
This tutorial will show you how to record and analyse the information from questionnaires completed by users.

It will introduce you to:

• Basic analysis of qualitative data using a spreadsheet

• Presenting the information as a pie chart and a bar chart

The data used in this tutorial comes from a question on an exit survey used in an archive

“Please tell us anything more about what you have learnt from your visit?”

The tutorial will take you through the process of recording, coding and analysing the different statements people made in response to this question. The spreadsheet has been set so that once you have organised and coded the statements you can record the results on the spreadsheet. It will then analyse the statements against the GLOs and add them up. It will allow you to present the information in two charts.

Tutorial Instructions

• Print and read through these instructions

• Open the Excel spreadsheet.

A. Displaying the data

• Look at the Excel spreadsheet. You will see a list of the responses made to question 1 of the survey. Please tell us anything more about what you have learnt from the visit

The first thing to do is to write down all the responses to this question in order. You will see there are 19 responses.

By each response is a number in brackets. This is the number of the questionnaire. It is important to number the questionnaires so you can go back to them and see where each answer came from if you need to.

B. Coding the responses

Once you have listed all the responses you need to code them against the 5 GLOS. This has been done for you on the spreadsheet.

• The total number of statements for each GLO can be seen below each list.

• Complete the table below using the information from the spreadsheet.

|GLO |Number of statements |

|Knowledge and understanding | |

|Skills | |

|Attitudes and values | |

|Enjoyment, inspiration, creativity | |

|Action, behaviour, progression | |

C. Presenting a pie chart

• Using the table you made in Section B, go back to the Excel spreadsheet.

• Enter the number of statements made for each GLO into the table Responses to Question 1 by GLO.

• Watch the pie chart grow as you enter the information – it shows the distribution of the GLOs for responses given to question 1.

D. Working with percentages

• Excel spreadsheets can also express findings as percentages.

• The pie chart shows the distribution of GLOs for respondents to question 1. The number of statements made can be expressed as a percentage – enter the numbers of statements for each GLO as you are shown on the spreadsheet.

• Excel will calculate the percentage for each GLO based on the 19 respondents who answered question 1.

• Out of 55 questionnaires only 19 respondents answered question 1. It might be useful to know the distribution of GLOs across the total number of respondents. Enter the same numbers for each GLO where you are shown on the spreadsheet.

E. Presenting a bar chart

• If you entered the numbers as indicated above you should have a bar chart showing you the percentages of the GLOs for the 19 respondents who answered question 1 (blue columns) compared to the 55 total respondents (yellow columns).

• Compare the bar chart with the pie chart and see how the same information can be presented in two different ways.

If you have not used a spreadsheet before

You will have seen how a spreadsheet can be used very basically to present information about learning outcomes - experienced by users - visually.

You can use this method for analysing response cards or questions where you want to get a broad overview of learning outcomes from your users.

You can see how the same basic information can be presented in two different ways

• As a pie chart expressing the total number of statements made about each GLO

• As a bar chart expressing the learning outcomes as a percentage for total respondents and respondents of question 1

You can see how you might be able to start drawing conclusions from the data.


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