Old Car Council of Colorado, Inc

Collector Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

Dedicated to the preservation of automotive history


President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819 Thompson660@

1st Vice Pres: Tom Mansfield, Looking Glass Corvette 720-344-7143 tommans@

2nd Vice Pres: Samantha Baker, So.Colo.MOPAR 303-726-2826 Bakersams@

Secretary: Dick Fritz, MG Car Club 303-774-9710 RBFritz@

Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296 TomKay1167@

Legislative information: Leo J. Boyle 303-321-6611 Leojboyle@

Colorado Collector Car News: Greg Akiyama 303-680-8298 gakiyama@


Political Committee Liaison: Ted Rossi 303-618-3935 Tedrossi@

Web site liaison: Chuck Smith, No.Colo.Model T 303-973-9915 herbnut@

Minutes of Meeting, 4 December 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by President Dick Thompson at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver CO. Officers in attendance were Dick Thompson, president; Tom Mansfield, 1st vice president; Samantha Baker, 2nd vice president; Dick Fritz, secretary, and Tom Kay, treasurer. 30 member clubs and two individual members were signed in.

Legislative: Leo Boyle noted that the Colorado Legislature will resume in January with administrative actions such as forming committees and selecting chairpersonships; by February we should see bills that are being proposed. He expects that there will be action on updating the myriad license plates in Colorado and we should watch for changes in plates used by collector vehicles.

Freedom To Drive (FTD): John Mack led a discussion regarding the FTD organization described by the guest speaker, Matthew Groves, at the November meeting. The FTD coalition came about in response to the regulatory and municipality actions to restrict use of privately owned internal combustion engine vehicles in Colorado. Such actions have included the adoption of California’s LEV and ZEV standards, eliminating vehicle lanes in downtown areas, and eliminating parking spaces. It was debated how involved the CCCC should become, and Leo Boyle cautioned that this could become a political issue and we cannot afford to antagonize legislators. John questioned if SEMA is aware of FTD’s statement of purpose (apparently not yet). The CCCC has been invited to endorse the Freedom to Drive purpose. It is possible to do this without commiting any funds or having our logo appear on FTD’s press releases. Mack moved, and Beets seconded that: CCCC sign a Freedom to Drive endorsement form but not authorize the use of the CCCC logo in Freedom to Drive promotional materials. The motion passed with 20 in favor, 5 opposed. A copy of the Endorsement Form is to be included with these minutes.

Minutes: Official minutes of the November meeting were approved unanimously.

2020 Air & Ground Show at Rocky Mountain Metro Airport: RMMA has pulled the plug on the planned major air show due to airfield construction but they are still willing to help CCCC conduct the Swap Meet and Car Show at the airport. An independent aircraft club known as the Rocky Mountain Renegades is interested in putting on an air show during our event. CCCC requested a change of date for the event, from August 1 to August 8. The next planning meeting at RMMA is scheduled for January 7, 4 pm, at the airport. We need to avoid losing money as we have in 2018 and 2019. One suggestion is that there we charge perhaps $5 to enter the car show. Action on this will be tabled until the February meeting.

Cruiz’n Havana, June 20, 2020: Due to construction on Havana St. the 2020 Cruise will utilize one site only, at the Stampede / Kaiser Permanente lot at 2500 So.Havana St., Aurora.

Budgets: Treasurer Tom Kay presented proposed budgets for each of the CCCC accounts for 2020. After discussion of each account, the Operating Account, Government Relations Account, Car Show & Swap Meet, and Cruise Account were each approved unanimously. Dues and assessments will remain unchanged.

Friends of Collector Cars Political Committee: Ted Rossi discussed the committee’s ongoing need for funds to promote our support in the Colorado Legislature. No CCCC funds are transferred to the FOCCPC. Ted is urging donations from clubs and individuals. Ted and Dick Thompson are available to attend club meetings to discuss the committee’s objectives.

SEMA Show Coordinator: John Ehrlich has volunteered to handle arrangements for passes for CCCC members to attend the 2020 show, when and if SEMA determines the policy for these passes.

Early 2020 Swap Meets: The Polar Bear Swap Meet will be at the Adams County Fairgrounds on January 25 and the Sabres’ Tri-State event at the National Western Complex will be February 8-9. We could use volunteers to attend and promote CCCC’s events.

Forney Museum Special Exhibit: The Forney has a special exhibit of Jaguars from November through January. This is a great opportunity for a club event.

January CCCC meeting: The first Wednesday in January 2020 will be New Years Day so we will not interrupt your football viewing agendas. In other words, NO MEETING.

April Meeting in Colorado Springs: Our traditional meeting in the Springs could not be scheduled for April 1 (no fooling) at the Falcon Police Station so our “April” meeting will be Tuesday, March 31.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 7:30 pm. Location will probably be at the Lincoln College of Technology in north Denver. This will be Presidents’ Night, to which all club chief execs are invited.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Richard Fritz, secretary C


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