Chemistry 2202

Chemistry 2202Mealy Mountain Collegiate2012-2013Teacher:Mr. David RumboltEmail:drumbolt@lsb.caRoom:247Website: mrrumbolt.Chemistry 2202 is a Level 2 course designed to build upon the principles of chemistry introduced in Science 1206 and to provide a foundation for future study in Chemistry 3202. This course is a pre-requisite for Chemistry 3202.Text: McGraw-Hill Ryerson ChemistryMaterials:Pen and PaperCalculator (Bring to EVERY class)Journal (an exercise book will do fine)Laboratory notebook (again, an exercise is fine) Evaluation:Assignments, core labs, tests, quizzes and examinations will be used to evaluate your performance in Chemistry 2202 this year. Their values are as follows:Tests20%Quizzes10%Assignments10%Core Lab Activities 15%Journal 5%ExamsMidterm Exam (January)15%Final Exam (June) 25% 100%Quizzes will be given regularly, and should give you a fair idea of how you are progressing with the course material. If you notice you are struggling with quizzes take it as a sign you may need to seek extra help with the course material prior to unit tests. Please notice that assignments are worth only 10% of your evaluation for the year. While I encourage students to work together, please note that copying assignments will not help you with the 70% of the course that is evaluated with pencil and paper testing!Journal entries will typically be one or two questions that will be taken in regularly to see how you are progressing with material, typically in between assignments/quizzes. Lab activities will require a laboratory report. Part of the laboratory mark will include your performance in the laboratory. Communication:Aside from regular classroom interaction, there are other avenues to stay connected and keep informed of information you need to know.EmailI check my email regularly, and also use this as one way to send out important information useful for you.WebsiteThe course website will contain information about the course, assignments, quizzes, etc. Make sure to check it regularly to keep on top of course work. Course Timeline:This course consists of three main units of study. Please note the anticipated timeline and the main topics which will be studied for each unit.Approximate Time FrameUnit 1: Stoichiometry(55 hours → Sept. 12-Jan. 22)Lab safetyIsotopesAvogadro’s Number & MolesMass Stoichiometry Molar MassLaw of conservation of massMole ratiosTheoretical yield and actual yieldLimiting reagents and excess reagentsPercent Composition Empirical and Molecular FormulasSolution StoichiometryMolarity Preparing a standard solutionAlternate concentration expressionDissociationSolubilityMolar solubilityDilution Gas Stoichiometry STP, molar volume, and n = v/VUnit 2: Bonding(35 hours → Feb. 1-April 20)Properties of Molecular, Ionic and Metallic CompoundsCovalent Bond Formation Polarity VSEPR Theory Intermolecular ForcesMetallic Bond Formation Ionic Bond FormationNetwork Covalent Bonding Unit 3: Organic Chemistry(30 hours → April 21-June 11)Aliphatic compoundsAlkanesCycloalkanesAlkenes and AlkynesCycloalkenesStructural and geometric isomersAromatic compoundsHydrocarbon DerivativesReactions of organic compoundsPolymerization ................

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