Supporting the Core Activities

Sixty Acts of Kindness - Generosity - Service... for Young Children1. Hold the door open for someone2. Make play dough for a preschool class3. Do a chore for someone without them knowing4. Tell a joke5. Make a get-well card for someone6. Dry the slides at the park with a towel after it rains7. Help carry in packages from the car8. Feed the birds9. Leave happy notes around town10. Put a small bin in your car to collect recycling11. Call your grandparents and ask them abouttheir childhood12. Pick up litter13. Let someone go ahead of you in line14. Compliment a friend15. Make a homemade gift for someone16. Write a thank-you note for your mail carrier17. Clean up your toys without being asked18. Bake dessert for a neighbor19. Give high fives to a friend20. Visit an elderly neighbor21. Write a poem for a friend22. Ask for donations to a charity instead of birthday gifts23. Bury treasure at the playground24. Set the table for dinner25. Leave bubbles on someone's doorstep26. Make a thank-you card for your librarian27. Tell someone why they are special to you28. Bring your neighbors' garbage cans up for them29. Give someone a hug coupon30. Pass out stickers to kids waiting in line31. Talk to someone new at school32. Write chalk messages on the sidewalk33. Weed or shovel for a neighbor34. Donate food to the food pantry35. Bring flowers to your teacher36. Donate coloring books and crayons to the children's hospital37. Draw a picture for your Mom or Dad38. Donate socks and supplies to the homelessshelter39. Reuse paper when you are drawing40. Call a friend you haven't seen in a while to sayhello.41. Teach someone something new42. Take treats to the fire station43. Make muffins for your neighbor44. Clean up your room without being asked45. Help make dinner46. Tell someone how much you love them47. Say hello to everyone you see48. Make someone else's bed49. Hold the door open for someone50. Wave at kids on school buses51. Sing songs at a nursing home52. Invite someone to play on the playground53. Give a candy bar to the bus driver54. Share a special toy with a friend55. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth56. Say thank you when you see service members57. Make a thank-you sign for sanitation workers58. Make a busy-bag for a family with young children59. Bring cookies to the custodians at school60. Smile at everyone. It's contagious ................

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