Lesson Plan Template 2

|Learning Area: Mathematics |Level : Stage 1 |Class Size:26 |

|Timing: 40 minute x 2 sessions |Topic: whole number – place value |

|Curriculum Connections |

|NS1.1 – Counts, orders reads & represents 2 and 3 digit numbers. |

|Intended learning outcomes |stating the place value of digits in two-digit numbers eg ‘in the number 32, the 3 represents 30 or 3 tens’ |

| |using the terms ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ to compare numbers |

| |counting and representing large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens using a number line or hundreds chart to assist with|

| |counting and ordering |

|Assessment |Summative assessment worksheets for whole number at conclusion of two sessions. |

|Prep (negotiation) & link |Link to previous work with MAB blocks |

|to prior knowledge | |

|Procedure & position |Have students sitting facing front initially. Have MAB blocks at front of room. |

| |Engagement: |

|Whole class on floor (5 |Introduce topic with notebook. Discuss – what are these wooden things called? (base 10 blocks, MAB blocks) |

|mins) |What are they for? (Maths, place value, counting, adding…….) |

| |Today, we are going to learn how to use base 10 blocks to help us count up large numbers. |

| |We will learn what ‘Trading’ means. |

| |****Session 1**** |

| |Work through notebook slides as appropriate (skip slides if class is confident with concept). |

| |Ask students to form a circle on the floor space. |

| |Explain to students that they will be working in groups in maths, you may not be in the same group everytime, but for now, this will |

| |do. (Allocate students to maths groups based on SENA and other assessment results). |

|Whole class on floor in |Introduce “Race to 100” game. Explain concept. Differentiate groups and equipment needed for their groups. (Blue – 2 dice, race to 200;|

|circle (5 mins). |Red – one 10 sided and one 6 sided dice, minus the lower number away from largest, race to 100; other groups to play basic race to 100 |

| |version). |

| |Demonstrate basic version game, adding and ‘trading’ 10 ones for 1 ten MAB block. |

| |Ask students to form groups either on floor space for those students not in group desks or at desks. |

| |Ask PA’s to hand out at MAB blocks onto each desk – in the centre of the tables. Hand out dice to groups – depending on group level |

| |and die type. |

| | |

|Group work at desks or |Set students to task with time limit of 15 minutes. |

|floor for 15 minutes. |(BLOOMS – applying) |

| | |

| |OPTIONAL: Split students within groups into pairs or threes to allow for more practice. |

| | |

| |Explain expectations regarding noise level – this is quiet talking in goups and table point will be given whom work at this level. |

| | |

| |Fast finisher groups / Extension: Work backwards from 100 |

| |Basic level workers: Race to 50 |

| | |

| |Reflection: Ask students what they have learnt today. What did they like the best? What was the hardest today? How can this help them |

| |in everyday life? (BLOOMS – evaluating, analysing) |

| | |

| |Closure: Instruct students to return the MAB blocks to drawer, dice to front of room. Tidy up their desks and quickest most tidiest |

| |group will get table point. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |****Session 2**** Patterns |

| |Engagement: Ask students why we need to be able to count by tens or twenties? (quicker with larger numbers) |

|Whole class on floor (10 | |

|mins) |Using notebook as guide from lesson 2. Use number line jump game or splat to consolidate counting by 10s. |

| |As a class work through worksheet on “Patterns in hundreds chart” & “Hundreds, tens and ones” |

| |Extension: Use stage 2 worksheet - place value |

| |Fast finisher: work on unfinished work from HSIE, writing, journal or extra worksheets at front |

| |Set students to task at desks with worksheet 2. |

| | |

|Work at desks individually |Reflection: Ask students what they have learnt today. What did they like the best? What was the hardest today? (BLOOMS – evaluating, |

|(15 mins) |analysing) |

| | |

| |Closure: Instruct students to return their workbooks to tote tray, put cards away. Tidy up their desks and best group will get table |

| |point. |

| |****Session 3***Assessment*** |

| |For this session students will work on differentiated maths levels problems to be assessed on. Working at their own desks, students |

| |have worksheet plus coloured problem cards at their level. |

| | |

| |Explain expectations regarding noise level – this is an assessment so it is silent work, keep your eyes on your own work. |

| | |

| |When finished work on unfinished work from HSIE, writing, journal or extra worksheets at front. |

| |At conclusion, ask all worksheets be put into neat pile at front to be marked. |

|Resources |MAB blocks, |

| |Dice (6 x six sided, 2 x ten sided) |

| |Internet |

| |Assessment sheet, differentiated maths problems for assessments |

|Reflection |my personal reflection on completion – ePortfolio |

|Evaluation |Post lesson in conjunction with mentor teacher. |


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