Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts with Sage ...

[Pages:14]Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts with Sage MAS 500

Product: MAS 500 ERP


This course is intended to provide you with information on how to manage and understand MAS500 user accounts. Overview of maintaining user accounts, security groups, permissions, license use, and logins are discussed. Topics that will be covered include: Creating, Removing, and Modifying User Accounts Enabling Security Groups for users and permissions Understanding User License Consumption Difference Between SQL and Windows NT Authentication Login process Application Role and Its Purpose Common Troubleshooting Tips for user accounts

Learning Objectives

At the end of todays session, you will be able to: Add / Remove / Modify User Accounts Learn to work in Security Group(s) Understand User License Validation Learn the differences between the SQL and Windows NT Authentication Login Review Application Role and Its Purpose

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Creating New MAS500 User

Adding a new user for SQL and Windows account System Manager, Maintenance, Maintain Users, Type the name of an existing SQL Server or Windows user If the user is in the current domain, the field adds the domain automatically when you leave the field. Assign Default Security Group, Task Menu, and Company Save and Exit Instruct new user to login and set password in User Preference (if using SQL login) User Preference is applicable to SQL user login. System Manager, Tools, Users Preferences

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Note: ,,SysAdmin or System Manager user security group membership is required to perform the tasks Tip: Requiring Password can be enabled at Maintain Site "Require Password" in Option Tab To create a logon for a user in a different domain, first create a SQL Server logon for the

user, then specify the user name with the domain in this format: domain\ login name.

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Removing /Deactivating Existing User Account

In order to remove existing user, user performing the task must have administrative rights to SQL database and MAS500 System Manager, Maintenance, Maintain Users Type or Lookup User Account Use the Delete "X" button or CTRL-D (short key)Accounts Payable, Maintenance, Maintain

Vendors Confirm the deletion by clicking OK

Permanently removing user name from database Delete user from MAS 500 (Maintain User task). Then open SQL Studio Management and delete the user from the MAS 500 database and from the SQL server Security\Login folder.

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Note: Deleting the user from MAS500 will not affect the transactions history created by the deleted user account. The user will remain in the user list but will have No status under "Is Sage MAS 500 User" column.

Modifying Existing User Account

User can be assigned to multiple security groups for one or more companies; however, if the user is assigned to more than one security group within the same company, the system grants the user access permissions of the security group with the highest access permissions level. Changing User Name Once the user name is established, it cannot be changed. But can be added after removing the

user name from SQL database. Reason : Editing the name in Active Directory does not assign a new SID (Security

Identifier). Thus, adding the new user name in MAS 500 uses values already in use in SQL.

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

How to Set, Change, and Clear User Password (applicable for SQL login users)

User can create password during initial login prompt screen Admin can clear the user password from Maintain Users > clear Password button

SQL admin can clear password from SQL Server UPDATE tsmUser SET DBPassword = NULL, Password = NULL WHERE UserID = ',,

After executing the script above, go to Server ROOT > Security (LOGIN) and clear out the password under Properties.

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Security Group(s) Assignment and Setting

Note: ,,SysAdmin or ,,System Manager user security group membership is required to perform the tasks

Security Group(s) can be created to assign users to specific tasks, permissions, and roles. Benefit of using security group includes time saving administration, global security settings, and efficient user account management

System Manager, Maintenance, Maintain Security Groups Type new security group name and description Select Module ID from dropdown menu and assign appropriate permission level To locate the permission tasks, use Display Tracker to identify the task Levels of permissions are Excluded, Display Only, Normal, and Supervisory Excluded - Prevent users in the security group to view the task. Task may be bypassed,

button not visible, or dialog box not display Display Only ? Allow users to view the data only. Users cannot change values or use buttons Normal ? Allow users to enter or change data. Buttons and Dialog boxes are available to

users Supervisory ? Allow users to enter or change data with administrative rights. Example, user

can post private batches. Positional roles dependency

Tips and Tricks for managing Security Group(s)

Identifying the task name using Display Tracker tool. On the Tools menu, click Display Tracker. Look for Task Description from the tool.

Also can simply right-mouse click on task and select properties. Look for MAS500 Task Name.

The task names on the grid can be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column header with mouse

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Managing and Understanding MAS500 User Accounts

Clicking on top left corner cell will highlight all task for master change Use the Security List and User List Reports from System Manger

User License Consumption

There are two types of MAS500 User Desktop Licenses. First is called Standard MAS500 user license and second is known as Business Insights (BI) user license. Both Licenses are consumed or validated according to the task/application launch Business Insights license consumed when following applications are launched:

? Business Insights Explorer ? Business Insights Analyzer ? Business Insights Dashboard Example: A company purchases five (5) standard Sage MAS 500 application user licenses and two (2) Business Insights user licenses. Seven sessions can be started with active tasks, five standard application tasks and two Business Insights tasks.

User License Release

Both Standard MAS500 User license and Business Insights User license are released when user log outs of the MAS500 desktop. Simply closing task(s) or view(s) will not release the license(s). Changes for how MAS500 releases Licenses will be in 7.40 version The license consumption will release when All tasks/application window close. Users will

NOT have to completely log out of the desktop.

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