Internship Log

Student’s Name: Trinh Tran

Location: IQ Viet My

Address: 12112 Bellaire Boulevard building B, Houston, TX 77072

Supervisor: Genna Ha

Phone Number: 832.387.0762

Email: iqvietmy@

|Date |Time Spent |Tasks |

|6/26/17 |1-330pm |Provide spelling list for 4th graders, went|

| | |over the definitions. We also went over |

| | |nouns and verbs. And I gave them a reading |

| | |passage for homework. |

|6/27/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |For the AM, we covered basic addition and |

| | |subtraction. For homework, they were given |

| | |a worksheet with a mix of add/subtracting. |

| | |For the PM, the kids used their spelling |

| | |list to write sentences for each word. We |

| | |practiced more on identifying nouns and |

| | |verbs. They were given a reading passage |

| | |for homework. |

|6/28/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: began doing multiplication drills from |

| | |0s to 3s. Kids also worked on adding and |

| | |subtracting 2 to 3 digit numbers. |

| | |Multiplication practice for homework. |

| | |PM: they did pyramids for their spelling. I|

| | |had them do independent practice on nouns |

| | |and verbs. We did 2 main idea passages |

| | |together. The kids got a reading passage |

| | |for homework. |

|6/29/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills from 0s to 5s, |

| | |adding and subtracting 3-4 digit numbers. I|

| | |had the kids rewrite their multiplication |

| | |for homework because they seemed like they |

| | |were struggling to remember. |

| | |PM: had the kids rewrite their spelling |

| | |words 5 times each to prepare for the |

| | |spelling test for tomorrow. We covered 2 |

| | |more main idea passages together. I had the|

| | |kids identify nouns and verbs on their own |

| | |first, and then we went over the correct |

| | |answers. Their homework was to review their|

| | |spelling words and verb/noun identification|

|6/30/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: the kids received a test I made that |

| | |had a mixture of multiplication from 0s to |

| | |5s and also a mixture of adding and |

| | |subtraction from 1 to 4 digit numbers. I |

| | |graded their tests and we went over any |

| | |questions they had. |

| | |PM: the kids were given their spelling |

| | |test, and then their reading test that |

| | |covered nouns, verbs, and main idea. I |

| | |graded their tests and went over any |

| | |questions. |

|7/3/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: we did multiplication drills from 5s to|

| | |7s. we reviewed adding and subtracting with|

| | |regrouping. And also looked over |

| | |identifying money. kids were given a |

| | |worksheet on counting money for homework. |

| | |PM: kids were given another set of spelling|

| | |words and we went over each definition |

| | |together. For this week we continued to |

| | |work on main idea and started supporting |

| | |details as well. I also taught the kids |

| | |about prefixes. For their homework, I gave |

| | |them a reading passage and asked them to |

| | |provide the main idea and 3 supporting |

| | |details. |

|7/5/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills from 0s to 7s, |

| | |adding/subtracting drill with 1 digit |

| | |numbers, worked on counting money. homework|

| | |was counting money |

| | |PM: had the kids use their spelling words |

| | |to write sentences for each word. We went |

| | |over their homework together this time to |

| | |see how they did with main idea/supporting |

| | |details on their own. Worked on suffixes |

| | |and gave them a worksheet with prefix and |

| | |suffixes for homework. |

|7/6/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills from 0s to 7s. we|

| | |practiced more on money because they still |

| | |miscounting from identifying the money |

| | |wrong. Homework was counting money |

| | |worksheet. |

| | |PM: the kids did a word search with their |

| | |spelling words that I created online. We |

| | |did several worksheets with a mix of prefix|

| | |and suffixes together. A few main |

| | |idea/supporting details worksheets. And I |

| | |had the kids read for 20 minutes and write |

| | |me a summary of what they read for |

| | |homework. |

|7/7/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: we had our math test that consisted of |

| | |adding, subtracting, multiplying, and |

| | |counting money |

| | |PM: we had our spelling test, and the kids |

| | |did their reading test that covered |

| | |prefixes, suffixes, and reading passages. |

|7/10/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills to 9s. introduced|

| | |word problems with graphs and tables. |

| | |Homework was a worksheet with interpreting |

| | |bar graphs. |

| | |PM: definitions for this week’s spelling |

| | |words. Intro of prepositions. Worked as a |

| | |class and came up with a story using as |

| | |many prepositions we could. Homework was |

| | |identifying prepositions in a sentence. |

|7/12/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills 5s to 9s. worked |

| | |on bar graphs, and stem and leaf plots. |

| | |Kids worked more individually today. |

| | |PM: pyramids for spelling words. Did a |

| | |little warm up with matching definitions |

| | |and spelling words. Kids worked |

| | |individually on preposition worksheets. |

| | |Homework was to write me 10 sentences using|

| | |their spelling words as well as a |

| | |preposition along with it. |

|7/14/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication test 5s to 9s. and a |

| | |math test over word problems, and graphing.|

| | | |

| | |PM: the kids had their spelling test and |

| | |also wrote out definitions for 10/21 of the|

| | |words they had and also had a test over |

| | |prepositions. |

|7/17/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drill 7s to 10s. |

| | |introduced plotting coordinating points. We|

| | |learned the x&y axis and the 4 quadrants. |

| | |Homework was a worksheet with plotting |

| | |coordinating points. |

| | |PM: definitions for spelling words this |

| | |week. We did 3 short reading passages and |

| | |then went over verb tenses. Homework was to|

| | |write down 6 words each for past, present, |

| | |or future. |

|7/19/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: multiplication drills 7s to 10s. worked|

| | |on plotting together as a class for the |

| | |most part so they could get used to seeing |

| | |what to mark. Homework was to practice |

| | |their multiplication from 7s to 10s. |

| | |PM: we did pyramids for our spelling words.|

| | |The kids worked on verb tense worksheets |

| | |individually and we went over them as a |

| | |class. Homework was identifying if a verb |

| | |was past, present, or future. |

|7/21/17 |915-1145am, then 1-330pm |AM: math test with multiplication drills to|

| | |the 10s along with plotting and bar graphs |

| | |PM: spelling test and also definitions |

| | |test. Their reading test consisted of 2 |

| | |reading passages and verb tenses |

|7/24/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |AM: multiplication drills to 11s. I had the|

| | |kids do the first half of a practice math |

| | |STAAR test from 2014 and we went over it |

| | |together. Homework was to complete the 2nd |

| | |half of the STAAR practice. |

| | |PM: definitions for this week’s spelling |

| | |words. We did the first half of a practice |

| | |reading STAAR test from 2014 and went over |

| | |it together. Their homework was to complete|

| | |the first half of the practice writing |

| | |STAAR. |

|7/26/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |AM: multiplication drills to 11s. we went |

| | |over their homework together and solved |

| | |each problem one by one. Homework was a |

| | |worksheet on word problems that included |

| | |unnecessary information. |

| | |PM: pyramids for spelling words. We went |

| | |over their homework, and then they did the |

| | |2nd half of the STAAR reading test. |

| | |Homework was the 2nd half of the practice |

| | |STAAR writing. |

|7/28/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |AM: multiplication test to 11s. kids also |

| | |did the 2015 STAAR math test. |

| | |PM: spelling and definitions test. 2015 |

| | |STAAR reading and writing, but only the |

| | |first half for both. |

| | |I also helped Henry privately afterwards |

| | |because he seemed to be struggling a lot on|

| | |the writing part for STAAR. |

|7/29/17 |915-1145pm, 1-330pm |AM: I helped Han and Cindy in math because |

| | |their parents were worried that they were |

| | |making too many mistakes with word |

| | |problems. And so we worked on identifying |

| | |key terms to know what a word problem is |

| | |asking you to do. |

| | |PM: I had Henry redo the STAAR writing |

| | |practice again that we did before to see if|

| | |he understood it the second time, we did it|

| | |together. He would read me the question, |

| | |I’d ask him what it meant, and he’d work to|

| | |solve for the answer. |

|7/30/17 |10am-1pm |Bao is a 5th grader that is struggling with|

| | |English. There was a lot of translating |

| | |from Vietnamese to English, but we made |

| | |some progress with sounding out words and |

| | |identifying English words to the pictures |

| | |that match it. |

|7/31/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |AM: the kids did math STAAR practice from |

| | |2016. They did not have homework. I checked|

| | |each test and kept them. |

| | |PM: the kids did the reading STAAR practice|

| | |from 2016. There was no homework. I graded |

| | |and held onto their tests. |

| | |For Henry, we moved onto practicing more |

| | |reading skills and strategies. Bao also |

| | |stayed after and we worked on matching more|

| | |English words to pictures, and also tried |

| | |to come up with a few basic sentences in |

| | |English. |

|8/2/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |AM and PM: we went over the STAAR test they|

| | |did on Monday, their homework was to go |

| | |through their test once more and show their|

| | |work and write why they missed something |

| | |and what they can do next time to make sure|

| | |to not make the same mistakes again. |

| | |Baron’s mom wanted me to help him with |

| | |memorizing his multiplication and also with|

| | |his spelling words, and so that is what we |

| | |worked on. |

|8/4/17 |915-1145am,1-330pm, 4-7pm |Today was a pretty easy day for the kids |

| | |because of all the testing they have been |

| | |doing. We mainly did group activities in |

| | |the AM and PM. AM worked on solving a |

| | |mystery relating to math. PM worked on |

| | |researching about any topic and coming up |

| | |with interesting facts to tell the class. |

| | |I had several kids stay back today and I |

| | |worked with another coworker in assisting |

| | |them with a workbook boss lady provided and|

| | |wanted us to go over it with them. |

|8/5/17 |915-1145pm, 1-330pm |AM: I worked with Henry this morning. We |

| | |did the 2013 STAAR practice tests. We got |

| | |through almost half of it. |

| | |PM: I continued with helping Bao learn |

| | |English and Nam also joined us. We also |

| | |worked on pronunciations. |

|8/6/17 |10am-1pm |Angelina is a high school student and she |

| | |needed help with the SATs. We went over the|

| | |rules and requirements for the test and |

| | |went through a some practice problems. |

| | | |

I authorize that _______________________________ spent the hours recorded above as described.


Supervisor’s Signature


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