Study Guide for Acts III and IV Hamlet Test

Study Guide for Acts III and IV Hamlet Test

Part I:

o How does Hamlet feel about the acting troupe that has come to Elsinore?

o Hamlet and Ophelia meet in the hallway and strike up a conversation. How did that come about? Was it coincidence? Planned? How?

o What’s the difference between a soliloquy and an aside.

o What are some of the things Hamlet yells at Ophelia after she tries to return his “remembrances”?

o What does Ophelia think about Hamlet’s state of mind after he yells at her?

o After the scene with Ophelia and Hamlet’s fight, what does Claudius now think about Hamlet’s issue? Does he think he is really “madly” in love with Ophelia? Does he think it’s something else? How does he feel about Hamlet?

o What does Claudius decide to do with Hamlet?

o Hamlet and Horatio have a long conversation. What does Hamlet ask of Horatio? What word does Hamlet use to describe Horatio and his personality?

o What part did Polonius play in his college production? This is an example of what literary device?

o How does Claudius react to the play “The Murder of Gonzago”?

o What is the significance of the title of the play (the name that Hamlet gives it) performed for the king and queen?

o What metaphor does Hamlet use to describe his relationship with his friends R and G?

o Claudius talks about confessing his crimes? Does he? Why/why not?

o Why does Hamlet NOT kill Claudius when he had the chance?

o Who hides in Gertrude’s room and why? What happens to him?

o How does Gertrude feel about her life once Hamlet shows her the pictures of both of her husbands?

o What is Claudius’s main concern after he hears about Polonius’s murder?

o What happens with Polonius’s body?

o Hamlet uses an insult with R and G. What everyday object does he call them? What does it mean?

o Claudius sends a note to England. What does he ask?

o How does Ophelia handle the news of her father’s death?

o How does Laertes react to the news that Hamlet killed his father?

o Who arranges the match between Laertes and Hamlet? Why?

o What is the plan of revenge between Laertes and Claudius?

o What happens if Hamlet wins the fight?

o What happens to Ophelia and who informs everyone about it?

Part II: Appearance vs reality

Come up with 6 compelling examples of appearance vs reality in the play so far. It must be worded similarly to this: It appears that _______, but in reality it is ___________.

Part III: Social Issues

Write a paragraph identifying social issues are addressed in the play Hamlet and explain how the play is still relevant in today’s society.


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