Team Building Program - Planet Lazer


Team Building Presentation Flyer:

Team Building Session Material & Time Schedule

Team Building Session Material and Time Schedule:

Arrival and sign-in (10 minutes)

Introductions: (5 minutes)

• Introduction of Team Building Facilitator

• Introduction of Planet Lazer

❖ Exclusive Team Building C.H.I.P.S program

Divide teams: (5 minutes)

• Split up people who have played before

• Split up managers / executives or players / coaches (if applicable)

• Split up men and women evenly (if applicable)

Brainstorming Session (using dry-erase board): (15 minutes)

• Why teams are important to their business / team

• What they want to accomplish with a team-building program (goals)

• Team Building benefits

Play Planet Lazer Team Building Program: (Approximately 90 minutes and breaks down as follows)

1st game: (11 minutes)

• Go over rules of all games for use of our arena(s)

• Regular game format

• No Briefing

• No strategic planning session

*Object of this game is to create anxiety in people who do not know how to play. They will have to rely on their teammates to acquire enough knowledge to be able to play the basic format. This is a great example of how a new person might not feel “part of the team.” It is also a great example of how the lack of knowledge or job responsibility makes the entire team less effective and why they feel uncomfortable and weakened the team.

2nd game: (16 minutes)

• Regular game format

• Players are fully briefed

• Teams have a 5-minute strategic planning session

*Object of this game is to compare to the last game. In this situation the players are fully aware of their objectives and interact as a team. Their score should be much higher, representing the efficiency of a fully functional and coherent team.

3rd game: (21 minutes)

• Introduction to Energizer Game Format

• Chargers on

• Players are fully briefed

• Teams have a 10-minute strategic planning session

*This game we play the Energizer game format but leave the charging stations on for an easy transition to the Energizer game format. This game requires a higher level of teamwork than the previous games and is effective for showing the importance of communication!

4th game: (11 minutes)

• Energizer Game Format

• Chargers off

• Players are not briefed again

• Teams have a 5-minute strategic planning session

*This game feeds off of the previous game. It will require participants to communicate effectively, have effective team planning, and remember information from the previous game and work together.

5th game: (21 minutes)

• Elimination game format

• Bases and chargers off

• Fully briefed

• Teams have a 10-minute strategic planning session

*This game will require teams to form a strategy that is both offensively and defensively minded. Thy will have to rely on what they have learned in the previous 4 games as well as their own intuition. This game requires the highest level of communication and teamwork to be successful.

Conclusion & Discussion: (25 minutes)

• A short conclusion to tie in what they learned during the session (as well as the facilitator’s observations).

• Additional information about effective teams and the importance of communication

• Team building benefits tied into each game they played

• Get both positive and negative feedback

• Ask to see if anybody has any questions

“The bad leader is he whom the people despise; the good leader is he whom the people praise; the great leader is he whom the people say, “We did it ourselves.”

- Lao-Tzu


The Work in America Institute (WIAI), a human resource management membership organization, reports that teams in the workplace can increase productivity as much as 30%. They also report an increase, on average, of 10% in customer satisfaction levels.

A 30% increase in productivity along with a 10% increase in customer satisfaction can create a tremendous opportunity for your organization to set your goals higher than ever before.

Besides just statistics, the WIAI reports the following effect that team building can have on an organization:

❖ Increasing productivity

❖ Increasing self-esteem

❖ Increasing team rapport

❖ Increasing time-management skills

❖ Increasing problem-solving skills

❖ Improve an organization’s responsiveness to the business environment

❖ Improve employee development

❖ Enhance employment security

❖ Sharpen the company’s focus on its customer

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

- Chinese Proverb








*This program effectively breaks down communication barriers

*It teaches participants how to effectively communicate both upward and downward through hierarchy channels

*It relieves stress and anxiety and allows people to take a break from their daily routine

*Creates a positive stimulus to spark employee creativity and ambition

*Creates camaraderie between co-workers

*Re-establishes team bonds that disintegrate over time

• Increasing productivity

• Increasing self-esteem

• Increasing team rapport

• Increasing time-management skills

• Increasing problem-solving skills

• Improve an organization’s responsiveness to the business environment

• Improve employee development

• Enhance employment security

• Sharpen the company’s focus on its customer

• Lack of employee ambition

• Lack of productivity

• Loss of excitement for job

• High levels of stress and/or anxiety in your current position

• Breakdown of open communication lines due to employee independence

• High levels of employee turnover

• Increased levels of competition

• Boring company meeting that employees do not retain information




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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