Boyertown Area School District

Name: _____________________________________ Period: ___________This quiz consists of 12 pairs of questions that examine your knowledge of diffusion and osmosis. Each question has two parts: a multiple choice response followed by a multiple choice reason. Please circle one answer for the response section and one answer for the reason section of each question.QUESTION 1:1a. Response Section: Suppose there is a large beaker full of clear water and a drop of blue dye is added to the beaker of water. Eventually the water will turn a light blue color. The process responsible for the blue dye becoming evenly distributed throughout the water is:OsmosisDiffusionA reaction between water and the blue dye1b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:The lack of a membrane means that osmosis and diffusion cannot occur.There is movement of particles between areas of different concentrations.The dye separates into small particles and mixes with the water.The water moves from one area to another.QUESTION 2:2a. Response Section: During the process of diffusion, particles will generally move:High to low concentrationLow to high concentrations2b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:There are too many particles crowded into one area, therefore they move to an area with more room.Particles in areas of greater concentration are more likely to bounce toward other areas.The particles tend to move until the two areas are isotonic and then the particles stop moving.There is a greater chance of the particles repelling each other.QUESTION 3:3a. Response Section: As the differences in concentration between two areas increases, the rate of diffusion:DecreasesIncreases 3b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:There is less room for the particle to move.If the concentration is high enough, the particles will spread less and the rate will be slowed.The molecules want to spread out.The greater likelihood of random motion into other areas.QUESTION 4:4a. Response Section: A glucose solution can be made more concentrated by:Adding more waterAdding more glucose4b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:The more water there is the more glucose it will take to saturate the solution.Concentration means the dissolving of something.It increases the number of dissolved particles.For a solution to be more concentrated, one must add more liquidQUESTION 5:5a. Response Section: If a small amount of sugar is added to a container of water and allowed to set for a very long period of time without stirring, the sugar molecules will:Be more concentrated on the bottom of the container.Be evenly distributed throughout the container.5b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:There is movement of particles from a high to low concentration.The sugar is heavier than water and will sink.Sugar dissolves poorly or not at all in water.There will be more time for settling.QUESTION 6:6a. Response Section: Suppose you add a drop of blue dye to a container of clear water and after several hours the entire container turns light blue. At this time, the molecules of dye:Have stopped movingContinue to move around randomly6b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is: The entire container is the same color; if the dye molecules were still moving, the container would be different shades of blue.If the dye molecules stopped, they would settle to the bottom of the container.Molecules are always moving.This is a liquid; if it were a solid the molecules would stop moving.QUESTION 7:7a. Response Section: Suppose there are two large beakers with equal amounts of clear water at two different temperatures. Next, a drop of green dye is added to each beaker of water. Eventually the water turns light green (See Figure 1). Which beaker became light green first?333375063246035 C0035 C240982563246025 C0025 CBeaker 1Beaker 27b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:The lower temperature breaks down the dye.The dye molecules move faster at higher temperatures.The cold temperature speeds up the molecules.It helps the molecules to expand.QUESTION 8:8a. Response Section: In Figure 2, two columns of water are separated by a membrane through which only water can pass. Side 1 contains dye and water; Side 2 contains pure water. After two hours, the water level in Side 1 will be: Higher Lower 8b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:Water will move from the hypertonic to hypotonic solution.The concentration of water molecules is less on Side 1.Water will become isotonic.Water moves from low to high concentration.QUESTION 9:9a. Response Section: In Figure 3, Side 1 is ________________ to Side 2. HypotonicHypertonic Isotonic 9b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:Water is hypertonic to most things.Isotonic means “the same.”Water moves from a high to a low.There are fewer dissolved particles on Side 1.QUESTION 10:10a. Response Section: Figure 4 is a picture of a plant cell that lives in fresh water. If this cell was placed in a beaker of 25% salt water solution, the central vacuole would: Increase in sizeDecrease in sizeRemain the same 10b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:Salt absorbs the water from the central vacuole.Water will move from the vacuole to the salt water solution.The salt will enter the vacuole.Salt solution outside the cell cannot affect the vacuole inside the cell.QUESTION 11:11a. Response Section: Suppose you killed the plant cell in Figure 4 with poison and placed the dead cell in a 25% salt water solution. Osmosis and diffusion would: Not occurContinue Only diffusion would continueOnly osmosis would continue11b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:The cell would stop functioning.The cell does not have to be alive.Osmosis is not random, while diffusion is a random process.Osmosis and diffusion require cell energy.QUESTION 12:12a. Response Section: All cell membranes are: SemipermeablePermeable 12b. Reason Section: The reason for my answer is:They allow some substances to pass.They allow some substances to enter, but they prevent any substance from leaving.The membrane requires nutrients to live.They allow ALL nutrients to pass ................

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