Author Instructions:

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Author Instructions and Reference Guide for IPM Growers Guides

Jennifer Gillett and Denise Thomas, IPM Florida

Author Instructions:

The attached templates were developed for you to easily, “fill in the blanks.” Please type directly onto the Microsoft Word document and submit completed forms & photographs via email to the Chapter Editor.

Text Guidelines: The author templates indicate the number of character with spaces (cws) and bullets that are appropriate for that section. Less is fine! To determine the number of characters you are using (Microsoft Word), go to the Tools bar at the top of the screen. Select Word Count and then look under Characters with Spaces.

Measurements: Standard imperial measurements, eg. (1/8 inch). For minute insects and mites emphasize that they can be seen only with a hand lens or give a common comparison for size, i.e. “five phytoseiid mites fit on a single pinhead.” In the Pest Management section, actual size line drawings of the pest may be beneficial to growers. Have only one artist make the drawings for all the pests so that the look is consistent.

Abbreviations for Time: Use the following abbreviations for time: h (hour), min (minute), s (second), yr (year), mo (month), wk (week), d (day). Do not add "s" to create plurals (e.g., wks).

Photos: Photos must be high resolution. They can be scanned or digital JPEG or TIFF files. These photos may be used in the IPM growers guide, IPM pocket field guide, and IPM grower’s guide screen saver. Please send a description of the photo, and photography credits in the word document as well. Slides can be transferred into digital format and returned to you. We would prefer to include photographs that have not been circulated through IFAS literature whenever possible.

Please submit completed template forms & photographs to the Chapter Editor.

References Guide for the IPM Growers Guides:

Please include any references used to produce the article as well as any suggested references at the end of the article. List all references in alphabetical order using the format below.

Personal Communications:

L. J. Smith, personal communication

Unpublished Data:

L.J.S., unpublished data

Journal Articles:

Evans, M. A. 2000. Article title: subtitle (begin with lowercase after colon or dash unless first word is a proper noun). J. Abbr. 00:000–000.

Evans, M. A., R. Burns, and A. A. Dunn. 2001. Title. J. Abbr. 00: 000–000.


Burns, R. 2001. title: subtitle. Publisher, City, State.

Evans, M. A. 2001. Colorado potato beetle, 2nd ed. Publisher, City, State or Country.

Tyler, A. 2001. Western corn rootworm, vol. 2. Publisher, City, State or Country.

Article/Chapter in Book:

Schuster, D. J., J. E. Funderburk & P. A. Stansly. 1996. IPM in Tomatoes, pp. 387-411. In D. Rosen & J. L. Capinera (eds.), Pest Management in the Subtropics Integrated Pest Management - a Florida Perspective. Intercept Ltd., Andover, Hants, United Kingdom

Tyler, A., R.S.T. Smith, and H. Brown. 2001. Onion thrips control, pp. 178–195. In R. S. Green and P. W. White (eds.), Book title, vol. 13. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD.

No Author Given:

USDA, ARS. 2001. Title. USDA, Agricultural Research Services, Beltsville, MD.

(IRRI) International Rice Research Institute. 2001. Title. IRRI, City, State or Country.


Simonne, E.H., D.W. Studstill, R.C. Hochmuth, G. McAvoy, M.D. Dukes, and S.M. Olson. 2003. Visualization of Water Movement in Mulched Beds with Injections of Dye with Drip Irrigation. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116:88-91.


Martin, P. D., J. Kuhlman, and S. Moore. 2001. Yield effects of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) feeding, pp. 345–356. In Proceedings, 19th Illinois Cooperative Extension Service Spray School, 24–27 June 1985, Chicago, IL. Publisher, City, State.

EDIS & Online Resources:

K. Pernezny and P. Roberts. 2003. Disease Control for Florida Tomatoes. UF/IFAS EDIS pub.VH056.

Adapted from the Entomological Society of America Style Guide.



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