How to upload your digital images into Flickr

How to upload your digital images into Flickr

The interaction shows a number of screens with information about uploading digital images into Flickr. By clicking on a button on the left, users access a heading with information about that area of uploading digital images into Flickr. The following headings and information are contained within the interaction.

1. Opening your flickr account

Open your flickr account at .

You can upload your photos from your 'Welcome Page'.

Before you upload any photos you should make sure that the information in 'Your Account' is correct.

Information you make public on flickr is available to anyone who can access the internet.

You need to manage who can see information about you and who can see your photos.

At the bottom of your welcome page is the word 'You' and along side it a line of words, including 'Your Account'.

If you click on 'Your Account' you can check your 'Personal Information' and the default 'Privacy and Permissions' you have set for your photos.

You can click on your 'Personal Information' if you want to change your 'Buddy Icon' , your 'Screen Name' or your Profile'.

You can change the 'Privacy and Permissions' information for each photo when you upload them if you want.

2. Resizing your photos before uploading into flickr

Most people use the flickr free account. The free account limits the total size of images you can upload each month.

Photos that are too large not only take up much of your account space, they take a long time to upload.

You only space in free flickr accounts for 100 megabites (MB) of photos per month and 2 videos.

You should make sure your photos are resized to around 200 x 200 megapixels for upload into flickr.

You can use any image editing software to resize your photos.

3. Uploading your photos into flickr

Choose your photos or video.

Browse your computer, external storage devices including your camera or phone to find the photo you want to upload.

Select the photo and click 'Open'.

The filename of your photo and the size of your photo will appear in the next screen.

Below the upload box you can decide on the 'Privacy' level of your photo. You need to decide if you, your family and friends or public (anyone on the flickr website) can see it. Make sure you click in the box you want.

You can also choose to add more photos from this screen by clicking on 'Add more'.

When you have added all the photos you want to upload, click the 'Upload photos and videos' button.

4. Describing your uploaded photo

flickr will tell you when your photo is successfully uploaded.

flickr will ask you if you want to describe your photo. This is a good idea so you can find it easily later.

Tags and sets just help you to search for your photos when you want to come and see them again.

Batch operations are operations that apply to a group of photos. If you have uploaded a few photos and they all are going to have the same tags and be in the same set then you save yourself alot of time by only having to enter the information once.

If you 'Add Tags' in a batch operation, they tags will apply to all the photos you added in one upload. Type some words that will help you to locate the photo later on, for example you might name the place the photo was taken, the year, the event, or name of a person. You need to separate each tag word with a , . Then click 'Add'.

If you 'Add to a Set' or, 'Create a new Set' you can add all these photos to a group of photos you have uploaded before, or, you can 'Create a new Set' for this group of photos to go into. If you want to add to a set you have created before, you can click on the black down arrow to see all your existing sets. If you create a new set you need to give it a name, and provide a description of what that set of photos is about. Click 'Create Set' once you have finished entering your information.

Titles, descriptions and tags are operations that relate to a specific photo that you have uploaded.

The filename of your photo will automatically be entered in the title bar.

In the description bar it is a good idea to write a few words about your photo.

In the tag bar it is a good idea to write a few words that could remind you later about the photo if you want to search for it. For example you might name the place the photo was taken, the year, the event, or name of a person. You need to separate each tag word with a , .

After you have finished describing your photo, click 'Save'.

5. Your photostream

The next screen you will see is your photostream.

Here are stored in one place all the photos you have uploaded.

You can choose how you want your photostream page to look like when it opens up. You can change the layout of your photostream any time you like.

You might want to see small images only, or small images and your sets, or you might want to see larger images.

At the bottom of your photostream page you will see the words...'change the layout of this page?'. Click on these words and then choose the layout you want by clicking in the circle next to its name. Once you have chosen your layout, click 'Save' and you will go back to your photostream.

6. Organising your photos

If you have lots of photos that you want to edit or move about your photostream, you can use the flickr 'Organize' function.

You will see the word 'Organize' at the top of your photostream page.

If you click on the word 'Organize' you will see all your photos down the bottom of the page.

Just above the photos you will see the words 'All your content' and a black down arrow. If you click on the black down arrow, you can find smaller groups of photos if you don't want to edit all the photos you have ever uploaded into flickr. Or, you could add you tag words into the space next to the 'Search' button and then you would only see the photos you tagged with those words.

You click on the left button on your mouse, hold it down and drag the photos you want to organise onto the centre of your screen.

You can edit a batch of your photos here, change who can see your photos, add tags, change sets or send to a group of your friends.

Organising your flickr photos in this way will save you alot of time.

7. Setting a license for your photo

Underneath each photo in your photostream you will be able to see its title, its license (who else can use it), its level of privacy (who can see it), the date you uploaded it, and, if you have allowed comments, if there are any.

If you click on the licensing symbol at the beginning of the line directly below the title of your photo, a new page will open 'Set a license for this photo'.

On the 'Your account' page you might have said that only you can use this photo. That means you should see the small 'All rights reserved' copyright licensing symbol below your photo.

If you want to change the licensing of your photo so that other people can use it, you can use your mouse to 'Select the license' you want to give your photo and choose a 'Creative Commons' license.

If a photo has a 'Creative Commons' license, then other people can use it for their own purposes, limited by the specific type of 'Creative Commons' license. We often look for other peoples' photos on the web to use for our own presentation purposes. Make sure that if you take a photo of someone else, and you are going to put it in your flickr photostream, that you tell them. Ask them who they will allow to see it.

If anyone else uses your photo they need to say who took the photo and that they downloaded it from flickr. Many people let other people download their photo but only for non-commercial purposes. Other types of licenses allow other people to download their photo and edit it if they want.

There is alot of information about licensing on the 'Set a license for this photo' page in flickr. It is a good idea to read this so you understand about licensing your photo.

8. Creating your contacts in flickr

flickr is all about storing your photos and sharing them with people you know.

The flickr 'Contacts' page lets you invite your friends to view your photos, or for you to find other people with photos on flickr that you might want to see.

Having friends on flickr means that they can see the photos you share with them as your 'friends' and, if they allow, you can see their photos.

Sharing photos with your friends and family on flickr is a great way to keep in touch.

If you have any questions about 'Contacts' in flickr, click on 'Contacts FAQ'. This will take you to answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

If you send an invitation to one of your friends to see your photos on flickr, they will need to get a flickr account as well. But, if they don't have a flickr account, you can send them a 'Guest Pass'. You send this from your photostream page. For information about sharing your photos, go to that page.

9. Sharing your photos

flickr is all about storing your photos and sharing them with people you know.

The flickr 'Contacts' page lets you invite your friends to view your photos, or for you to find other people with photos on flickr that you might want to see.

Having friends on flickr means that they can see the photos you share with them as your 'friends' and, if they allow, you can see their photos.

Sharing photos with your friends and family on flickr is a great way to keep in touch.

If you have any questions about 'Contacts' in flickr, click on 'Contacts FAQ'. This will take you to answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

If you send an invitation to one of your friends to see your photos on flickr, they will need to get a flickr account as well. But, if they don't have a flickr account, you can send them a 'Guest Pass'. You send this from your photostream page. For information about sharing your photos, go to that page.

10. Creating your groups in flickr

Groups are a great way to share your photos and to talk about them.

Groups can either be public, public (invitation only) or completely private. Every group has a pool for photos and/or video and a discussion board for talking.

If you set up a group, then you administer, or look after that group. You can invite other people to look after your group as well if you like. Other people in the group can just look at your photos and comment.

On the 'Groups' page you can find a group of people who are interested in taking photos of the same things you are, or you can create your own Group.

All the information about Groups and how to create them are on the Groups page on flickr.

You might want to join a group first and see how they work before creating your own.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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