Significant Digits

Significant Digits

• Non-zero numbers are always significant.

• Zeros after a decimal are always significant.

• Zeros between significant digits are always significant.

• Zeros used for holding space are not significant.


0.001 = 1

0.0500 = 3

200 = 1

605 = 3

1010 = 3

1010. = 5

Operations with Significant Digits

• Adding and subtracting

The answer is only as precise as the least precise digit in one of the addends.

• Multiplying and Dividing

The answer should have the same amount of significant digits as the number in the problem with the least number of significant digits.

• Examples:

45.6 – 12.47 = 33.1

18 + 6.884 = 25

5.8003 x 7.46 = 43.3


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