Calendar Wizard - NCCDP

Name of Facility


Phone/Fax Number


The purpose of this calendar is to provide sensory stimulation for those residents who can no longer participate in daily activities. Sensory stimulation can promote appropriate responses to the resident’s world and compensate sensory deprivation. People are sensory deprived if they are under stimulated or over stimulated. These activities can make your residents more calm and alert, less demanding, and they can relate to what’s going on around them. Your target population is your moderately to severely cognitively impaired residents. We recommend that you complete a population analysis which is available on the website at

Snoezelen is a wonderful stimulating program for those residents who can participate in structured programs due to illness, frailty and or/ approaching deaths.

The Sensory “Wake Up” book is available through Activity Products Int’l, phone number (402) 457-3500, and is under $20

Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit , which is the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.  

Nuturing your soul:

Water Gardens. Look around the inside of your facility. Home Depot and other home centers offer inexpensive water gardens. You can bring those in, build up stone around it. Place a pump and water and magically you have transformed an ugly boring area into something beautiful. Add fish and your set. This is another place that residents could spend time to nuture their soul.

Imitation Fireplaces:

Is there a corner that is under utilized. Try building an inexpensive fireplace and purchasing a fake log. Your residents will immediately start forming around such an inviting spot. A great place for low functioning residents to rest.

10:30 Eldersongs

Music can bring back fond memories of the past… and your residents can benefit from it mentally.  Check out for Sing Along with Eldersong tapes.


10:30 Can Rolling

Place can under resident hand and assist them in gently rolling can back and forth.

10:30 Passages of Time: Use all kinds of props or develop a theme. Like a day outside in the snow. Bring in all kinds of things that would be used for a day outside, Gloves, hats, skis, sleighs, etc. Have residents touch the items and describe what they are.

10:30 Tactile Touch, Soft Furs

Have several items on the table for your residents to touch such as fabric swatches, soft fur feathers, items that are soft/hard, heavy light, etc. For more ideas, visit the sensory stimulation page on


10:30 Birdfeeders

You will need birdseed, peanut butter, pine cones. Make a mixture of peanut butter and birdseed. Have your residents smell the peanut butter. Stuff the mixture onto the cone between the petals. Tie a string on top to hang it up where the residents can see the birds eating. Show pictures of different birds.


10:30 Sensory Box

Have items in a box that relate to the senses of taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. For ideas, check out our sensory enrichment book available at . The Sensory “Wake Up” book is available through Activity Products Int’l, phone number (402) 457-3500, and is under $20.


10:30 Inspirational Readings, Poetry, Short Stories

You can read stories & poetry to your group! You can find wonderful stories and Poetry in Ideals, Reminiscence magazine, Elder Stories, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Share some classic holiday stories, such as Twas the Night Before Christmas…


10:30 Volunteer Visits

A strong recreation program needs a strong volunteer program. Volunteers can assist in many ways and help enrich the lives of your residents. For more information on enhancing your volunteer program please visit


10:30 Picture Books

Purchase 3 ring notebooks and place plastic page protectors in the books. Cut out pictures from calendars or magazines of “like items”. You may develop a book about babies, birds, boats, houses, children, animals, cats, dogs etc. The book will have pages that are easy to see, keep clean and interesting for the residents to look at.

10:30 Rhythm Instruments

Have instruments that your residents can hold or that you can put in their hands to touch such as maracas, tambourines, bells. Lightly shake the instruments and listen to the sounds.


11:30 Gentle Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Comfort Zone, Soft Hands

Have soft music playing; you can give hand/ shoulder massages for relaxation to your residents. This stimulating activity can awaken senses through simple touch.


The Sensory “Wake Up” book is available through Activity Products Int’l, phone number (402) 457-3500, and is under $20

1:00 Dough Art: Source - Therapeutic Activities with Persons Disabled by Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders by Carol Bowlby. Order through the National Alzheimer’s Association Web Site.

1 Cup Flour, ½ cup table salt, ½ cup cornstarch, ½ cup water, 1 tsp glycerin (available in drug stores)

Sift dry ingredients together, Mix glycerin and water thoroughly. Slowly stir into sifted dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add water if too dry. Dough will keep well, if covered in plastic for 1-2 months in the refrigerator. Shape dough as desired and bake on cookie sheets for 30 minutes to 1 hour, foil covered. Decorate or use sprinkle spices. You may also paint using non toxic paint.

1:00 Aroma Therapy

A number of scientific studies have concluded that the benefits of aromatherapy include relief of stress, more sound sleep, better overall feeling. Patients have been found to experience less pain and are more comfortable when exposed to pleasant odors. As an activity, you can use an aroma diffuser fan, or simply put a variety of scents and extracts in a container with a cotton ball dipped inside. The aromas can refresh their senses and awaken their mind. Some suggestions for aromas are: lavender, chamomile, sage, lemongrass, jasmine, orange, vanilla. Make sure to check with nursing and be aware of any residents that may be allergic to certain scents.

For the month of December, you can use scents such as cinnamon, vanilla, hot cocoa and coffee, scented candles of apple pie, gingerbread, pine, warm breads, etc.


1:00 Doll Therapy

You can provide your residents with dolls and soft stuffed animals to hold for comfort. If your residents are unable to hold items, the dolls can be placed between their arm and chest so they can still feel the softness of the doll. Please use universal precautions when handling the stuffed animals or dolls, especially if they are being given to a different resident each time. You can also try to personalize the dolls for your residents.


1:00 Music Therapy

You can invite a music therapist to provide one to one music for your residents. Music can be beneficial to your residents who require specialized sensory activities. Music also brings fond memories of the past. You can try Sound Medicine: Music for Relaxation by primary artist Cesar Fornes Berlanga.



1:00 Cinnamon Buns: Purhase prepared Cinnamon Bun by Pillsbury. Follow directions and bake. Assist residents in coating the buns with icing.

1:30 Sensory Programs

This program can be designed to the specific needs of your residents. Items that the residents can feel, smell, see or hear are beneficial. It can awaken the senses… You can seat residents in a semi-circle… For more ideas, check out our sensory enrichment book available at . The Sensory “Wake Up” book is available through Activity Products Int’l, phone number (402) 457-3500, and is under $20.


The Sensory “Wake Up” book is available through Activity Products Int’l, phone number (402) 457-3500, and is under $20

Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit which is the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.  

1:30 Spa

Use warm baby wipes or heated wash cloths. Gently wash their hands. Next take lotions and massage into hands. Play soft music while doing this program.


2:00 Birthday Celebration!

Hold a party for your residents celebrating a birthday in October on the last Friday of the month. Serve cake, cookies, punch, hot cocoa… whatever’s fun! Don’t forget the thickened drinks for those who need it. Anyone up for pin the tail on the donkey? You’d be surprised! For decorations, great gifts & gadgets, and a list of entertainers, visit activitytherapy.. Don’t forget to order your holiday decorations!


2:00 Girl/Boy Scouts Visit

Invite your local Brownie/Girl/Boy Scouts Troop for a holiday celebration. They can sing Christmas carols, play games with the residents… you should have intergenerational activities throughout the year. Serve cookies and hot chocolate.


2:00 Interfaith Service

This service is for residents who are non-catholic. Contact a non-denominational organization in your town and ask if they can volunteer their services to your residents for a half hour at least once a month. This program can consist of simple readings and music.


Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit which is the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.  

2:00 Winter Sensory Basket

In this basket you can put such items as soft fleece material, gloves, wool scarf/hat, socks, large snowflakes, scents of vanilla and hot cocoa, something cold for your residents to touch, (if you can make a snowball that would be great), fake snow…


Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit , which is the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.  

2:00 Music Therapy

Music can be an uplifting experience and can stimulate sensory awareness for your residents. Visit for a list of musical talents.


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| |1:00 Pet Therapy |

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| |Pets are always encouraged to visit. Remember that there are guidelines, regulations and recommendations. A copy of the pet’s current immunization record |

| |must be kept on file. Some suggestions for facility pets are house cats or dogs, fish guinea pig, birds that don’t make a lot of noise, fish. Pet Therapy |

| |books are available on the website… . . |

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| |2:00 Relaxation Video, Calming Cassettes |

| |For your relaxation pleasure, visit for a selection of wonderful videos. “A Ride Through the Country” is a great relaxation video |

| |for the summer/fall months and “Snowfall Serenade” for the winter. Other videos include “Airplanes” “Aquariums” “Ships and Ports” |


| |2:00 Snoezelen |

| |Source: Journal of Gerontological Nursing, SLACK Inc. 2002 |

| |Snoezelen is a term used to describe an environmental intervention designed to stimulate the primary senses of touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste. It |

| |provides an enabling atmosphere in a failure-free environment. For more information and products on Snoezelen, please visit . |


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Are you certified as a Certified Dementia Practitioner? Please visit , which is the National

Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Their toll free number is 1-877-729-5191.  




| | Snoezelen Room: |Activities subject to |Please visit our |1 | 2 |3 |

|Resident Right: |Openned Daily |change. |Water gardens for | | | |

|The facility is |10-12 and 2-4 | |relaxaton. |10:30 Activity Aprons |10:30 Can Rolling |10:30 Sensory Box |

|required to report |Please donate unwanted |activities | |11:30 Pet Therapy |11:30 Music |11:30 Relaxing |

|alleged violations |costume jewelry, baby |daily |Have either a bread | |Therapy |Music |

|involving your |items and sensory | |machine or aroma |1:00 Music |1:00 Pet Therapy | |

|treatment to |videos. |Volunteer: Names |therapy going daily. |Therapy |1:30 Spa |1:00 Pet |

|appropriate officials. | | | |1:30 Spa |2:00 A Ride In the |Therapy |

| | | | |2 :00 Snowfall |Country |2:00 Interfaith |

| | | | |SerenadeVideo | |Service |

|4 | 5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|Religious Services on | | | | | | |

|Tape |10:30 Folding |10:30 Volunteer | | |10:30 Tactile | |

|10:30 Color Sorting |Towels |Visits |10:30 Wake Up |10:30 Snow Touch |Touch |10:30 Religious |

|11:30 Comfort |11:30 Short Story |11:30Poetry |11:30 Sing a Long |11:30 Pet Therapy |11:30 Gentle |Service |

|Touch |1:00 Music |Reading |1:00PetTherapy |1:00 Music- |Touch |Visits |

|1:00 Aroma |Therapy |1:00 Doll Therapy | |Salsa |1:00 Dough Art |11:30 Soft Hands |

|Therapy |1:30 Spa |1:30 Spa |1:30 Spa |1:30 Spa |1:30 Spa |1:00 Music |

|1:30 Spa |2:00 Digital |2:00 Snoezelen |2:00 Shirley Temple|2:00 Snoezelen |2:00 Snowfall |Therapy |

|2:00 Airplanes Yes! |Aqariums | | | |Serenade |1:30 Spa |

| |Video | | | | |2:00 Snoezelen |

| | | | | | | |

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |

|Religious Services on | | | | | |11:30 Gentle |

|Tape |10:30 Inspirational |10:30 Passages of |10:30 Reflections |10:30 Tactile |10:30 Sensory Kit |Touch |

|10:30 Poetry |Readings & Music |Time |11:30 Soft Hands |Touch |11:30 Comfort |1:00 Music |

|Readings |11:30 Comfort |11:30 Gentle |1:00 Aroma |11:30 Therapeutic |Touch |Therapy |

|11:30 Therapeutic |Touch |Touch |Therapy | |1:00 Pasta Art |2:00 Aroma Therapy-mens|

| |1:00 Music |1:00 Pet Therapy 2:00 |2:00 Snoezelen |Touch |2:00 Snoezelen | |

|Touch |Therapy |Girls & Boy Scouts | |1:00Cinnamons | |cologne |

|1:00 Doll Therapy |2:00 Snoezelen |Visit | |Buns | | |

|1:30 Spa | | | |2:00 Relaxation | | |

|2:00 Calming | | | |Video | | |

|Cassettes | | | | | | |

|18 |119 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |

| |10:30 Tactile | | | | | |

|Religious Services on |Touch |10:30 Snoezelen |10:30 Relaxation |10:30 Aroma |10:30 Snoezelen | |

|Tape |11:30 Therapeutic |11:30 Comfort |Video |Therapy-Fruit |11:30 Therapeutic |10:30 Snoezelen |

|10:30 Snoezelen | |Zone |11:30 Gentle |11:30 Soft Hands | | |

|11:30 Soft Hands |Touch |1:00 MusicTherapy |Touch |1:00Music Therapy |Touch |11:30 Comfort |

|1:00 Pet Therapy |1:00 Aroma |1:30 Spa |1:00 Relaxation |1:30 Spa |1:00 Pet Therapy |Touch |

|2:00 Snoezelen |Therapy |2:00 Snoezelen |Music |2:00 Children Visit |1:30 Spa |1:00 Aroma |

| |2:00 Winter | |1:30 Spa | |2:00 Birthday Party |Therapy |

| |Sensory Basket | |2:00 Mass | | |1:30 Spa |

| | | | |Strolling guitarist | |2:00 Digital Aguariums |

|25 |26 |27 |28 | 29 |30 | 31 |

| | | | |1 | | |

|Religious Services on |10:30 Musical |10:30Sort Jewelry |10:30 Tactile |10 :30 Spiritual | | |

|Tape |Instruments |Boxes |Touch |Hour |10:30 Picture |10:30 Aroma |

|10:30 Short Story |11:30 Soft Hands |11:30 Therapeutic |11:30 Soft Hands |11:30 Comfort |Books |Therapy-Perfumes |

|11:30 Gentle |1:00 Polish Silver | |1:00 Pet Therapy |touch |11:30 Gentle |11:30 Soft Hands |

|Touch |1:30 Spa |Touch |1:30 Spa |1:00 Pet Therapy |touch |1:00 Sing a Long |

| |2:00 Snowfall |1:00Music Therapy |2:00 A Digital |1:30 Spa |1:00 Pet Therapy |1:30 Spa |

|1:00 PetTherapy |Serenade |1:30 Spa |Aquarium |2: Movement |1:30 Spa |2:00 Relaxation |

|1:30 Spa | |2:00 Snoezelen | | |2: 00 Out door |Music |

|2:00 Snoezelen | | | | |stroll | |

| | | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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