fully understand that my signature on this application will serve as my representation and warranty that any materials utilized, distributed or presented during the program, including, but not limited to, handouts, electronic presentations, oral commentary or materials in any other format or medium, will not infringe on the copyrights or trademarks held by another. It will also serve as my representation and warranty that any materials utilized, distributed or presented during the program, including but not limited to, handouts, electronic presentations, oral commentary or materials in any other format or medium will not constitute an invasion of privacy, a violation of patient privacy laws or libelous and/or slanderous behavior. In the event of a breach of any of the above mentioned representations and warranties, my signature will serve as my agreement to hold AAOMS and its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from any claim or cause of action, including court costs and attorney’s fees, resulting from such a breach. I attest that I have sufficient indemnification coverage or insurance to protect both myself , the AAOMS and any directors, officers, employees or agents of AAOMS in the event of any legal action brought against the AAOMS related to any a tort claim, copyright infringement claim or any other claim brought against the AAOMS related to my presentation. I also fully understand that my signature on this application will indicate my understanding that AAOMS holds copyrights on all printed material in the Preliminary and Final Programs and on the AAOMS website. My signature will serve as my agreement to allow AAOMS to reproduce, duplicate or distribute any materials utilized, distributed or presented, including but not limited to, handouts, electronic presentations, oral commentary or materials in any other format or medium during my program.Furthermore, my signature on this application will serve as my confirmation of my understanding of and agreement to disclose any dual commitment as defined in Section 11 of the Application Guidelines. FORMCHECKBOX Permission to reproduce, duplicate or distribute materials utilized, distributed or presented during the program is granted.Signature of Senior Clinician/Lecturer Comments/Special Requests: FORMTEXT ?????14. Scheduling:All seminars are reviewed annually for presentation. AAOMS reserves the right to schedule a particular clinic as the Committee on Continuing Education and Processional Development deems necessary. 15. Miscellaneous:The final component for the review process is a current biographical sketch for each clinician/lecturer. This requirement is added as a form of credentials review relative to the AAOMS’ accreditation status as a provider of continuing dental and medical education. 16. PowerPoint Presentation Requirements: Due to the available technology, speaker may need to conform his/her slide presentations at the discretion of the association. Presentation format must be in 4:3 (Standard PowerPoint) ONLY.CHECKLIST: FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Application is completely filled out and signed. (Incomplete or unsigned applications will not be reviewed.) FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX All clinicians’/lecturers’ names, addresses, phone numbers and membership status are noted. FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Disclosure Statement Regarding Dual Commitment completed and signed. FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Clinic outline attached. FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Clinicians’/lecturers’ current biographical sketch attached. FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Completed Financial Relationships Disclosure Form (next page.)Please retain a copy of your application. Please email, mail or fax your completed application to:AAOMSAttn: Samantha JonesSenior Staff Associate, Continuing Education9700 W. Bryn Mawr AvenueRosemont, IL 60018Phone: 847/233-4386Fax: 847/678-4619Email: sjones@ American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsFinancial Relationships Disclosure FormFor Faculty, Authors, Committee/Board Members, and StaffAAOMS PolicyAAOMS is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education and is recognized by the American Dental Association Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) as a provider of continuing dental education. AAOMS complies with all commercial support guidelines as detailed in the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support and the ADA CERP Recognition Standards and Procedures. Organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) are required to identify and resolve all potential conflicts of interest with any individual in a position to influence and/or control the content of CME activities. A conflict of interest will be considered to exist if: (1) the individual has a ‘relevant financial relationship;’ that is, he/she has received financial benefits of any amount, within the past 12 months, from a ‘commercial interest’ (an entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients), and (2) the individual is in a position to affect the content of CME regarding the products or services of the commercial interest. All individuals in a position to influence and/or control the content of AAOMS CME activities are required to disclose to the AAOMS, and subsequently to learners: (1) any relevant financial relationship(s) they have with a commercial interest, or (2) if they do not have a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest. The complete AAOMS Policy on Disclosure of Relevant Conflicts of Interest is attached as a separate document.Failure to provide disclosure information in a timely manner prior to the individual’s involvement will result in the disqualification of the potential Faculty, Author, Committee/Board Member, or Staff, from participating in the CME activity. Title of CME activity: FORMTEXT ?????Name: FORMTEXT ????? Phone Number: FORMTEXT ?????E-mail: FORMTEXT ?????Please check one to indicate your role: FORMCHECKBOX Faculty FORMCHECKBOX Author FORMCHECKBOX Committee Member (specify: FORMTEXT ?????) FORMCHECKBOX Board of Trustees FORMCHECKBOX Staff FORMCHECKBOX Other (specify: FORMTEXT ?????)DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF DATE OF THIS FORM FORMCHECKBOX Neither I, nor any member of my immediate family, has a financial relationship or interest (currently or within the past 12 months) with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.OR FORMCHECKBOX I have or FORMCHECKBOX an immediate family member has a financial relationship or interest (currently or within the past 12 months) with any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. The financial relationships are identified as follows (if needed, attach an additional list):Relevant Financial Relationship(s) Related to Your ContentPlease check all that mercial Interest(s)(any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.)Research Grant (including funding to an institution for contracted research)Speakers’BureauStock/Bonds(excluding Mutual Funds)ConsultantOther (Identify) FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????I affirm that the foregoing information is complete and truthful, and I agree to notify AAOMS immediately if there are any changes or additions to my relevant financial relationships. During my participation in this activity, I will wholly support AAOMS’ commitment to conducting CME activities with the highest integrity, scientific objectivity, and without bias. I agree that I will not accept any honoraria, additional payments or reimbursements beyond what has been agreed upon to be paid directly by AAOMS in relation to this educational activity.Electronic Signature: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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