
Theatre ArtsFinal ProjectFor this final project, you will need to do a number of smaller projects. This project will consist of five different components: a PowerPoint (or Prezi), a video, a blog, a webliography, and a podcast. Below is a breakdown of what is expected for each submission. The entire project will be worth 200 points—a large portion of your grade.PowerPoint/Prezi (40 points)You will need to create a presentation of 7 or more slides. This presentation will be centered on an actor or actress whose work you admire. Some things to include (but certainly not limited to):Early LifeCurrent LifeTelevision Credits (if any)Film Credits (if any)Stage Credits (if any)Special Awards (if any)Monologue Video (50 points)This component of the final project will be a recorded video of a monologue that you have rehearsed. The monologue must be at least 45 seconds long. Any genre.Blog (50 points)Start a blog about your experience with theatre. You may write about your thoughts on theatre arts, different actors/actresses, or your experience with performance. This blog is yours, so there is no requirement on the content. However, I will be looking for thoughtfulness. Write at least 3 posts.Webliography (20 points)Find three resources that can help actors and actresses develop their craft. Provide the link to these websites and write a short (only several words) description of each resource.Podcast (40 points)Record a podcast that analyzes and critiques your favorite show (can be a musical or straight play). Please do not speak about any spoilers—a brief overview of plot and/or the main message is okay. This podcast can be brief. Aim for a recording of 30 to 60 seconds long.Remember to have fun with this project! This will help you hone your skills in the art of theatre. As much as rehearsal will aid in developing the craft, research on actors/actresses, reflection of your experiences in theatre arts, and analyzing a show are equally important. I am mostly looking for effort and connection to the material. This is a personal project. If you meet all requirements, you will be successful. ................

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