Movie Poster Project

Movie Poster Project

Project: You have been hired to create a MOVIE POSTER (12" x 18" MINIMUM) for the FILM VERSION of the novel you've just read. It should be designed to get your audience wanting to see the film and read the book.

Design your project to look like an actual Poster, complete with: A New Cast of Actors (living or dead, from any time or culture) A proper Rating for the Film, based on the content of the novel A credit place with the director, writer, cast A Tagline (a hook to get your viewer interested--this can be a quote)

Consider, in your design: The Characters and their likeness The Tone and Mood of the novel The Symbols used in the novel The Theme that you want your viewer to grasp

You can use images from the internet, original drawings/designs, and/or a combination to make the poster look as realistic as possible.

Written Report, in proper MLA Format: Write out a review of the novel, including a BRIEF (one paragraph) summary (don't worry about plot spoilers, this is how you prove you've read the novel).

Choose one or two literary elements discussed in class (Theme, Mood, Characterization, Symbolism, Conflict) and write an analysis of how the novel uses that element. (MINIMUM 4 PARAGRAPHS and 4 QUOTES FROM THE NOVEL)

Write one paragraph explaining your poster and its design. Be specific in explaining what each element means. Do not just tell me how you made it; tell me how each part leads to a deeper understanding of the novel.

Include a proper MLA Citation of the novel, on its own page, titled Work Cited.

Penalties. (These CAN be compounded--added together)

1 Letter Grades (MINIMUM) will be taken off for: Each school day it is late No Rubric on Due Date Incorrect Title (Underlined when written; Italics when typed) (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE TITLE ON THE POSTER)

2 Letter Grades (MINIMUM) will be taken off for: Incorrect size poster (smaller than 12" x 18") No MLA Citation of the novel No Quotes were used in the Written Report Not Typed Not Printed, but emailed

? Credit, 50% (MINIMUM) will be taken off for: Using an image (even drawing) from an already made film based off the novel (or a novel in the "universe" of the story) Using a cast member (even if you are casting them in a different role) from a film version of the novel, or based off any novel in the "universe" Simply recreating the book's cover or art based off the book/characters (even fan art) that is not original

NO Credit will be given if: ANY portion is plagiarized (This applies to simply copying the book's cover or a movie poster already created) It is obvious that you did not read the novel

Movie Poster Rubric

Your Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ Book Title: _________________________________________________


Needs Work

Very poor attempt to look like a Movie Poster Missing element(s) Rushed

You Did It

Looks like a movie poster Meets minimum level of

criteria Apparent effort

Well Done

Appears professional, shows understanding of art medium and novel

ALL criteria are met and illustrate planning and

deep effort


Exceeds typical grade level work in every way

Illustrates a DEEP understanding of novel's

literary elements and incorporates them in creative

and professional degree


Not grade level appropriate writing level or structure

Quotes may be used, but not effectively or without citations

Does not meet criteria of assignment

At appropriate grade level writing and structure

Impressive analysis of novel and incorporation of

literary elements

Meets minimum level of criteria

All quotes "flow" and are properly cited

Offers original analysis and is able to explain

themes/symbols of poster well

Presents an original and well-written interpretation and analysis of the novel

and explanation of the poster

Exceeds typical grade level work in every way

Illustrates a DEEP understanding of novel's

literary elements and incorporates them in a well-

supported and original analysis, with each claim presented and defended with

textual evidence

Spelling/ Grammar

Work Cited ___/20

Poorly written In need of significant

editing/revisions Reads like a first draft

Some attempt at proper MLA Citations

Entries not in alphabetical order

Shows apparent signs of having been edited

Proper use of transitions other than "First, Then,


Evidence that student is exploring new words

Reads as though it has been edited and revised

multiple times

Solid grasp of transitions, structure, syntax

Nearly flawless in its presentation and

understanding of MLA guidelines

Edited, revised, re-edited and revised again.

Nearly proper MLA format (perhaps one aspect off)

Proper MLA format

Above and Beyond the proper format.


Your Total: ___________ Mark-Downs: ___________

Final Grade: __________/


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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