Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (The EpiCenter) Projects:

Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center

(The EpiCenter)

April-June 2016 Quarterly Report

Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center Projects’ Reports Include:

• Adolescent Health

• Epicenter Biostatistician

• Immunization and IRB

• Injury Prevention Program (IPP)/Public Health Improvement & Training (PHIT)

• Maternal Child Health Projects

• Medical Epidemiologist

• Northwest Native American Research Center for Health (NARCH)

• Northwest Tribal Cancer Control Project

• Northwest Tribal Dental Support Center

• Northwest Tribal Registry Project-Improving Data and Enhancing Access (IDEA-NW)

• Wellness for Every American Indian to View and Achieve Health Equity (WEAVE)

• Western Tribal Diabetes Project

Adolescent Health

Stephanie Craig Rushing, Project Director

Colbie Caughlan, THRIVE Project Manager

Jessica Leston, Project Manager

David Stephens, Multimedia Project Specialist

Tommy Ghost Dog, Project Red Talon Assistant

Celena McCray, THRIVE Project Assistant

Contractor: Amanda Gaston, MAT, IYG Project

Students: Lauren Adrian, VOICES MPH Intern; Steven Hafner, Harvard PhD Student Intern; Katie Bauer, PSU Student Intern; Traven Joseph, UO Student Intern

Quarterly Report: April – June 2016


Technical Assistance and Training

Tribal Site Visits

▪ Warm Springs: CDC @ re: Native STAND, April 12, 2016.

▪ Nez Perce Tribe: NPAIHB QBM, Behavioral Health Committee, Lewiston, ID, April 19, 2016.

▪ Lummi: Social Media/Concerning Post Lived Experience video filming, April 20, 2016.

▪ Presentation: We R Native - #WeNeedYouHere, ATNI Annual Meeting, Grand Ronde, OR, May 25, 2016. Approximately 100 attendees.

Project Red Talon / We R Native / Native VOICES

During the quarter, Project Red Talon staff participated in eight planning calls, ten partner meetings, and presented at eight conferences/webinars, including:

▪ Bootcamp: We R Native Ambassadors – Social Media Campaign Addressing Substance Abuse, THRIVE Youth Conference, Portland, OR. June 28, 2016

▪ Call: Apokrisis Planning Mtg – Healthy Native Youth Design, April 20 & 29, 2016

▪ Call: Elizabeth Rink, Associate Professor, Montana State University re: Sexual Health Programs, June 14, 2016.

▪ Call: Native STAND Summer Institute Trainers – Get ready for PDX, June 1, 2016

▪ Filmed: Social Media/Concerning Post Lived Experience video, Lummi, April 20, 2016.

▪ Presentation and Booth: We R Native - #WeNeedYouHere, SAMHSA Grantees Meeting, Washington DC, May 2, 2016. Approximately 400 attendees.

▪ Presentation: Native VOICES, IYG, and Healthy Native Youth Portal at the Native Health Research Conference in Cherokee, NC, June 7, 2016.

▪ Presentation: Nonprofit Digital Strategy, We R Native Case Example. Futures without Violence, May 31, 2016. Approximately 300 attendees.

▪ Presentation: Tribal Action Plans, Program Planning Class, Summer Research Institute, Portland, OR. June 27-July 1, 2016

▪ Presentation: We R Native - #WeNeedYouHere, ATNI Annual Meeting, Grand Ronde, OR, May 25, 2016. Approximately 100 attendees.

▪ Presentation: We R Native, 2nd Annual Native Youth Community of Care Conference, Lacey, WA, June 11, 2016

▪ Presentation: We R Native, Media, Messaging and Mental Health 2016 Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA, June 9, 2016

▪ Teach: Native STAND Summer Research Institute, Portland, OR. June 27-July 1, 2016

▪ Teach: We R Native Youth Ambassadors Leadership Track, THRIVE Youth Conference, Portland, OR. June 27-July 1, 2016

▪ Presentation: Texting 4 Sexual Health @ YTH Conference, San Frn, CA, April 24-26, 2016.

▪ Call: SMAHRT Team – Concerning Post Webinar, April 8, 2016.

▪ Site Visit: CDC @ Warm Springs re: Native STAND, April 12, 2016.

▪ Call: Native Love team, April 13, 2016.

▪ Site Visit: CDC re: OHSU PRC and Native STAND, April 13, 2016.

▪ Call: Mobile Commons, April 20, 2016.

▪ Meeting: We Are Healers, April 21, 2016.

▪ Workshop: Native Youth Movement 2016, Eugene, OR, April 22, 2016. Approximately 100 youth in attendance.

▪ Booth: Family Night at OMSI, May 2, 2016.

▪ Webinar: Adolescent Health Alliance Meeting, May 11, 2016. Approx. 20 people attending.

▪ Call: We R Native-Futures without Violence collaboration, May 12, 2016.

▪ Webinar: Native STAND Cohort 2 – Get ready for PDX, June 1, 2016

▪ Teach: Chronic Disease Epi @ OHSU, June 3, 2016.

Native It’s Your Game

During the quarter, Native It’s Your Game staff participated in nine planning calls with study partners, and supported the following trainings and events:

▪ Virtual Team Meeting via Adobe Connect: April 28-29, 2016.

▪ Presentation: Crissy Garcia, Native IYG Update, NPAIHB QBM, Nez Perce Tribe, Lewiston, ID, April 20, 2016.

Quality Improvement

During the quarter, STD/HIV QI staff participated in twenty-three planning calls, nine Adobe meetings, and presented at two national meetings, including:

▪ Adobe: Empanelment IPC: April 25, 2016 

▪ Adobe: Fort Thompson CAC Troubleshooting– May 25, 2016

▪ Adobe: Great Plains Regional ID  – April 7, 2016

▪ Adobe: Great Plains Regional ID  – May 5, 2016

▪ Adobe: IPC Planning Session: May 2, 2016 

▪ Adobe: National Pharmacy in HCV Presentation – May 16, 2016

▪ Adobe: Practice Assessment Follow up IPC: April 18, 2016 

▪ Adobe: Practice Assessment IPC: April 4, 2016 

▪ Adobe: PrEP Grand Rounds IHS – June 2, 2016

▪ Meeting: Portland Area Funding with POR Area CMO – May 25, 2016

▪ Presentation: Direct Service Tribes HCV: April 8, 2016

▪ Webinar: OK HCV Regional Meeting  – May 5, 2016

▪ Zoom: ECHO HCV – April 20, 2016, April 6, 2016, June 1, 2016, May 20, 2016, May 4, 2016

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

National HIV Testing: All promotional materials are available on the web. Campaign materials continue to be distributed to tribes upon request.

Native LGBT-Two Spirit HIV Media: All promotional materials are available on the web. Campaign materials continue to be distributed to tribes upon request.

Tribal HIV/STD Advocacy Kit and Policy Guide for Tribal Decision-makers: The Kit is available on the IHS and NPAIHB website for national distribution.

STD/HIV Quality Improvement: PRT staff are working with the IHS STD Program to increase sexual health screening measures. Work is moving forward to develop a network of pharmacists and healthcare professionals to address HIV/STD/Hep C in pharmacy and I/T/U settings.

Native STAND Videos: Address Healthy Relationships ? Teen Sexual Health ? Condom Demonstration ? Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Panel ? Living with HIV/AIDS ? Drug & Alcohol Youth Panel ? 2 Role Plays ? 3 Public Service Announcements (PSA). Since their release, the Native STAND videos have been viewed 23,494 times.

Native VOICES Videos: 23 videos are included in the Native VOICES playlist on We R Native’s YouTube Channel. Since their release, the Native VOICES videos have been viewed 2,557 times on YouTube and reached 1,457,500 people on Facebook.

• Native VOICES is the only intervention purposefully designed for AI/AN youth included in the CDC’s compendium of effective HIV interventions: effectiveinterventions.en/HighImpactPrevention/Interventions/VOICES.aspx

We R Native - Adolescent Health Website and Text Messaging Service

Website: The We R Native website launched on September 28, 2012:

|In July the site received: |

|Page views |8,087 |

|Sessions |3,418 |

|Percentage of new visitors |69% |

• Over 360 health/wellness pages are included on the website.

• We continue to refine and improve the website, sitemap and wireframe:

▪ Mobile-friendly site launched May 2016

▪ Adding a Text 4 Sex Ed service – in 2016/17

Text Messages: The service currently has 4,116 active subscribers.

Twitter: Followers = 3,277


The project currently has 368 uploaded videos, has had 55,923 video views, with 96,826 estimated minutes watched.


By the end of the month, the page had 39,261 Likes.


By the end of the month, the page had 3,133 followers.

MSPI - Gen-I Messages: Number/Reach of We R Native Facebook messages addressing…

• Suicide = 11 posts, 335,900 people reached (LGBT #WeNeedYouHere Campaign) + 40,500

• Mental health = 17 posts, 70,150 people reached

• Substance prevention = 6 post, 475,300 people reached

• Youth leadership/empowerment = 44 posts, 283,900 people reached

Total Facebook reach for the month of

• June: 547,484

• April: 736,130 (24,538/day)

• May: 143,922 (4,642/day)

We R Native Contests Focused On: Earth Day, Gen-I Involvement, and Culture.

Surveillance and Research

Native It’s Your Game: We continue to provide TA to 3 tribal ACF sites implementing Native IYG + parent-child components.

Social Media Focus Groups: The NPAIHB has partnered with the Social Media Adolescent Health Research Team at Seattle Children’s Hospital to carry out focus groups with AI/AN teens re: their perception of concerning posts on social media. The team has identified major themes and is working on a publication and intervention tools.

Violence Prevention Messages: We R Native has partnered with Steven Hafner to carryout formative research to design a violence prevention intervention that will be delivered to Native young men via Facebook. Interviews with young men 18-24 have been collected and are being analyzed for themes.

STD/HIV Measures Project: The project is monitoring STD/HIV GPRA measures for IHS sites throughout Indian Country. Infographics are being generated to provide visual feedback data to all 66 IHS sites, 13 Urban sites and any tribal site that provides access. PRT staff are assessing local strengths and weaknesses (administrative, staffing, clinical, and data) that influence screening.

Other Administrative Responsibilities


▪ Leston J, Finkbonner J. The Need to Expand Access to Hepatitis C Virus Drugs in the Indian Health Service. JAMA. Published online May 26, 2016. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.7186

▪ Mera, J, Vellozzi C, Hairiri S, Carabin H, Drevets D, Miller A, Reilley B, Essex W, Gahn D, Lyons L, Leston J, Ward J (CDC). Identification and Clinical Management of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection — Cherokee Nation, 2012–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;65(18).

▪ Reilley B, Leston J, Hariri S, Neel L, Rudd M, Galope M Ward J, Vellozzi C (CDC). Birth Cohort Testing for Hepatitis C Virus — Indian Health Service 2012–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;65(18).

▪ Submitted Feasibility Article to PA IHS IRB, June 15, 2016 – It was approved.

▪ Working on Native VOICES Outcomes paper

▪ Working on Texting 4 Sexual Health papers (x3)

▪ Working on IYG papers (x4)

▪ Working on Hepatitis C papers (x2)


▪ NIH Grant Submitted: Suicide Research Partnerships HUB

▪ NIH Grant Submitted: Alcohol/Violence Prevention Intervention via Social Media

▪ NIH – Firearms Prevention – SMAHRT subcontract

▪ Tribal PREP Innovation – UTexas subcontract

▪ Tribal PREP – ANTHC subcontract

▪ NARCH – Native VOICES 2 – NPAIHB lead

▪ IRB Continuation Report – Violence Formative Research Protocol

▪ NPAIHB Strategic Plan

Administrative Duties

▪ Budget tracking and maintenance: Ongoing

▪ Managed Project Invoices: Ongoing

▪ Managed Project Subcontracts: Ongoing

▪ Staff oversight and annual evaluations: Ongoing

Epicenter Biostatitician

Nancy Bennett

Conference Calls:

• Planning calls weekly for the Emergency Preparedness conference

• Planning calls weekly for the National tribal forum for public health accreditation

o Calls with speakers to finalize presentations for the national forum

NPAIHB Meetings:

• All staff meeting - monthly

• Assisted in preparation of Indian day Pow Wow

• Art committee meeting

o Framing of prints for Oregon Tribes room

Conferences/QBMs/Out of area Meetings

• SQL SAS class, Chicago, IL

o Continuing education

• Emergency preparedness conference, Spokane, WA

o Technical support for the conference

o Assisted speakers with presentations.

• NAIIS conference, Atlanta, GA

o Presented on the Immunization project in place of Dr. Weiser


• Sent out request letters for donations for Indian day goodwill bags.

o Receiving and organizing donations for Indian day pow wow.


Site Visits:

Immunization and IRB

Clarice Charging


NPAIHB all-staff meeting, April 4, 2016

NPAIHB all-staff meeting, April 7, 2016

OHSU presentation; Eric Brodt, MD, April 8, 2016

2016 Tribal Emergency Preparedness meeting, April 12, 2016

2016 Tribal Emergency Preparedness meeting, April 14, 2016

NPAIHB all-staff meeting, May 2, 2016

Portland Area Immunization Coordinator’s, May 16, 2016

Indian Day planning meeting, May 19, 2016

IPAT meeting, DOH, June 2, 2016

NPAIHB all-staff meeting, June 6, 2016

Portland Area Immunization Coordinator’s, June 16, 2016

Quarterly board meetings/conferences/site visits:

Siletz Tribe cultural presentation, April 14, 2016

SDPI Gathering, Embassy Suites, Washington Square, May 24, 2016

Portland Area (PA) Indian Health Service (IHS) Institutional Review Board (IRB):

PA IRB Meetings:

PA IHS IRB Committee meeting, April 13, 2016

During the period of April 1-June 30th, Portland Area IRBNet program has 121 registered

participants, received 2 new electronic submissions, processed 7 protocol revision approvals, 5 publications/presentations, and approved 4 annual renewals.

Provided IT and IRB regulation assistance to Primary Investigators from:

1) Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indians

2) Oregon State University

3) Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations

4) Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs

5) Oregon Health Sciences University


7) IHS

8) Seattle Children’s Hospital

Injury Prevention Project/Public Health Improvement & Training

Bridget Canniff, Project Director

Luella Azule, Project Coordinator

Conference Calls

➢ April 6, 12, 20, 27 Tribal Emergency Preparedness Conference planning committee calls (Bridget and Luella, joined by Clarice Charging and Nancy Bennett)

➢ April 1, 4, 15,18, 21, 28, May 20, 24, 27, June 2, 9, 24, 28 TARGET Forum planning calls with Red Star (Bridget, Nancy Bennett, Luella)

➢ 4/19 Public Health Improvement Tribal/State check-in call with Megan Davis, WA DOH (Bridget)

➢ 4/21 CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control quarterly call (Bridget)

➢ 5/11 EP conference debrief call w/ planning committee (Bridget)

➢ 6/13 Input on Forum logistics & roundtables from Whitney Magendie, NNPHI (Open Forum organizer) (Bridget)


➢ April 4, 7,May 2, June 6 All Staff Meeting (Bridget or Luella)

➢ 4/14, 6/16 Wellness Meeting (Luella)

➢ 4/15 IPP planning meeting w/ Celeste Davis, IHS (Bridget, Luella)

➢ 4/14 Indian Day Meeting (Luella)

➢ 4/21, 5/27 with Celeste Davis, IHS (Bridget and Luella)

➢ 4/27 EpiCenter objectives meeting – Part I (Bridget)

➢ 5/17 NPAIHB staff EP conference debrief meeting

➢ 5/20 Tribal Public Health Emergency Preparedness Conference, debrief meeting (Bridget, Clarice, Luella)

➢ 6/8 Forum strategy meeting with Keisha/Red Star (Bridget)

➢ 6/10 IP/EP mtg with Celeste Davis, IHS & co-step student Macy (Bridget)


➢ 4/8 NARCH Presentation: Using Digital Media to Recruit American Indians to the Health Workforce

➢ 4/14 Tribal Law Presentation: (Luella)

➢ 4/29 Constant Contact training w/ David Stephens (Bridget)

➢ 5/16-17 Epi Data Mart online training (Bridget)

➢ 6/27-30 Summer Institute: Intermediate Biostatistics course (Bridget)

➢ 6/17 NARCH Presentations--Digital Story Telling (Luella)

➢ 6/22 NARCH Lecture: Good Health & Wellness in Indian Country Initiative (Luella)

➢ 6/29 NARCH Lecture: Amanda Bruegal (Luella)

National Tribal Forum (Bridget, Luella, Nancy)

➢ Majority of keynotes, trainings, concurrent sessions confirmed (Bridget, Nancy)

➢ Payment by check to be processed by NPAIHB and funds retained for any incidental forum-related expenses (Bridget/Luella)

➢ Original Call for Proposals (Roundtables/Posters) ends 7/1 but will be extended to July 11 (Bridget)

➢ National Tribal Forum e-blasts/newsletter to potential attendees (Bridget) June 8, 15, 28

➢ Registration: 36 registrants as of 6/30

Funding Bridget, Anything to put in here??

May/June Core/Other (Luella)

5/17 Add onsite Emergency Preparedness attendees to TPHEP spreadsheet and send to Bridget, create Idaho state breakout contact information and send to participants

Scan/read E- News (Luella): CDC STEADI Fall prevention article, watch Concussion Awareness video, How to have attuned conversations @ work, NAYA e-newsletter, Tribal Resource Digest, Friday mailouts, CDC Vital Signs: Prescription Overdoses, Wisdom of the Elders, NIHB WA reports, Guila Muir videos, respond to questions re: Forum registration cost/payment and hotel, Update Forum contacts, THRIVE, Tribal Resource Digest, Keep it sacred

Prepare/Download/Read (Luella): review EP evaluation draft, CDC STEADI Fall Prevention article, Update CPS techs list-serve, Ted Talks (Sue Desmond), 2016 ODOT Safety Action Plan, register for Webinar Public Health side of Rural Transportation Safety

Forward e-mails to Tribal IP contacts, and/or CPS techs, coalition committee (Luella): Harborview Injury Prevention Suicide website, Nancy Bill’s e-mail from Child Safety Network—Infographic on Disparities in Child Passenger Seats, Forward NARCH grant info to Tara, NB e-mail re: AI/AN motor vehicle information, NHTSA 4th of July Twitter Chat, Meth/Suicide Prevention grant to Stephanie, Colbie, Tara, NHTSA e-mail re: Honda/Acura Safety Bags.

Travel and Site Visits

|Event: NWCPHP Regional Network Steering Committee |Event: NNPHI Open Forum for QI in Public Health |

|Date: April 4-5, 2016 |Date: April 7-8, 2016 |

|Location: Seattle, WA |Location: Indianapolis, IN |

|Purpose: Public Health Training Ctr & RNTC meetings |Purpose: Accreditation Readiness/QI learning/networking |

|Who: Bridget |Who: Bridget |

|Event: NIHB Public Health Summit |Event: NPAIHB QBM |

|Date: April 12-13, 2016 |Date: April 12-13, 2016 |

|Location: Atlanta, GA |Location: Nez Perce Tribe, Lewiston, ID |

|Purpose: PH Accreditation Track |Purpose: PHIT/IP Presentation; PH & Elders Committee |

|Who: Bridget |Who: Bridget & Luella |

|Event: Tots2Tweens |Tribe: Kalispel @ Northern Quest, Spokane, WA |

|Date: April 27-30, 2016 and June 9-11 |Event: Tribal Emergency Preparedness Conference |

|Location: Lummi Nation, Bellingham, WA |Date: May 3-6, 2016 |

|Purpose: Site Visit/Data Collection |Purpose: Conference staff |

|Who: Luella (with Tots2Tweens staff) |Who: Bridget, Nancy Scott, Nancy Bennet, Luella |

|Location: Baltimore, MD | |

|Date: June 14-16 | |

|Purpose: TPHAAB Mtg & Public Health Impr. Training | |

|Who: Bridget | |

Maternal Child Health Projects:

Jodi Lapidus, Native CARS PI

Tam Lutz, PTOTS Project Director/Jr Investigator

Nicole Smith, MCH Biostatistician

Candice Jimenez, Research Assistant

Thomas Becker, Co-PI (TOTS to Tweens)


Native CARS Study


The Native CARS study is a grant funded by the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHHD), and is a partnership with the NPAIHB, University of Washington, and six Northwest tribes. This partnership aims to design and evaluate interventions to improve child safety seat use in tribal communities.

The six Northwest tribes that participated in the Northwest Tribal Safety Seat Project (under Dr. Francine Romero, Principal Investigator) in 2003 are the same tribes who participated in this study. From the 2003 observational survey, we learned that many American Indian children age 8 and under were riding either unrestrained or improperly restrained in vehicles.

In the dissemination phase of the study, all six participating tribes received community-based interventions. Three received the interventions in phase 1, and the remaining received the interventions in phase 2. We collaborated with the tribal communities to develop interventions that would meaningful and suited to each community. We evaluated child safety seat use in the community both before and after the intervention phases to see if the intervention had an impact on motor vehicle restraint use in the community.

Goal of the Intervention Phase

The goal of the Native Children Always Ride Safe (Native CARS) project was to prevent early childhood vehicle collision morbidity and mortality in American Indian Alaskan Native children through the use of community base participatory model that incorporated tribal differences in cultural beliefs, family and community structure, geographic location, law enforcement and economic factors.

Objectives/Aims of Intervention Phase

We used qualitative research methods to identify community-specific concerns and barriers, and incorporate these findings into an effective behavioral change campaign. We disseminated these results widely, and worked with tribes to design tailored community interventions based on theoretical models of health behavior change. Finally, we assisted tribes as they implemented and evaluated the interventions through a controlled community trial. During this five-year project we specifically aimed to:

• Determine the knowledge of AI community members about child passenger restraint systems, and determine barriers and facilitators that effect consistent and appropriate use in six tribes in the Northwestern US.

• Work with members of six Northwest tribes to determine effective methods to increase child safety seat use, developing tailored community intervention programs to address unique needs.

• Implement and evaluate the programs in the Northwest tribal communities, comparing improvement in child passenger restraint use to three comparison tribes in the Northwest through a controlled community trial.

Objective/Aims of Dissemination Phase

Because of the demonstrated success of the Native CARS Study, the study was award additional funds for a dissemination phase of the study, where the protocols, tools and intervention materials can be translated for use by other tribes both locally and nationally. These evidence-based tribal interventions will be adapted and disseminated via plans guided by a dissemination framework that leverages and expands upon tribal capacity built during the previous Native CARS cycle, by engaging the tribal participants as experts throughout this phase. Demonstrating the translation potential of Native CARS interventions into other tribal communities is an essential step toward reducing the disparity in motor vehicle injuries and fatalities experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native children in the United States. 


During the current dissemination phase, we specifically aim to:


• Develop the Native CARS Atlas (link to ), a toolkit to assist tribes in implementing and evaluating evidence-based interventions to improve child passenger restraint use on or near tribal lands.

• Facilitate the use of the Native CARS Atlas (link to ) in the six tribes that participated in the original initiative, to help sustain improvements in child passenger restraint use achieved during the intervention phase and provide lessons on use of the toolkit for other tribes.

• Use the Native CARS Atlas (link to ) to assist at least 6 new tribes in the Northwest with demonstrated readiness to implement interventions to improve child passenger restraint use in their communities 

Project News & Activities

This quarter the Native CARS Study continued with the developmental work of the dissemination phase of the study. We worked with the tribal site content experts to finalize specific dissemination modules. We have worked with a new contracted web developer to reconstruct the website. We also worked with individual sites who are testing dissemination modules at the existing sites.

A highlight of this quarter has been a Site visit to Klamath to test the new Native CARS survey via both electronic data collection (android and ios formats) and paper copy, and to elicit feedback from the site coordinator, Kootsie Cunial, on the data module for the website. Two contracted observers collected information on 50 children traveling in motor vehicles, then gave feedback on the two different data collection methods. Both observers preferred the paper data collection as the tablet was difficult to use in the bright sun and some participants were suspicious that we were collecting data via a device that can take photos and video. Also, paper surveys were quicker to fill out, though they will require data entry. We will go forward with both methods for the website, but this gave us important things to consider with each method and we can advise our Atlas users accordingly.

TOT2Tweens Study

A staggering proportion, 3 of 4 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) children between the ages of 2-5, have experienced tooth decay, over two-thirds have untreated decay, and over half have severe tooth decay. While this may politely be referred to as a "health disparity," it could more aptly be termed a "health disaster." Many AI/AN children experience tooth decay before the age of two. Tooth decay in that age group leads to further tooth decay and other oral health problems later in childhood.

The newly funded TOTS to TWEENS is a follow up study to The TOTS Study (Toddler Obesity and Tooth Decay) Study) an early childhood obesity and tooth decay prevention program. The goal of this study is to survey and conduct dental screenings with the original group of toddlers to test whether interventions delivered in the TOTS will influence the prevalence tooth decay in older children. Through qualitative approaches, the study will also assess current community, environmental and familial factors that can influence oral health in children to understand any maintenance of preventive behaviors over the last ten years within the entire family.

The TOTS2Tween Study is administered through the NW NARCH program at the NPAIHB. The TOTS2TWEENS Study will be led by Co-Principal Investigators, Thomas Becker, MD, PhD and Tam Lutz, MPH, MHA.

Project News & Activities

The TOTS2Tweens Study continued to make preparations and obtain approvals for the launch of the TOTS2Tweens Dental Screening in additional communities. This quarter TOTS2Tweens held a dental screening in the Lummi Nation and continued follow up of parent questionnaire in Shoshone Bannock. Study team also began preparing for the next screenings Makah in early fall 2016.

For more information about the TOTS to Tweens Study, contact Tam Lutz at tlutz@


Meetings - Conference Calls – Presentations – Trainings

▪ Meeting: All Staff Mtgs and Staff Picnic, Jan-Mar (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Meeting: EpiCenter Staff, Jan-Mar (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Meeting: Wellness Cmte Meetings (Tam, Candice)

▪ Summer Institute Talk (Nicole)

▪ Performance Evaluation Meetings (Tam, Candice)

Program Support or Technical Assistance

▪ Monthly Wellness tip and newsletter, Mar (Candice)

▪ Grant Review (Nicole)

TOTS to Tweens

Meetings - Conference Calls – Presentations – Trainings

▪ Project Meetings, Apr-June – (Tom, Tam, Nicole, Candice,)

▪ Site Coordinator Phone Mtgs with Lummi and Shoshone Bannock (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Lummi Dental Screenings (April, June) (Tam, Candice, Luella, Maxine, Jodi)

▪ KAB analysis Meeting – (Tam, Nicole, Roop)

Program Support or Technical Assistance


• Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

• Finalize Lummi files and databases (Nicole)

• TOTS dental data management for matching to TOTS to Tweens data (Nicole)

• Child questionnaire and anthro data entry (Tam, Clarice)

• Copy files, verify paper file ID number with data entry (Tam)

• Collate, clean, and manage Shoshone-Bannock data (Nicole)

• KAB Data Management (Nicole)

• Shoshone-Bannock KAB and Child Dental Form data input to Epi Info (Candice)

• Nez Perce KAB data Input to Epi Info (Candice)

• KAB Data Cleaning and Analysis (Roop, Nicole)

• Contacting research team to schedule Lummi Screening (Tam)

• Prepared file folder and extra dental forms for Lummi Screening (Candice)

• Inventory supplies for future screening (Tam, Tanya)

• Order and purchase needed supplies (Tam, Tanya, Candice)

• Inventory and load dental supplies bag (Tam, Tanya, Candice)

• Cleaning and Coding of Old TOTS Database (Nicole)

• Work with Lummi site coordinator on screening tracking sheet (Tam)

• T2T Enrollment Reports for Continuation (Nicole)

• Track down names of Quinault and Makah TOTS participants (Nicole)

• Prepare Facility Fees for Lummi Site Visit (Candice)

• Completion of TOTS to Tweens Semi Annual Report (Tam, Candice)


• Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

• Nez Perce KAB data Input to Epi Info (Candice)

• Contacting research team to schedule Lummi Screening (Tam)

• Work with Lummi site coordinator on screening tracking sheet (Tam)

• Prepared Stomish Festival event fee for Lummi Site Visit (Tam, Candice)

• Compiled a list of Quinault/Makah names and birthdates from old TOTS data collection forms (Nicole)

• Assisted in developing qualitative themes and questions for interview protocols (Roop)

• Collaborated with site coordinators/dental providers for feedback and inputs on qualitative protocols (Roop)

• Created IRB protocols (Tam, Roop)

• Mail supplies sent to Lummi site coordinator for screening candidates (Candice)

• Updated project description for position (Tam, Candice)

• Logistics and travel prep for Lummi site visits (Candice)


• Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

• Completed Makah/Quinault name and birthdate list

• Met with Kim Kummer about site coordination and HR coordination (Tam, Nicole)

• Organized and filed T2T paper forms (Candice, Nicole)

• Lummi Data cleaning (Nicole)

• Lummi KAB data Input to Epi Info (Candice)

• Dental Screening event at Stommish Festival (Tam, Candice)

• Work with Lummi site coordinator on screening tracking sheet (Tam)

• Prepared dental screening travel for Lummi Site Visit (Candice)

• Collaborated with site coordinators/dental providers for feedback and inputs on qualitative protocols (Roop)

• Mail supplies sent to Lummi site coordinator for screening candidates (Candice)

• Final Practicum evaluation for OHSU, Re: Candice (Tam)

Native CARS Activities

Meetings - Conference Calls – Presentations – Trainings

▪ Staff Meetings – each Monday, Apr-Jun (Tam, Jodi, Nicole)    

▪ Site Coordinator Conference Call, first Thursday and third Friday

▪ Individual Site Coordinator Meetings via Phone, (Tam)

▪ Meeting with Jeff Nye to review progress on Atlas, (Candice)

▪ Presented at National Lifesaver’s Conference in Long Beach, CA (Tam)

▪ Met with potential dissemination partners and Lifesaver’s Conference (NSC, NHTSA, BIA)

▪ Made contact with potential dissemination sites at Lifesaver’s conference

Program Support or Technical Assistance


▪ Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

▪ Review, edit website and request additional items added to website (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Help Crissy (Nez Perce Site Coordinator) with QBM Presentation (Nicole, Candice)

▪ Sent BIA Highway Safety Grant information to Site Coordinators (Candice)

▪ Packaged Native CARS incentives for Nez Perce site (Candice)

▪ Finalized Native CARS presentation (Tam)


▪ Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

▪ Review, edit website and request additional items added to website (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Revised and tested Native CARS Epi Info data collection tool (Nicole)

▪ Completed mock community readiness assessment using info on Native CARS Atlas website (Nicole)

▪ Created document with data and text supporting child passenger safety law at Shoshone-Bannock (Nicole)

▪ Communicated with Jeff Nye regarding Atlas media and page edits for word press (Candice)


▪ Meeting coordination, minutes and action item documentation (Candice)

▪ CARS Survey Testing (Nicole)

▪ Review, edit website and request additional items added to website (Tam, Nicole, Candice)

▪ Revised and tested Native CARS Epi Info data collection tool (Nicole)

▪ Communicated with Jeff Nye regarding Atlas media and page edits for Word Press (Candice)

▪ Contract payment to Jeff Nye (Candice)

▪ Shoshone-Bannock Contract amendment completion (Candice)

▪ Communication with media consultant regarding observation filming (Candice)


Site Visits

TOTS2Tween Dental Screening


April 26-29th

(Tam, Luella, Clarice, Maxine)

TOTS to Tweens Dental Screening

Lummi Stommish Festival

June 9-11

(Tam, Jodi, Luella, Maxine, Clarice)

Project contact information

Jodi Lapidus, Principal Investigator

Tam Lutz, Project Director, Co-Investigator, Co-PI

503-416-3271, tlutz@

Nicole Smith, Biostatistician

503-416-3292, nsmith@

Candice Jimenez, Graduate Research Assistant

503-416-3264, cjimenez@

Cathy Ballew, Lummi Site Coordinator

Tom Becker, Co-PI


Medical Epidemiologist

Thomas Weiser, Epidemiologist (IHS)


*Improvement Support Team

*Adult Immunization Improvement Project

*Hepatitis C

*Immunization Program-routine immunization monitoring


*Environmental Health

*Children with Disabilities

*EIS Supervision


*Adult Composite Immunization Measure-completed draft of final report and draft of

manuscript version.

*New IHS-EPA Cooperative agreement to fund environmental assessment of childhood daycares (non-TEC project at this point but could be an opportunity)

*Met with PI and coordinated response to IRB concerns regarding a new protocol to look at prevalence of disabilities among AI/AN children in Portland Area seen in I/T/U facilities (Molly Fuentes, Seattle Children’s/UW)

*Joined Oregon Health Authority Viral Hepatitis Action Plan Force

*Oregon Health Authority Opioid Prescribing Task Force Member

*Washington DOH Viral Hepatitis Epidemiology Profile Advisory committee member

*Provided feedback to sites regarding childhood immunization coverage

*EIS: met with new EIS Officer. Introduced too many of the staff, provided with resources.

Meetings/Conference Calls:

Meetings: *Pediatric and Environmental Health Workshop, March 31-April 1, 2016,

Seattle, WA

*Intermediate Biostatistics, NARCH Summer Institute, NPAIHB,

June 27-30, 2016

Northwest Native American Research Center for Health (NARCH)

Tom Becker, PI

Victoria Warren-Mears, Director

Tom Weiser, Medical Epidemiologist

Tanya Firemoon

Tasha Zaback

Consultants: multiple

This report covers activities related to NARCH 7.

The Summer Research Training Institute planning has recently ended, and we are finishing bill paying for expenses related to tribal guests from around the country. Our last effort was the 13th such effort sponsored by the Board, with input from OHSU faculty and staff, as well as a host of consultant. We were successful in filling up our course instructors in just a few weeks prior to this reporting period—Ms. Zaback did a masterful job at getting the advertisements around the country. As earlier reported, we have planned the second offering of a popular course this year, in Indigeneous ways of knowing, under the guidance of June Strickland, PhD. Most of April and May were spent on planning for the ongoing Summer Institute training program at the Board. We offered one special track on risk reduction for tribal adolescents, teens, and young adults. That program makes use of the THRIVE conference participants that come to Portland every summer.

We continue to hire tribal instructors whenever possible.

Also under NARCH funding, we recruited additional fellows and hope to a support a larger group of Board-based scholars who will receive small scholarships to help advance their careers in Indian health. Our scholarship program continues to graduate new researchers, and seems to be successful overall. We had five American Indian graduates this year who finished with advanced degrees. Ten more graduates are expected within the next 11 months. We have added two new fellows who will receive partial scholarships, and two new fellows who will receive full scholarships under the NARCH program. Ms. Firemoon has been extremely helpful in watching over this part of the NARCH, and her efforts to help the summer program have also been very valuable. Tanya is now helping more with the Summer Institute program

We have only one summer intern this year, Kim Kummer (Makah), who is working on two different projects. She just finished her MPH at Univ of Washington this past spring.

The next round of NARCH funding, round 9, was announced during the summer institute with a very short turn around time. The timing could not have been worse; however, we finished another application for approximately $4 million dollars. Tara and Stephanie Craig were extremely helpful in getting the application submitted electronically. We hope to be able to do these projects. The 10th round of funding will come up next spring with a June 24th due date. At least we know far in advance and will be ready with several projects. We do not yet know the parameters for that grant, yet, but we will be ready in advance to the degree possible.

Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Control Project

Kerri Lopez, Director

Eric Vinson, Project Specialist


• All Staff meeting (3)

• Data Meeting

• Washington Alliance for Cancer Survivorship – Provider focused meeting

• Familias en Acción and Regence meeting to discuss partnership for palliative education

• Meeting to discuss NARCH grant application

• Meeting with Program evaluator

• ASCO Data Standards and Interoperability Summit

• Washington Alliance for Cancer Survivorship meeting

• Oregon Health Authority meeting to discuss TPEP grants

• OHA meeting with contract officer – SOW, budget, transition

o New contract officer

• Strategy meeting with WEAVE

o Project crossover and mutual goals

• Attended Oregon Nutrition Summit – Moore Institute

• Oregon CRC Roundtable meeting

• Dinner CRC meeting – Issues AI/AN tobacco

• OHA meeting TPEP update

Training/Site Visits/Technical assistance

• Coquille Tribe

o TPEP meeting for Oregon tribes

o Held meeting at Coquille Plankhouse

o 8 tribal programs present – 18 attendees

o Facilitated training with OHA staff

• Coquille Tribe

o Met with THD

▪ History of Coquille tribe and health center

▪ Tour of health center

o Tour of traditional tobacco garden

o Visited cultural education program and anthropology

o Met with BRFSS team for strategy session

• Nez Perce Men’s Wellness Event

o 60 men in attendance

o Presentation of men and tobacco use

• Request for follow up for implementation funding

• Muckleshoot – event planning – cancer resource information, cancer survivorship information, planning for fall cancer event at tribe

• Coquille – hpv information and follow up - meerting

• Klamath; ta request, sent over culturally appropriate posters/messaging about celebrating going smoke free and NARA’s smoke free event toolkit. Collected: Cessation brochure and HR hire flyers for health benefits for quitting tobacco

Cow Creek; Collected: Tribal Offices Smoke free Readiness Survey, Expanding Horizons Youth Center Tobacco Policy, Volunteers Standard Tobacco Policy, Tobacco Youth Events Policy, PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Cycle worksheet tobacco screens 2016 and Revised Tribal Housing Policy

• Received best practice IHS resource toolkit

Special projects


o Tribe 5 – set up the secure drop box

o Transition staff – brfss drop box, scheduling, protocol for reporting

o BRFSS records: document all completed or in-completed surveys

o Update BRFSS contact excel sheets

o Create new BRFSS contact excel sheets for Coquille’s Restoration Celebration- Wrong numbers list, Completed vs In-completed surveys list, All Tribal members list

o Develop three week availability schedule for conducting BRFSS surveys

o Awaiting resolution tribe 6

o NPAIHB created flyer and postcard

o Conduct BRFSS surveys

• OHSU - Meeting with Amanda Brugel

o Planning Women’s health day

o HPV immunization , Cervical, Breast screening ideas

• NARCH grant

o Research class training

o Bios

o Planning meeting

• HPV project (national round table)

o Conference call

o Contract - updated and awaiting final

• HPV Oregon task group

o HPV Planning Committee Meeting - planning for October HPV conference

• HPV PRC project

o Developed environmental scans

o Awaiting ED signature to set up cost center and start billing

• California Wellness Conference

o Presentation preparation –

o Cancer navigation, resources, and after care summary

• 14th Annual Tobacco Documents Workshop Presentations – University of SF

o Putting the tobacco industry’s words to work for you, History of the documents

o Using tobacco industry documents to understand Philip Morris’s pursuit of US government regulation of tobacco

o Emerging Policy Issues: Using the tobacco documents for cutting edge research on Marijuana legalization and e-cigarettes

o Using the tobacco industry documents to mobilize communities

o Abolishing the sale of filtered cigarettes in California: how everyone wins (except the tobacco industry)

o Hands-on document demonstration and searching


o Meeting with Amanda Brugel

o Possible partnerships – Women’s health day

o Looking at data – implementing change

o HPV ideas

o OHSU - Dr. David Wetter

• Setting up site visit to Salish Cancer Center with partners at Legacy Survivorship Program

o July 27th

• SRI 2016 Week One Luncheon w/ Dr. John Spence Culture as prevention and treatment; SRI 2016 Week two luncheon w/ Dr. Amanda Bruegl- Endometrial cancer in Native women; SRI 2016 Week Three – Weave

• Meeting with NTCCP evaluator

o Discussion for cancer plan, evaluation, update

• IHS Community health aid Program information disseminated to CHRs

• EpiCenter grant application

o Information updated and submitted for inclusion in grant application

o Contacted 5 tribes for letters of support

• Submitted abstract for OPHA

o Cancer risky business

o Cultural competency component

• Lung Cancer Screening registry research

o Contacted CMS, and American College of Radiology for information

• United Indian Health Services request to borrow Kiki

• 2016 Northwest Tribal Clinicians’’ Cancer Update

o Follow-up with Legacy for CME paperwork completion

• Coordination of call regarding cancer treatment summaries from local cancer centers

o Better support for generation of cancer treatment summaries to empower AI/AN patients receiving them

• NPAIHB website transition and update

o Transitioning NTCCP materials to new website and restructuring of project information

o Setup of google search for additional information for individuals seeking resources not available on NPAIHB website

• Arthritis Program information – request for information based on new report of disparity in diagnosed rates

• Request for information on Cancer Infographic

• Draft Success Story for CDC Webiste

o Clinicians’ Cancer Update

• Lead wellness workouts

• Assist at the 6th Annual THRIVE Youth Conference- set up conference materials, registration, serve lunch, clean up conference materials

Conference / Webinar calls

• CDC project officer (2)

• CDC regional directors call (2)

• HPV-RT National Campaign Monthly Call

• CPCRN HPV Vaccination Workgroup Call (2)

• American Association for Cancer Education Board Conference Call (2)

• TPEP webinar: Prevention policies in the tobacco retail environment

Northwest Tribal Dental Support Center

Joe Finkbonner, Executive Director

Ticey Mason, Project Manager

Bonnie Bruerd, Prevention Consultant

Bruce Johnson, Clinical Consultant

Kathy Phipps, Epidemiology Consultant

The Northwest Tribal Dental Support Center (NTDSC) is in their 16th year of funding. The overall goals of NTDSC are to provide training, quality improvement, and technical assistance to the IHS/Tribal Dental programs, and to ensure that the services of the NTDSC result in measurable improvement in the oral health status of the AI/AN people served in the Portland Area. NTDSC activities are listed in categories corresponding to the current grant objectives.

Ensure quality and efficient care is provided in Portland Area dental programs through standardization of care and implementation of public health principles to improve dental access and oral health outcomes.

• Clinical and prevention site visits were provided this quarter for Nez Perce and an additional three site visits are planned for July and August. NTDSC has completed site visits, including reports, at five Portland Area dental programs this fiscal year.

• NTDSC staff and consultants are collaborating with the Dr. Cheryl Sixkiller, the new IHS Area Dental Consultant on future site visits and other grant objectives.

Expand and support clinical and community-based oral health promotion/ disease prevention initiatives in high-risk groups to improve oral health.

• NTDSC has expanded their collaboration with WA Dental Services Foundation (Delta Dental) to meet some identified mutual objectives. Eight dental programs are currently participating in the "Baby Teeth Matter" program that is aimed at increasing dental access for 0-5 year olds and reducing the number of children referred for dental work under general anesthesia. This program includes data collection, face to face and webinar meetings, and ongoing program evaluation. Data from the first year showed more than doubled increase in dental access for 0-5 year olds.

• Portland Area met all 3 dental GPRA objectives this past year.

• Quality Improvement objectives focused on prevention initiatives will be completed by dental program staff during the NTDSC annual meeting in July, 2016.

• NTDSC Prevention Consultant serves as the Portland Area dental representative on the national HP/DP Committee and the national Early Childhood Caries Committee.

Implement an Area-wide surveillance system to track oral health status.

Data from the surveillance system will be used to identify vulnerable populations and plan/evaluate clinical and community-based prevention programs.

• Portland Area completed the Basic Screening Survey for adults this fall, and the results were presented at the NPAIHB quarterly meeting in April 2016. This represents a significant effort from the 13 dental programs who participated in the survey and provides useful data for clinical and community-based program planning.

Provide continuing dental education to all Portland Area dental staff at a level that approaches state requirements.

• The annual Portland Area Dental Meeting will be July 19-21, 2016 at Suquamish, WA. An orientation session for new dentists and dental hygienists was offered on July 19th as part of the annual dental meeting. Additionally, the Portland Area Dental Directors and Baby Teeth Matter Initiative will have sessions following the general meeting.

• Two hours of continuing dental education are provided during site visits. NTDSC has completed four lunchtime webinars and will offer one more this fiscal year.

NTDSC consultants participate in email correspondence, national conference calls, and respond to all requests for input on local, Portland Area, and national issues.

Northwest Tribal Registry Project-Improving Data and Enhancing Access (IDEA)

Victoria Warren-Mears, P.I.

Sujata Joshi, Project Director

Monika Damron, Project Biostatistician

Jenine Dankovchik, Biostatistician

Email: IdeaNW@

Project news and activities

Monika Damron started as project biostatistician in April 2016. This quarter, we completed two data linkages with Washington death and hospital discharge records from 2014. We worked on finalizing and disseminating CHSDA-level cancer profiles to several of our 43 tribes; the rest of the profiles will be distributed in the next quarter. We presented an abstract on drug and alcohol over dose deaths at the CSTE 2016 annual conference. We continued responding to data requests and providing technical assistance to Tribes, NPAIHB projects, and other stakeholders.

Current status of data linkage, analysis, and partnership activities

• Northwest Tribal Registry (NTR) data linkages

o Washington Deaths 2014 (completed in-house)

o Washington CHARS 2014 records (completed in house)

• Tribal Health Profiles (THP) project

o No updates

• Cancer Registry Data and Cancer Fact Sheets

o Completed cleaning and coding Oregon State Cancer Registry data and started guidance document for coding cancer registry data

o Finalized CHSDA-level Tribal Cancer Profiles for most Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Tribes

• Death certificate Data

o Began cleaning and coding 2014 Washington Deaths data and writing “How To” document on coding Washington death certificates

• Substance Abuse Analysis

o Re-ran overdose deaths data using updated case definition, started on tables/figure and methods section for a manuscript

o Re-ran analyses for CSTE presentation on drug/alcohol overdose deaths in urban/rural counties

• Hospital discharge data

o Worked on cleaning and coding post-linkage 2014 CHARS records for inclusion in multi-year dataset

• GPRA Data

o Transferred FY 2015 clinic data to ID, OR, and WA spreadsheets

• GIS Projects

o Created geodatabases for some of the core layer files (tribal locations, states, counties) used for our maps

o Created interactive map for the new NPAIHB website

• Oregon Tobacco Fact Sheet Development

o Met with staff from Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to discuss indicators and potential data sources to include in joint fact sheet

o Ran analyses and began compiling preliminary statistics on population estimates, tobacco-related deaths, and tobacco-related cancers

• Data requests/Technical assistance

o Sent Eric Vinson data on tobacco-related cancers in Nez Perce CHSDA for a presentation

o Sent Chace Moleta data from OPHAT and US Census Bureau for presentation to Warm Springs tribal members

o Provided data on drug and alcohol-related hospitalizations and deaths for AI/AN in Whatcom County to Frank James (Nooksack Tribe)

o Provided feedback on data collection/analysis plan for a WeRNative social media grant

o Sent Jacob Phipps/Celeste Davis (IHS) a draft of 3-way DSA for Shoshone-Bannock environmental health profile

o Wrote up section on regional suicide surveillance plan for Suicide Prevention Research Hub Grant

• Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications and approvals/Protocol development

o Submitted and received updated DSA for CDRI linkages

o Submitted updated DSA for Oregon hospital discharge linkages

o Submitted continuation applications and study amendment requests for Washington CHARS/Deaths and WSCR linkages

o Submitted revised request for linkages with Idaho birth and death records

o Submitted annual progress report/continuation review application to Portland Area IRB

• Grant Administration and Reporting

o Completed and submitted OMH Y4 Progress report and Y5 continuation application

o Completed OMH PDS grant report for Year 4 Quarter 3

o Provided information for EpiCenter Competitive Application

▪ AI/AN population estimate

▪ Letters of support

▪ List of manuscripts and publications

• Collaborations with other programs and other activities

o Continued working with CSTE Tribal Epi Workgroup on data sharing manuscript - reviewed interim drafts and provided additional information to lead author

o Onboarding and project orientation for Monika

o Monika Completed SAS 1 and 2 Trainings

o Worked on revising IDEA-NW project page on new website

o Began planning/logistics work for Health Data Literacy Training in August

o Completed IHS trainings for EpiDataMart (EDM) access

o Completed/updated human subjects training

o Compiled and submitted documentation for NWTEC’s EDM access renewal (April and June)

Data dissemination

• Presented project update during our Office of Minority Health Bi-monthly call for grantees

• Victoria sent 16 completed tribal cancer profiles to tribal contacts

• Presented abstract “Drug and Alcohol-Related Deaths among Northwest American Indians and Alaska Native, 2006-2012” at 2016 CSTE Annual Conference



• None

Site visits

• None

Meetings, Trainings, and Conferences

• ArcGIS 2: Essential Workflows – Monika (Olympia, WA) 4/27-4/29

• SAS Programming 2 – Monika (Chicago, IL) 5/24-28

• ArcGIS IV: Sharing Content on the Web – Sujata (Olympia, WA) 6/9-10

• CSTE Annual Conference - Sujata (Anchorage, AK) 6/19-6/23

Other Meetings, Calls and Trainings

• CSTE Tribal Epi Sub-committee Meeting 4/5

• OMH bi-monthly conference call 4/8, 6/3

• Call w/ Liz Knaster re: consulting 4/14

• Presentation on Siletz tribal history and basketry 4/14

• Meeting with OHA HPCDP re: tobacco fact sheet 4/15

• ArcGIS Building Geodatabases Training 5/3-5/5

• Chronic Disease GIS Roundtable Call 5/17

• Meeting with Celeste and Jacob re: Environmental Health Profiles 5/27

• Meeting with Dr. Freemantle 6/8

• GIS Projects Internal Meeting 6/16

• Health Data Literacy Training Planning Meeting 6/24

• OMH Evaluation Call 6/27

• Summer Research Institute Intermediate Biostatistics Course 6/27-6/30

Data reports, fact sheets, and presentations are posted to our project website as they are completed:

Please feel free to contact us any time with specific data requests.

Email: sjoshi@ or IdeaNW@

Phone: (503) 416-3261

THRIVE (Tribal Health: Reaching out InVolves Everyone)

Colbie Caughlan, Project Manager

Celena McCray, Project Coordinator

Site Visits

Tribal Site Visits

• Tulalip Tribes – April 22

• Spokane Tribes – May 18-20

• Grand Ronde – May 25

• Burns Paiute – June 1-2

• Skokomish – June 21

• Suquamish – June 23

Out of Area Tribal Site Visits

• American Association for Suicidology’s (AAS)Annual Conference, Chicago, IL – April 1-3

• SAMHSA GLS Grantee Meeting, Washington, D.C. – May 1-4

Technical Assistance & Training

During the quarter, project staff:

▪ Participated in 66 meetings and conference calls with program partners.

▪ Disseminated 60+ boxes of the new Two-Spirit. Accepted and Loved. #WeNeedYouHere. and LGBTQ. Accepted and Loved. #WeNeedYouHere. campaign for AI/ANs.

▪ All three Healing of the Canoe tribal subcontract sites have begun the HOC curriculum and project surveys during this quarter and the second site completed their 20 person recruitment number.

▪ Staff organized and presented a virtual Alliance meeting via Adobe Connect meeting on May 11 for approximately 14 participants currently working for Tribes and tribal organizations.

▪ Two tribes have received Zero Suicide training at their clinics under the IHS MSPI funding and the third is scheduled for September 27.

During the quarter, THRIVE provided or participated in the following presentations and trainings:

▪ Presentations (6)– Presented on Zero Suicide in NW Tribes, at the American Association for Suicidology’s annual conference, 7 attendees; the Zero Suicide model in Tribal clinics at the GLS grantee meeting, about 81 attendees; We R Native, focusing on Suicide Prevention, at the ATNI mid-year conference with about 80 attendees; Oregon 9 Tribes Suicide Prevention Quarterly Meeting, gave updates on THRIVE and the social marketing campaign, about 25 attendees; Suicide Prevention Resources and Social Marketing campaigns at the Native Youth Community of Care Conference, 30 attendees (17 youth) and; Skokomish Suicide Prevention Meeting re: Suicide prevention resources, materials, opportunities, 28 attendees

▪ Facilitation/Training (5) – ASIST workshop for the Tulalip Tribes, 6 participants; Adobe connect Native Adolescent Health Alliance meeting with 14 participants; Zero Suicide Training under the SASP grant for Spokane Tribes with Dr. Ursula Whiteside; QPR gatekeeper training, 21 participants, Skokomish, WA and; QPR gatekeeper training, 21 participants from Chief Kitsap Academy

▪ Booth (2) – THRIVE materials were shared at the GLS Grantee Showcase and had at least 50 people stopped by the booth and at the 6th Annual THRIVE Conference for 55+ Native youth

During the quarter, the THRIVE project responded to 265 phone or email requests for suicide, bullying, or media campaign-related technical assistance, trainings, or presentations.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

THRIVE Media Campaign: All THRIVE promotional materials are available on the web. Loved & Accepted materials include: two posters, informational rack card and tip card, t-shirts, radio PSAs, and 4 Lived Experience videos.

The next expansion of the suicide prevention campaign is being developed to reach the LGBTQ2S population and will launch for PRIDE month in June 2016.

MSPI - Gen-I Messages: Number/Reach of We R Native Facebook messages addressing…

• Suicide = 11 posts, 376,400 people reached

• Mental health = 117 posts, 70,237 people reached

• Substance prevention = 6 posts, 475,304 people reached

• Youth leadership/empowerment = 44 posts, 283,906 people reached

Other Administrative Responsibilities

Staff Meetings

▪ EpiCenter meetings

▪ All-staff meetings

▪ Project Director meetings

▪ Wellness Committee – monthly meetings and events


▪ None during this reporting period.


▪ Submitted reports to the NPAIHB

Administrative Duties

▪ Budget tracking and maintenance: Ongoing.

▪ Managed Project Invoices: Ongoing.

▪ Staff/Intern oversight and annual evaluations: Ongoing.

▪ Managed Project Subcontracts: Ongoing

Wellness for Every American Indian to View and Achieve Health Equity (WEAVE)

Victoria Warren-Mears, Principal Investigator

Jessica Marcinkevage, Epidemiologist

Jenine Dankovchik, Evaluation Coordinator

Nora Alexander, Health Educator/Communication Spec.

Birdie Wermy, National Evaluation Specialist


Start Date Short Summary WEAVE-NW Staff External Partners

04/01/16 FGC Monthly Meeting NA Future Generations Collaboration

04/04/16 All staff meeting NA, VWM, RS, NY, BW

04/04/16 GHWIC Annual Meeting in Klamath, CA RS, NY

04/04/16 monthly all staff NA, JD, JM, VWM, RS, NY,


04/04/16 Review workplan with Carmen at Quinault JD Quinault Indian Nation

04/05/16 Shoshone-Bannock collaboration and networking with NY Shoshone-Bannock WEAVE Team

other tribes

04/06/16 GHWIC Klamath Meeting NY Nooksack

04/07/16 Met to discuss NextGen training JD

04/08/16 Policy Issues in Indian Country NA

04/11/16 Strategic Planning NA

04/11/16 Tribal planning TPEP RS Oregon Health Authority

04/13/16 WEAVE check in JD, RS, NY

04/13/16 Discussed potential collaboration with Future NA, JD, NY Future Generations Collaborative

Generations Collaborative

04/13/16 Strategic Planning NA

04/13/16 WEAVE Team Meeting NA, JD, RS, NY

04/14/16 GHWIC all hands call NA, JD, VWM, NY, BW CDC, UIHI

04/14/16 Wellness Committee Meeting NA

04/14/16 CDC GHWIC All Hands ECHO Session NA, JD, RS, NY

04/15/16 WEAVE Team meeting NA, JD, RS, NY

04/15/16 Review workplan with Skokomish JD Skokomish

04/15/16 OHA Tobacco Fact Sheet Meeting RS, NY Oregon Health Authority

04/18/16 Grantee Led Workgroup- Pregnancy and Tobacco Use RS Oregon TPEP

04/18/16 GHWIC- Leadership meeting with Umatilla NY

04/20/16 Quarterly Board Meeting NA

04/21/16 million hearts RS Cow Creek Tribal Health Clinic

04/21/16 GHWIC C2 call JD, VWM, NY, BW

04/22/16 Tobacco Yearly Workplan/Coquille training TPEP planning RS

04/26/16 Evaluation tools available from UIHI NY UIHI

04/27/16 GIS mapping website capabilities NY

04/27/16 Review workplan with Grand Ronde JD GRH&W

04/27/16 Check-in with Lummi JD, NY Lummi Nation

04/27/16 GHWIC Evaluation TEC call JD UIHI

04/27/16 Met with Yellowhawk discussed CHA strategy and BOT NY


04/28/16 Discussed policy and environmental scan NY National Indian Health Board

04/28/16 WEAVE Team Workplan Review NA, JD, NY

05/05/16 Leadership Meeting with Coach VWM, NY Yellowhawk

05/06/16 FGC Monthly Meeting NA Future Generations Collaborative

05/09/16 Yellowhawk Support and evaluation VWM, NY, BW Yellowhawk tribal clinic

05/09/16 Hood to Coast Team Meeting NA, RS, NY

05/12/16 Wellness Committee Meeting NA, VWM

05/17/16 WTDP Conference Prep NA

05/17/16 Check-in phone call with Port Gamble NA, NY Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe

05/18/16 WEAVE-NW Sub-awardee overview NA, NY

05/19/16 CowCreek Million Hearts RS Northwest Healthy Hearts

05/19/16 GHWIC monthly C2 call NA, RS, NY CDC

05/19/16 Indian Day Committee NA

05/23/16 WEAVE intro with NAWDIM NA Native American Women's Dialog on

Infant Mortality

05/23/16 Community Workshop Planning Meeting with FGC NA, RS Future Generations Collaborative

05/24/16 Coquille - review workplan and new H2N Million Hearts NY Coquille


05/26/16 WEAVE-NW Update and Budget Meeting NA, JD, NY

05/26/16 WTDP Conference Debrief meeting NA

05/26/16 WEAVE-NW Update Call with all sub-awardees NA, RS

05/26/16 Check-in Call with Lummi NA, JD, NY Lummi Nation

06/03/16 Million Hearts Cowcreek program and clinic indicators JD, RS

06/06/16 All staff meeting NA, VWM, RS, NY, BW

06/10/16 WEAVE-NW check-in NA, JD, RS, NY

06/13/16 Update call with Nooksack NA, JD, NY

06/15/16 Update call with Swinomish NA, JD, NY

06/15/16 Check in call with new Quinault sub-awardee staff NA, JD, NY Quinault

06/15/16 NAYA workshop JD NAYA

06/16/16 H2N Million Hearts Cow Creek RS

06/16/16 GHWIC C2 monthly call JD, VWM, NY, BW CDC, UIHI

06/16/16 GIS internal meeting JD, NY

06/24/16 Health Data Literacy Training - Planning JD, NY

06/29/16 H2N Million Hearts Coquille Tribal Health RS, NY

06/30/16 Discussion of upcoming Youth Tobacco Prevention RS Lummi Tobacco Program


Total number of meetings this quarter: 66

Site Visits

Date(s) Tribe Short Summary WEAVE-NW Staff

04/11/16 Coquille Tribe Review Workplan and discuss next steps NY

04/13/16 Umatilla Tribe Tribal Health Worker Training Meeting 1 RS

04/20/16 Nez Perce Tribe GHWIC Update NA

05/10/16 Coquille Tribe Clinical Site visit/BRFFS update JM, RS

05/10/16 Cow Creek Tribe Cow Creek evaluation and workplan support NY

05/31/16 - 04/22/15 Coquille Tribe Healthy Hearts Northwest - Orientation RS

06/08/16 Muckleshoot Tribe Initial site visit with sub-awardee NA, JD

06/23/16 Klamath Tribe Site visit to see project updates and review workplan & NA

eval plan

Total number of site visits this quarter: 8


Date Given: 4/7/2016 Type: Tribal Meeting Presentation

Title: Demystifying Evaluation

Presented at: Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country Annual

Location: Klamath, CA


Date Given: 4/20/2016 Type: Tribal Community Presentation (include QBMs)

Title: WEAVE-NW Quarterly Update

Presented at: QBM

Location: Lewiston, ID


Date Given: 5/11/2016 Type: Tribal Community Presentation (include QBMs)

Title: NW Native Adolescent Alliance Meeting- WEAVE-NW Introduction

Presented at: NW Native Adolescent Alliance Meeting

Location: NPAIHB


Date Given: 6/13/2016 Type: Tribal Community Presentation (include QBMs)

Title: AI/AN Commercial Tobacco and Pregnancy

Presented at: American Indian Health Commission's 4th Annual Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Health and Home Visiting Summit

Location: Tulalip, Washington


Date Given: 6/15/2016 Type: Tribal Meeting Presentation


Presented at: NARCH Summer Research Institute Community-based Participatory Research Class

Location: Portland, OR


Date Given: 6/22/2016 Type: Tribal Meeting Presentation

Title: WEAVE-NW Overview

Presented at: NARCH Summer Research Institute Luncheon Series

Location: Portland, OR


Date Given: 6/23/2016 Type: Tribal Meeting Presentation

Title: Program Evaluation - WEAVE-NW

Presented at: NARCH Summer Research Institute Program Planning Class

Location: Portland, OR


Total number of presentations given this quarter: 7

Professional Development

Date Title WEAVE-NW Staff Topics

04/20/16 - 04/20/16 Community Food Systems in Native Communities: JD Obesity, Nutrition, PSE

Incorporating Traditional Foods in Child Nutrition

Program Menus

04/19/16 - 04/19/16 Designing for Evaluation JD Evaluation

04/14/16 - 04/14/16 Siletz Cultural History JD Other training topic

04/01/16 - 04/01/16 Oregon Program Evaluation Network Conference JD Evaluation

06/22/16 - 06/22/16 Protecting Two Million Deep: A Dive into Smokefree RS Tobacco

Multi-Unit Housing

05/05/16 - 05/07/16 Truth Initive Tobacco documents training RS Tobacco, Health Literacy

06/13/16 - 06/17/16 Summer Research Institute: Epidemiology 1 NA Epidemiology/Analysis

06/10/16 - 06/10/16 The Little Red Engine That Could: using population data NA, JD, NY PSE, Health Literacy,

linkage to make the invisible, visible in Aboriginal Epidemiology/Analysis

maternal, infant and child health

05/11/16 - 05/13/16 Performing Analysis GIS Training NY Epidemiology/Analysis, Evaluation

05/10/16 - 05/10/16 Oregon Nutrition Day: Why We Eat What We Eat NA, RS, BW CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes,


05/02/16 - 05/04/16 Fertile Ground II: Growing Seeds for Native Health NA Nutrition, PSE, Coalition Building,

Other training topic

Total number of professional development activities this quarter: 11

Technical Assistance Given

Start Date: 04/05/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Guidance to analyze their own data

Tribe(s) Assisted: Non-NPAIHB (Alaska EpiCenter)

Topics Covered: Data


Start Date: 04/05/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: C1 and Sub-awardee tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 04/11/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Colville

Topics Covered: Data


Start Date: 04/11/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Klamath

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/13/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: C1 and sub-awardee Tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 04/13/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Policy development

Tribe(s) Assisted: Colville

Topics Covered: Data


Start Date: 04/15/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Skokomish

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/15/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Quinault

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/15/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Swinomish

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/19/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: C1 and sub-awardee tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 04/20/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Siletz

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/20/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Port Gamble S'Klallam

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/21/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Survey design & implementation

Tribe(s) Assisted: Grand Ronde

Topics Covered: Data, Evaluation


Start Date: 04/25/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Swinomish

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 04/26/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: C1 and sub-awardee tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 04/27/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Grand Ronde

Topics Covered: Data, Evaluation


Start Date: 04/29/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Evaluation planning

Tribe(s) Assisted: Shoshone-Bannock

Topics Covered: Evaluation


Start Date: 05/03/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: Sub-awardees and Component 1 Tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 05/03/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Provided fact sheet

Tribe(s) Assisted: Grand Ronde

Topics Covered:


Start Date: 05/10/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: Sub-awardee and Component 1 Tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 05/16/16 Method: Other (specify) Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: Yakima, Tulalip, Shoalwater bay, Spokane, Quinault, Swinomish, SPIPA

Topics Covered: Tobacco


Start Date: 05/17/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: Sub-awardee and component 1 tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 05/19/16 Method: Other (specify) Type of Assistance: Health education

Tribe(s) Assisted: Port Gamble S'Klallam

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco


Start Date: 05/26/16 Method: Other (specify) Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Klamath

Topics Covered: PSE


Start Date: 05/31/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Sharing Resources;

Tribe(s) Assisted: Sub-awardee and component 1 tribes

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 05/31/16 Method: Phone Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Quinault

Topics Covered:


Start Date: 06/01/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: One-off analysis of our data for Tribe

Tribe(s) Assisted: Chehalis

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Diabetes


Start Date: 06/02/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Analysis of Tribe's own data

Tribe(s) Assisted: Umatilla

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, Physical Activity


Start Date: 06/13/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Analysis of Tribe's own data

Tribe(s) Assisted: CTUIR

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Tobacco, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity, Data


Start Date: 06/17/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Quinault

Topics Covered:


Start Date: 06/20/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Internal

Topics Covered: Data


Start Date: 06/28/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: One-off analysis of our data for Tribe

Tribe(s) Assisted: Chehalis

Topics Covered: Data


Start Date: 06/29/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: RPMS/EHR support

Tribe(s) Assisted: Coquille

Topics Covered: PSE, Data


Start Date: 06/30/16 Method: Email Type of Assistance: Other (specify)

Tribe(s) Assisted: Muckleshoot

Topics Covered:


Total number of times technical assistance was given this quarter: 34

Trainings Given

Start Date: 4/26/2016 Training Length: 1-2 hours Training Format: Webinar

Title of Training: Wellness at Work

Topics Covered: PSE, Physical Activity


Start Date: 6/28/2016 Training Length: 1-2 hours Training Format: Webinar

Title of Training: Planting the Seeds for a Thriving Community Garden

Topics Covered: CVD/Stroke, Obesity, Diabetes, Nutrition, PSE, Physical Activity


Total number of trainings given this quarter: 2

Sub-Award Tribe Summary

• 14 Tribes have WEAVE-NW sub-awards to address chronic disease prevention and managment

• 6 worked on Community Health Assessments, 4 on Community Action Planning

• 9 worked on Policy Development, most commonly for

o Developing nutrition standards, particularly in childcare and school settings

o Increasing opportunities for physical activity

• 10 worked on Built Environment change, most commonly

o Community or school gardens

o New opportunities for community members to engage in physical activity

o Restoration of traditional plant habitats (food or medicine)

• 11 worked on Health System change, most commonly:

o Increased access to health education

o Team-based care

o Community-clinical linkages

o Improving the clinic’s ability to record and monitor patient data for decision making

Western Tribal Diabetes Project

Kerri Lopez, Director

Don Head, Project Specialist

Erik Kakuska, Project Specialist

Special projects

• Native Fitness XIII

o Another email blast to SDPI programs

o Meeting with N7 team

o Registrations and confirmation emails

o Logistics for contractors

o Ordering supplies for NF13

o Meeting set up with TWC coordinator

o Added hotel

o Registration developed – sent out to SDPI programs and participants

o Contact with new N7 assistant

o Native Fitness XIII - NAFC workshop titles

o Checking on status of rooms for existing hotels

• Post DMS NW Gathering

o Thank you for round table facilitators sent

o Summarization of poster session at DM conference

o Summary of evaluations compiled

▪ All evaluations positive

• NextGen – slowly moving

o License through tribe will not work – no training data available

o Would have to buy license

o Pay provider license of $399 per month to have training server

o Working on next steps

• WTDP new contract application request

o May invoice submitted

o Report for contract submitted

▪ Template created to utilize

• Washington State Diabetes Conference Seattle WA

o Plenary session – DPP program success

o Insurance coverage for prevention reimbursement

o Break out groups – un and under insured population

• Creative Design

• Indian Day marketing (ie, web design, flyers, social media)

• weRnative logo design TA

• Coquille – BRFSS flyer and postcard

• SDPI contact list – created updated list for all SDPI grantees

o DM coordinators, TLDC lists

• Working with IHS to get the User Pop and Workload figures for Sauk-Suiattle, by configuring report for uploading data to the National Data Warehouse

• Created SDPI System Outcomes spreadsheet from the SOS information that programs submitted

• Updated the Western Tribal Diabetes Project content for the new website

• Scope of Work for EpiCenter grant: all activities of WTDP in the last two years, including trainings, participants, site visits, NW gathering, and technical assistance

o Submitted staff resumes

• Wrote description and activities of WTDP for EpiCenter grant

• IHS OIT Partnership Conference (sessions attended)

o Suicide Data Documentation and Reporting in Resource and PMS (RPMS)

o Implementation of the Personal Health Record (PHR)

o VA Reimbursements: From Eligibility to Payment for Health Care Services

o Troubleshooting RPMS Demo

o RPMS Network Updates (Health Information Exchange, Master Patient Index, Direct Messaging & Personal Health Record)

o Solutions in Care: Electronic Transmissions, Imports, and Clinical Information Reconciliation Clinical Reporting System Demo; iCare Demo; CQM Demo

o The Legal Health Record and Records Management

o Shi’ Sha’: What About Me? Customer Service

o RPMS Network Updates

Trainings / Site Visit

• Regional DM conference setup – May 24th and 25th

o 30 registered – 27 attended

▪ 17 tribes

o Round table sessions

o Poster board presentation

o Final request for billing

o Excellent evaluations

• Preparation for DMS training

o Create USB drives for participants, print off handouts and assemble packets

o DMS evaluations after training

• Diabetes Training

o Motivational interviewing session

o Darryl Tonemah

• Assisted DDTP with Northwest Tribes submitting their SDPI Outcomes System Data

o All NW tribes on the SOS report

• Regional DMS Class June 2nd-4th 2016

o 20 registered – 17 attended

o 17 tribes

• Sauk-Suiattle

o TA on updating patient information into NDW for establishing user populations number for SDPI grant IHS

Technical Assistance

• Grand Ronde: ta to enter Est. GFR values to update their numbers. Ta check on taxonomies, and to ask the lab people how they enter eGFRs. Ta to IHS PAO DIRM, so they could add the lab test

• Lower Elwha: ta to find patients that were due for DM education. Ta on instructions on running the Follow-Up Report in the DMS,7

• Quinault: TA regarding ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes; how to capture both without inputting the entire list; taxonomy [SURVEILLENCE DIABETES; ta on SDPI report – request for HSR

• Sauk-Suiattle: TA setting up a new DM register, as well as learning how to upload user population with Office Ally interface

• Skokomish, THD request, ta on SDPI grant; sent HSR for most recent numbers

• Swinomish, ta to find patients who have not had an eye exam; do that in QMAN, ta to set up the template

• Warm Springs: ta finding patients in the DM register that are active who have not received case management in 2016

• IHS, ta request for the number of SDPI grantees we have in the Northwest


• All Staff meeting (3)

• Project directors meeting (3)

• NPAIHB NW NARCH Luncheon Presentation Series w/ Dr. Amanda Bruegel, OHSU

o Endometrial cancer in AI/AN women

• Dr. Erik Brodt, OHSU

o Using digital media for recruiting AI/AN health professionals

• Brown bag - Taking care of yourself with natural medicine

• Meeting OHSU Dr. Don Kain

o CDC dpp curriculum

o Discussion of upcoming trainings

o Setting up a training for tribal programs

• Staff meeting –


Conference Calls:

• SDPI Q&A Webinar

• IHS SDPI DPP preliminary outcomes from implementation (10 years experience)

o How to incorporate the Native Lifestyle Balance Curriculum

o accompanying diabetes prevention activities into care for patients at risk for diabetes

o document their program and participant successes

• Diabetes data project –

• Pregnancy and tobacco

• Oregon Diabetes Prevention Programs – CDC recognized dpp program

• SDPI Q&A Webinar



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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