Table of Contents - UTR - The Utah Trauma Registry Website

STATE REQUIRED ELEMENTSAddendum to the NTDS Data DictionaryRelease: February 20193760 S Highland DriveP.O. Box 142006Salt Lake City UT 84114-2006Table of Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \t "Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3" Table of ContentsAcknowledgements PAGEREF _Toc487113845 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc487113846 \h 22019 Patient Inclusion Criteria PAGEREF _Toc487113847 \h 4Monthly Submission Guidelines: PAGEREF _Toc487113848 \h 6Common Null Values PAGEREF _Toc487113849 \h 6A. Demographic Data PAGEREF _Toc487113850 \h 7A.1 Tracking Number PAGEREF _Toc487113851 \h 8A.2 Hospital Number PAGEREF _Toc487113852 \h 9A.8 Other Race PAGEREF _Toc487113853 \h 10A.10 Medical Record Number PAGEREF _Toc487113854 \h 11A.11 Social Security Number PAGEREF _Toc487113855 \h 12B. Event Data PAGEREF _Toc487113856 \h 13B.3 Cause Code PAGEREF _Toc487113857 \h 14B.4 Trauma Type PAGEREF _Toc487113858 \h 15B.19 Injury Details PAGEREF _Toc487113859 \h 16C. Referring Hospital Data PAGEREF _Toc487113860 \h 17C.2 Transport Mode into Referring Hospital PAGEREF _Toc487113861 \h 18C.3 Referring Hospital PAGEREF _Toc487113862 \h 19D. Pre-Hospital Information PAGEREF _Toc487113863 \h 20D.3 EMS Agency PAGEREF _Toc487113864 \h 21D.4 EMS Origin PAGEREF _Toc487113865 \h 22D.8 EMS Respond Date PAGEREF _Toc487113866 \h 24D.14 EMS Destination Arrival Date PAGEREF _Toc487113867 \h 26D.15 EMS Destination PAGEREF _Toc487113868 \h 27D.16 EMS Trip Form Received PAGEREF _Toc487113869 \h 28E. Emergency Department / Hospital Information PAGEREF _Toc487113870 \h 30E.1 Admit Type PAGEREF _Toc487113871 \h 31E.2 Admit Service PAGEREF _Toc487113872 \h 32E.5 ED Admission Time PAGEREF _Toc487113873 \h 33E.6 ED Admission Date PAGEREF _Toc487113874 \h 34E.9 Inpatient Admission Time PAGEREF _Toc487113875 \h 35E.10 Inpatient Admission Date PAGEREF _Toc487113876 \h 36E.14 ED Transferring EMS Agency PAGEREF _Toc487113877 \h 37E.15 ED Discharge Destination Hospital PAGEREF _Toc487113878 \h 38E.16 Transfer Reason PAGEREF _Toc487113879 \h 39E.18 Hospital Discharge Destination Hospital PAGEREF _Toc487113880 \h 40E.19 DC Transferring EMS Agency PAGEREF _Toc487113881 \h 41E.35 Inpatient Length of Stay PAGEREF _Toc487113882 \h 42Appendix A: Utah Facility Codes PAGEREF _Toc487113883 \h 43Appendix B: EMS Agency Codes PAGEREF _Toc487113884 \h 46Appendix C: Country Codes PAGEREF _Toc487113885 \h 52Appendix D: Utah Counties, Cities and Zip Codes PAGEREF _Toc487113886 \h 55Appendix E: Utah to NTDS Data Elements Cross Walk PAGEREF _Toc487113887 \h 68Appendix F: Utah State Element List PAGEREF _Toc487113888 \h 73AcknowledgementsThe success of any trauma system is measured by the monitoring, evaluation and quality improvement at the pre-hospital, hospital and system level. A system must be able to monitor its performance and to assess its impact on trauma mortality and morbidity. This requires continuous evaluation of operations, demonstrations that the system is meeting its stated goals, and the documentation of system performance. The Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (BEMSP) have implemented a statewide trauma registry to track trauma patients. Trauma data is submitted to the BEMSP for review of system criteria. The data dictionary that follows provides definitions for the consistent interpretation of the data elements throughout the data collection process.The BEMSP would like to express its sincere appreciation and gratitude to the members of the Utah Trauma Users Group who continually give unselfishly of their time and expertise to maintain this data dictionary. This document is the result of many hours of discussion and collaboration between the BEMSP, Intermountain Injury Control Research Center (IICRC), subject matter experts and hospital personnel. We would also like to thank the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma and their publication of the 2017 National trauma Data Bank Data Dictionary. We are committed to adopting the standards of and maintaining synchronization with the NTDB Data Dictionary. Their work and dedication make this publication possible.IntroductionIn collaboration with the Trauma Users Group, the Bureau of EMS and Preparedness made the decision in 2015 to follow the National Trauma Data Standard (NTDS) with limited additional state-required data elements. This document includes those additional data elements required by the State. The full NTDS Data Dictionary, as well as a log of all NTDS changes can be found at the 2019 NTDS Data Dictionary….Traumatic injury, both accidental and intentional, is the leading cause of death in the first four decades of life, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Trauma typically involves young adults and results in the loss of more productive work years than both cancer and heart disease combined. Each year, more than 140,000 Americans die and approximately 80,000 are permanently disabled as a result of injury. The loss of productivity and health care costs account for 100 billion dollars annually.Research provides evidence of the effectiveness of trauma and EMS systems in reducing mortality, morbidity, and lost productivity from traumatic injuries. Almost three decades of research consistently suggests that in-hospital (and post-discharge) mortality rates are reduced by 20 to 25% among severely injured patients treated in trauma centers organized into a regional or statewide trauma center. Nevertheless, much of the work investigating the effectiveness of trauma system (center) development has been hampered by the lack of consistent, quality data to demonstrate differences in mortality over time or between hospitals, regions, or states. Hospital-based trauma registries are the basis for much of the research and quality assessment work that has informed clinicians and policy makers about methods to optimize the care of injured patients. Yet, the actual data points contained in independent hospital registries are often so different in content and structure that comparison across registries is nearly impossible. Database construction for trauma registries tis often completed in isolation with no nationally recognized standard data dictionary to ensure consistency across registries. Efforts to standardize hospital registry content have been published, yet studies continue to document serious variation and misclassification between hospital-based registries.Recently, federal agencies have made investments to fortify the establishment of a national trauma registry. Much of this funding has focused on the National Trauma Data Standard (NTDS), which represents a concerted and sustained effort by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACSCOT) to provide an extensive collection of trauma registry data provided primarily by accredited/designated trauma centers across the U.S. Members of ACSCOT and staff associated with the NTDB have long recognized that the NTDB inherits the individual weaknesses of each contributing registry.During 2004 through 2006, the ACSCOT Subcommittee on Trauma Registry Programs was supported by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to devise a uniform set of trauma registry variables and associated variable definitions. The ACSCOT Subcommittee also characterized a core set of trauma registry inclusion criteria that would maximize participation by all state, regional and local trauma registries. This data dictionary represents the culmination of this work. Institutionalizing the basic standards provided in the document will greatly increase the likelihood that a national trauma registry would provide clinical information beneficial in characterizing traumatic injury and enhancing our ability to improve trauma care in the United States.To realize this objective, it is important that this subset of uniform registry variables are incorporated into all trauma registries, regardless of trauma center accreditation/designation (or lack thereof). Local, regional or state registries are then encouraged to provide a yearly download of these uniform variables to the NTDB for all patients satisfying the inclusion criteria described in this document. This subset of variables, for all registries, will represent the contents of the new National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) in the future.Given that death and disability from traumatic injuries are highly preventable, the Utah Department of Health convened a Trauma System Task Force in 1993 to assist in the development of a Utah Trauma System Plan. The Task Force modeled the plan after the National Model Trauma Plan, which provides a basic framework and defines essential system components. A key component of the plan, enabling legislation, plus an ongoing appropriation for the trauma plan was accomplished in the 2000 Utah Legislative Session. This has allowed the BEMSP to move forward in the implementation of the trauma plan.The Utah Trauma System Plan is designed to help policy makers, health care providers, and community organizations establish a coordinated approach to trauma care and prevention. The plan allows local hospitals to determine what level of resources they wish to provide to their community. Ultimately, the goals of the Utah Trauma System Plan are to reduce mortality and morbidity from traumatic injuries through a comprehensive process that encourages the cooperation and coordination of all health care providers.The Intermountain Injury Control Research Center (IICRC) is assisting in system development, public information, evaluation and quality improvement, injury prevention and research components of the Utah Trauma System Plan. The IICRC helps establish a coordinated effort to thoroughly assess the operation of the current trauma system. Since all hospitals submit trauma data to the BEMSP in perpetuity, the IICRC acts as the data repository and provide assistance in the development of the statewide trauma data collection system. The data collection system provides a foundation for data-driven prevention activities and system quality improvement. The initial charge given to the IICRC is to develop a confidential and secure database that aggregates data for traumatically injured patients presenting to all hospitals in Utah. The data system will eventually incorporate pre-hospital as well as rehabilitation data. Feedback reports available to all hospitals will include aggregate data and will be tailored to meet the needs of each hospital participating in the Utah Trauma System. The ultimate goal of this data collaboration is to better define what resources are needed to provide optimal care of the injured patient within an appropriately designed and funded system of care2017 Patient Inclusion CriteriaFor the purpose of consistent data collection for the Utah Trauma Registry, a trauma patient is defined as a patient sustaining a traumatic injury requiring medical care and meets the following criteria: At least one of the following injury diagnostic codes defined in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10-CM):S00-S99 with 7th character modifiers of A, B, or C ONLY. (Injuries to specific body parts – initial encounter)T07 (unspecified multiple injuries)T14 (injury of unspecified body region)T20-T28 with 7th character modifier of A ONLY (burns by specific body parts – initial encounter)T30-T32 (burn by TBSA percentages)T79.A1-T79.A9 with 7th character modifier of A ONLY (Traumatic Compartment Syndrome – initial encounter)Excluding the following isolated injuries:ICD-10-CM:S00 (Superficial injuries of the head)S10 (Superficial injuries of the neck)S20 (Superficial injuries of the thorax)S30 (Superficial injuries of the abdomen, pelvis, lower back and external genitals)S40 (Superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm)S50 (Superficial injuries of elbow and forearm)S60 (Superficial injuries of wrist, hand and fingers)S70 (Superficial injuries of hip and thigh)S80 (Superficial injuries of knee and lower leg)S90 (Superficial injuries of ankle, foot and toes)Late effect codes, which are represented using the same range of injury diagnosis codes but with the 7th digit modifier code of D through S, are also excluded.AND MUST INCLUDE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (IN ADDITION TO ICD-10-CM S00-S99, T07, T14, T-20-T28, T30-T32 and T79.A1-T79.A9):Hospital admission for the traumatic injury lasting for at least 12 hours or longerPatient transfer via EMS transport (including air ambulance) from one hospital to another hospital for the traumatic injury; orDeath resulting from the traumatic injury (independent of hospital admission, transfer, or hospital transfer status)Monthly Submission Guidelines:As specified in the Utah Emergency Medical Services Act (Utah Code Title 26 Chapter 8a Section 253), all acute care hospitals are required to regularly submit trauma data to the trauma registry. While hospitals are strongly encouraged to submit data monthly, they are required to submit no less frequently than quarterly. The submission schedule for calendar year 2017 is shown below. Late notices and submission status notifications are sent by the IICRC with a copy to mon Null ValuesThese values are to be used with each of the Utah Trauma Registry Data Elements described in this document which have been defined to accept the Null Values.Utah ValuesNTDS ValuesDescriptionNA1Not ApplicableNOT2Not Known/Not RecordedAdditional Information: For any collection of data to be of value and reliable, a strong commitment must be made to ensure the correct documentation of incomplete data.Not Applicable: This null value code should be utilized if at the time of patient care documentation, the information requested did not apply to the case at hand. For example, variables documenting EMS care would be “Not Applicable” if a patient self-transports to the hospital.Not Known/Not Recorded: This null value applies if, at the time of patient care documentation, information was unknown to the patient, family, or health care provider or the information was not documented in the patient’s record. Use of this value documents that there was an attempt to obtain information but it was unknown by all parties involved at the time of documentation, or that the information was not supplied or documented in the patient’s record For example, injury date and time may be documented in the hospital patient care report as “Unknown” or the patient arrived by ambulance; however, no EMS run sheet is in the patient recordA. Demographic DataA.1 Tracking NumberDefinition:Part 1 of the two-part unique case identifier. It is the sequential number assigned by the registry software program or registrar that provides a unique identifier for a patient within a specific institution.Software Field Name:TRACKING_NO; TRAUMA_NOData Type:Numeric (Single entry allowed)Values:Minimum of 1-digit number through a maximum of 12-digit number.Discussion/Uses:Along with the Hospital Number, this number provides a unique identifier for a patient across the Utah Trauma Registry.EDITS:NONEUTAH EXPORT:TRAUMA_NOA.2 Hospital NumberDefinition:Part 2 of the two-part unique case identifier. It is the three digit numeric code assigned to your hospital. The combination of Trauma Registry Number and Hospital Number must be unique to the state database.Software Field Name:INSTITUTE_NOData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed)Values:Your hospital code. The trauma registry software will be defaulted to bring up the code for your hospital. Hospital codes are assigned by the Utah Department of Health. The list of codes can be found in Appendix A. Discussion/Uses:Along with the Tracking Number, this number provides a unique identifier for a patient across the Utah Trauma Registry.EDITS:UT.0000S; UT.0000SVUTAH EXPORT:INSTITUTE_NO_SRCA.8 Other RaceDefinition:The patient’s secondary race (if the first race field is insufficient).Software Field Name:RACE_OTHERData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:Utah ValuesNTDS ValuesDescriptionA1AsianB5Black or African AmericanI4American IndianP2Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderW6WhiteO3Other race not listedNANANot ApplicableNOTNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:The patient’s race is standard demographic information used in epidemiologic analyses.The patient race should be based upon self-report or identified by a family member.EDITS:UT.0997; UT.0997.S; UT.0997.SV; CDM_0997; CDM_0997.NV; CDM_0997.NUTAH EXPORT:RACE_OTHERNTDS EXPORT:RACE_NTDSNTDS Field Name:RaceNTDS Field Number:D_10A.10 Medical Record NumberDefinition:The patient’s medical record number or any number that uniquely identifies the patientSoftware Field Name:MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBERData Type:Character (Free text field)Values:Can be any value as long as the length does not exceed 15 characters.NANot ApplicableNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This data element is for audit and linking purposed only and will never be made public.EDITS:UT.0002UTAH EXPORT:MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBERA.11 Social Security NumberDefinition:The patient’s Social Security Number.Software Field Name:SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBERData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed)Values:9 digit Social Security Number (no dashes)NANot applicable (patient is from a foreign country or does not have a social security number)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This number is used to match patient records when they are seen at more than one hospital and may be useful for linkage with other data systems. This number is never made public. If the patient’s SSN is unkown, input NOT. Never use a “dummy” SSN.EDITS:UT.0139UTAH EXPORT:SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBERB. Event DataB.3 Cause CodeDefinition:The mechanism or external factor that caused the traumatic injury event.Software Field Name:CAUSE_CODEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:Since only one value can be entered, select the cause code that is most relevant to patient injury. For example, if a person was attacked by a dog and sustained moderate bites, and then fell 20 feet resulting in a severe head injury, then select the code that caused the most significant trauma; in this case the fall.ANIMALAnimal relatedASSAULTAssaulted by another person (excludes gunshot or stabbing assault)BIKEBicycle crash (includes bicycle vs. MV)BURNBurn (electric, thermal or chemical)CAUGHTCrushed or caught between objectsDIVEDiving relatedEXPExplosive forceFALLFall (from one level to another or ground level)FBForeign bodyGSWGunshot woundHANGHangingMACHINEFarm or heavy equipment or power tools MCMotorcycle crash (includes MC vs. MV)MVMotor vehicle Auto or Truck crashOVOther vehicular cause (includes ATV, 3-wheel or 4-wheel) OTHEROther cause not listedPEDPedestrian (not bicycle vs. MV) STRUCKStruck against objectSMOKESmoke inhalationSPORTSporting injurySTABStab wound (includes cut, slice or pierce)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:The ICD-9-CM E-Code data element is a multiple value field. All causes of injury can be included in that field.EDITS:UT.0076; UT.0076.S; UT.0076.SVUTAH EXPORT:CAUSE_CODE_SRCB.4 Trauma TypeDefinition:The type of force that caused the injury.Software Field Name:TRAUMA_TYPEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:BBlunt – Injury caused by diffuse forcePPenetrating – Injury caused by point force ONLYBurnBurn – Injury caused by burn (electrical, chemical, or thermal)Discussion/Uses:If both blunt and penetrating force were present, select the type of trauma that caused the highest Injury Severity Score.This field is critical for calculation of the Probability of Survival. Therefore in this particular field, UNK or NA is not allowed. You must pick one of the three values listed.EDITS:UT.0052; UT.0052.S; UT.0052.SV; UT.0052.L1UTAH EXPORT:TRAUMA_TYPE_SRCB.19 Injury DetailsDefinition:The details of the injury. This can be any supporting or supplemental data about the injury, environmental conditions, other circumstances, etc.Software Field Name:INJURY_DETAILSData Type:Character (Free text field)Values:All values are allowed. Enter the details of the injury. This information should not repeat information contained in other fields.Discussion/Uses:This data element helps to better convey the context of the injury event and to include important information such as intentionality that is not otherwise captured in the other data elementsEDITS:UT.0077UTAH EXPORT:INJURY_DETAILC. Referring Hospital DataC.2 Transport Mode into Referring HospitalDefinition:The mode of transport into the referring hospital. From this point on, “referring hospital” is defined as the hospital that referred the patient to your hospital.Software Field Name:TRANSFER_MODEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:AMBGround ambulanceFIXFixed wing airHELIHelicopterLAWLaw enforcement (Non-EMS)COMCommercial transportation/taxi (Non-EMS)POV“Per other vehicle” (private vehicle, walk-in, bus, non-EMS)NANot applicable, no referring hospital (Trauma registry software will auto fill this field if Hospital Transfer = ‘N’)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Patient may be transported into referring hospital via non-EMS provider. However, in order to meet Utah Trauma Registry inclusion criteria, patient must be transferred out of referring facility to ED/admitting hospital via EMS transport. This data can be found on the medical record information that accompanies the patient from the referring hospital.EDITS:UT.0491; UT.0491.S; UT.0491.SV; UTAH EXPORT:TRANSFER_MODEC.3 Referring HospitalDefinition:The three digit numeric code assigned to the referring hospital.Software Field Name:FROM_HOSPITALData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed)Values:Hospital codes are assigned by the Utah Department of Health. The list of codes can be found in Appendix A. Codes under 100 (non-hospital codes) are not valid responses for this question.NANot applicable, no referring hospital (Trauma registry software will auto-fill this field if Hospital Transfer = 'N')NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This field and the following fields in Section C are conditional. Complete only if the patient was transferred from another hospital to your hospital (if Hospital Transfer = ‘Y’)This data can be found on the medical record information that accompanies the patient from the referring hospital.Values under 100 in the hospital code list are clinics, doctor’s offices, etc., and should not be entered because they do not meet the definition of a Referring Hospital.EDITS:UT.0168; UT.0168.S; 0168.SVUTAH EXPORT:FROM_HOSPITAL_SRCD. Pre-Hospital InformationD.3 EMS AgencyDefinition:The code for each EMS Agency involved in transporting the patient from the scene of injury to arrival in your hospital. Software Field Name:TRANSPORT_AGENCY_CODEData Type:Character (Multiple values allowed)Values:Range: 0101L—2931L; 3000L*Each EMS Agency in the state of Utah is assigned a code by the Utah Department of Health.See Appendix B for the list of Licensed Utah EMS Agency codes.3000LUnspecified Utah EMS agencyOTHEROther out of state EMS agencyNANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:The first row of data entry should be the agency that transported the patient to your hospital.After the first row, optionally enter other EMS Agencies and Responding Units involved in transporting the patient.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.EDITS:UT.0017; UT.0017S; UT.0017SVUTAH EXPORT:TRANSPORT_AGENCY_CODE_SRCD.4 EMS OriginDefinition:The place where patient transport by an EMS Agency began.Software Field Name:TRANSPORT_ORIGINData Type:Character (Multiple values allowed)Values:SCENETransporting agency from the scene of injuryREFReferring hospital (includes clinics and doctors’ offices)TRANSRendezvous point with other EMS transport unit, (i.e. ground ambulance, fixed wing or helicopter)NONTRANSNon-transporting EMS agency (i.e. first responder, fire department, etc.)NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the origins where patient transports by an EMS Agency began, starting with the first leg of EMS transport.The last EMS Origin should be the place patient was seen at prior to transport by an EMS Agency to your hospital, if applicable.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.Only one occurrence of ‘SCENE’ should be input. This should be used to identify the EMS agency transporting the patient from the scene of the accident.EDITS:UT.0278; UT.0278S; UT.0278SL (checks for more than one TRANSPORT_ORIGIN of ‘SCENE’)UTAH EXPORT:TRANSPORT_ORIGIN_SRCD.7 EMS Respond TimeDefinition:The time the EMS Agency began travel to place where patient EMS transport was to begin.Depending on the EMS transport leg defined by the EMS Origin and EMS Destination points, the place where patient transport began can be at either the scene of injury (SCENE), referring hospital (REF) or rendezvous point (TRANS).Software Field Name:TIME_OUTData Type:Military Time – hh:mm (Multiple values allowed)Values:Range: 00:00 to 23:59NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the respond/departure times for each EMS Agency involved in transporting the patient, starting with the first leg of EMS transport.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.EDITS:UT.0025.L1UTAH EXPORT:TIME_OUTD.8 EMS Respond DateDefinition:The date the EMS Agency began travel to place where patient EMS transport was to begin.Depending on the EMS transport leg defined by the EMS Origin and EMS Destination points, the place where patient transport began can be at either the scene of injury (SCENE), referring hospital (REF) or rendezvous point (TRANS).Software Field Name:DATE_OUTData Type:Date – mmddyyyy (Multiple values allowed)Values:Valid date (“/”s and “-“s not needed in data entry)Enter the month, day and year of the referring hospital arrival date.Month:01January07July02February08August03March09September04April10October05May11November06June12DecemberDay: 01-31Year:The year must be 4-digits, i.e.: 2001NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the respond/departure dates for each EMS Agency involved in transporting the patient, starting with the first leg of EMS transport.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.EDITS:UT.0026.L1UTAH EXPORT:DATE_OUTD.13 EMS Destination Arrival TimeDefinition:The time the EMS Agency arrived with the patient at the destination of EMS transport.Depending on the EMS transport leg defined by the EMS Origin and EMS Destination points, this can be arrival at the definitive care hospital or rendezvous point, such as a transporting unit, airport, etc.Software Field Name:DESTINATION_ARRIVAL_TIMEData Type:Military Time – hh:mm (Multiple values allowed)Values:Range: 00:00 to 23:59NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the destination arrival times for each EMS Agency involved in transporting the patient, starting with the first leg of EMS transport.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.EDITS:UT.0147.L1UTAH EXPORT:DESTINATION_ARRIVAL_TIMED.14 EMS Destination Arrival DateDefinition:The date the EMS Agency arrived with patient at the destination of EMS transport.Depending on the EMS transport leg defined by the EMS Origin and EMS Destination points, this can be arrival at the definitive care hospital or rendezvous point, such as a transporting unit, airport, etcSoftware Field Name:DESTINATION_ARRIVAL_DATEData Type:Date – mmddyyyy (Multiple values allowed)Values:Valid date (“/”s and “-“s not needed in data entry)Enter the month, day and year of the referring hospital arrival date.Month:01January07July02February08August03March09September04April10October05May11November06June12DecemberDay: 01-31Year:The year must be 4-digits, i.e.: 2001NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot RecordedDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the destination arrival dates for each EMS Agency involved in transporting the patient, starting with the first leg of EMS transport.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient.EDITS:UT.0146.L1UTAH EXPORT:DESTINATION_ARRIVAL_DATED.15 EMS DestinationDefinition:The destination where each leg of patient EMS transports ended.Software Field Name:TRANSPORT_DESTINATIONData Type:Integer (Multiple values allowed)Values:Destination/Hospital codes are assigned by the Utah Department of Health. The list of codes can be found in Appendix A. If this leg of EMS transport did not end in a hospital, chose from options 010—090.NANot applicable, no EMS transportNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Sequentially enter all the destinations where each leg of the EMS Agency transport ended, starting with the first destination to which the patient was transported. The last EMS Destination should be the Hospital Code for your hospital, if applicable.This data can be found on the EMS Trip Form, Run Sheet or other information from the EMS Agency that transported the patient..EDITS:UT.0062; UT.0062S; UT.0062SV UTAH EXPORT:TRANSPORT_DESTINATION_SRCD.16 EMS Trip Form ReceivedDefinition:Indicates whether the EMS Trip Form or Run Sheet is available in the medical record (for the trauma registrar/data abstractor) for each leg of an EMS Agency patient transport.Software Field Name:TRIP_FORMData Type:Character (Multiple values allowed)Values:YYes, trip form is availableNNo, trip form is not availableNANot applicable, no EMS transportDiscussion/Uses:This is used to indicate the availability of data for the trauma registry from the EMS Trip Form or Run Sheet for each leg of an EMS Agency patient transport.EDITS:UT.0019; UT.0019S; UT.0019SVUTAH EXPORT:TRIP_FORM_SRCD.24 Initial Field GCS Assessment QualifiersDefinition:Documentation of factors potentially affecting the first assessment of GCS upon arrival in the pre-hospital setting.Software Field Name:PARALYTICSData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:Utah ChoicesDescriptionIPatient intubatedIOPatient intubated and obstruction to eyeOObstruction to the patient’s eyeSPatient chemically sedatedSIPatient chemically sedated and intubatedSIOPatient chemically sedated, intubated, and obstruction to eyeSOPatient chemically sedated and obstruction to eyeNANot ApplicableNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Provides documentation of assessment and care.Used in quality management for the evaluation of care and EMS Agency Performance.EDITS:UT.0521.L1UTAH EXPORT:PARALYTICS1E. Emergency Department / Hospital InformationE.1 Admit TypeDefinition:The specific type of patient admission at your hospital.Software Field Name:ADMIT_TYPEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:EAdmitted through EDDDirect admissionTSeen in ED then transferred out by EMSRSeen in ED then released or referred POVXDied in ED or DOADiscussion/Uses:NoneEDITS:UT.0198; UT.0198.L1; UT.0198.L2; UT.0198.L3 2009 – Logic edits have been added – If Admit type is “R”, then ED Disposition Code must not be HOSP. If Admit type is “T”, then ED Disposition Code must be HOSP.If Admit type is “X” then ED Disposition Code must be D, DOA, or DFUTAH EXPORT:ADMIT_TYPEE.2 Admit ServiceDefinition:The specific service to which the patient is admitted after discharge from the ED.Software Field Name:ADM_SVCData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:BURNBurn serviceMEDOther medical service not listedNSRNeurosurgeryOBObstetricsORTHOOrthopedic surgeryPEDPediatric servicePSYCHPsychiatricSURGGeneral surgery or other surgical services not listedTSTrauma Service (only organized Trauma Service or designated Trauma Center)NANot applicable, patient seen in ED only (ED Discharge Disposition = ‘HOME’, ‘HOSP’, ‘D’, ‘DOA’, or ‘NA’)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:NoneEDITS:UT.0221; UT.0221S; UT.0221SVUTAH EXPORT:ADM_SVC_SRCE.5 ED Admission TimeDefinition:The time the patient was triaged or seen by medical personnel at your emergency department.Software Field Name:ED_ADM_TIMEData Type:Military Time – hh:mm (Single entry allowed)Values:Range: 00:00 to 23:59NANot applicable, not an ED patient at your hospitalNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This time may or may not coincide with the Hospital Arrival Time. For example, the patient was dropped off by EMS Agency at 23:45 12/01/2001 but was not triaged or seen by medical personnel until 00:10 12/02/2001. (Hospital Arrival Time = 23:45 and ED Admission Time = 00:10.)EDITS:UT.0470UTAH EXPORT:ED_ADM_TIMEE.6 ED Admission DateDefinition:The date the patient was triaged or seen by medical personnel at your emergency department.Software Field Name:ED_ADM_DATEData Type:Date – mmddyyyy (Single entry allowed)Values:Valid date (“/”s and “-“s not needed in data entry)Enter the month, day and year of the referring hospital arrival date.Month:01January07July02February08August03March09September04April10October05May11November06June12DecemberDay: 01-31Year:The year must be 4-digits, i.e.: 2001NANot applicable, no referring hospital (Trauma registry software will auto fill this field if Hospital Transfer = ‘N’)NOTNot DocumentedUNKUnknown (either inadequate or no documentation)Discussion/Uses:This time may or may not coincide with the Hospital Arrival Date. For example, the patient was dropped off by EMS Agency at 23:45 12/01/2001 but was not triaged or seen by medical personnel until 00:10 12/02/2001. (Hospital Arrival Date = 12/01/2001 and ED Admission Date = 12/02/2001.)EDITS:UT.0469UTAH EXPORT:ED_ADM_DATEE.9 Inpatient Admission TimeDefinition:The time the patient was admitted as an inpatient at your hospital.Software Field Name:HOSPITAL_ADMISSION_TIMEData Type:Military Time – hh:mm (Single entry allowed)Values:Range: 00:00 to 23:59NANot applicable, not an inpatient at your hospitalNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This time may or may not coincide with the Hospital Arrival Time. For example, the patient was dropped off by EMS Agency at 23:45 12/01/2001 but was not admitted as an inpatient until 00:10 12/02/2001. (Hospital Arrival Time = 23:45 and Inpatient Admission Time = 00:10.)EDITS:UT.0300UTAH EXPORT:HOSPITAL_ADMISSION_TIMEE.10 Inpatient Admission DateDefinition:The date the patient was admitted as an inpatient at your hospital.Software Field Name:HOSPITAL_ADMISSION_DATEData Type:Date – mmddyyyy (Single entry allowed)Values:Valid date (“/”s and “-“s not needed in data entry)Enter the month, day and year of the referring hospital arrival date.Month:01January07July02February08August03March09September04April10October05May11November06June12DecemberDay: 01-31Year:The year must be 4-digits, i.e.: 2001NANot applicable, not an inpatient at your hospitalNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This time may or may not coincide with the Hospital Arrival Date. For example, the patient was dropped off by EMS Agency at 23:45 12/01/2001 but was not admitted as an inpatient until 00:10 12/02/2001. (Hospital Arrival Date = 12/01/2001 and Inpatient Admission Date = 12/02/2001.)EDITS:UT.0247UTAH EXPORT:HOSPITAL_ADMISSION_DATEE.14 ED Transferring EMS AgencyDefinition:The EMS Agency that transferred the patient out of your ED, if patient was discharged to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).Software Field Name:ED_TRANSFER_MODEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:Range: 0101L-3011L*Each EMS Agency in the state of Utah is assigned a code by the Utah Department of Health. See Appendix B for the list of Licensed Utah EMS Agency codes.OTHEROtherNANot applicable, patient not transferred to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition does not = ‘HOSP’)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This field is conditional. Complete only if the patient was transferred from your hospital to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’ and ADMIT_TYPE = ‘T’).EDITS:UT.0075S; UT.0075SVUTAH EXPORT:ED_TRANSFER_MODE_SRCE.15 ED Discharge Destination HospitalDefinition:The receiving hospital if the patient was transferred out of the ED to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).Software Field Name:ED_DESTINATION_CODEData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed Values:Hospital codes are assigned by the Utah Department of Health. The list of codes can be found in Appendix A. Codes under 100 (non-hospital codes) are not valid.NANot applicable, patient not transferred to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition does not = ‘HOSP’)NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This field is conditional. Complete only if the patient was transferred from your hospital to another hospital (ED Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).EDITS:UT.0076S; UT.0076SV; UT.0071.L1UTAH EXPORT:ED_DESTINATION_CODE_SRCE.16 Transfer ReasonDefinition:The reason for transferring the patient ot another Hospital.Software Field Name:TRANSFER_REASONData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:INSInsuranceHIGHERSpecialty Care / Higher Level CareRESOURCEResources Unavailable (Beds, Equipment, Staff, MD)PTREQPatient RequestLOWERLower Level CareNANot Applicable, Not TransferredNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Added in 2004 to clarify transfers.This field will appear as a popup question in trauma registry software if EITHER the ED or DC Disposition is “HOSP”.EDITS:UT.0049L1; UT.0049S; UT.0049SVThese edits should only trip if the HOSPTIAL_DEPARTURE_YEAR is 2004 or greater AND if either the ED or DC Disposition code is “HOSP”.UTAH EXPORT:TRANSFER_REASON_SRCE.18 Hospital Discharge Destination HospitalDefinition:The receiving hospital if the patient was transferred out of your hospital to another hospital (Hospital Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).Software Field Name:DC_DESTINATION_CODEData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed)Values:Hospital codes are assigned by the Utah Department of Health. The list of codes can be found in Appendix A.Codes under 100 (non-hospital codes) are not valid.NANot applicable, patient not transferred to another hospital (Hospital Discharge Disposition does not = ‘HOSP’).NOTNot Documented Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:This field is conditional. Complete only if the patient was transferred from your hospital to another hospital (DC_DISPOSITION_CODE = ‘HOSP’).EDITS:UT.0014; UT.E0014S; UT.0014SVUTAH EXPORT:DC_DESTINATION_CODE_SRCE.19 DC Transferring EMS AgencyDefinition:The EMS Agency that transferred the patient out of your Inpatient Unit, if patient was discharged to another hospital (Hospital Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).Software Field Name:DC_TRANSFER_MODEData Type:Character (Single entry allowed)Values:Range: 0101L-3011L*Each EMS Agency in the state of Utah is assigned a code by the Utah Department of Health. See Appendix B for the list of Licensed Utah EMS Agency codes.OTHEROtherNANot applicable, patient not transferred to another hospital (Hospital Discharge Disposition does not = ‘HOSP’).NOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:Added in 2004 to clarify Transfers. This field is conditional. Complete only if the patient was transferred from your hospital to another hospital (Hospital Discharge Disposition = ‘HOSP’).EDITS:CDM_0698UTAH EXPORT:DC_TRANSFER_MODE_SRCE.35 Inpatient Length of StayDefinition:The total number of patient days for an inpatient episode, calculated by subtracting the date of discharge from the date of admission.Software Field Name:LOSData Type:Integer (Single entry allowed)Values:Range: 0-6000ED/transfer patients only. Not admitted as an inpatient.NANot ApplicableNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownDiscussion/Uses:If a patient is admitted as an inpatient and discharged on the same day, the LOS is 1 day. Patients only seen in the ED or transferred out should have a length of stay recorded as 0.EDITS:UT.-119; UT.0119V (checks for negative LOS)UTAH EXPORT:LOSAppendix A: Utah Facility CodesOther Facilities:CodeDescription/Hospital010Transporting Unit025Doctor’s Office030Free Standing Clinic035Stand Alone Emergency Department040Home042Rehab/TCU at your facility043Rehab/TCU at another facility045Long Term Facility/Nursing Home046End of Life Care / Hospice at Your Facility047End of Life Care / Hospice at Another Facility or Home050Mental Health Facility055Mortuary Facility060Other Non-Hospital Facility070Police/Jail Facility075Airport080Diagnostic Facility085State Medical Examiner090Surgical CenterHospitals:CodeDescription/Hospital135BEAR RIVER VALLEY HOSPITAL – Tremonton140BRIGHAM CITY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL – Brigham City145DAVIS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER – Layton145.ADAVIS HOSPITAL WEBER CAMPUS – Roy150LAKEVIEW HOSPITAL – Bountiful155LOGAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL – Logan160MCKAY DEE HOSPITAL – Ogden165OGDEN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER – Ogden170MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER – Toole180CACHE VALLEY SPECIALTY HOSPITAL – North Logan220ALTA VIEW HOSPITAL – Sandy230SALT LAKE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER – Salt Lake City235JORDAN VALLEY HOSPITAL- West Jordan240LDS HOSPITAL – Salt Lake City245JORDAN VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER: WEST VALLEY CAMPUS – West Valley250PRIMARY CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER – Salt Lake City260ST. MARK’S HOSPITAL – Salt Lake City260.BTaylorsville Emergency Center – Taylorsville (St. Mark’s)261Lone Peak Emergency Center – Draper (St.Marks)265U OF U MEDICAL CENTER – Salt Lake City265.ASouth Jordan Health Center – South Jordan (University of Utah)270VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTER- Salt Lake City275THE ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALTY HOSPITAL – Murray290INTERMOUNTAIN MEDICAL CENTER – Salt Lake City295RIVERTON HOSPITAL – Riverton330AMERICAN FORK HOSPITAL – American Fork335ASHLEY VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER – Vernal340CASTLEVIEW HOSPITAL – Price345UINTAH BASIN MEDICAL CENTER – Roosevelt350MOUNTAIN VIEW HOSPITAL – Payson355OREM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL – Orem360UTAH VALLEY HOSPITAL – Provo365WASATCH COUNTY HOSPITAL (HEBER VALLEY) – Heber City370TIMPANOGOS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER – Orem375PARK CITY MEDICAL CENTER – Park City (2009)440FILLMORE COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER – Fillmore445GUNNISION VALLEY HOSPITAL – Gunnison450CENTRAL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER – Nephi455SANPETE VALLEY HOSPITAL – Mt. Pleasant460SEVIER VALLEY HOSPITAL – Richfield465DELTA COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER – Delta530MOAB REGIONAL HOSPITAL – Moab535BEAVER VALLEY HOSPITAL – Beaver540DIXIE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER – St. George545GARFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL – Panguitch550KANE COUNTY HOSPITAL – Kanab555MILFORD VALLEY MEMORIAL – Milford565SAN JUAN HOSPITAL – Monticello570VALLEY VIEW MEDICAL CENTER – Cedar City575BLUE MOUNTAIN MEDICAL CENTER – Blanding580MOUNTAIN POINT HOSPITAL – Lehi585LAYTON HOSPITAL--Layton600Wyoming hospital610Idaho hospital620Colorado hospital630Nevada hospital640Arizona hospital650New Mexico hospital660Montana hospital699Other out of state hospitalObsolete Hospital Codes:CodeDescription/Hospital065OTHER OUT OF STATE HOSPITAL175HILL AIR FORCE BASE225COTTONWOOD HOSPITAL – Murray280ROCKY MOUNTAIN MEDICAL CENTER – Salt Lake City560MONUMENT VALLEY HOSPITALAppendix B: EMS Agency CodesDEFINITIONS OF SERVICE LEVELSAMB_BGround Ambulance Basic LevelAMB_I Ground Ambulance Intermediate LevelAMB_IA Ground Ambulance Intermediate Advanced LevelAMB_PGround Ambulance Paramedic LevelAIRAir Ambulance, either Fixed Wing or RotaryRESCUEParamedic Rescue Non-Transporting UnitQRU_BQuick Response Unit (First Responder) Basic LevelQRU_IQuick Response Unit (First Responder) Intermediate LevelCODEAGENCYTYPEACTIVE0101Beaver Ambulance Service TransportActive0102Milford Valley Ambulance Service TransportActive0201Brigham City Ambulance TransportActive0202Tremonton City Fire Department TransportActive0205Plymouth Fire Department TransportActive0210ATK Launch Systems TransportActive0214Willard City Fire Department Non-TransportActive0216Central Box Elder Special Service Fire District Non-TransportActive0222Curlew Ambulance Service TransportActive0224Thatcher Penrose Fire Department Non-TransportActive0225Box Elder County Ambulance TransportActive0260Fielding Fire Department TransportActive0302Hyrum First Responders Non-TransportActive0303Lewiston First Responders Non-TransportActive0304Newton First Responders Non-TransportActive0305Paradise First Responders Non-TransportActive0306Wellsville First Responders Non-TransportActive0307Smithfield First Responders Non-TransportActive0312Cache County Fire District Non-TransportActive0313Mendon Fire Department Non-TransportActive0315Cache County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue Non-TransportActive0316Richmond Fire Department Non-TransportActive0317North Logan Fire Department Non-TransportActive0320Nibley First Responders Non-TransportActive0321Trenton First Responders Non-TransportActive0325Clarkston Fire & Rescue Department Non-TransportActive0334Cache Co. EMS Authority TransportActive0335Cache County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Non-TransportActive0401Sunnyside Ambulance Service TransportActive0402Carbon County Ambulance TransportActive0406Helper Fire Department Non-TransportActive0501Daggett County Ambulance TransportActive0603Davis County Sheriffs Office Non-TransportActive0606Kaysville City Fire Department TransportActive0612Clinton City Fire Department TransportActive0618Syracuse City Fire Department TransportActive0620North Davis Fire District TransportActive0630Farmington City Fire Department TransportActive0631Layton City Fire Department TransportActive0635South Davis Metro Fire Agency TransportActive0640Sunset City Fire Department TransportActive0714Uintah Basin Medical Center TransportActive0801Emery County Ambulance TransportActive0901Garfield County Ambulance TransportActive0101Beaver Ambulance Service TransportActive0102Milford Valley Ambulance Service TransportActive0201Brigham City Ambulance TransportActive0202Tremonton City Fire Department TransportActive0205Plymouth Fire Department TransportActive0210ATK Launch Systems TransportActive0214Willard City Fire Department Non-TransportActive0216Central Box Elder Special Service Fire District Non-TransportActive0222Curlew Ambulance Service TransportActive0224Thatcher Penrose Fire Department Non-TransportActive0225Box Elder County Ambulance TransportActive0260Fielding Fire Department TransportActive0302Hyrum First Responders Non-TransportActive0303Lewiston First Responders Non-TransportActive0304Newton First Responders Non-TransportActive0305Paradise First Responders Non-TransportActive0306Wellsville First Responders Non-TransportActive0307Smithfield First Responders Non-TransportActive0312Cache County Fire District Non-TransportActive0313Mendon Fire Department Non-TransportActive0315Cache County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue Non-TransportActive0316Richmond Fire Department Non-TransportActive0317North Logan Fire Department Non-TransportActive0320Nibley First Responders Non-TransportActive0321Trenton First Responders Non-TransportActive0325Clarkston Fire & Rescue Department Non-TransportActive0334Cache Co. EMS Authority TransportActive0335Cache County Sheriffs Office SWAT Non-TransportActive0401Sunnyside Ambulance Service TransportActive0402Carbon County Ambulance TransportActive0406Helper Fire Department Non-TransportActive0501Daggett County Ambulance TransportActive0603Davis County Sheriff’s Office Non-TransportActive0606Kaysville City Fire Department TransportActive0612Clinton City Fire Department TransportActive0618Syracuse City Fire Department TransportActive0620North Davis Fire District TransportActive0630Farmington City Fire Department TransportActive0631Layton City Fire Department TransportActive0635South Davis Metro Fire Agency TransportActive0640Sunset City Fire Department TransportActive0714Uintah Basin Medical Center TransportActive0801Emery County Ambulance TransportActive0901Garfield County Ambulance TransportActive1001Grand County Emergency Medical Services TransportActive1104Brian Head Department Of Public Safety Non-TransportActive1110Gold Cross Ambulance Services, Inc. Iron County TransportActive1201Juab County Emergency Medical Services TransportActive1204Levan Town Ambulance TransportActive1215Rocky Ridge Ems Non-TransportActive1301Kane County Ambulance TransportActive1305Cedar Mountain Fire Protection District Non-TransportActive1401Millard County Ambulance TransportActive1403Scipio Ambulance TransportActive1501Morgan County Ambulance TransportActive1601Piute County Ambulance TransportActive1701Rich County Ambulance TransportActive1804Salt Lake City Fire Department Non-TransportActive1809Sandy City Fire Department TransportActive1812Gold Cross Ambulance Services Inc Slc TransportActive1820South Salt Lake Fire Department TransportActive1826Utah Air National Guard Fire Department Non-TransportActive1850Utah State Prison Non-TransportActive1857Murray City Fire Department TransportActive1858South Jordan Fire Department TransportActive1861West Jordan Fire Department TransportActive1865West Valley City Fire Department TransportActive1867Unified Fire Authority TransportActive1869Bluffdale Fire Department TransportActive1904San Juan County Ems TransportActive1915Utah Navajo Health System TransportActive2001Gunnison Valley Hospital Ambulance TransportActive2002North Sanpete Ambulance TransportActive2007Ephraim Ambulance Association TransportActive2008Manti Ambulance Association/Manti City Corporation TransportActive2101Sevier County Ambulance TransportActive2202South Summit Ambulance Service TransportActive2205North Summit Fire District Non-TransportActive2220Park City Fire District/Summit Co. TransportActive2315North Tooele County Fire Service District Non-TransportActive2315Wendover Ambulance Service TransportActive2320Ambulance Services Of Tooele, LLC TransportActive2320Grantsville Fire Department Non-TransportActive2402Deseret Generation & Transmission TransportActive2403Ute Tribe Ambulance Service TransportActive2404Gold Cross Ambulance Services, Inc Eastern TransportActive2411Uintah Fire Suppression Special Service District Non-TransportActive2503Payson City Ambulance TransportActive2505Provo City Fire and Rescue TransportActive2506Orem Department Of Public Safety TransportActive2508Springville Fire And Rescue TransportActive2509Spanish Fork Ambulance TransportActive2510Gold Cross Ambulance Services, Inc.Utah/Juab County TransportActive2513Santaquin City Ambulance TransportActive2517Salem Emergency Medical Assoc TransportActive2518Mapleton Ambulance TransportActive2526Utah County Sheriff Search & Rescue Service Non-TransportActive2531Elk Ridge City Fire Department Non-TransportActive2532Brigham Young University Non-TransportActive2535Lone Peak Public Safety District TransportActive2540American Fork City TransportActive2541North Fork Fire Department TransportActive2545Pleasant Grove Fire Department TransportActive2550Lehi Fire/Emergency Medical Services TransportActive2551Saratoga Springs Fire & Rescue TransportActive2601Wasatch County Emergency Medical Services TransportActive2701Enterprise Ambulance Service TransportActive2711Santa Clara Fire Department Non-TransportActive2715Washington County Sheriff's Office S&R Non-TransportActive2720Hildale Fire Department TransportActive2722Hurricane Valley Fire Special Services District TransportActive2725St. George City Fire Department Non-TransportActive2734Washington City Fire Department #2734DNon-TransportActive2736Pine Valley Special Service District Non-TransportActive2738Dixie Regional Medical Center TransportActive2740Rockville/Springdale Fire Protection District TransportActive2745Dammeron Valley Fire & Rescue SSD Non-TransportActive2746Ivins City Public Safety TransportActive2765Gold Cross Ambulance Services, Inc Southern TransportActive2801Wayne County Ems TransportActive2907Washington Terrace Fire Dept Non-TransportActive2915Ogden City FD TransportActive2919North View Fire District TransportActive2921Plain City Fire Department Non-TransportActive2932Weber County Sheriff Non-TransportActive2933South Ogden City Public Safety Fire Department TransportActive2934Riverdale Fire Services TransportActive2936Uintah City Fire Department Non-TransportActive2940Roy City Fire And Rescue Department TransportActive2945Weber Fire District TransportActive3001AirMed/UUMCAir AmbulanceActive3002LIfeFlight/IHCAir AmbulanceActive3003Classic Life Guard/Classic AirAir AmbulanceActive3004Eagle AirAir AmbulanceActive3005St Mary's CareflightAir AmbulanceActive3006Life Guard InternationalAir AmbulanceActive3007Air Ambulance SpecialistsAir AmbulanceActive3009San Juan Regional Air AmbulanceActive3010Mercy Air/Air MethodsAir AmbulanceActive3011AirMethods/TriState Care FlightAir AmbulanceActive3013Flight for Life, ColoradoAir AmbulanceActive3014Northern Arizona/GuardianAir AmbulanceActive3016Guardian FlightAir AmbulanceActive3018Mountainstar AirAir AmbulanceActive-914400-7505065D_0600D_06-914400-7505065XSD Data Type xs:integer XSD Element / Domain (Simple Type) HomeResidenceMultiple Entry Configuration NoAccepts Null Value Yes, common null valuesRequired in XSD Yes00XSD Data Type xs:integer XSD Element / Domain (Simple Type) HomeResidenceMultiple Entry Configuration NoAccepts Null Value Yes, common null valuesRequired in XSD YesAppendix C: Country CodesCodeCountryCodeCountryUSUnited StatesHRCroatiaMXMexicoCUCubaCACanadaCYCyprusAFAfghanistanEZCzech RepublicALAlbaniaDADenmarkAGAlgeriaDJDjiboutiANAndorraDODominicaAOAngolaDRDominican RepublicACAntigua and BarbudaTTEast TimorARArgentinaECEcuadorAMArmeniaEGEgyptASAustraliaESEl SalvadorAUAustriaEKEquatorial GuineaAJAzerbaijanEREritreaBFBahamasENEstoniaBABahrainETEthiopiaBGBangladeshFJFijiBBBarbadosFIFinlandBOBelarusFRFranceBEBelgiumGBGabonBHBelizeGAGambia, TheBNBeninGGGeorgiaBTBhutanGMGermanyBLBoliviaGHGhanaBKBosnia and HerzegovinaGRGreeceBCBotswanaGJGrenadaBRBrazilGTGuatemalaBXBruneiGVGuineaBUBulgariaPUGuinea-BissauUVBurkina FasoGYGuyanaBMBurmaHAHaitiBYBurundiVTHoly SeeCBCambodiaHOHondurasCMCameroonHUHungaryCVCape VerdeICIcelandCTCentral African RepublicINIndiaCDChadIDIndonesiaCIChileIRIranCHChinaIZIraqCOColombiaEIIrelandCNComorosISIsraelCFCongo (Brazzaville)ITItalyCGCongo (Kinshasa)JMJamaicaCSCosta RicaJAJapanIVCote d’IvoireJOJordanKZKazakhstanPMPanamaKEKenyaPPPapua New GuineaKRKiribatiPAParaguayKNKorea, NorthPEPeruKSKorea, SouthRPPhilippinesKUKuwaitPLPolandKGKyrgyzstanPOPortugalLALaosQAQatarLGLatviaRORomaniaLELebanonRSRussiaLTLesothoRWRwandaLILiberiaSCSaint Kitts and NevisLYLibyaSTSaint LuciaLSLiechtensteinVCSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesLHLithuaniaWSSamoaLULuxembourgSMSan MarinoMKMacedoniaTPS?o Tomé and PríncipeMAMadagascarSASaudi ArabiaMIMalawiRBSerbiaMYMalaysiaSESeychellesMVMaldivesSLSierra LeoneMLMaliSNSingaporeMTMaltaLOSlovakiaRMMarshall IslandsSISloveniaMRMauritaniaBPSolomon IslandsMPMauritiusSOSomaliaFMMicronesiaSFSouth AfricaMDMoldovaSPSpainMNMonacoCESri LankaMGMongoliaSUSudanMJMontenegroNSSurinameMOMoroccoWZSwazilandMZMozambiqueSWSwedenWANamibiaSZSwitzerlandNRNauruSYSyriaNPNepalTITajikistanNLNetherlandsTWTaiwanNZNew ZealandTZTanzaniaNUNicaraguaTHThailandNGNigerTOTogoNINigeriaTNTongaNONorwayTSTunisiaMUOmanTUTurkeyPKPakistanTXTurkmenistanPSPalauTVTuvaluUGUgandaVMVietnamUPUkraineYMYemenAEUnited Arab EmiratesZAZambiaUKUnited KingdomZIZimbabweUYUruguayNANot ApplicableUZUzbekistanNOTNot Recorded/Not KnownNHVanuatuVEVenezuelaAppendix D: Utah Counties, Cities and Zip CodesCounty CodeDescription / (FIPS)CitiesZip CodeBEAVERBeaver (49001)Adamsville84713Beaver84713Burbank84751Cove Fort84713Greenville84731Manderfield84713Milford84751Minersville84752North Creek84713BOX ELDERBox Elder (49003)Axtell84621Bear River City84301Beaverdam84306Beeton84309Bothwell84337Brigham City84302Bushnell84302Collinstonn84306Corinne84307Crystal Springs84314Deweyville84309Elwood84337Etna84313Fielding84311Garland84312Grouse Creek84313Honeyville84314Howell84316Madsen84314Mantua84324Park Valley84329Penrose84337Perry84302Plymouth84330Portage84331Promontory84307Riverside84334Rosette84329Snowville84336Thatcher84337Tremonton84337Willard84340CACHECache (49007)Amalga84335Avon84319Benson84335Brigham City84304Cache Junction84304Clarkston84305College Ward84321Cornish84308Cove84320Hyde Park84318Hyrum84319Lewiston84320Logan84321Mendon84325Millville84326Newton84327NIbley84321North Logan84321Paradise84328Petersboro84325Providence84332Richmond84333River Heights84321Smithfield84335Trenton84338Utah State University84322Wellsville84339CARBONCarbon (49007)Carbonville84501Castle Gate84526Columbia84501East Carbon84520East Wellington84542Helper84526Hiawatha84527Kenilworth84529Martin84526Price84501Scofield84501Spring Glen84526Standardville84526Sunnyside84539Wellington84542Woodside84501DAGGETTDaggett (49009)Dutch John84023Green Lake84046Greendale84023Manila84046DAVISDavis (49011)Anchorage84015Arsenal84015Bountiful84087, 84010, 84011Centerville84014Clearfield84015Clinton84015East Layton84040Farmington84025Fruit Heights84037Hill A.F.B.84056Kaysville84037Layton84040, 84075, 84041North Salt Lake84054Sunset84015Syracuse84075Val Verda84010DAVISDavis (49011)West Kaysville84037West Layton84041West Point84015Woods Cross84087DUCHESNEDuchesne (49013)Arcadia84012Altamont84001, 84002Bluebell84007Boneta84001Bridgeland84012Cedarview84066Defas Park84031Duchesne84021Fruitland84027Hanna84031Ioka84066Leeton84066Monarch84066Mountain Home84051Myton84052Neola84053Roosevelt84066Tabiona84072Talmage84073Upalco84007EMERYEmery (49015)Castle Dale84513Clawson84516Cleveland84518Elmo84521Emery84522Ferron84523Green River84525Huntington84528Lawrence84528Molen84523Moore84523Orangeville84537GARFIELDGarfield (49017)Angle84712Antimony84712Boulder84716Bryce84764Bryce Canyon84761Cannonville84718Escalante84726Henrieville84736Panguitch84759Spry84759Tropic84716GRANDGrand (49019)Arches84532Canyonlands84532Castleton84532Cisco84515Moab84532GRANDGrand (49019)Natural Bridges84532Thompson84540IRONIron (49021)Beryl84714Beryl Junction84714Brian Head84719Cedar Breaks84720Cedar City84720Enoch84720Kanarraville84742Lund84720Modena84753Newcastle84756Paragonah84760Parowan84761Pinto84756Summit84772Uvada84753JUABJuab (49023)Eureka84628Levan84639Mona84645Nephi84648Starr84645KANEKane (49025)Alton84710Big Water84741Duck Creek Village84762Glen Canyon84741Glendale84729Hatch84735Kanab84741Mount Carmel84755Orderville84758MILLARDMillard (49027)Abraham84635Delta84624Deseret84624Eskdale84728Fillmore84631Flowell84631Garrison84728Hinckley84635Holden84636Lanosh84637Leamington84638Lynndyl84640Meadow84644Oak City84649Oasis84650Scipio84656Sugarville84624Sutherland84624Woodrow84624MORGANMorgan (49029)Como Springs84050Croydon84018MORGANMorgan (49029)Devils Slide84050Enterprise84050Littleton84050Milton84050Morgan84050Mountain Green84050Peterson84050Porterville84050Richville84050Stoddard84050PIUTEPiute (49031)Circleville84723Greenwich84732Junction84740Kingston84743Marysvale84750Richfield84732RICHRich (49033)Garden City84028Laketown84038Meadowville84038Pickleville84028Randolph84064Round Valley84038Swan Creek84028Woodruff84086SALT LAKESalt Lake (49035)Alta84092Atwood84107Belmont Heights84070, 84092Bennion84118Bingham Canyon84006Bluffdale84065Brighton84121Burton84115Butlerville84121Camp Williams84065Cooperton84006SALT LAKESalt Lake (49035)Cottonwood84121Cottonwood Heights84117Cottonwood Meadows84117Crescent84092, 84070Cushing84047Draper84020Eastwood Hills84106Emigration Canyon84108Fairgrounds84116Foothill84108Fort Douglas84113Granger84119Granger Hunter84119Granite84070, 84092Granite Park84106Greenfield Village84117Herriman84096SALT LAKESalt Lake (49035)Holladay84124, 84117Hunter84120Kearns84118Key Bank84189Knudsen Corner84121Magna84044Midvale84047Millcreek84109Mount Olympus84117Murray84107, 84123Northwest84116Pallas84107Park Terrace84106Pioneer84111Pleasant Green84044Redwood84119Riverton84065Roper84115Rose Park84116Salt Lake City84100, 84101, 84102, 84103, 84104, 84105, 84106, 84107, 84108, 84109, 84111, 84112, 84113, 84114, 84115, 84116, 84117, 84118, 84119, 84120, 84121, 84123, 84124, 84133, 84138, 84144, 84180Salt Lake Community College84190Sandy84092, 84093, 84070, 84094Sherwood Park84092, 84070Silver Fork84121Snowbird84092South Jordan84095South Salt Lake84115Sugarhouse84105, 84106Taylorsville84119, 84123Union84047University Medical Center84132West Jordan84088, 84084, 84081West Valley84199, 84120White City84092, 84070SANPETESanpete (49037)Birdseye84629Centerfield84622Chester84623Ephraim84627Fairview84629Fayette84630Fountain Green84632Gunnison84634Indianola84629SANPETESanpete (49037)Manti84642Mayfield84643Milburn84629Moroni84646Mount Pleasant84647Oak Creek84629Spring City84662Sterling84665Thistle84629Wales84667SAN JUANSan Juan (49039)Aneth84510Blanding84511Bluff84512Bullfrog84533Eastland Township84535Halls Crossing84533Hite84533La Sal84530Lake Powell84533Mexican Hat84531Montezuma Creek84534Monticello84535Monument Valley84536Ticaboo84533SEVIERSevier (49041)Annabelle84711Aurora84620Austin84754Bowery Haven84701Central Valley84754Burrville84701Elsinore84724Fish Lake84701Gooseberry84654Joseph84739Koosharem84744Monroe84754Redmond84652Richfield84701Salina84654Sevier84766Sigurd84657Venice84701SUMMITSummit (49043)Coalville84017Echo84024Francis84036Henefer84033Hoytsville84017Jeremy Ranch84098Kamas84036Kimball Junction84098Marion84036Oakley84055SUMMITSummit (49043)Park City84060, 84068, 84098Peoa84061Pine Cliff84017Pinebrook84098Snyderville84098Summit Park84098Upton84017Wanship84017Woodland84036TOOELETooele (49045)Bauer84071Burmester84029Clover84069Dugway84022Erda84074Faust84080Grantsville84029Ibapah84034Lake Point84074Lincoln84074Marblehead84029Ophir84071Partoun84083Rowley84029Rush Valley84069Saint John84069Skull Valley84029Stansbury Park84074Stockton84071Terra84022Tooele84074Tooele Army Depot84074Trout Creek84083Vernon84080Wendover84083UINTAHUintah (49047)Bonanza84008Bottle Hollow84026Dry Fork84078Fort Duchesne84026Gusher84030Jensen84035Lapoint84039Maeser84078Naples84078Ouray84026Randlett84063Tridell84076Vernal84008, 84078Whiterocks84085UTAHUtah County (49049)Alpine84004American Fork84003Benjamin84660Bonnie84057, 84058UTAHUtah County (49049)Brigham Young University84602Bunker84057, 84058Cedar Hills84062Cedar Valley84013Clyde84057Colton84601Covered Bridge84660Eagle Mountain84005, 84043Edgemont84601Elberta84626Elk Ridge84651Fairfield84013Genola84655Gilluly84601Goshen84633Hardy Beet Spur84062Highland84003Lake Shore84660Lakeview84601Lehi84043Leland84660Lindon84042Mapleton84662Olmstead84601Orem84057, 84058, 84097Palmyra84660Payson84651Pleasant Grove84062Provo84601, 84602, 84604, 84606Provo Canyon84604Provo Junction84601Salem84653Salem Hills84660Santaquin84655Saratoga Springs84043, 84045Smoot84601Soldier Summit84601Spanish Fork84660Spring Lake84651Springdell84601Springville84663Sundance84604Timpanogos84003University84601Vineyard84058, 84604Vivian Park84601Wicks84601Wildwood84601Woodland Hills84653WASATCHWasatch (49051)Center Creek84032Charleston84032WASATCHWasatch (49051)Daniels84032Heber84032Mayflower84032Midway84049Wallsburg84082WASHINGTONWashington (49053)Apple Valley84737Big Valley84741Brookside84782Cedar City84782, 84783, 84722Central84722Dammeron84783Enterprise84725Gunlock84733Harrisburg Junction84770Hildale84784Hurricane84737Ivins84738La Verkin84745Leeds84746Middleton84770New Harmony84757Pine Valley84722Pintura84720Rockville84763Santa Clara84765Springdale84767St. George84770Toquerville84774Veyo84782Virgin84779Washington84780Zion National Park84767WAYNEWayne (49055)Bicknell84715Caineville84775Capitol Reef84775Fremont84747Fruita84775Grover84773Hanksville84734Loa84747Lyman84749Teasdale84773WAYNEWayne (49055)Torrey84775WEBERWeber (49057)Ben Lomond84404Defense Depot84407Eden84310Farr West84404Gorder84403Harrisville84404Harrisville Heights84401Hermitage84404WEBERWeber (49057)Hooper84315Hot Springs84404Huntsville84317Kannesville84315Liberty84310Marriott84404North Ogden84404Ogden84403, 84405, 84414, 84409, 84400, 84401, 84000Plain City84404Pleasant View84404Riverdale84405Roy84067Slaterville84404South Ogden84403South Weber84403Taylor84401Uintah84403Warren84404Washington Terrace84405, 84403Weber State College84408West Warren84404West Weber84401Wilson84401Other State/County CodesState CodeDescription / (FIPS)AZArizonaCOColoradoIDIdahoMTMontanaNMNew MexicoNVNevadaWYWyomingNANot ApplicableNOTNot Recorded/Not DocumentedOTHERCounty in Another StateAppendix E: Utah to NTDS Data Elements Cross WalkUTR SectionUTR LabelUTR NameNTDS LabelDemographicA.1Tracking NumberN/AA.2Hospital NumberN/AA.3Date of BirthD_07A.4AgeD_08A.5Age UnitD_09A.6SexD_12A.7RaceD_10A.8Other RaceN/AA.9EthnicityD_11A.10Medical Record NumberN/AA.11Social Security NumberN/AA.12Patient’s Home Zip CodeD_01A.13Patient’s Home CountryD_02A.14Patient’s Home StateD_03A.15Patient’s Home CountyD_04A.16Patient’s Home CityD_05A.17Alternate Home ResidenceD_06EventB.1Injury TimeI_02B.2Injury DateI_01B.3Cause CodeN/AB.4Trauma TypeN/AB.5Work-RelatedI_03B.6Patient’s Occupational IndustryI_04B.7Patient’s OccupationI_05B.8ICD-9 Primary E-CodeI_06B.9ICD-9 Location E-CodeI_08B.10Protective DevicesI_17B.11Child Specific RestraintI_18B.12Airbag DeploymentI_19B.13Incident CountryI_13B.14Incident Location Zip CodeI_12B.15Incident StateI_14B.16Incident CountyI_15B.17Incident CityI_16B.19Injury DetailsN/AB.20ICD-10 Primary E-CodeI_07B.21ICD-10 Location E-CodeI_09B.22ICD-9 Additional E-CodeI_10B.23ICD-10 Additional E-CodeI_11Report of Physical AbuseI_20Investigation of Physical AbuseI_21Caregiver at DischargeI_22Referring HospitalC.1Hospital TransferP_17C.2Transport Mode Into Referring HospitalN/APre-hospitalD.1Transport Mode Into HospitalP_07D.2Other Transport ModeP_08D.3EMS AgencyN/AD.4EMS OriginN/AD.5EMS Notify TimeP_02D.6EMS Notify DateP_01D.7EMS Respond TimeN/AD.8EMS Respond DateN/AD.9EMS Unit Arrival on Scene TimeP_04D.10EMS Unit Arrival on Scene DateP_03D.11EMS Unit Scene Departure TimeP_05D.12EMS Unit Scene Departure DateP_06D.13EMS Destination Arrival TimeN/AD.14EMS Destination Arrival DateN/AD.15EMS DestinationN/AD.16EMS Trip Form ReceivedN/AD.17Initial Field Pulse RateP_10D.18Initial Field Respiratory RateP_11D.19Initial Field Systolic Blood PressureP_09D.20Initial Field Oxygen SaturationP_12D.21Initial Field GCS – EyeP_13D.22Initial Field GCS – VerbalP_14D.23Initial Field GCS – MotorP_15D.24Initial Field GCS – Assessment QualifiersN/AD.25Initial Field GCS – TotalP_16Trauma Center CriteriaP_18Vehicular, Pedestrian, Other Risk InjuryP_19Pre-Hospital Cardiac ArrestP_20ED/HospitalE.1Admit TypeN/AE.2Admit ServiceN/AE.3ED/Hospital Arrival TimeED_02E.4ED/Hospital Arrival DateED_01E.5ED Admission TimeN/AE.6ED Admission DateN/AE.7ED Discharge TimeED_22E.8ED Discharge DateED_21E.9Inpatient Admission TimeN/AE.10Inpatient Admission DateN/AE.11Hospital Discharge TimeO_04E.12Hospital Discharge DateO_03E.13ED Discharge DispositionED_19E.14ED Transferring EMS AgencyN/AE.15ED Discharge Destination HospitalN/AE.16Transfer ReasonN/AE.17Hospital Discharge DispositionO_05E.18Hospital Discharge Destination HospitalN/AE.19DC Transferring EMS AgencyN/AE.20OutcomeN/AE.21Initial ED/Hospital Pulse RateED_04E.22Initial ED/Hospital Respiratory RateED_06E.23Initial ED/Hospital Respiratory AssistanceED_07E.24Initial ED/Hospital Systolic Blood PressureED_03E.25Initial ED/Hospital TemperatureED_05E.26Initial ED/Hospital Oxygen SaturationED_08E.27Initial ED/Hospital Supplemental OxygenED_09E.28Initial ED/Hospital GCS – EyeED_10E.29Initial ED/Hospital GCS – VerbalED_11E.30Initial ED/Hospital GCS – MotorED_12E.31Initial ED/Hospital GCS – Assessment QualifiersED_14E.32Initial ED/Hospital GCS – TotalED_13E.33Alcohol Use IndicatorED_17E.34Drug Use IndicatorED_18E.35Inpatient Length of StayN/AE.36Total ICU Length of StayO_01E.37Total Ventilator DaysO_02E.38Primary Method of PaymentF_01E.39Hospital ComplicationsQ_01E.40Initial ED/Hospital HeightED_15E.41Initial ED/Hospital WeightED_16Signs of LifeED_20Hospital ProcedureF.1ICD-9 Hospital ProceduresHP_01ICD_10 Hospital ProceduresHP_02F.2Hospital Procedure Start TimeHP_04F.3Hospital Procedure Start DateHP_03DiagnosisG.1Co-Morbid ConditionsDG_01G.2ICD-9-CM Diagnosis CodesDG_02ICD-10-CM Diagnosis CodesDG_03InjuryAIS PreDot CodeIS_01AIS SeverityIS_02ISS Body RegionIS_03AIS VersionIS_04Locally Calculated ISSIS_05Appendix F: Utah State Element ListAppendix F - Utah State Element List?TraumaBase FieldsNTDS ElementsUtah ElementsABUSE_DC_CAREGIVERX?ABUSE_INVESTIGATIONX?ABUSE_REPORTEDX?ADM_SVC?XADMIT_TYPE?XAGE_NUMBERX?AGE_UNITSX?AIRBAGX?AISX?AIS_CODEX?ARRIVAL_CONDITIONX?ARRIVAL_DATEX?ARRIVAL_TIMEX?ASSISTINGX?CAUSE_CODE?XCAUSE_E_CODESX?CAUSE_E_CODES10X?CHILD_RESTRAINTX?COMP_TYPEX?COUNTRYX?COUNTY_STATEX?DATE_OUT?XDC_DESTINATION_CODE?XDC_DISPOSITION_CODEX?DC_TRANSFER_MODE?XDEPARTURE_DATEX?DEPARTURE_TIMEX?DESTINATION_ARRIVAL_DATEXXDESTINATION_ARRIVAL_TIMEXXDIAGNOSES?XDOBX?ED_ADM_DATE?XED_ADM_TIME?XED_DC_DATEX?ED_DC_TIMEX?ED_DESTINATION_CODE?XED_DISPOSITION_CODEX?ED_TRANSFER_MODE?XEMS_TRIAGE_TCCX?EMS_TRIAGE_VPOX?ETHNICITYX?EVX?EYE_OPENINGX?FROM_HOSPITAL?XGLASCOWX?HEIGHTSX?HEIGHTS_UNITSX?HOMEX?HOSPITAL_ADMISSION_DATE?XHOSPITAL_ADMISSION_TIME?XHOSPITAL_ARRIVAL_DATEX?HOSPITAL_ARRIVAL_TIMEX?DISCHARGE_DATEX?DISCHARGE_TIMEX?HOSPITAL_TRANSFERX?ICD10X?ICD9X?INDUST_ACCX?INDUSTRY_TYPEX?INJURY_COUNTRYX?INJURY_DATEX?INJURY_DETAILS?XINJURY_STX?INJURY_TIMEX?INJURY_ZIPX?INSTITUTE_NOX?ISSX?LOCATION10X?LOCATIONX?LOS?XMEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER?XMOTOR_RESPONSEX?NEAREST_TOWNX?NOTIFY_DATEX?NOTIFY_TIMEX?OCCUPATIONX?OUTCOME?XOXIMETRYX?PARALYTICSX?PAYMENT_SOURCEX?PREHOSPITAL_ARRESTX?PROCEDURE_CODE?XPROCEDURE_EPISODE?XPROCEDURE_ICD10X?PROCEDURE_ICD9X?PROCEDURE_LOCATION_CODE?XPROCEDURE_RESULT?XPROCEDURE_START_DATEX?PROCEDURE_START_TIMEX?PROTECTIVE_DEVICESX?PULSEX?RACE_OTHERX?RACEX?REGIONX?RES_CITYX?RES_COUNTY_STATEX?RES_STATEX?RESP_RATEX?RISK_TYPEX?SEVERITY_METHODX?SEXX?SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER?XSYS_BPX?TEMPSX?TIME_OUTX?TOTAL_DAYS_ICUX?TOX_TESTX?TRANS_OTHERX?TRANSX?TRANSFER_MODE?XTRANSFER_REASON?XTRANSPORT_AGENCY_CODE?XTRANSPORT_DESTINATION?XTRANSPORT_ORIGIN?XTRAUMA_NOX?TRAUMA_SCORE_LOCATION_CODE?XTRAUMA_TYPE?XTRIP_FORM?XTS_NUMBER?XVENTDAYSX?VERBAL_RESPONSEX?VS_O2X?WEIGHTSX?WEIGHTS_UNITSX?ZIP_CODEX? ................

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