CJC Reentry Subcommittee meeting: May 21, 2007

Sex Offender Management Board Summary Minutes

March 31, 2014

The SOMB met at the House Hearing Room on the 2nd Floor of Legislative Hall in Dover, on March 31, 2014. Present at the meeting were:

Board Members or Designees:

Chair: Commissioner Rob Coupe Vice Chair: Cheri Will

Melanie Lahutsky Secretary Lewis Schiliro Marie Graham

Col. Nathaniel McQueen Capt. Ralph Davis Alan Grinstead

Lisa Minutola Jay Lynch Judge William Nicholas

Peggy Bell Francesca Stasko Bob Gingrich

Daniel Cherneski Valerie Marek John Sadowski

Interested Parties:

Rep. Donald Blakey Drew Fennell Pat Maichle

Stacey Huffman Tim Collins Sara Parchem

Kai-Stefan Fountain Robert Dick Tara Busterd

Andrea Sullivan Philisa Weidlein-Crist Heidi Holloway

CJC Staff: Valarie Tickle

The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:35 p.m. The minutes from the February 24, 2014 meeting were approved as written.

The Board discussed the Sex Offender Myth Busters document. Valarie has not had a chance to complete this task. Valarie will schedule a meeting with the Housing Subcommittee to work on both the victim and offender myth document. Once a final draft is complete, the document will be brought back to the Board for a final vote. The final approved version will then be added to the SOMB website and shared with the community. Any comments, suggestions and additions should be emailed to Valarie Tickle.

Jay Lynch provided members with an update on the CASOM grant that provides housing assistance for sex offenders. A total of 60 clients have benefited from the project.

The Legislative Subcommittee provided the Board with an update. Representative Blakey circulated the legislation drafted to bring local ordinances into line with the 500ft State rule. The legislation did not receive much attention to date. The Board came to a consensus that it may be best to table the local ordinance legislation until next legislative session. The Legislative Subcommittee then reported on the following bills:

HB256 – “This Act will make changes to Delaware’s law prohibiting Sexual Solicitation of a Child to ensure the safety of Delaware’s children from sexual predators, including the persons that promote sexual solicitation of a child and the persons that solicit children.”

The Legislative subcommittee recommended the Board support HB256. The SOMB voted to accept the recommendation and support HB256. It should be noted that the Public Defender’s Office took no position.

SB98 – “Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 12 add a criminal background check requirement and prohibit licensure of individuals with a conviction for a felony sexual offense seeking licensure as podiatrists, chiropractors, physicians, occupational therapists, optometrists, physical therapists, athletic trainers, speech pathologists, audiologists and hearing aid dispensers.”

The Legislative subcommittee did not reach a consensus and recommended the Board take no position on SB98. The SOMB voted to accept the recommendation and take no position on SB98.

HB260 – “This bill adds to the existing crime of Violation of Privacy additional prohibited conduct related to the non-consensual dissemination of visual depictions containing nudity or sexual acts, conduct popularly referred to as “revenge porn”.”

The Legislative subcommittee did not reach a consensus and recommended the Board take no position on HB260. The SOMB voted to accept the recommendation and take no position on HB260.

The group reviewed SB113 regarding retroactivity and tier designation. The bill gives the Board of Parole discretion in designating tiers for retro cases with the ability to appeal to Superior Court. Board members further discussed retroactivity and statutory registration. A motion was made and seconded to support SB113. Board members voted with 15 members in support and 1 abstention. The motion passed.

Lisa agreed to prepare the letters for the Legislature on the bills the SOMB voted to support.

Jay Lynch informed members that the credentialing regulations have been finalized and take effect April 11, 2014. Credentialing of providers will now begin to take place. Jay will draft and distribute a notice detailing the process. Applications will be sent to a newly established SOMB email. Jay Lynch and Valarie Tickle will both receive email sent to the SOMB address. CJC may be able to assist in tracking and processing the submitted applications.

A member of the public raised a question regarding the SOMB’s communication with the Town of Milton. The Attorney General’s Office remains in contact with Milton and the SOMB minutes are made available to the public. Another member of the public sought some clarification from the Board on SB113. He then made note that listing employment on the public registry makes finding and securing jobs very difficult.

Valarie reported that she is working with the Delaware State Police to complete the Implementation of the Adam Walsh Act grant application.

Adjournment: The SOMB regularly meets the last Monday of each month at 1:30pm. The next meeting will be April 28th. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Valarie Tickle


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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