Managers Info


2013 - 2014




2013 - 2014 Team Manager Handbook

|Table of Contents | Page |

| | |

|Introduction & Affiliations WSC |2 |

| | |

|Website/Team Communication |3, 4 |

|Who’s Who at WSC |5 |

| | |

|Team Manager - Roles & Responsibilities |6 |

| | |

|Coaches Expenses |6 |

| | |

|The Manager / Coach Relationship |7 |

| | |

|Parent / Coach / Player Concerns & Issues |7 |

| | |

|Soccer Calendar / WSC Forms |8 |

| | |

|League Play |9 |

| | |

|Age Guidelines |10 |

| | |

|Player Registration |11 |

| | |

|Uniforms / Player Passes |12 |

| | |

|Team Roster / Game Roster |13 |

| | |

|Player Injuries / Tournaments |13 |

| | |

|Sponsorship / Fundraising |14 |

FAQ's 15, 16

Releasing Players from Team / Club 16

Signature Page 17


Thank you for volunteering for the position of Team Manager!!

You are integral to the fabric of the Wellington Wave Soccer Club (“WSC”). The Team Manager acts as a liaison between the Coach, Parents, Players and Club Administration on all team and club communications. You are the glue that holds a team together. Please be mindful that this position will require you to always act professionally and respectfully.

The Team Manager must have daily access to a reliable computer and a valid email address. All Club communications are made through email. Team Managers are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication with parents either through face to face meetings, by phone or through the use of email.

WSC – Travel Soccer Affiliations

|Level |Acronym |Name |Website |

|National |USSF |United States Soccer Federation | |

| | | | |

|State |FYSA |Florida Youth Soccer Association | |

| | | | |

|Region | |Region A5 – South Florida | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Local Leagues |SFU |South Florida United Youth Soccer Assoc (Boys) | |

| | | | |

| |FLUGSA |Florida United Girls Soccer Assoc (Girls) | |

| | | | |

| |PBSL |Palm Beach Soccer League (Boys & Girls) | |

| | | | |

| |US Club |US Club Soccer (Boys & Girls) | |

| |Soccer | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

WSC Website Usage/Team Communication

Utilizing the club website will make your role as team manager easier and more enjoyable.

Receive Club text msgs.:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Click ‘My Profile’. Scroll down to Preferences. Check box next to ‘Opt – in - SMS Notices’. Scroll down to Phone and enter cell number. Scroll down and Save. To temporarily stop receiving Club or Team texts simply reply to those texts by typing pause and send. To resume receiving texts type resume.

Receive Team text msgs.:

As a registered member of WSC, you will automatically receive the team text messages from the team(s) that you are linked to.

Receive Club emails:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Click ‘My Profile’. Scroll down under your name. Enter your email address. Scroll down and Save.

Receive Team emails:

As a registered member of WSC, you will automatically receive the team emails from the team(s) that you are linked to.

Send Team text msgs:

From website – Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Scroll down under ‘My Team

Site’. Click ‘Text’. Enter message and send.

From Smartphone – Open text app. Next to ‘To:’ enter WSC Website number (561)404-1614.

In msg. box, msg. must start with team info such as @u13gblue followed

by a space. Then your msg. Hit send.

Send Team email:

From website - Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Scroll down under ‘My Team

Site’. Click ‘Email’. Enter message and send.

From Home/Smartphone email - Next to ‘To:’ team name must be entered like this example - u16gwhite@, add subject, type

msg, send.

Invoicing your team/players:

You can easily invoice your team/individual players from the website. This will eliminate, in some cases, you having to collect checks from parents. Each individual player can pay any invoices through the website. To invoice: Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Scroll down under ‘My Team Site’. Click ‘Create Invoice’. Input all necessary information . Check players to invoice and amount is automatically divided based on the total you entered at the top. Be sure to check ‘Send Notices’ box and Save.

Paying an invoice:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. On the right side of the screen you will see ‘Payment DUE!’ in a green box. Click on ‘pay now’ and follow instructions.

Ordering uniform Items:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Click on the ‘Order Uniforms’ tab. Click on the ‘New Order’ tab. Choose items, provide payment information and click purchase.

Subscribe to Team Calendar:

From Smartphone – Go to WSC website. Click on ‘Teams’. Find your team and click it. Scroll

down under ‘Subscribe (All Events)’ and click iPhone, iCal, Outlook.

to subscribe. You can also subscribe if you have a Google calendar.

From iPad - Go to WSC website. Click on ‘Teams’. Find your team(s). Under ‘Upcoming Events’ and ‘Follow All Team Events’ click on iPhone, iCal, Outlook or Add to Google to subscribe.

Updating Team Calendar:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Scroll down and enter ‘Team Site’. Under team name on left, click ‘Events’. Click on ‘Add Event’. Input all necessary information and save.

Upload Tournament/Game/Team pictures:

Log in to WSC website. Click ‘My Wave’ at top. Scroll down and enter ‘Team Site’. Click the ‘Photo’ or ‘Video’ tab to add either and click update.

These are very easy things to utilize and will keep the parents, coaches and players well informed. Communication becomes much easier and clearer. It will save time and make your job a whole lot easier!! Help your parents become familiar with and use the resources provided.

If there are any questions, please contact our Secretary – Jacqueline Sullivan at headset2@.

Who’s Who at WSC / Club Contacts


|Director of Coaching |Patrick Zoete |zoetep@ |561-252-1467 |

|Soccer Academy Director |Patrick Zoete |zoetep@ |561-252-1467 |

|Soccer School - Contacts |Patrick Zoete |zoetep@ |561-252-1467 |

| |Eric Garey |hooverawn2@ |954-520-1650 |

|Future Soccer Superstars |Heather Suarez |js1133@ |561-379-7490 |

Board of Directors

|President |Sam Falzone |falzone@ |561-313-7862 |

|Secretary |Jacqueline Sullivan |headset2@ |561-758-5619 |

|Treasurer |Doug Sunshine |douglas.sunshine@ |561-254-0437 |

|VP – Boys |Eric Garey | hooverawn2@ |954-520-1650 |

|VP – Girls |Chris Auger |augers@ |561-685-0888 |

|VP – Community Affairs |Jorge Suarez |jorge@ |561-985-8739 |

|VP – Operations |Shannon Curry |slc8067@ |561-762-9796 |

Other Administrative staff

|Accountant/ Bookkeeper |Kim Sullivan |jkmsully@ |561-790-7498 |

|Club Administrator |Pete Lillo |lillop@ |561-452-7436 |

|Registrar |Dana Garraputa |dgarraputa@ |561-541-6070 |

|Uniform Coordinator |Jenny Caro |jcaro@ |954-234-7501 |

|SFU League Rep |Yaron Lerer |yaronlerer@ |789-200-9827 |

|FLUGSA League Rep |Monica Stephens |WaveMCS@ |561-310-0929 |

|PBSL League Rep |Teri Ivaniszyn |teriivan11@ |561-319-2105 |

For additional contacts, please see the Contacts section of the website:

Team Manager – Roles and Responsibilities

Organize, Delegate And Communicate!

• Assist with Club Tryouts for the upcoming season

• Meet with parents to review team expectations – finances, sideline behavior, introduce Coach, review Early Season & Regular Season, Tournaments etc

• Work with coach on emails, team meetings and any other communications with the parents to provide a detailed, open, positive atmosphere.

• Maintain & distribute player/parent contact lists – phone numbers/email addresses

• Process New & Returning Player Registration; coordinate player & coach uniform orders

• Maintain copies of player registration paperwork, medical releases, birth certificates etc.

• Collection of fees for registration, uniforms, referees, tournaments and any coach expenses, etc.

• Make deposits & check requests as applicable and forward them to the Bookkeeper.

• Manage the team account (Bookkeeper will provide monthly statement)

• Attend monthly club meetings; communicate minutes to parents;

• Coordinate team volunteers for fundraising, tournaments, end of season activities etc.

• Coordinate game & practice schedules with the Coach

• Confirm field location and time with the Club Administrator for Home games; and/or team manager/coach from opposing team on Away Games

• Communicate with parents & players regarding practice, game times & any changes

• Game day organization – Rosters, Player passes, Referee fees (please refer to individual league requirements - amounts may vary by age group)

• Ensure that Referees complete and sign game reports after each game. Retain reports

• Submit game scores to League Rep. by given date/time - guidelines set by leagues

• Work closely with the Coach in planning, organizing and registration for tournaments

• Report any Player Injuries to the WSC Board. In certain cases the Board may require a doctor's note approving the player to return to practice/games. As a guideline, if the player's injury requires XX days of doctor care, then a note will be required.

• Determine coach’s expenses – see below.

Coaches Expenses

Teams will provide head Coach with pre-approved travel expense reimbursements incurred to coach games requiring all or some of the following: overnight stays by the team (lodging), mileage, and meal allowance.

“Requiring overnight stay” is not specifically defined and is why these expenses need to be pre-approved by the team. Guidelines that can be used to aid in determining if lodging should be approved are.

➢ If more than half of the team is getting lodging for the event.

➢ If the event is greater than 1 ½ hrs. from our fields and is on multiple days.

➢ If the event in a single day is greater than 2 ½ hrs. from our fields (these events my include gas and food and may or may not include lodging).

➢ If due to weather or other unexpected delays an event’s schedule is altered to such a degree it is unreasonable to return home that evening.

➢ If the event is outside of Palm Beach County and on multiple days.

Qualified expenses include $.555 per mile car allowance (or equal to the national mileage reimbursement rate allowed under the tax code), lodging for night’s the team stays on site and a $25/day per diem in food, not to include alcoholic beverages of any sort. Paid receipts must be submitted to the team manager for approval, and then processed with the Club’s bookkeeper for final approval. Teams must collect funds in advance of reimbursing these costs and funds must be drawn out of the team’s account, not the Club’s.

It is the responsibility of the Team Manager and Coach to insure that the team members are aware that the funds will be required for that event prior to the event, and that the funds are available in the team’s account prior to submitting a check request for approval by the bookkeeper, otherwise no reimbursement can occur as these are team and not Club costs.

The Manager and Coach Relationship

Managers are not coaches!

Leave the coaching up to the Coach and ensure he/she gets the support needed and ask him/her for help whenever needed. The Team Manager will act as liaison between parents and coaches to share information and/or concerns in either direction. This dual accountability makes it vital that a Team Manager remains objective, mature and maintains confidentiality when necessary. GOSSIP is unacceptable! Assist the coach with controlling parental sideline behavior. Parents need to enjoy the game and not coach from the sidelines or yell at the referees.

*** Manager and Coach must coordinate all dissemination of information to parents ***

Your Coach will consult with the Director of Coaching on division and league selection appropriate for your team. Please check with your Coach and notify the Registrar what division and league your team will be playing in, for Early AND Regular Seasons.

Parent/Coach/Player Concerns and Issues

If there is a parent or player that has a concern or issue with a coach, it is expected that the parent or player address the issue with the coach directly at a time convenient for both, in a private setting, and in a non-confrontational manner. It is not appropriate for any coach to be confronted immediately before, during or immediately following a game or practice. Nor should they be confronted in front of the players or other parents. The time and place should be agreed upon by both parties to ensure a productive conversation takes place, with the hopes of a positive outcome for the benefit of the player. Coaches should inform the Director of Coaching of any issues. In some cases, the Director of Coaching will be present at the parent/coach meeting.

This procedure remains consistent if the coach has a concern or issue with a parent or player.

If the issue does not get resolved through the initial meeting between the parents, coach

and the Director of Coaching, the appropriate Board Member will be asked to assist with

a resolution.

The Soccer Calendar

The Travel Competitive Soccer Year officially runs from June 1st through May 31st of the following year. Travel team commitment encompasses any or all of the following activities:

|Timeframe |Event |Age Eligibility |Notes |

|May 28 – June 1 |WSC Club Tryouts |U9 – U18 |Usually week after Memorial Day |

|Aug – Oct |Early Season / Jamboree / Practices |All Ages |Girls teams do jamborees |

|Nov – Feb |Regular Season |U9 – U14 |Older teams typically play middle & |

| | | |high school soccer |

|Jan 11-12 |Wellington Soccer Tournament |All Ages |Mandatory to all teams |

|Feb Ending |League Jamborees |U9 – U10 |Girls play FLUGSA |

| |League Playoffs |U11 – U18 |Boys play SFU |

|March |Region A Cup Festival |U9 – U10 |Check with your coach to see if you |

| |Region A Cup Tournament |U11 – U18 |are playing Region Cup or State Cup |

|Mar Ending |Presidents Cup Tournament |U11 – U18 |Region Cup Division I team winners |

| | | |only |

|Apr – May |State Cup Tournament |U13 – U18 |Check with your coach to see if you |

| | | |are playing Region Cup or State Cup |

|All Year |Other Tournaments |All Ages |Check with you coach to see which |

| | | |ones the team can attend |

Successful participation in Region & State Cup competitions is the primary goal of all WSC teams as they will determine the team’s rankings within the State and be used for evaluation when applying for various high level tournaments, leading to consideration for NCAA College Scholarships.

WSC Forms

All necessary club forms can be downloaded from the WSC website/Club Library.

League Play

The DOC and Coach will determine which league is appropriate for your team to participate in. WSC has a League Rep. that is the liaison between the Club and the appropriate league. Some important information to help with league play:

❖ All reports (game cards, rosters, red cards, injury forms, player declarations, schedules, etc.) must be kept until the end of the season (June).

❖ Player declarations and roster changes must be reported timely to the Registrar and the appropriate League Rep.

❖ Team Managers should provide information on any foreseen issues to the League Rep. as soon as possible. (i.e. If your coach has more than one team, game changes, roster changes, schedule conflicts, etc.)

❖ Red cards must be documented and copied to the DOC, League Rep., and VP of Girls or VP of Boys.

❖ Rescheduling of league games must be kept to a minimum and be done through the league rep. for confirmation and approval.

❖ Confirm all games with the other team via email at least five days prior.

❖ Team Managers should go to their league website and read through the Bylaws, Coaches Manual, Rules and Regulations, etc. in order to properly handle any issues. It is also vital to keep your League Rep. informed of such issues. League websites listed below.

❖ All needed communication with a league must go through the League Rep. The League Rep will then contact the league to address any issues.

❖ The club will cover the registration and referee fees for one league per season (i.e. an early season or a regular season). After league play is approved by the DOC, check requests can be submitted to the bookkeeper. The club will submit a check to the appropriate league and the team manager will be issued a check for the season’s referee fees.

❖ Referee Fees - Flugsa, SFU, and Palm Beach Soccer League

o U9/U10 per team $35.00 ($30/$20/$20)

o U11/U12 per team $37.00 ($34/$20/$20)

o U13/U14 per team $44.00 ($40/$24/$24)

o U15/U16/U17/U18 per team $55 ($50/$30/$30)

|SFU |South Florida United Youth Soccer Assoc (Boys) | |

| | | |

|FLUGSA |Florida United Girls Soccer Assoc (Girls) | |

| | | |

|PBSL |Palm Beach Soccer League (Boys & Girls) | |

|SFU League Rep |Yaron Lerer |yaronlerer@ |

|FLUGSA League Rep |Monica Stephens |WaveMCS@ |

|PBSL League Rep |Teri Ivaniszyn |teriivan11@ |

2013 – 2014 Age Brackets for Teams


|Under 09 (U09) |08/01/2004 |to |07/31/2005 |

|Under 10 (U10) |08/01/2003 |to |07/31/2004 |

|Under 11 (U11) |08/01/2002 |to |07/31/2003 |

|Under 12 (U12) |08/01/2001 |to |07/31/2002 |

|Under 13 (U13) |08/01/2000 |to |07/31/2001 |

|Under 14 (U14) |08/01/1999 |to |07/31/2000 |

|Under 15 (U15) |08/01/1998 |to |07/31/1999 |

|Under 16 (U16) |08/01/1997 |to |07/31/1998 |

|Under 17 (U17) |08/01/1996 |to |07/31/1997 |

|Under 18 (U18) |08/01/1995 |to |07/31/1996 |

|Under 19 (U19) |08/01/1994 |to |07/31/1995 |



Player Registration

Registration involves working closely with the WSC Registrar and Bookkeeper to collect relevant paperwork from the player & collection of all required fees.

1) Player Registration Packet – Once the team manager builds their team roster, they will send an invite containing a unique link to each players registration packet. Some forms will require an electronic signature and some will need to be printed, signed and turned in.

Note: Due to insurance and liability issues, a player may not start practicing on the fields without a medical release form or a completed registration form signed by the parent/guardian.

2) Birth Certificate – This form is required, hospital-issued certificates are not acceptable. Verify that the player is the right age for the team. (Please see team age guidelines page). The Registrar needs a copy of the birth certificate for all NEW players to the club. School Records are also acceptable in lieu of a Birth Certificate. Please contact the Club Registrar if the player is foreign born as they may need to complete additional paperwork depending on the age of the player.

3) Photo – 1 recent 1” x 1” DIGITAL photos is needed for player ID cards (“passes”). These can be uploaded to under your team account. Registrar will notify all team managers when this needs to be done.

4) Payment of Registration Fees. Fees can be paid online through the WSC website by logging in to the members account. Managers can also collect registration fees (full or partial payments at sign-up night). Do not accept cash. Encourage parents to pay on line utilizing the club payment system. Players who have not met their financial obligations may be withheld from participating in practices and games until such obligations are met. (See Player Contract)

5) Medical Release Form – this form needs to be completed and signed by a notary.

Once you have collected all registration paperwork and fees from each player’s parent, turn in the paperwork to the Registrar and any fees to the Treasurer/Bookkeeper at sign-up night or at a pre-arranged time. The Registrar will not process player registration until the Treasurer or Bookkeeper confirms receipt of payment . For those players registering after the initial registration period, all fees along with deposit slips (clearly designating the team & player name) can be dropped off at the Bookkeeper’s home at 1245 Primrose Lane, Wellington. Please be sure to keep a log or copies of all deposit slips.


Player Uniforms must to be ordered through the Uniform Coordinator. You will need to complete a uniform order form. The form needs to include player jersey#, jersey size, shorts size, socks size & any additional items they are planning to order. Additional items include team bags/Backpacks, warm-up suits, extra practice shirts, socks etc. If bags or other accessories are used for a team, please ensure that all players in the team use the same style. Additional item can be ordered online through your website account.

Player Passes

Each player MUST have a player pass to participate in any games / tournaments.

After the Bookkeeper confirms proper payment with the Registrar and after receiving all the required documentation for each player, the Registrar will register the player with FYSA (the State) and will print a player pass and provide it to you. Players new to the club will receive temporary player passes until their birth certificate is verified by FYSA. Once the verification is complete (usually 2-3 business days), the Registrar will print the permanent player pass and give it to you. Once you receive player passes, confirm that the information on the player pass (name, date of birth) and Birth certificate is identical. The Registrar will also provide you with the Coach’s pass.

The Registrar will laminate the cards and return them to you. Punch a single hole in the corner of each card and arrange the cards on a binder ring in alphabetical order. Please include the Coach’s pass in the ring.

Player & Coach Passes MUST be brought to each game and tournament check-ins and given to the referees before every game. A game can be forfeited if no passes are produced. The referees will use these cards to check-in the players before each game/tournament, and will hold the cards during the game. Please note that during games, no team manager, parent or other party may be on the players’ sideline. Coaches only.

VERY IMPORTANT! Be sure to get the cards back from the referee after the game!!

Please do not lose passes as FYSA will charge to print duplicate passes.

Team Roster

The Registrar will provide you with copies of your official FYSA state team roster through Gotsoccer. Please verify that they reflect the correct team code and league information. The team code reflects the team’s age and division for the current year. As an example, a U13 Girls Division 1 team code will look like this: A5WSC9900FC1. Questions regarding rosters, player passes etc., should be directed to the Registrar.

Game Roster

Some leagues require that you complete a league specific 3 part NCR game roster (separate from an FYSA team roster). Others will require the FYSA Official Team Roster. Please check with your League Rep. for any further information. Players not participating in a game will be crossed out on the game roster. Any players and/or coaches that received red cards in prior State Cup games cannot be removed from game rosters, and must remain on all subsequent game rosters until their suspension has been served.

Handy Information to keep in your folder (for all games and practices):

FYSA Team Roster (multiple copies), schedule of games, field directions, uniform jersey numbers, parents contact list, medical releases, injury report form etc. Bring to all games/tournaments with the player cards.

Player Safety/Injuries

A designated parent can be made responsible for having a First Aid kit available at all practices and games. Report any player injuries to the Board using the Club Injury Report Form. Head injury report forms will need to be filled out and submitted should a player incur a head injury.


Teams may participate in tournaments throughout the year. Tournaments are usually scheduled during holiday weekends. The FYSA website has a list of approved tournaments:

Obtain permission from the Director of Coaching before deciding on a tournament after getting consensus from Coach and Parents. Please ensure that the team account has the funds to cover tournament registration costs. Out of town travel MAY involve covering the Coach’s hotel and travel expenses IF the Coach does not have a kid on the team. Complete a check request and turn it into the Bookkeeper; retain a copy for your records.

Sponsorship & Fundraising

Fundraising must be approved in advance by the VP Community Affairs in order to avoid conflicts and ensure club ethics are maintained. Teams can seek sponsorships (Corporate/Private) and/or hold fundraising events to offset the costs of fees such as Referee fees, tournament registration fees, out of town travel costs etc. All league and state cup attire must be the club issued Adidas uniforms and warm-up shirts. This includes the warm-up time & playing time and any official ceremony regarding these events. However, a team can have approved shirts from other sponsors (that are not Adidas competitors) and these can be worn between games or at other events. Please be sure to follow the Club’s Fundraising Policy. Examples of Fundraising events include working at the Club’s Concession stand(s), car washes, selling items with club logo etc. All collected funds must be deposited in to the team’s Club Account.


1. What does the Club Registration Fee cover?

Player Registration with State (FYSA)

Player Registration with US Club Soccer

Club’s Registration with local League(s)

Team Registration with local League (SFU/PBSL/FLUGSA/SFL/PRL) for 1 season

Coach’s Fees for the entire season (10 months)

Referee Fees for either Regular Season or Early Season

State Cup or Region Cup Registration Fee

Goalie Training

Uniform sets

Champions Day Special Training (Fridays)

Administrative Costs incurred by the Club:

• Bookkeeper

• Club Administrator

• Director of Coaching

• Referee Assignor

2. What are the State (FYSA)’s Fees?

Fees subject to change

|   |Competitive |

| | |

| Electronically Registered Players |$  20.00 |

| Coaches (no limit to the # of teams) |15.00 |

| Unlock Player Pass |25.00 |

| Unlock Coach Pass |25.00 |

| Unlock Team Passes |100.00 |

| Dual Registrations |25.00 |

| Transfer |25.00 |

| | |

3. What monies are posted to the Club Account vs. Team Account?

Registration Fees are applied to the Club Account (this includes registration & coaching fees). All other fees go into Team Account –fundraising, sponsorship monies etc.

4. How do I sign up for my team to work at the Concession Stand?

Please contact the Club Administrator. He/She will give you available dates/times.

Pete Lillo at lillop@ or 561-452-7436.

5. What is the maximum number of players by Age Group?

This depends on individual league rules. Guidelines for Roster maximums are:

a) U9 – U10 (6v6) teams – 11-12 players on its roster

b) U11 – U12 (8v8) teams – 13-14 players on its roster

c) U13 – U18 (11v11) teams – 15 - 18 players on its roster at any time during the seasonal year. U17 & U18 teams may have up to 21 players.

6. Can I take a GUEST player to a game?

a) Taking a guest player within the club

Guest players from within our club must be pre- approved by the DOC.

b) Taking a guest player from another club

No guest players from outside our club. Special situations must be discussed and pre- approved by the DOC.

c) Guest Playing with another Club – No guest playing with another club. Special situations must be discussed and pre- approved by the DOC.

7. What is Poaching?

This is when you or your coach is accused of inducing/recruiting/transferring a player from another club during the seasonal year. Inducing a player includes, but is not limited to solicitation to leave the current club, offering a currently rostered player a roster spot on your team, or a roster spot for the next seasonal year. Coaches are held responsible for the above actions. JUST DON’T DO IT.

8. Who is eligible for Club Scholarship?

If the Coach or team manager identifies a player with financial need, they may nominate them for a scholarship. The nomination process would include completing a Scholarship Application (during the registration period) and providing a copy to the Director of Coaching and the VP of Community Affairs. The player who is awarded the scholarship will be required to sign a scholarship contract.

9. What is the Soccer Academy/Soccer School/Future Soccer Superstars

WSC holds multiple sessions of the Soccer Academy, Soccer School and Future Soccer Superstars.

Future competitive players could potentially be recruited from this pool of developmental players.

Please contact the appropriate coordinator for further details.

10. What is the difference between the Recreational program & WSC’s travel program?

The Village of Wellington runs the Recreational Soccer program. These usually run for 3 months at a time. WSC runs the competitive travel soccer program. They are run independently of each other although both are run at the Village’s Pierson Park.

11. Does WSC allow dual registration of players?

NO! (Please contact the Director of Coaching for exception approval)

Releasing Players from the Club

Unconditional Release – procedure:

1. Please inform the Director of Coaching first!

2. If the DOC approves, the Treasurer must be notified to ensure all financial obligations are fulfilled as per contract prior to the release

3. Contact the Club Registrar and obtain Release form for Parent authorization

4. Parent/Guardian needs to complete & sign form or send email

5. Board Approves Registrar to release

6. Registrar needs to collect the completed form & player pass to return to FYSA

Conditional Release

If a player has not fulfilled his/her financial obligation (i.e. team & club fees), he or she may be released from the team roster to make room for other players. This means that FYSA will not allow this player to register to play with other clubs until WSC gives clearance.


Don’t hesitate to contact a Board member or the appropriate club contact whenever necessary. They will point you in the right direction. Remember, the monthly club meeting which is typically held on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of every month at 7pm, is an excellent source of information for team managers. If you miss the monthly club meetings, you will be out of the loop and your team may be fined $25 for not having a team representative at the meeting. The Team Rep. needs to sign in for your team, take notes and review the information with you and your team after the meeting.

The Role of the Team Manager can be both challenging and rewarding. Your partnership with the Coach is very important. Remember that each coach has a different style; therefore try to find ways to work effectively together. If issues cannot be resolved between you and the coach or a parent, seek the assistance of the Director of Coaching, VP of Boys or VP of Girls as applicable, before a problem escalates. This will ensure that your team can concentrate on SOCCER and the KIDS. It’s all about the kids, not the parents.

BEST WISHES for a very successful and exciting year!

Please sign and return the section below to the WSC Board.


I have received and read the contents of this handbook and agree to abide by the procedures outlined in this handbook.

Team: ________________________________________

Team Manager: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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