Help Sheet for Midterm, October 2004

Help Sheet for N405 Final Exam 2012

The final exam will be comprised of 100 multiple choice and two out of three short answer questions. The multiple choice questions are worth 80 points and the short answers are worth 20 points.


Also Student Class presentation material!

Renal and Bladder Disorders

Kidneys: major functions of the kidney. Changes related to aging.

Common hormones ADH; aldersterone, erythropoietin & rennin-Angiotension

Renal and Bladder disorders: calculi,;(ESWL, lithropsy) upper and lower urinary tract infections, neoplasms, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, UTI’s, , urinary stones; Diagnostic tests for each type of DX; ESWL; acute and acute & chronic renal failure, hemo (AV fistula & care of) and peritoneal dialysis . Etiology, risk factors, complications, assessment, diagnostic tests (cystoscopy, renal biopsy, urinalysis, BUN, Cr), Renal biopsy nursing care; medical and nursing management, prevention. & surgeries. Nephrotoxic drugs & common drugs for treating renal pain & spasms. Treatment for hyper and hypokalemia.; hormones (Renin, Alderstrone & ADH) functions

Kidney transplant

Terms anuria, dysuria, polyuria (etc)

Catheter care

End-stage-renal failure

Human Sexuality

Knowledge of basic concepts related to sexuality, sexual and reproductive health. Common diagnostic examinations such as SBE, Pap smear, mammograms, testicular and rectal exams, PSA levels.

Sexually transmitted disease: etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, risk factors, prevention, assessment, most common types of STDs (gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, genital herpes, genital warts, HIV) & vaginal infection Treatment and complications.

Menopause, HRT

Rape (nursing care of the client, rape kit complication)

Male Reproductive Disorders

Prostate, scrotal and penile disorders. Etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, risk factors, assessment, medical and surgical management of BPH. (ex. Radical prostatectomy). Complications of BPH and treatments. Post operative care following TUR, care of CBI (continuous bladder irrigation).

Prostatitis: etiology, manifestations, treatment

Prostate cancer: risk factors, assessment, medical and surgical management, nursing care, complications of cancer and treatments.

Testicular and scrotal disorders: tumors, detection (self-testicular exam), risk factors, diagnosis and treatment (medical, surgical). Testicular torsion, orchitis, epididymitis: etiology, treatment, nursing management, complications. Varicocele, epididymitis, hdyrocele, prostatitis

Female Reproductive Disorders:

Menstrual disorders, PMS, abnormal uterine bleeding (Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, dysmennorhea, amenorrhea), menopause, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis.

Abd hysterectomy & nursing care & complications associated with pelvic surgery

Estrogen replacement therapy (pros & cons), hot flashes

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Pathophysiology, risk factors, manifestations, complications, and collaborative care of clients with fractures. Cast care, (moving/drying) cast syndrome, compartment syndrome, & other complications with casts.

fat embolism; pulmonary embolism; DVT; muscle spasms

Traction types, benefits of each, Nursing management

Nursing needs of client undergoing total hip or knee replacement( Pre-post-op care); Post op complications following orthopedic surgery. Etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, prevention and management of clients with osteoporosis.

Etiology, pathophysiology, manifestations, complications and collaborative care of clients with arthritis (RA & Osteo).,gout, lupus, ASA meds, prednisone; allopurinol.

Amputations of the knee & leg; stump care, phantom limb pain; & Nsg Management; fat embolus; THR; positioning, care of;

Chest Trauma

Complications of chest trauma/injury. Clinical manifestations and treatment.

Pathophysiology, assessment, medical and nursing management of pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, pnemothorax (open, closed, tension), hemopneumothorax, pleural effusion, flail chest.

Indications and care of the client with chest tubes, cardiac tamponade, Chest tubes

Best of Luck!


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