Grade 6 Language Arts

Grade 7 Language Arts

Story: Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

Movie: The Mighty, director Peter Chelsom

Note: Assumption is made that the story is being read continuously throughout the lessons, and the movie is viewed in a class between Lesson #3 and #4. In John’s case, he was first given a broken down version of the book, reading short summaries about each chapter. This allowed him to have insight into the book before it was read orally to the entire class. Also, the movie was viewed as an entire class, but was extremely beneficial in John’s case. Ashley, who is two grade levels above the rest of her class, was given the option to read the book alone and on her own time, and then was able to work on assignments to follow during the class reading time. A dictionary and interview is included in the back of the book.

Marie Sarauer


EPSY 322

Anita Nargang

Lesson #1

Topic: Dictionary Use

Throughout the novel have students underline (in pencil) each word that they may not know or understand.

Have them write them down in a list format after each chapter is read.

Gather these words from all students and create a master list.

Give each student a different set of 10-12 words from the master list, including some added by the teacher.

Have students look up the meaning of the words in Freak’s dictionary, the classroom dictionaries, or the internet.

Tell them to write the definitions using words they can understand, but using correct grammar.


Task-Regular: Given 10 words, find the definition and put in their own words.

Task-Below: Given 10 simpler words on smaller rectangular sheets of paper, definitions and related images included down the side. Match the rectangles to the definitions/images using sticky tack.

Task-Above: Given 12 words, find the definition and put into own words. Include two examples of how the word could be used in a sentence. Also, look up the word in the Thesaurus and provide a list of synonyms along with their definitions.

Cooperative Activity: In groups, combine the words and their definitions from each student to create their own dictionaries. Tell them to put the words in alphabetical order, include a cover for the book, and pictures beside some of the words.

Note: Make sure John is with Ashley and some of the other high achieving students. Distribute tasks wisely, maybe putting John in charge of decorating the cover.

Writing Activity:

Task-Regular: Make up sentences using the words from the newly made dictionaries.

Task-Below: Provide students with trigger sentences, filling in the correct word with the sentence.

Task-Above: Make a paragraph including the words from the newly made dictionaries.

Word List

Chapters One - Five

1. unvanquished ((Page) 1)

2. microsecond (6)

3. mainstream (6)

4. fiend (6)

5. hunkering (8)

6. humanoid (10)

7. bulkhead (11)

8. ornithopter (13)

9. propulsion (13)

10. sobriquet (15)

11. demeanor (15)

12. postulated (16)

13. fair (17)

14. quest (17)

15. invincible (17)

16. ignorance (18)

17. sophisticated (18)

18. opiate (19)

19. massive (19)

20. hulking (22)

21. offended (23)

22. abide (25)

23. tenements (25)

24. spastic (25)

25. flinch (26)

26. depleted (26)

27. expel (27)

28. regurgitate (27)

Chapters Six - Ten

1. swilling (28)

2. strutting (30)

3. cretin (31)

4. deficiency (31)

5. perspective (34)

6. trajectory (34)

7. converging (34)

8. swaggering (36)

9. nanosecond (36)

10. evasive (43)

11. confrontation (43)

12. albino (44)

13. vegetate (44)

14. archetype (45)

15. microsurgery (46)

16. artifact (49)

17. avarice (49)

18. sucrose (50)

19. incision (51)

20. divulged (51)

21. bionic (51)

22. modification (51)

23. optimum (56)

24. dungarees (56)

25. fealty (59)

26. retrieval (60)

27. grotty (61)

28. damsel (62)

29. distress (62)

Chapters Eleven - Fifteen

1. urgency (67)

2. hombre (70)

3. gruel (86)

4. toxic (93)

Chapters Sixteen - Twenty

1. furrowed (103)

2. dysfunctional (109)

3. kin (109)

4. injustice (112)

5. illiterate (118)

6. precaution (118)

7. trussed (119)

8. functional (121)

9. accommodations (124)

10. bloated (125)

11. godforsaken (126)

Chapters Twenty-One – Twenty-Five

1. violation (136)

2. abduction (136)

3. genetic (137)

4. aberration (137)

5. lofty (137)

6. dynamic (138)

7. prodigy (143)

8. seizure (146)

9. gyp (147)

10. tracheotomy (149)

11. facilitate (149)

12. stabilized (151)


To stick with or put up with; tolerate; or to stay with; remain with

Lesson #4

Topic: Compare/contrast the book with the movie

After finishing the movie, discuss with the students some of the differences along with some similarities.

Write a few on the board, to give the students a head start on their assignment.

Hand out worksheets.

Worksheet/Writing Activity (together):

Task-Regular: Have students jot down points from the movie that they find interesting in the movie, or that they notice is different from the book (On the worksheet provided). Then, after they are done, compare these points to what actually happened in the novel. Finally, write a paragraph explaining these differences.

Task-Below: Have the student dictate orally some of the differences and similarities he noted in the movie. Have a TA jot them down as he speaks on the same worksheet as the rest of the class. From these notes, have student Illustrate a scene from the movie he thought was similar to that of the book and write a short description below.

Task-Above: Have the student go online and research movie reviews on “The Mighty”. Then, have them write their own movie review with their own opinion. Also have them include their opinion on how well the movie stuck to the plot of the novel.

Cooperative Activity: Break students into groups of 4 or 5 children. Give them each a situation from the plot of Freak the Mighty and allow them 10-15 minutes to devise a skit for this situation. Explain to them that they will have to look up the situation in the novel to aid in their skit. Have each group perform in front of the class.

Situation #1: Chapter 2 - Max and Freak first meet

Situation #2: Chapter 7 - The escape from Blade and his gang

Situation #3: Chapter 10/11 - Freak and Max’s encounter with Izzy and Loretta Lee as they return the stolen purse.

Situation #4: Chapter 20 - Freak Saves Max

Visual Strategy: The movie

Compare and Contrast

After you have finished reading Freak the Mighty, you will watch the movie version of the book, simply called The Mighty. As usual, when a movie is created from the text of a book, there are some obvious differences and similarities between them. As you watch the movie, use the following chart to help you keep track of those differences and similarities. Write your notes on the “Movie” side of the page. Keep your notes short; they are there to remind you of what happened. There is no need to write in complete sentences yet. When you have finished viewing the movie, go back to the “Book” side of the page and write what happened in the book next to the same idea or scene in the movie, noting the similarities and differences between the two versions. Two examples have been done for you. After

you have written your notes, take the information you wrote and write a complete essay comparing and contrasting the novel and the movie.

|Book Freak the Mighty |Movie The Mighty |

|1.I never had a brain till Freak came along __ |1.Freak taught me all about King Arthur ____ |

|2.Grim & Gram were nice, but obviously_____ |2.Grim & Gram introduced as unsmiling, ____ |

|“grandparents,” and “different”____________ |unloving grouches _____________________ |

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Lesson #3

Topic: Figurative Language

Explain to students the meaning of Figurative Language.

Introduce them to the following definitions:

• Metaphor- a comparison made between two unlike objects: “The pillow was a cloud.”

• Simile- a comparison made between two unlike objects, using the words “like” or “as” in the comparison: “The pillow was like a marshmallow.”

• Personification- giving human qualities or characteristics to non-human objects: “The wind sang its sad song.”

• Hyperbole- truth is exaggerated for humor or emphasis: “I died when the boy I like finally talked to me.”

Keep definitions and examples visible on the board as students work through work sheets.

Cooperative Activity: Break students into four groups and have them make a poster for each figure of speech: metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole. Include the definition and at least 4 examples on each poster. The presentation of the poster is also taken into account.


Task-Regular: Students work through worksheet #1

Task-Below: Have the student work through worksheet #2. This sheet has less questions and the figure of speech is given. The student then only has to put the sentence into his own words.

Task-Above: Have the student write an additional chapter to the story, including at least 7 figures of speech of their own. This chapter could be another adventure that Freak and Max go on, or the first chapter in the sequel to the novel.

Writing Activity:

Task-Regular: Write out a paragraph including 4 figures of speech. The paragraph should be describing one of the characters from Freak the Mighty.

Task-Below: Write out 4 sentences including a figure of speech.

Task-Above: Conduct an interview with Max or Freak and write it out as a conversation. Include at least 10 questions you have asked, and make sure to include at least 4 figures of speech in their answers.

Visual Strategy: Posters

Worksheet #1

Directions: Read each quote including a figure of speech and decide if a metaphor, simile, hyperbole, or personification is used. Then, explain what is being compared in the sentence without using a figure of speech.

Ex. “I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that’s the truth, the whole truth.” (pg. 1)

Figure of Speech: hyperbole (or metaphor)_____________________________

Analysis: Max wasn’t very smart until Freak came along and taught him how to learn.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. “Except I had a way of saying things with my fists and my feet even before we became Freak the Mighty...” (1)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. “And Gram right away shushes him and says don’t ever say that, because little pictures have big ears, which makes me run to the mirror to see if it is my big ears made me look like Him.” (4)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. “…he’s exploding out of his shoes.” (4)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. “I’m just this critter hiding out in the basement, drooling in my comic books or

whatever.” (6)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. “At first she’s a glimpse, caught her going between the van and the front door, talking to the beards.” (7)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. “…she has this glow, a secret spotlight that follows her around and makes her eyes light up.” (13)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Now find and underline the figure(s) of speech in the sentence, then decide

What type of figure of speech is used. Explain what is being compared in the sentence without using a figure of speech.

7. “…my feet are going wild that year and I keep tripping over everything. Cracks in the sidewalk, ants on the sidewalk, shadows, anything.” (8)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. “If you didn’t know, you would think he was like a kindergarten creeper who forgot how to walk, he’s that small.” (11)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. “I am amazed, because it does fly just like a little bird, flitting up and down and around, higher than I can reach.” (13)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. “It’s cool and dim in there and you float like a cloud – no, you are a cloud…” (21)

Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now, find two other examples of figures of speech from Chapters One through Five and

write them on the lines. Identify the type of figure of speech and write an analysis.


Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Figure of Speech: __________________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer Key

1. metaphor; if he couldn’t express his feelings by speaking, at least he could show his anger by hitting and kicking. His hands and feet became his voice.

2. metaphor (or personification); he might hear what they are saying.

3. hyperbole; his feet are getting so big so fast, it’s almost like an explosion.

4. metaphor; Max compares himself to some little insect which probably shows how insignificant he feels.

5. metaphor; Gwen is compared to something that caught his eyes, a glance, a vision of loveliness.

6. personification; just like a little child would do, the light follows her around.

7. “…I keep tripping over everything. Cracks in the sidewalk, ants on the sidewalk, shadows, anything.”; hyperbole; exaggeration of the things he trips over, (ants?? shadows??)

8. “…like a kindergarten creeper who forgot how to walk…”; simile; Kevin is so tiny, he is compared to a child of kindergarten age.

9. “…it does fly just like a little bird…”; simile; the ornithopter greatly resembles a real bird.

10. “you float like a cloud – no, you are a cloud…”; simile, metaphor; Max goes away in his mind to a quiet, comfortable place.

11. answers will vary

12. answers will vary

Worksheet #2

Directions: Read each quote including a figure of speech such as a metaphor, simile, hyperbole, or personification. Explain what is being compared in the sentence without using a figure of speech.

Ex. “I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that’s the truth, the whole truth.” (pg. 1)

Figure of Speech: hyperbole (or metaphor)_____________________________

Analysis: Max wasn’t very smart until Freak came along and taught him how to learn.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. “Except I had a way of saying things with my fists and my feet even before we became Freak the Mighty...” (1)

Figure of Speech: metaphor ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. “And Gram right away shushes him and says don’t ever say that, because little pictures have big ears, which makes me run to the mirror to see if it is my big ears made me look like Him.” (4)

Figure of Speech: metaphor ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. “…he’s exploding out of his shoes.” (4)

Figure of Speech: hyperbole ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. “I’m just this critter hiding out in the basement, drooling in my comic books or

whatever.” (6)

Figure of Speech: metaphor ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. “At first she’s a glimpse, caught her going between the van and the front door, talking to the beards.” (7)

Figure of Speech: metaphor ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. “…she has this glow, a secret spotlight that follows her around and makes her eyes light up.” (13)

Figure of Speech: personification ____________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Now find and underline the figure(s) of speech in the sentence, then decide

What type of figure of speech is used. Explain what is being compared in the sentence without using a figure of speech.

7. “…my feet are going wild that year and I keep tripping over everything. Cracks in the sidewalk, ants on the sidewalk, shadows, anything.” (8)

Figure of Speech: hyperbole _______________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. “If you didn’t know, you would think he was like a kindergarten creeper who forgot how to walk, he’s that small.” (11)

Figure of Speech: simile _____________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. “I am amazed, because it does fly just like a little bird, flitting up and down and around, higher than I can reach.” (13)

Figure of Speech: simile _____________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. “It’s cool and dim in there and you float like a cloud – no, you are a cloud…” (21)

Figure of Speech: simile_____________________________________________

Analysis: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson #2

Topic: Character Sketches


Task-Regular: Choose a character from the novel and describe how it is that they are similar to yourself, or how they are different. Summarize your thoughts into a paragraph and include a drawing of the character.

Task-Below: Draw an artistic rendition or caricature of each of the most important characters in the book. Be sure to include Max, Kevin, Loretta, and at least three of the following: Gwen, Iggy, Killer Kane, Grim, Gram, Tony D. etc.

Task-Above: Research Kevin’s disease, Morquio Syndrome. Write your information using words others in your class can understand. Create a PowerPoint or other presentation to share your findings with the rest of the class. Be sure to discuss how the disease is similar and different from the way his disease was depicted in the novel.

Note: This lesson should be done in a class before the movie has been viewed.

Cooperative Activity: Divide class into groups and have them brainstorm which modern day TV or movie actors and actresses they would choose to play the parts of each character in the novel. Include their reasons why, and present their choices to the class.

Writing Activity: Compare and contrast the characters of Kevin and Max. Consider their personalities, motivations and relationships. What motivated each of them? What kind of relationship did they each have with other people? How were their views on life similar or different? Use examples from the text to support your response.

Task-Regular: Write two separate character bios of both Freak and Max. Begin with jot notes from throughout the book, later forming them into a paragraph. Then, write two paragraphs comparing the two characters.

Task-Below: Make two separate character webs, using descriptive words branching from the name in the center.

Task-Above: Write a one page essay, including an introduction and conclusion paragraph comparing the characters Freak and Max.

Example Character Web: Freak




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