February 22, 2005 - Colorado

September 29, 2015

The Logan County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present constituting a quorum of the members thereof:

Rocky L. Samber Chairman

David G. Donaldson Commissioner

Gene A. Meisner Commissioner

Also present:

Alan Samber Logan County Attorney

Pamela M. Bacon Logan County Clerk

Marie Granillo Logan County Deputy Clerk

Rob Quint Logan County Planning and Zoning

Les Copass

Dave Tennant Logan County Coroner

Judy Nierling L.C.C.O.C.

John Bacon

Leonard Mari

Traci Griffee Logan County Deputy Clerk

Margaret Ann Frick Logan County Deputy Clerk

Tanna Prince Logan County Deputy Clerk

Kim Weingardt Logan County Deputy Clerk

Julie Kulbe Cook Logan County Deputy Clerk

Michelle Memmer Logan County Deputy Clerk

Lisa Wolever Logan County Deputy Treasurer

Virginia Hoffman Logan County Deputy Treasurer

Janet McLaughlin Logan County Deputy Treasurer

Wendell Sonnenberg

Mat Chrisp Logan County Landfill

Diana Korbe Logan County Finance Office

Patty Bartlett Logan County Treasurer

Debbie Unrein Logan County Finance Office

Shantel Sator Logan County Sheriff’s Office

Sally Torres Logan County Sheriff’s Office

Bryan Clark Logan County Sheriff’s Office

Cody Adams Logan County OEM

Josh Asmus Community Business Owner

Valerie Richards Logan County Department of Human Services

Galen Konken

Riste Capps

Brett Powell Logan County Sheriff

Allan Pierce Logan County Under Sheriff

Shane Schlessie

Alex Eckhardt Logan County Sheriff Office

Ron Robirds

Michael Archer Logan County Sheriff Office

Jim Mathies Logan County Road and Bridge

Brad Segelke Logan County Road and Bridge

Ed Koester Logan County Road and Bridge

Syd Stevens Logan County Road and Bridge

Dorothy Unrein N.E. Broadcasting

Julie Lively Logan County Commissioner Office

Kurt Welsh

Joe Mcbride Logan County Sheriff’s Office

Felicia Hielscher Resident

David Conley Logan County Lodging Board

Gerald Kuster

Peggy Michaels Logan County Assessor

Cindy Benson Logan County Assessor Office

Joselyn Shelton Logan County Assessor Office

Jamie Brown

Dick Dixon

Betty Green Logan County Road and Bridge

Theodore Yost

Shenna Fix

Shannon Graves Logan County Department of Human Services

Matt Martin

Carol Brom Citizen

Bill Fehringer

Don Barker

Callie Jones Journal Advocate

Forrest Hershberger South Platte Sentinel

Chairman Samber called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Samber asked if there were any revisions or corrections for today’s agenda. Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to move the Public Hearing to receive input on an increase in salaries for Elected Officials to the last agenda item under New Business. Commissioner Meisner second and the motion carried 3-0.

The Board continued with the Consent Agenda items:

• Approval of the Minutes for the September 15, 2015 meeting.

Commissioner Meisner moved to approve the Consent Agenda for the September 29, 2015 Board of County Commissioner meeting. Commissioner Donaldson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Chairman Samber continued with Unfinished Business:

Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to award the proposal for the purchase of a folder/inserter machine which is a Hazzler machine in the amount of $7,799.00 to Complete Mailing Solutions from Englewood, Colorado. Commissioner Meisner seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Chairman Samber continued with New Business:

Commissioner Meisner moved to approve an agreement between Logan County and Yost Construction Company for the construction of Bridge Structure LOG 62-61.8-182A, (34.5 feet wide by 45 feet long crossing the North Sterling Outlet Canal) located on County Road 62, west of County Road 63, approximately 5.3 miles north of US Highway 138 on County Road 65 northeast of Iliff, Colorado in the amount of $169,980.00 and authorize the chairman to sign. Commissioner Donaldson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Consideration of the approval of the following Logan County Lodging Tax Board Requests:

o Visit Sterling Scarecrows - $2,000.

o Volunteer Incentive (Supper at Sunset) – up to $600.

o Colorado Flatlanders 2016 Rod Run in the Park - $5,000.

Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to approve the Logan County Chamber of Commerce project of Visit Sterling Scarecrow’s in the amount up to $2,000.00. Commissioner Meisner seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Meisner moved to approve Volunteer Incentive (supper at Sunset) up to $660.00. Commissioner Donaldson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to approve Colorado Flatlanders 2016 Rod Run in the Park request in the amount of $4000.00. Commissioner Meisner seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Meisner moved to approve an agreement between Logan County and Ray Nieslanik for use of the County Right of Way under CR 59 for an irrigation pipeline. Commissioner Donaldson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-28 and an application for Subdivision Exemption on behalf of the Carol L. Fluharty Family Trust to create a 9.13-acre tract from a 118-acre parcel, in an “A” Agricultural District in the SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 9 North, Range 52 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Logan County, Colorado. Commissioner Meisner seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Meisner moved to approve a Professional Education Program Partnership Agreement between Logan County and Colorado Christian University College of Adult and Graduate Studies as a benefit to Logan County employees who wishes to participate and authorize the chairman to sign. Commissioner Donaldson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.

The Board held a public hearing to receive input on an increase in salaries for elected county officials.

Addressing the Board concerning the merits of salary increases were:

• Judy Nierling L.C.C.O.C.

• Pam Bacon Logan County Clerk

• Patty Bartlett Logan County Treasurer

• Peggy Michaels Logan County Assessor

• Brett Powell Logan County Sheriff

• Michael Archer Logan County Sheriff Office

• Josh Asmus Community Business Owner

• Dave Tennant Logan County Coroner

• Carol Brom Citizen

• Felicia Hielsher Resident

Chairman Samber closed the public hearing for receiving input on an increase in salaries for elected county officials.

The Board moved on to Miscellaneous Business/Announcements:

The next regular business meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the hearing chambers at the Logan County Courthouse.

There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

Submitted by: ______________________________________

Logan County Clerk & Recorder



(seal) By: ___________________________________

Rocky L. Samber, Chairman



Logan County Clerk & Recorder


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