Questions Part I:What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, which causes the immune system to weaken which can lead to infectious diseases such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. List and explain the major routs of HIV transmissionBlood- If infected blood is present during any sexual intercourse then HIV can be transmitted. Sharing infected needles can also transmit HIV. Vaginal and cervical secretions- During any form of sexual intercourse (including oral sex) cervical/seminal/vaginal fluid getting through the surface of the skin can be transmitted. Breast milk- Ingesting infected breast milk Mother to fetus- From mother to child, during any time of the pregnancy. What does seropositive mean and how is a person tested for HIV?A seropositive test means your blood tested positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in a blood serum test. The way a person is tested for HIV is by the nucleic acid test, which uses a swab, and a urine test. What are some symptoms associated with acute phase of HIV infection? What are some symptoms of AIDS?Acute phase of HIV symptoms:Low grade feverSwollen glandsSore throatSkin rashMuscle and joint painHeadaches and MalaiseGastrointestinal upsetGenital UlcersSymptoms of AIDS:Cough and shortness of breathSeizures and lack of coordinationDifficult or painful swallowingMental symptoms such as confusion and forgetfulnessSevere and persistent diarrheaFeverVision lossNausea, abdominal cramps, and vomitingWeight loss and extreme fatigueSevere headaches with neck stiffnessComaWhat benefits are associated with Magic Johnson’s announcement concerning his HIV-positive status? What risks or drawbacks can you think of associated with his announcement?The benefits associated with Magic Johnson’s announcement was that we learned a lot about HIV because back then people thought HIV could be transmitted in many ways that are not possible. Johnson also helping communities deal with issues such as his, was a huge benefit. The drawback associated with his announcement was the enormous shock the results hit people just because he was a famous NBA player.Questions Part II:What is meant by this virus load?It shows how the T-cells compare with the HIV RNA Copies per Plasma. Unchecked HIV. It shows the immune system from Weeks to Years, also how HIV affects the person during time.2. Which targets would be most effective in blocking HIV infection? Which targets would be least effective?The target that would be most effective in blocking HIV is trying for the HIV infection not entering the cell by the virus not being able to penetrate. So either killing the HIV infection before entering the human cell or making the cell stronger for the HIV not being able to enter the cell. The least effective targets would be no action for the HIV to penetrate the cell. 3. Why were Magic Johnson’s viral load levels undetectable?The reasons Johnson’s viral levels were undetectable was because once the HIV is in the host cell, the virus releases the RNA that comprise the HIV genome. Therefore when going into step 5 the HIV proteins assembles with the components that are necessary for the host cell to produce new virus particles. Furthermore the body will already be fighting the virus because of the cells being produced. -942975171454. What is the advantage of using multiple targets during HAART?The advantages are trying to keep the virus under control. The dugs they use block the targets in the HIV life cycle. Do you agree with the statement “The drugs he takes are available to everyone”?The question is vague. It depends what person is going to get the drugs. Of course, if the drugs cost money then no, they will not be able to receive the drugs. On the other hand the drugs are only for people suffering with the HIV infection. It depends. a. What impact will Johnson have on how HIV- positive people are viewed? b. What influence will he have on the future of GlaxoSmithKline?c. On other HIV-positive African-Americans?d. What are your ethical aspects of Johnson being a spokesperson for GlaxoSmithKline?The impact will be his strong will for fighting the HIV. Although he was an NBA all-star game he decided to establish the Magic Johnson Foundation to help other people, instead of himself; to inspire by helping communities with issues such as; his dedication to help others fight for their lives. The influence will be the experience he had and the effect on his life.No matter what race anyone can fight for their lives no matter what situation.I believe the influence and impact towards people suffering with HIV-positive using Johnson as a spokesperson is a good idea. Johnson knows how to help people and he has done it with his foundation. He is an impact to the effort regarding HIV. ................

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