Multiple Intelligences Activity Menu

Multiple Intelligences Activity Menu

The Masters of Fractions

1. Verbal/Linguistic:

• Write a poem on how to find mixed numbers and improper fractions.

• Write a detailed description on how to change a mixed number to an improper fraction and back again. Translate into 2 other languages

• Write a short creative story talking about how Fractions, decimals, and percents are related

2. Logical/Mathematical:

• Create a flow chart of a fraction that takes at least 10 steps to be simplified

• Make a PowerPoint to teach the class the two ways to find LCD of two fractions.

• Use a Venn Diagram to compare adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions

3. Musical/Rhythmic:

• Create lyrics for a song about how to add and subtract fractions and record it

• Write a rap about how to multiply and divide mixed numbers and record it

• Write a country song about equivalent fractions and record it

4. Bodily/Kinesthetic:

• Get groups of people together to represent 4 other fractions equivalent to ½. Take pictures of all 5 groups.

• Make a video of you cutting a sandwich into 5 different fractional amounts, then eat it!

• With a partner, make a video of one of you shooting 10 free throws, the other shooting 12 free throws, then add up your fractional amounts of shots made.

5. Visual/Spatial:

• Draw a picture of 4 people eating 3 pizzas and showing what fractional amount will be in each person’s stomach

• Draw a mixed number addition problem with real life objects (open to interpretation)

• Draw 3 people arguing over which is greater: 7/8; 0.875, or 87.5%, with a judge deciding who is correct

6. Naturalist:

• Make a list of where you might find Fractions in nature.

• Draw 5 different sizes of wasp hives with the occupancy of the individual holes showing equivalent fractions

7. Intrapersonal:

• Make an audio recording of which method you prefer to use to find the GCF and why

• Make a number line of 0-1 splitting it up into 128ths, and all the equivalent fractions that go with each one.

• Write a letter to either Mr. Decimal, Mr. Fraction, or Mr. Percent, explaining how you are his biggest fan, and why you prefer to use him over the other two.

8. Interpersonal:

• Work with a partner to create a Video of how fractions can be used in the Real World

• With a partner, Write a skit about Mr. 6/7 telling Mr. 5/6 how much greater he is, and showing him why!

• With a partner, write a skit about two people arguing over what is more commonly used: Fractions or Decimals.[pic]


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