QEdge Technologies



Mail Id:ABC@ Mobile No:+911234567890, 1234567890


Career Objective:

To become a successful Professional and to work in an organization where my knowledge can be shared and utilized, and my creative skills can be brought out in the best of that organization.

Work Experience:

• Working in ABC as Software Specialist from Oct 1st 2013.

Project Title: ABC Cloud

Tools/Skills Used: Core Java, Selenium, JBehave, BDD, Perforce (Version control), Collaborator (Review), Rally, Maven, CF (Cloud Foundary), Agile Methodology

Role:Functional Tester - As an SDET, automating the end to end workflows covering all the integration points of the Ecosystem valuestream of ABC using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) with Selenium andJBehave, Serenity and doing initial triaging of the issues.

Project Details:Working on a project called ABC which uses CF on Predix, which is used by the Radilogists/Clinicians to create a case and upload patient reports from the archive or local system to cloud where clinicians can view the reports in the 2D/3D viewer and also user can download the data from cloud to local system or archive and also few other features. There are various teams which work on each of the component for ABC and as part of system integration testing team I work on automating the end to end workflows of ABC which ensures the software quality after all the components are integrated.

Project Title: Service tools Automation of ABC AW

Tools/Skills Used:QTP, Squish , Java scripting, VB scripting, Linux OS, Agile Methodology

Role:Took the initiative and automated the service tools applications using Squish and QTP using Data Driven approach. And as part of this project, I have done POC on various automation tools like Squish, Sikuli, QF Test, Selenium and QTP

Project Details: There are various service tools in AW like AWCCT which generates Registration key, GERU which is used for automatic software updates done at customer site without FE and many other tools where individual tool has its own purpose which are built on the AW platform.

Project Title: AW’s Post Processing Applications.

Tools/Skills Used: IBM Rational DOORS, Rally, ClearQuest, Linux OS, Agile Methodology

Role: As part of this project, I worked as a Manual Tester. I have tested the various post-processing applications.

Project Details:AW is a standalone workstation with its own dedicated computer and image database, used for image review, processing, analysis, diagnosis, and media exchange of images acquired on medical imaging systems. AW has various post processing applications covering all the modalities and anatomies.

Project Title: Hardware Checker

Tools/Skills Used: HTML5, JavaScript.

Role: Front end development of the web-application.

Project Details: Hardware Checker is a web-application which tracks the live status of all the AW servers and standalones in XYZ. It tracks the platform, OS releases installed on all the servers and standalones and provides configuration features to add, delete or modify the machines.

• Worked inABC as a Trainee from Oct 1st 2012 to Sep 30th 2013.

Project Title: Automation of Centricity Framework (CF) Web-application

Tools/Skills Used: QTP (UFT), HP ALM, VB scripting.

Role: Automated the complete Regression test suite for the CF application using Data Driven approach of QTP.

Project Details: Centricity Framework (CF) is a software platform designed for integration of ABC desktop application. by providing capabilities such as - Infrastructure to host applications, Common user interface for user authentication, navigation and patient banner, Sharing patient, user contexts & other contexts and Consolidation of sign on and security to a single point of entry.

• Worked inABC India Pvt Limited as an Intern.

Project Title:PPEP (Part Product Evaluation Plan)

Tools/Skills Used: VB. Net, Visual Studio

Role: Developed the web-application in a team of 2.

Project Details: This project enables the employees of the Schneider to fill in the part details and pass it on to the next departments where the complete details of part regarding its functionality and quality are filled step by step and stored in database and when required the part details can be extracted by selecting part number and supplier name associated with that part. This project also enables user to attach the files required for future requirements which can be viewed and opened at any point of time.

Educational Qualification:

|S.No. |Qualification |Name of the Institution |Aggregate |Year of |

| | | | |passing |

| | |ABC |81.92 | |

|1 |B-Tech(IT) | | |2013 |

| | | | | |

|2 |Intermediate(MPC) |ABC |93.5 |2009 |

| | | | | |

|3 |10th(CBSE) |ABC |84.8 |2007 |

Technical skills:

• Automation tools: Selenium, QTP, Squish.

• Automation skills: BDD, JBehave, Serenity

• Programming Languages:C, Core JAVA.

• Scripting Languages: Shell Script, JavaScript, VB Scripting

• Markup Languages: HTML5, XML

• Operating Systems: Windows, Linux


• Received the Agile Scrum Champion Award for my contributions to the team.

• One of the finalists for the Own My Growth projects conducted by ABC Network where I worked on building the ‘World Class Customer Experience’ Center for ABC.

• Volunteered as team energizer and kept the team motivated with the fun activities.

• Organized an eventTECHNICAL QUIZ in the National Level Technical SymposiumPromethean-2k12 which was held in our college.

• Secured 1st position in the paper presentation on Face Recognition Technology held at ABC college of Engineering in National level Technical fest XYZ-2K10.

• Secured 1st position in academics in the academic year 2009-10 and 3rd position in the overall aggregatein the IT department from our college.

• Completed mini project on development of Part Product Evaluation Plan at ABC India Pvt. Limited.

• Runner-up in Throw-Ball competition at the Annual Games and Sports Meet-2011.


• Mobile gaming,

• Reading novels,

• Playing Throw ball,

• Listening to music.

Personal Profile:

Date of birth:

Father Name:


Languages known: English, Hindi, and Telugu.



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