Assessment Rubric for PowerPoint Presentations

|PowerPoint Slides Rubric |

| |Exemplary (4) |Proficient (3) |Developing (2) |Needs Revision (1) |

|Content |Content is accurate. Student presents major |Content is accurate. Student presents major |Content is questionable. Students presents |Content is inaccurate. Student |

| |points and fully supports them with convincing|points and partially supports them with |major points, but fails to support them with |oversimplifies topic or fails to present |

| |arguments, ideas and data |convincing arguments, ideas, and data. |convincing arguments, ideas, and data |major points. |

|Presentation |Student uses text on slides as prompts for |Student reads text on slides and elaborates |Student reads text on slides, adding a few |Student just reads text on slides |

| |original narration |comfortably |comments | |

|Organization |Information presented in logical, interesting |Information in logical sequence |Difficult to follow presentation--student jumps|Cannot understand presentation--no sequence|

| |sequence. | |around |of information |

|Enunciation/Eye Contact |Maintains eye contact and pronounces all terms|Maintains eye contact most of the time and |Occasionally uses eye contact, mostly reading |Reads with no eye contact and incorrectly |

| |precisely. All audience members can hear |pronounces most words correctly. Most audience|presentation, and incorrectly pronounces terms.|pronounces terms. Speaks too quietly |

| | |members can hear presentation |Audience has difficulty hearing | |

|Number of slides |Correct number of slides (10) |Missing 1-2 slides (8-9 in total) |Missing 3-4 slides (6-7 in total) |Missing more than 4 slides |

| | | | |(less than 6 in total) |

|Slide transitions |Transitions are smooth and interesting. |Smooth transitions are used on most slides. |Very few transitions are used and/or they |No transitions used. |

| |Transitions enhance the presentation. | |distract from the presentation. | |

|Graphics |All slides contain one powerful, high-quality |Most slides contain one powerful, high quality |Most images are clipart. Images are too |Images are distracting decorations that |

| |image per slide, which helps audience |image, which helps audience understand the |small/large in size, or of poor quality |create a busy feeling and detract from the |

| |understand the content. Layout of images is |content. Layout uses most space appropriately. |(fuzzy). Layout shows some structure. |content. Layout is cluttered and confusing.|

| |pleasing to eye. | | | |

|Text |All slides present one idea and a few |Most slides present one idea and a few |Most slides present one idea but too many words|Most slides present multiple ideas and too |

| |supporting facts. Words are in bullet points |supporting facts. Word are in bullet points and| |many words |

| |and spaced out |spaced out. | | |

|Font |Font on all slides is large enough to be read |Font on most slides is large enough to be read |Font on most slides is too small to be read at |Font on all slides is too small to be read |

| |at a distance |at a distance |a distance |at a distance |

|Contrast |There is a good contrast between the font and |There is a good contrast between the font and |The lack of contrast between the font and |The lack of contrast between the font and |

| |background on all slides |background on most slides |background makes the text difficult to read |background makes the text impossible to |

| | | | |read |

|Research/Citations |Uses a variety of sources in reaching accurate|Uses a variety of sources in reaching |Presents only evidence that supports a |Does not justify conclusions with research |

| |conclusions formatted correctly |conclusions but not properly formatted |preconceived point of view and incomplete |evidence and does not cite sources |

| | | |sources | |

|Grammar Mechanics/Spelling |No spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is|Few spelling errors. Few grammar errors. Text |Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Most|Many spelling errors and/or text are |

| |in authors' own words. |is in authors' own words. |of text is in authors' own words. |copied. |

|Handout Rubric |

| |Exemplary (4) |Proficient (3) |Developing (2) |Needs Revision (1) |

|Content |Content is accurate. Student presents major |Content is accurate. Student presents major |Content is questionable. Students presents |Content is inaccurate. Student |

| |points and fully supports them with convincing|points and partially supports them with |major points, but fails to support them with |oversimplifies topic or fails to present |

| |arguments, ideas and data |convincing arguments, ideas, and data. |convincing arguments, ideas, and data |major points. |

|Organization |Information presented in logical, interesting |Information in logical sequence |Difficult to follow presentation--student jumps|Cannot understand presentation--no sequence|

| |sequence. | |around |of information |

|Number of sections |Correct number of sections (9) |Missing 1-2 sections (7-8 in total) |Missing 3-4 sections (5-6 in total) |Missing more than 4 sections |

| | | | |(less than 5 in total) |

|Graphics |Brochure/handout contains one powerful, |Brochure/handout contains one powerful, high |Brochure/handout contains only clipart. Images |Image on brochure/handout is distracting |

| |high-quality image, which helps audience |quality image, which helps audience understand |are too small/large in size, or of poor quality|that creates a busy feeling and detracts |

| |understand the content. Layout of image is |the content. Layout uses most space |(fuzzy). Layout shows some structure. |from the content. Layout is cluttered and |

| |pleasing to eye. |appropriately. | |confusing. |

|Design |Includes a variety of graphics, text, and |Includes a variety of graphics, text, and |Includes combinations of graphics and text, but|Either confusing or cluttered, barren or |

| |animation that exhibits a sense of wholeness. |animation. |buttons are difficult to navigate. |stark. |

|Text |Each section presents one idea and a few |Each section presents one idea and a few |Each section present one idea but too many |Most sections present multiple ideas and |

| |supporting facts. Words are in bullet points |supporting facts. Words are in bullet points |words |too many words |

| |and spaced out |and spaced out. | | |

|Research/Citations |Uses a variety of sources in reaching accurate|Uses a variety of sources in reaching |Presents only evidence that supports a |Does not justify conclusions with research |

| |conclusions formatted correctly |conclusions but not properly formatted |preconceived point of view and incomplete |evidence and does not cite sources |

| | | |sources | |

|Research |Uses a variety of sources in reaching accurate|Uses a variety of sources in reaching |Presents only evidence that supports a |Does not justify conclusions with research |

| |conclusions |conclusions |preconceived point of view |evidence |

|Grammar Mechanics/Spelling |No spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is|Few spelling errors. Few grammar errors. Text |Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Most|Many spelling errors and/or text are |

| |in authors' own words. |is in authors' own words. |of text is in authors' own words. |copied. |


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