The members of the ACTS community will strive to assist members of the parish family to attain a deeper relationship with our Lord and with fellow parishioners through:

Adoration: The call, acceptance and response to God.

Community: Love and caring for each other as members of

the body of Christ.

Theology: Study of our faith through scripture.

Service: To God, each other and our parish family.

To achieve this goal, there will be two major focus points.

First, we will sponsor weekend lay retreats, which are patterned after the description of the early church in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2: 42-47)

The purpose of the weekend is to invite the retreatant to a new relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners through Adoration and daily prayer; through Community in one’s parish as a member of the body of Christ; through Theology encouraging an intellectual and spiritual growth that gives fruits in our daily lives; and finally to encourage a spirit of Service to our Lord, our parish and each other. Participants experience God’s love and joy through the weekend, returning to their faith community with a deeper love for each other and an increased desire to become more involved in their parish community.

Second, we will focus on spiritual development, service orientation and on-going community building among those who have attended ACTS retreats. This mission is continued and enhanced by retreat reunions, scheduled gatherings of the ACTS community, prayer groups, evangelization, community service projects, and other faith enriching events.

The governing body of the ACTS community will be a group of men and women known as the ACTS Core. As with all parish ministries, Acts Core shall solicit the support of and be governed by the pastor. The greater good of the parish shall be the primary focus in activities of the Core and ACTS Community.



2.1 The Core team will consist of 10 to 12 members. Members will be practicing Catholics, in good standing with the Catholic Church and registered parishioners of the parish.

2.2 These members will be committed to the building of the ACTS Community within their parish and to the ACTS Core as a ministry.

2.3 These members must have been a retreatant in an adult ACTS retreat, served on an adult ACTS team, and displayed leadership abilities with a servant’s heart.

2.4 Any new member may not be a spouse or an immediate family member of a present Core member.

2.5 Administrative roles of the first Core will be decided at the installation meeting. Thereafter, all administrative roles within the Core will be nominated and voted on by the Core annually upon the anniversary date of the initial core installation. Members may apply for their previous role. Persons will be nominated and a written ballot will be taken. The person receiving the most votes will serve in the role being selected.

2.6 It is the intent to maintain a balance of gender and experience levels on the Core. Accordingly, the Core membership will consist of equal males and females. The normal term of Core membership shall be three years. A member may not be re-elected to Core until they have been off Core for one three year term.

3 2.7 The parish pastor or a parish liaison will serve on Core. To insure impartiality, the liaison will not be a voting member. The parish liaison may, however, give advice and participate in the discussion of any issues brought before the Core. The parish liaison will not be given a set term of service on Core, but will serve until he or she tenders resignation or serves for the term determined by the pastor.

2.8 The parish youth minister or their appointed liaison shall also be a non-voting member of the Core to represent the youth for support of Teen ACTS retreats. (See attached addendum “ACTS Core/Youth Minister Relationship”)

2.9 For newly installed Cores, 4 members will receive 1 year terms, 4 members will receive 2 year terms, and 4 members will receive 3 year terms. Subsequent replacements will receive 3 year terms. Determination of the 1, 2 and 3 year terms will be by consensus, or by prayerful drawing of names, or by vote; with preference of the methods in that order. Ongoing Core member replacements will be chosen at the Core nomination meeting.

2.10 Names of nominees for Core member replacements will be brought forth by members of the Core for vacancies being considered. The names of the nominees will be accumulated during the 3 months prior to the nomination meeting, and may be solicited from the entire ACTS community as well. Prior to the nomination meeting the names thus collected will be given to the Pastor for his review of the Catholic in good standing requirement.

2.11 At the Core nomination meeting, the names of the nominees will be prayed over using ACTS 1:23-26. The names will then be drawn one at a time, verified that they meet criteria, and recorded in the order drawn. The Core will draw several more names than there are members needed, providing extra names in case they are eventually needed. The individuals will be invited to serve on the Core team in the order in which they were selected with the first person that accepts filling the vacancy for that particular member. The same procedure shall continue until all vacancies are filled. The selected nominees shall be contacted and provided a copy of this Charter for review prior to their final acceptance.

4 2.12 Facilitators and Coordinators (all administrative roles) will be selected annually, as soon as possible after the new core members have joined for that year. Members may apply to serve in the same role. Should the Facilitator of the Core not be able to serve, the Co-Facilitator shall assume the duties of the Facilitator and the Core shall then elect a new Co-Facilitator.

5 2.13 The Director for the upcoming ACTS retreats or their Co-Director, if the Director is not always available, will be non-voting members of the Core Team. This will allow the Directors to be able to bring up issues or concerns to the Core Team for resolution. The Directors (or their Co-Directors) for the upcoming ACTS retreat will remain on the Core Team until they have presented the lessons learned from their retreat to the Core Team and the reunion meeting has been held.

2.14 The ACTS Core team may vote to remove a Core member at any time only for good cause. Good cause for removal of a Core member includes one who misses 25% of the meetings over a calendar year or fails to perform their administrative role. Any vacancies will be filled using the list of selected nominees from the previous nomination meeting.

2.15 There shall be a quorum of 2/3 at a meeting where decisions are made. A simple majority rules, but a consensus is always preferable.


The Core shall schedule regular monthly meetings, but special meetings may be called as needed. All meetings shall be open to the Parish community* and should commence and conclude with a prayer or spiritual reading. The Facilitator shall set the agenda, with any Core member having input. Anyone wishing to address the Core should request to have their concern be made a part of the agenda.


The Core is responsible for the decisions governing the ACTS Ministry within the parish in keeping with the directives, guidelines and provisions of this Charter and of ACTS Missions. Their main responsibilities are:

4.1 Assume responsibility for staffing each of the Core administrative roles.

4.2 Facilitate the selection of the Director of each retreat sponsored by the parish.

4.3 Serve as a source for advice, counsel and procedures for retreat directors.

4.4 Uphold the integrity of ACTS by ensuring the ACTS retreats are held consistent with the description and directives set forth in the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual and the “Spiritually Essential elements” document included within. It is recommended to have Core keep an open line of communication with the Director and the retreat team, and each retreat Director must sign the “Yes” agreement and attend the Leadership Workshop.

4.5 Ensure the success of ACTS by providing and promoting opportunities for faith sharing groups, evangelization, community service, and other faith-enriching events.


5.1 Facilitator: The Facilitator leads the ACTS community activities and keeps gatherings and meetings running smoothly. The Facilitator shares in the responsibilities of the Core. It is important for the Facilitator to stay in touch with the Pastor and with ACTS Missions. The Facilitator will:

5.1.1. Facilitate ACTS Core meetings:

a. Ensures meetings run in an orderly fashion

b. Encourages open discussion of each issue on agenda

c. Keeps the members of the Core “on task” during the meeting

d. Allows for addressing all issues on agenda

5.1.2 .Prepare ACTS Core meeting agendas:

a. Consults with other Core members and the Pastor

b. Informs people who want to address the Core (time and date of


c. Sends written agenda to Core members prior to the meeting

d. Reserves room for monthly Core meetings (for the year in advance)

5.1.3 Communicate:

a. With Church Pastor about the ACTS calendar for the year (retreats

and gatherings)

b. With other Core members concerning retreats, activities and duties

c. With new Core members by informing them of meeting dates, times,

and providing them with a copy of the ACTS Charter and minutes

of the last three Core meetings.

d. With ACTS Missions regarding new developments and updates

5.1.4 Coordinate:

a. With retreat directors and other Core members for retreat support

b. With other Core members concerning ACTS community gatherings

and small faith sharing groups.

c. Ensure new Core members and retreat Directors attend the

appropriate Leadership workshop.

5.2 Co-Facilitator: Serves as Core Chaplain. Schedules retreats. Serves

as Facilitator in the absence of the Facilitator. Assists the Facilitator in

whatever needs the Facilitator may have. The Co-Facilitator will be of the

opposite gender of the Facilitator.

5.2.1 Provide spiritual guidance at Core meetings.

Plan the opening and closing prayer activities.

5.2.2 Book retreats

a. Investigate potential retreat centers for future retreats.

Report to Core possible retreat locations and available dates.

Contract with retreat centers for parish retreats (with pastor’s approval).

Notify ACTS Missions of retreat location, date, and retreat director.

Arrange a day retreat for Core at beginning of the year.

5.2.3 Coordinate Prayer Services

a. Plan prayer service for the ACTS community assembly where

nominations are taken for new Core members.

5.2.4 Help Core Facilitator ensure new core members and retreat Directors attend the appropriate Leadership workshop.


5.3 Communications Coordinator: Keeps the ACTS roster up to date, and notifies the ACTS community of ACTS events. Records the minutes of any ACTS Core meeting. The communications coordinator will furnish these minutes to each Core member and will maintain a permanent file. The Communications Coordinator will serve as the information disseminator for the ACTS community.

5.3.1 Maintain Documents

Current Database of ACTS roster

File of the minutes of all Core meetings

ACTS Core Charter and current version of ACTS Missions Director’s Manual

Retreat Brochure and Registration Forms

ACTS Web page

5.3.2 Notify

a. The ACTS community of all ACTS news and events through email,

mail outs, or bulletin announcements.

b. Core members of upcoming meetings.

c. Notify ACTS Missions of Core member changes.

5.3.3 Record Minutes

a. Take detailed notes at Core meetings of all attendees, items

discussed, decisions made, and actions agreed upon. Email minutes

to Core members at least one week in advance of next meeting.

b. Minutes should be approved at next meeting, changes documented,

and then placed in the file of minutes.

c. Make arrangements for another Core member to take notes when

unable to do so.

5.4 Financial Coordinator: Keeps a record of and maintains

the finances associated with the ACTS ministry. Gives a financial report at

each Core meeting, which becomes part of the minutes. The Financial

Coordinator facilitates the management and acquisition of funds to finance

parish ACTS retreats, community activities and evangelical interests in

order to make the cost of the retreats and other activities affordable for all

community members. The Financial Coordinator will:

5.4.1 Set up an accounting system and procedures to track all budgeted

funds, donations and expenses related to the ACTS community


5.4.2 Coordinate financial matters with the parish bookkeeper.

5.4.3 Provide a written financial report at monthly Core meetings to become a part of the minutes.

5.4.4 Inform the Retreat Director of the budget for each retreat and the

registration fee to be charged for that retreat.

5.4.5 Coordinate reimbursements for retreat expenses with the retreat team


5.4.6 Meet with the retreat team treasurer within three weeks following each

retreat to finalize costs of the retreat.

5.4.7 Coordinate payment of evangelization tithe to ACTS Missions. ($10 per

adult attendee added to retreat fee)

5.5 Retreat Support Coordinators (1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats): Acts as a liaison between the Core and the Retreat Director. Coordinates team day retreat, transportation to the retreat, Send-Off, the Thursday evening meal, Candlelight, and the Sunday Return Reception, as well as needs identified by the Retreat Director. The Retreat Support Coordinator’s primary responsibility is assisting the Retreat Director with interfacing with the Core and the community as a whole. The Coordinator shall recruit people from the ACTS community to form a Home Team to assist with the items below. The Retreat Support Coordinator will:

5.5.1 Arrange for transportation of retreatants and luggage to and from the

retreat location.

5.5.2 Coordinate registration/send-off Thursday night.

a. Have registration list of retreatants, provided by retreat director.

b. Give nametags (provided by retreat team) to retreatants.

c. Place identification tags on retreatants’ luggage.

d. Collect any outstanding retreat fees (balances due shall be

indicated on retreat registration list).

e. Arrange for send-off prayer, blessing by Pastor/Deacon, and


5.5.3 Arrange for Thursday evening meal at the retreat center. Both men and women may help prepare the meal, but only women may be

servers for the women and likewise men servers for the men.

5.5.4 Coordinate Candlelight Ceremony.

Arrange for readers and master of ceremonies.

Communicate with Music Coordinator regarding music and musicians. (Script and music selections provided by Retreat Director)

c. Arrange for parking attendants.

d. Coordinate with the Retreat Director for retreatants’ crosses

and updated list of retreatants.

e. Transport candles, candleholders, lighters, cross with stand for

cross necklaces, and music sheets to retreat center.

f. Ensures the ACTS directives for candlelight are followed.

5.5.5 Coordinate Sunday reception.

a. Arrange for volunteers to help prepare and serve refreshments.

b. Arrange for cookies, beverages, and supplies needed.

5.6 Retreat Supply Coordinator( 1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats: Maintains an accurate inventory of all ACTS resources, as housed in the ACTS closet, and is responsible for the disbursing and receiving of these goods before and after each retreat. Maintains an inventory of consumable and non-consumable goods needed for ACTS retreats. These items should be stored in a facility within the parish premises. The Retreat Supply Coordinator will:

5.6.1 Have sole access to the ACTS closet- given only to the Retreat

Supply Coordinators.

5.6.2 Keep a current, general, and printed inventory of the closet contents.

5.6.3 Contact the director of the next scheduled retreat to open the closet

and “check–out” the inventory to the designated team contact person.

One team member is needed as a contact. Set the time for return of

the closet inventory to be the week following the retreat, or as soon as


5.6.4 Receive and update the closet inventory when it is returned following

the retreat. Any missing items are brought to the attention of the

contact person for that particular retreat and located ASAP.

5.6.5 Designate an ACTS Core member to handle these duties in your


5.7 Spiritual Coordinator (1 man for Men’s retreats, 1 woman for Women’s retreats): Provides a means of organizing retreatants into Small Church Communities (SCC) at the end of each retreat. Coordinates activities to reflect Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Recommends parish activities to be supported by the ACTS ministry and other faith-based activities to the Core that will promote spiritual growth for those returning from retreat as well as for the entire parish community (After ACTS programs). The Spiritual Coordinator will:

5.7.1 Coordinate ACTS sponsored faith-based activities to include Bible

studies, prayer hours, discussion groups, and other spiritual events.

5.7.2 Advise and recommend to the Core those parish activities that the

ACTS community should support.

5.7.3 Provide a means of organizing retreatants into Small Church Communities (SCC) at the end of each retreat. See Follow-up Guidelines

5.7.4 Report to the Core after each retreat on the organization of any Faith

Sharing activities.

5.8 Social Coordinator: The Social Coordinator plans the social gatherings and service projects as well as fund-raising events for the entire ACTS community at the discretion of the Core team. The Social Coordinator will:

5.8.1 Plan social gatherings, service projects and fund raising events with

approval of the Core, setting the date, time and place of event.

5.8.2 Reserve church facilities through the church office for these events.

5.8.3 Coordinate volunteers to help with implementation, set-up, clean up.

5.8.4 Coordinate with Communications Coordinator to have notice of events

distributed to the parish community.

5.8.5 Act as liaison with Parish events coordinator to recommend events

which the ACTS ministry may share with other parish ministries.

5.9 Music Coordinator: Coordinates music for Send-Off, Candlelight, and other ACTS activities. The Music Coordinator will:

5.9.1 Coordinate music and musicians for Send-Off, Candlelight, surprise

team serenade, and other activities needing music.

5.9.2 Obtain copyright permission when needed.

5.9.3 Maintain and update music songbooks as needed.

5.9.4 Support retreat music ministries.

5.9.5 Recruit musicians to become involved in the ACTS music ministries.


6 6.1 The Communications Director will provide a list of all people who meet the requirements of having served on at least 2 ACTS retreat teams to the Core Facilitator. The Core Facilitator will provide this list of names to the Parish Priest and /or the Parish Administrator, who will review the list to determine if there is anyone on the list that is not eligible at this time to serve as Director for an ACTS retreat. The reviewed list will be provided to the Core Team to make nominations for the directors of the next ACTS retreat. The list of all eligible members will be reviewed by the Core Team at the Nomination Meeting. All member names determined by the Core Team to be ready to assume the position of Director will then be placed into a container. With prayerful guidance from the Holy Spirit, the Core will draw names from the container to determine the order of selection. The Facilitator shall call the future director in the order drawn. Once the director accepts, the Facilitator must meet with them to go over the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual and give local guidelines and other pertinent information. During team formation, Directors should remain in communication with the Retreat Support Coordinator, and see also 2.13 above. All ACTS Retreat Directors must attend an ACTS leadership workshop and sign the “Yes” agreement.

7 6.2 Nominees for ACTS Retreat Director must have the following qualifications:

1 6.2.1 Must be a Roman Catholic member of the parish. The Parish Priest

2 and/or the Parish Administrator will determine eligibility of

3 membership of parish and the pastor will determine whether the nominee is a Catholic in good standing.

4 6.2.2 Must have served on at least two teams.

5 6.2.3 Must live a moral, ethical and faith-filled life in communion with the

6 Catholic Church.

7 6.2.4 Must have demonstrated leadership qualities with a servant’s heart.

8 The Core Team will evaluate all nominations to determine if the

9 candidate has demonstrated the necessary leadership qualities to be considered for the position of Director.

10 6.2.5 Leadership qualities can be demonstrated in a number of ways:

1 a. Served as a Co-Director of a previous ACTS retreat

2 b. Served as a head of a major ministry for a previous ACTS

3 retreat.

4 c. Has directed or planned other types of retreats.

5 d. Works in a professional capacity that requires they have

6 demonstrated leadership qualities and abilities.

e. The Core Team members determine that the candidate’s name

continue to be considered for the position of Director.

All discussions regarding eligibility and leadership ability must be kept in strictest confidentiality.

8 6.3 The new Director will select one (1) or two (2) co-Directors to help them plan and conduct the retreats. Directors should be encouraged to select their co-Directors from members of ACTS community who have not already served as a co-Director.


7.1 The ACTS Community will gather at least twice a year to renew and continue the relationship with our Lord and each other. The gatherings are planned and implemented by volunteers under the direction of the Spiritual Coordinator and the Social Coordinator. The activities for the gatherings should reflect adoration, community, theology and service. Gatherings should include prayer or meditation, scripture readings, faith sharing activities, presentations, ceremonials or be given an opportunity to become involved in other parish ministries. The activities of the gathering should include time for fellowship and refreshments.

7.2 One of the regularly scheduled gatherings should focus on the recent retreatants. This gathering is to welcome the new members of the ACTS community, provide a calendar of events, directory of members, and an overview of the ACTS Community. At this gathering there will be an opportunity for members to sign up for small groups in an effort to continue their faith sharing experience.

7.3 There shall be no alcoholic beverages served at any retreat weekend or any Spiritual Gathering.


Insofar as it is part of the mission of the ACTS community to encourage its members to participate fully in the life of the parish and to be of service to the parish and one another, the ACTS Core will recommend parish service projects for participation by the ACTS Community. A parish service project may be presented for consideration to the ACTS Core by any ACTS member, discussed and recommended by consensus of the Core and approved by the parish priest. ACTS members should contact the Core Facilitator to have a parish service project placed on the agenda for discussion at a Core meeting.


Any changes to be made to the ACTS Core Charter require an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Core membership. Members may vote by proxy. A copy of the proposed changed Charter must be approved by the Chapter and/or ACTS Missions.


An ACTS retreat is a three-day, three-night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and activities will focus on Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Holy Scripture, the Catholic Catechism and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guiding principles for the retreat and must be followed.

The purpose of the retreat is to instill in the retreatant a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners through prayer, fellowship, and teachings of the Catholic faith and the experience of service to our Lord, our parish, and each other.

ACTS retreats will be conducted according to the directives outlined in the ACTS Missions Retreat Director’s Manual. ACTS Missions is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the integrity of the ACTS retreat and its processes. We deem changes to the Spiritually Essential elements of the retreat model and processes we espouse, for which ACTS Missions along with the San Antonio Archdiocese own the trademark and copyright, an abuse.  If such abuses are actuated, then the name "ACTS" in the title, description, or publication of the retreat may not be used.

The ACTS retreat is open to people of all faiths, with first priority given to members of the parish.


11.1 Pentecost Event

The Sunday following the Retreat, those who made the ACTS Retreat gather with 2 or 3 Facilitators, one of which should be the Spiritual Companion/Director of the Retreat. The purpose of this gathering is, in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection, to make a commitment to be involved in a specific Apostolic Service for a period of 1 year. The service may be given in one’s own parish, in a Diocesan Apostolate or in an Apostolate sponsored by the Church through one of its Institutions.

It is conducive for the group to gather in a Church, a Chapel or some other suitable place that can reflect a prayerful, holy space. It is preferable to gather in a circle with religious symbols on a table in the center. Perhaps a Bible, a candle, a crucifix and other religious symbols meaningful the group can be used.

General Outline

After all have gathered, sing a few songs

Have all share their reflections of the retreat experience

Have the Spiritual Companion/Director lead them in prayer

Invite the group to offer their own prayers

Read the Account of Pentecost from Acts 2:1-21

Song to the Holy Spirit, such as Send Down Your Spirit

Silent time for reflection

Presentation by about 3 people in regard to apostolic-pastoral needs in parishes, the diocese or other Church agencies or institutions

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Each member is invited to actually write his specific commitment to a particular Apostolate and to commit to it for one year

Each approaches the Spiritual Companion/Director or preferably a priest to read his commitment in his presence, and if a priest to receive his blessing. While each makes his commitment, the rest are encouraged to silent prayer and reflection

All recite The Our Father

Prayer of blessing

14. Closing Song

11.2 Possible Formats for Small Church Communities (SCC)

11.2.1 Reflection on the Sunday Readings

If the Group meets on a Sunday, it is appropriate to use the readings of the day. If the Group meets during the week, it may be advantageous to use the readings of the following Sunday.

Suggested Format

Opening Song


Prayerful proclamation of the three Readings

Silent Reflection after each reading (Perhaps responding with a Psalm or Song

Explanation of the Readings (prepared in advance by one who has studied the lessons)

Discussion (some questions should be prepared in advance to help initiate the dialogue). During this time the following should be considered:

Each person may wish to say what word or phrase of the Reading (s) became most significant

Why is it significant?

How does each person apply the teaching of the Reading to daily life?

What assistance, help or tool would be helpful for someone to fully live out this teaching?


Prayer: Spontaneous Petitions for needs of the group, Church and world.

Lord’s Prayer

Closing Song

11.2.2 Study of the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

This Catechism, prepared and published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, follows the outline of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. However, it is presented in a way to help one digest and understand the teaching more readily and clearly.

Each Chapter follows a determined sequence to assist the reader or group to assimilate the doctrine. The format is as follows.

Story of a Saint or another devout and committed Christian who made a significant impact on the church and the world

The Scripture that was the foundation of that person’s life and that will assist us in our Spiritual growth

The Doctrine or Teaching of the Church that the given Chapter wishes to communicate in regard to Faith, Prayer, Morals and Christian Witness

Discussion questions that help the individual to assimilate the teaching and give direction to making it a part of daily living

Concluding section of Prayer for assistance in making the teaching a part of one’s life journey

Within this outline, one can easily add silent moments, Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving and Prayers of Petition from the participants.

* * * * * * * * *

In order to conform to the ACTS Spirituality, the desire would be that within a given span of time (perhaps within each 2-3 month period), each Small Church Community would include all four of the pillars of ACTS in their gatherings. In this way the Spirituality of ACTS will continue to animate the lives of each participant.


There are many steps to the follow up process. We are trying to make sure that everyone makes a commitment to service and that all who want to be in a Small Church Community have every opportunity to do so, and that every group receives plenty of encouragement to build their faith.

12.1 During Team Formation:

The director chooses a team member to handle this task.

The director and team member meet with the Core Spiritual Coordinator for paperwork and explanation. Give him/her the SCC packet, a 2-page document provided by ACTS Missions.

The team member is responsible for making copies of the forms that are needed.

The team member needs to request other team members who are willing to help follow up on each Small Church Community that is formed. (Try to recruit about 6 team members. The director and co-director should be willing to help with this since they have established connections as leaders of the retreat.)

12.2 On Sunday Morning of the Retreat:

The Small Church Community Sign-Up sheets and suggested reading sheets are passed out to the retreatants.

The team member reads the explanation of Small Church Community to the retreatants.

The Sign-Up sheets are collected, and during the final talk, the team member completes the Division Schedule. Assign a team member to follow up on each group. Please include the name and telephone number on the schedule.

The Division Schedule is returned to the ACTS Core. Please give the Schedule to the Director to bring to the Core meeting as part of their debriefing of the retreat.

Complete a Team Member Follow Up sheet for each group and give it to the team member assigned to that group.

The assigned team member calls together his/her group after the sermon on the amount. He/she needs to help that group decide on a place and time to meet. Give them your telephone number in case they have questions later. You are their contact so they will not feel abandoned.

Give each person in the group a Small Church Community Member Information sheet and let each of them complete it for their group. Find the member of the group willing to serve as the group coordinator.

The team member assigned to that group needs to make a follow up call within a week of the retreat to the group coordinator to make sure they have plans to meet.

The team member assigned needs to make another follow up phone call a month after the retreat to check on the group. Are they meeting? Are they frustrated or discouraged? Give them encouragement. Help them in any way you can. Remember we are acting as Christ to them.

After the second follow up call, the assigned team member is asked to return the Team Member Follow Up sheet to the ACTS Core.

Note: Small Church Communities may be couples, singles, or any combination

9. In the Go Forth Talk the Director must point the retreatants to the Pentecost Event by asking them to pray over a commitment to Apostolic Service, and tell them they will be able to make that commitment at the Retreat Reunion.


On this _________ day of __________________, 20___, the foregoing Charter for the ACTS Community of _________________________________ Catholic Church was presented to a duly constituted quorum of the Core members of the ACTS Community. After prayer and due consideration, the Core Team adopts, ratifies and hereby implements all matters set forth in the Charter, effective immediately upon approval by the Pastor of ________________________________ Catholic Church.

In witness of the adoption of the Charter, we, the founding members of the _________________________________ ACTS Core Team, do hereby affix our signatures.

Holy Spirit, help us, guide us, and protect us in all that we do.

_______________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

Approved and Accepted:




You have come to the end of an exciting weekend – a weekend spent sharing your faith. Here you have learned, expanded, and/or grown in your faith. You’ve only just begun!

Small Church Communities are organized in order to help you continue in your faith journey.

Small Church Community sheets have been passed out. Please check off the days and times you prefer for your meeting. I will take this information from each of you, combine it, and group you together based on days and times that you prefer to meet. One person within each group will then be contacted and asked to organize their group.

Men’s Small Church Communities usually meet once a week for an hour. You may want to make arrangements with the church for a room in which to meet, or you may wish to arrange a standing lunch date as your faith-sharing time, or your group may even choose to meet early in the morning before going to work.

Each Small Church Community directs itself. The idea behind the group is to establish a close, intimate group of friends who can express their ideas and questions, discuss topics, and challenge one another to expand in faith. Who are you? What do you believe? Why do you believe it? It is an opportunity to hear another’s thoughts and ideas. It is an opportunity for you to grow into a deeper love of Christ.

Along with the Small Church Community sheets, we have passed out a list of suggested reading material. When your group begins to meet, choose a book that interests you. Read a chapter or a meditation at a time, depending on the book, and arrive at your meeting prepared to discuss how it touched you, or what feelings it inspired, or what it made you question in your life. Challenge yourself to grow in faith.


Men’s suggested reading:

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers Men’s Small Group Study Guide: “The Eight Commitments of Saint Joseph’s Covenant Keepers” by Hugh Williamson and Stephen Wood. You can order a copy from Family Life Center International, Inc. (941) 764-8565.

“Mission of the Messiah” (on the Gospel of Luke) by Tim Gray.

Published by Emmaus Road Publishing 1-800-398-5470

“Mystery of the Kingdom” (on the Gospel of Matthew) by

Edward P. Sri. Published by Emmaus Road Publishing 1-800-398-5470

“Halftime” by Bob Buford

“A Father Who Keeps His Promises” by Scott Hahn.

“Coming Down The Mountain” by Thomas Hart


You have come to the end of an exciting weekend – a weekend spent sharing your faith. Here you have learned, expanded, and/or grown in your faith. You’ve only just begun!

Small Church Communities are organized in order to help you continue in your faith journey.

Small Church Communities sheets have been passed out. Please check off the days and times you may be interested in meeting. I will take this information from each of you, combine it, and group you together based on days and times that you prefer to meet. One person within each group will then be contacted and asked to organize their group.

Women’s Small Church Communities usually meet twice a month for a couple of hours. You may want to make arrangements with the church for a room in which to meet, or you may wish to meet in someone’s home.

Each Small Church Community directs itself. The idea behind the group is to establish a close, intimate group of friends who can express their ideas and questions, discuss topics, and challenge on another to expand in faith. Who are you? What do you believe? Why do you believe it? It is an opportunity to hear another’s thoughts and ideas. It is an opportunity for you to grow into a deeper love of Christ.

Along with the Small Church Communities sheets, we have passed out a list of suggested reading material. When your group begins to meet, choose a book that interests your group. Read a chapter or a meditation at a time, depending on the book, and arrive at your meeting prepared to discuss how it touched you, or what feelings it inspired, or what it made you question in your life.

Challenge yourself to grow in faith.

Women’s suggested reading:

“The Cup of Our Life” by Joyce Rupp

“Moments With The Savior” by Ken Gire

“Intimate Moments With The Savior” by Ken Gire

“Coming Down The Mountain” by Thomas Hart

“Challenge 2000, A Daily Meditation Program based on The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius” by Mark Link, S. J.

“Were Our Hearts Not Burning?” by Henri Nouwen

“Return of the Prodigal Son” by Henri Nouwen

“Healing Words from Jesus” by Isaias Powers

“Quiet Places with Jesus” by Isaias Powers




1 Sign Up Sheet

Name: _____________________________________

Home phone:

Work phone:

Cell phone:

email address:

Yes, I am interested in meeting in a Small Church Community.

I prefer to meet:

Sunday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Monday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Tuesday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Wednesday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Thursday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Friday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____

Saturday: a.m. _____ p.m. _____


Team Member Follow Up

Date of Retreat: ____________________

Assigned Team Member: ______________________________________

Telephone Number: ___________________

Group members:

3 Name Home # Work # Cell # E-Mail Address

Day and Time Group Meets: _______________

Place Where They Meet: _________________

Group Coordinator: _____________________

1-week follow up phone call – made on: ___________

Status of group: ________________________________________________________________________


1-month follow up phone call – made on: ___________

Status of the group: ________________________________________________________________________



5 Spiritually Essential elements of the ACTS weekend


TEAM MASS or TEAM PRAYER SERVICE if mass is not possible

Retreatants arrive

Light dinner

Introduction of Team, Confidentially (RIVER RULE)


Evening Prayer (optional)


Team Meeting (brief team meeting with dismissal into team silence)


MASS or MORNING PRAYER if mass is not possible


Welcome, Overview of ACTS, Theme Introduction, Confidentially (RIVER RULE) (if not already done Thursday evening)

Retreatants self introduce with or without Ice Breaker

*VALUES TALK, followed by table discussion


*ADORATION/PRAYER TALK*, followed by table discussion

*THEOLOGY TALK*, followed by table discussion


*FORGIVENESS TALK, followed by table discussion or possibly alone reflection time


Eucharistic Adoration with Blessed Sacrament Exposed (optional with strict adherence to Catholic Rites and Rubrics)

Team Meeting


MASS or MORNING PRAYER if mass is not possible


*COMMUNITY TALK, followed by table discussion

*SERVICE TALK*, followed by table discussion


*SACRAMENTS TALK, followed by table discussion

Eucharistic Adoration with Blessed Sacrament Exposed (optional with strict adherence to Catholic Rites and Rubrics))

Skits (optional)



Eucharistic Adoration with Blessed Sacrament Exposed (optional with strict adherence to Catholic Rites and Rubrics)


CANDLELIGHT (whenever feasible)


Team Meeting




Sermon on the Amount Talk (Optional)

GO FORTH TALK (RIVER RULE, recommend include fisher bracelets here)

RETURN for MASS at sponsoring parish

Reception following mass

*See guidelines for each talk in the Director’s Manual

ACTS Missions is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the integrity of the ACTS retreat and its processes. We deem changes to the Spiritually Essential elements of the retreat model and processes we espouse, for which ACTS Missions along with the San Antonio Archdiocese own the trademark and copyright, an abuse.  If such abuses are actuated, then the name "ACTS" in the title, description, or publication of the retreat may not be used.

© Jan2012 ACTS Missions, All rights reserved. Revised 1/26/2012


ACTS Core/Youth Minister Relationship:

Role of the Youth Minister: Refer to ACTS CORE CHARTER: Page 2 Section 8: “The Parish Youth Minister shall also be a non-voting member of the Core to represent the youth for support of Teen ACTS Retreats”

Note: The Youth Minister should attend meetings only when needed or Youth Minister would assign a liaison to attend ACTS Core Meetings

PURPOSE of having the Youth Minister or Liaison to YM on Core:

To ensure the integrity of Teen ACTS. (Youth Minister or Liaison must have attended a Teen ACTS Leadership Workshop)

Discuss support needed for the Teen ACTS Candlelight and Send-off.

Discuss logistics of Candlelight and Send-off.

Discuss support or any materials or supplies needed.

Choose the retreat site that is conducive to teens. (Keep in mind Chaperoning)

Relay information to the Youth Minister

Help coordinate Send-Off (Teens involvement)


Youth Minister will report to the ACTS Core after the Adult Teen ACTS Director is chosen and before the Director is notified. Core will let them know if they see any problems concerning the ACTS Missions Guidelines coming into violation concerning their choice but they may not override the decision. The Pastor is the only one who can override this decision.

Role of the Core in reference to Teen ACTS:

Core’s main role in reference to Teen ACTS is Support

Ensure the Integrity of ACTS

Support Candlelight and Send-off (This is much needed for a “teen” retreat)

Support the Teens in their fundraising efforts to help off-set cost

Allow the Adult Director to be chosen under the umbrella of Youth Ministry

Why it is best that the Adult Teen ACTS Director be chosen under the umbrella of Youth Ministry and Pastor and not the ACTS Core?

The Youth Minister is aware of the diocesan guidelines that must be followed to ensure the safety of the teens and the Adults. They are also liable to follow those guidelines and make sure that all working with the youth are following them.

The Youth Minister is devoted to the youth of your Parish; they work intimately with them. They closely watch the interactions of Adults and can identify a good Adult and teen leader. (An Adult Director is a fine balance of a Mentor, Guide, someone who can engage with the teens and have fun but still knows how to be the Adult and ensure the teens safety. They must have a gift in leading teens to Christ and have some experience working with them in a Parish Youth Ministry setting.)

Youth Ministers usually have some type of Youth Ministry training and an understanding of teens and teen culture. They know what teens need and what kind of leadership styles appeal to them

Notes on creating discernment team under Youth Ministry:

Youth Minister will direct the first 2 retreats or until their has been proper leadership developed and the foundation of the retreat has been set.(about 2 years) After proper leadership has been developed, the Youth Minister and Pastor or Youth Minister, Pastor and a group of Adult Leaders working with teens will form a discernment team to choose the next Adult Director

Note: It takes a few years before leadership is developed in the Adults and the teens. Frequently because an Adult Director for the Teen Retreat has to be very well balanced in many areas, there are usually only 1 or 2 Adults that stand out. It may take some time before the Youth Minister and Discernment Team has more than a few names from which to choose.

Youth Minister must always remain on the Teen ACTS Leadership Team which consists of: Adult Director, Adult Co-Director, Teen Director, Teen Co-Director and Spiritual Companion. If Youth Minister is not the Director he or she still needs to be a part of this team on every retreat. (See Structure of Leadership Document) to ensure safety of the youth by following the archdiocesan guidelines and to act as a guide.

Please see: Adult Director (TACTS) Criteria & Teen Director Criteria


Finances for Teen ACTS should be kept in a separate account labeled Teen ACTS under the Youth Ministry account at the Parish.

If there is not an account at the parish for Youth Ministry then until there is, finances would fall under the Core.

San Antonio Diocese:

This will vary according to your Diocese.

In the San Antonio Diocese any Adult (18yr and up) will have to complete:


Sexual Misconduct Video

Criminal Background Check

Sleeping Arrangements:

2 Adults per room at all times.

If you have only 2 teens per room, there must be at least 2 chaperones in the hallway

Some other policies to keep in mind:

6/1 Adult Teen Ratio on a retreat.

2 Adults at all times with teens (An adult must never be alone in a room with a teen)

Please visit: Policies and Procedures Manual -Office of Youth Ministry

Archdiocese of San Antonio

For policies concerning harmful behavior:

What to do when a teen talks about wanting to harm himself or someone else?

When and in what time frame to report abuse and to whom?

The Core Member’s YES Agreement

Dear Lord Jesus and Fellow Core Members,

I realized that I have been called and am committing myself, here and now, to the work of preparing myself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the Core position set before me. My mission is to advance the integrity of the ACTS retreat and the ACTS movement in my parish. In order to be able to accomplish my mission I commit myself to the following:

1. I will attend all if not most all of the general Core meetings. When emergencies arise, I realize I cannot dismiss those. I will notify the Facilitator prior to the meeting and provide my reports and requested inputs before the meetings.

2. To the best of my ability, I will be on time so that the meetings can run smoothly and I do not miss any of the information being transmitted. I will prepare my information and reports for each meeting.

3. Allow me to realize Lord that this Core position is not about me, but about serving others in my parish. Let me be able to check my ego at the door for the benefit of all, according to 1 Peter 5:5: “clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: “God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.”

4. I agree to attend the ACTS Core Leadership Development training, within 6 months of my Core appointment.

5. I commit to the building of the ACTS Community and to the ACTS Core as a ministry, learning to serve my parish from the heart, for you Lord, our parish priest and my Core members.

6. I will stay true to the Spiritually Essential elements of the ACTS retreat model and processes, ensuring that our parish Directors and teams do the same, defending it as necessary.

7. I commit to the full length of my term. And through it all I will pray, pray and pray some more.

8. I will take the big picture view of what is good for the growth of ACTS and not my personal desires.

9. I am committed to keeping our pastor (or his liaison) informed of all ACTS events and activities within the community.

You asked and I answered yes, I (print name)_________________________ commit to this “YES agreement”. ______________________ ____________________

Core member’s signature Date

Thank you again for saying “yes” and may God bless you and your efforts.

____________________________ _____________________________

Core Facilitator Pastor

Retreat Director’s YES Agreement

Dear Director:

Thank you for saying Yes! You now have the opportunity to help evangelize by providing an unforgettable ACTS weekend. Please sign and return a copy of this letter to your parish Core Team.

It has been our experience that the ACTS retreat works because of key elements and a planned progression of events. Therefore we must request your cooperation in the following:

Agree to follow the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual, including the no-alcohol policy, confidentiality commitment (River Rule) and to show & discuss the Fr Ken DVD with your team. (Summary of Fr Hannon’s Presentation)*.

Agree to the attached retreat outline and format (How the Message of ACTS Flows through the Weekend and What is Essential – Schedule for the Weekend)*.

Agree to find and use a Spiritual Companion/Director who will follow the attached guidelines. (Spiritual Companion Responsibilities)*

Agree to review (with your co-director(s), spiritual companion/director and parish priest if available) the talks and ministry scripts to be given on the weekend to ensure their adherence to Catholic teaching and the purpose of the retreat.

Agree to limit retreat size to a total of 80 people, preferably 30-35 team and 45-50 retreatants.

Agree to document expenses, to remain within your prescribed budget, and to submit an itemized budget to the pastor 60 days before the retreat.

Agree to communicate by phone or email with your parish core and parish priest (or his liaison) throughout your retreat process.

Agree to attend the Leadership Development Conference for Directors and Co-Directors on _____________.

Agree to provide your parish Core team and parish priest (or his liaison) an excel spreadsheet listing of your team and retreatants. (Sample layout included)*

Agree to provide your parish Core team and parish priest (or his liaison) with your detailed schedule for the weekend.

Agree to establish retreat follow-up action, particularly a reunion gathering, and to promote Community within the parish you are serving, especially the formation of Small Church Communities. (SCC resource)*

Allow me to realize Lord that this retreat is not about me, but about serving others. Let me be able to check my ego at the door for the benefit of all, according to 1 Peter 5:5: “clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: “God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.”

*Documents included on the ”Forms/Scripts” CD with the Director’s Manual

Thanks again for saying yes, and God bless you and your efforts.


_______________________________ ________________________________

Director Core Facilitator or Parish Priest

Team Member YES Agreement

Dear Lord,

When the phone rang and I answered yes, I realized that I was committing myself to the work of preparing myself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the mission You have set before me. The mission as spelled out by You is to bring the of the closer to You. In order to be able to accomplish Your mission I must:

Agree to follow the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual, including the no-alcohol

policy and confidentiality commitment (River Rule).

Agree to the attached retreat outline and format (How the Message of ACTS Flows

through the Weekend and What is Essential – Schedule for the Weekend)*.

*Document on the”Forms/Scripts” CD with the Director’s Manual.

 Attend all if not most all of the team meetings. When emergencies arise, I realize I cannot dismiss those. Notify Director or Co-director re: inability to make meeting.

 To the best of my ability be on time so that the meetings can run smoothly and I do not miss any of the information being transmitted.

 Allow me to realize Lord that this retreat is not about me, but about others. Let me be able to check my ego at the door for the benefit of all according to 1 Peter 5:5: “clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: “God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.” .

 Work very hard to get to know everyone on the team as personally as possible. Allow me to let other people get to know me by sharing my story with them.

 Learn to serve from the heart, where my service to You, my team members and the retreatants is pure love and nothing else.

 Be compassionate and understanding of other people’s efforts, even when they don’t measure up to my standard. Let me appreciate what they do.

 Through it all pray, pray and pray some more.

As I grow in my faith these next few weeks let me be a better person each day to my family, my friends, my co-workers and all the people I encounter. Let me be a breath of fresh air to all that I meet. Allow me to become a servant that believes in You and wants to do Your will.

Dear Lord as I ponder this mission that I have answered yes to, let me commit in heart and soul to do Your work on this retreat.

You asked and I answered yes, I ____________________________commit to this yes agreement.


“Creating a Strong Foundation”

Establish a date each month that the Core meeting will be held.  Publish it in the church bulletin so that everyone is aware.  Meet each month on that date even if you don't have a quorum.  You can always discuss items without taking any votes.  This way the community will know that a meeting will be held each month on that day.

Include an agenda item each month that will be a "Citizen to Be Heard" item (approx. 10 minutes total).  Anyone from the ACTS community can sign in and be heard for 3-5 min. each.  There will be no action taken since any new item has to be on the agenda, but if the Core chooses, any concerns that were brought up during this "Citizen to Be Heard" time can be added to the agenda at a future date for Core action.

Enforce the attendance requirements of the Core.  If someone has missed three meetings, they need to step down since their absence delays action on necessary items, such as scheduling retreats.   If someone agrees to serve on Core, they need to commit to attending all meetings and other gatherings.

Meetings should be open and the ACTS community can be invited but only the Core addresses the issues and votes on any initiatives.  As you are aware, every organization has to have a leader and organizational structure.  If everyone is allowed to participate in every decision, nothing will get done. 

When a vacancy occurs or Retreat Directors are needed, advertise the vacancy through communication channels such as church bulletin, email to the ACTS community, or word of mouth.  Give a time limit and then follow through with the selection process as outlined in the guidelines.  You cannot wait for every single person to be informed.  If someone is interested in a position, they can contact a Core member and make their wishes known.

Use the email judiciously.  If there is a problem or concern, address it to the Core only.  By including everyone on the email we may cause confusion and alarm to those who do not know all sides of the issue.

Follow the ACTS Missions directives.  When we deviate or make our own rules, we set ourselves up for problems.  ACTS Missions has been around for many years and has begun retreats in other countries and a multitude of cities.  You need to build your ACTS community on a solid foundation and the template has been given to you.  ACTS Missions strongly suggests that women not take part in men's retreats and men not participate in women’s retreats.  There are many reasons for this but mainly you do not want to jeopardize the sanctity of the retreat by bringing in others who are not participants in the retreat.

Listen to each other with an open and charitable attitude.  If someone does not understand why something is done the way it’s done, take the time out to kindly explain that there are directives that need to be followed.  Likewise, if someone has a concern, take it to the Core and listen with an understanding heart.  We often make assumptions without cause.  Be patient with each other. 

Core should work on establishing "Small Church Communities" as a follow-up to the retreats.  This is something that is lacking in many ACTS communities.  A monthly prayerful get together is good, such as a Mass, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Bible Study, and any activity that will feed our souls.  

ACTS is not a clique, a society or group that one joins. ACTS is a ministry created to help individuals grow in their spiritual life and become more active in their parish community. Our activities, be they a Bible Study, Adoration, Divine Chaplet, Small Faith Community or fundraiser should be inclusive. All members of our parish community should be invited, whether or not they have attended an ACTS Retreat. Through ACTS, we become alive with the Spirit and our actions, our involvement help “spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ”.

Finally, PRAY....when we pray together, our problems often are resolved. 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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