POMONA COLLEGE PRE-HEALTH ADVISINGAPPLICANT PROFILE – 2015-16Post to Pre-Health Applicant Sakai site by Sunday, November 1st Date: Name (First, Middle, & Last): Preferred Name:Local Address: Permanent Address: Campus Email Address: Preferred Email Address: Preferred Phone Number:Citizenship (country): Permanent Resident: Y/NClass Year:Major(s)/Minor: Major Advisor: Senior Exercise Faculty Supervisor: Foreign Language (language and competency level):Cumulative GPA*: BCPM GPA*: Entrance Exam (MCAT, DAT, GRE, etc.): Entrance Exam Score (or expected test date):Health Profession of Interest (MD, DO, etc.):*Calculate Cumulative GPA on a 4-point scale by dividing your current Pomona numerical GPA by 3. Calculate BCPM GPA on a 4-point scale by adding the GPA Points earned in each course and divide by the total number of GPA Course Credits and then divide by 3. Include courses listed as Neuro (but not Psych) in BCPM. If difficult to calculate summer course(s) list name of course and grade.I. RELEVANT EXPERIENCEList up to 15 relevant experiences (special study projects and research, employment, internships, volunteering/shadowing, athletics, extracurricular activities, and honors and awards) with the most recent first. Describe each experience, including your duties, level of responsibility, and anything else of importance (700 character limit including spaces).ExperienceDescriptionDates Total HrsIdentify the three most meaningful experiences from the list above. Summarize why you have selected each experience as one of your most meaningful (1325 character limit including spaces).?In your remarks, you might consider the transformative nature of this experience, the impact you made while engaging in the experience, and the personal growth you experienced as a result of your participation.1.2.3.III. RECOMMENDATIONSList individuals who have agreed to provide a letter of recommendation or those you plan to ask. Remember to send each recommender a request through Interfolio as soon as possible following December 1st or at least four weeks before the deadline: February 28th. Recommended: 2 sciences (bio, chem, physics, neuroscience, math, computer science, geology) Pomona/CC faculty, 1 non-sciences Pomona/CC faculty, and 1-2 additional letters (research, volunteer or internship supervisors, coaches, employers, dance/music instructors, etc.)Last NameFirst NameCollege/OrganizationDepartment/TitleCourse(s)(on-campus recommenders)Relationship/Description of Experience (off-campus recommenders)IV. PERSONAL STATEMENTPost First Draft to Pre-Health Applicant Sakai site by Sunday, November 1stCheck each centralized application service for the personal statement character limit. For medical schools the limit is5,300 including spaces, for dental schools the limit is 4,500 including spaces, and for veterinary schools the limit is 5,000 including spaces. Write your personal statement in a separate document and list your first and last name, date, and total number of characters in the top LEFT – do not exceed the personal statement character limit for the application you intend to complete. Your first draft is due separately from this form. This is simply a prompt to get you started and simulate the centralized applications. This is your opportunity to tell your own story of motivation and preparation for a health career in a compelling way that will convince schools to invite you for interviews. This takes thought and more than one draft. Advice and resources on writing personal statements is available on the Pre-Health Advising website and the CDO library. If you are applying to a profession that does not require a personal statement, please send an email to brenda.reynolds@pomona.edu.For more guidelines on drafting a personal statement, refer to the Pre-Health Website: Apply – Personal Statement.V. Applicant AssessmentIt is important that you are able to step back and assess your developing profile as an applicant to health professions schools. What are the strengths of your developing application profile? What are areas in need of attention? What are ways you can improve your overall application? Consider the following self-inventory. Be honest with yourself as you rate yourself according to the following scale:Ratings:1= needs considerable improvement2= needs some improvement3= OK4= very good shape5= outstandingYour involvement in health-related experiences1 2 3 4 5Your involvement in extra-curricular activities1 2 3 4 5Your ability to present yourself in person 1 2 3 4 5Your ability to present yourself in writing1 2 3 4 5How well you relate to others 1 2 3 4 5Ways you exhibit independence/initiative/perseverance1 2 3 4 5Ways you exhibit leadership skills1 2 3 4 5Your sense of purpose and motivation 1 2 3 4 5Your sense of intellectual curiosity 1 2 3 4 5Your common sense 1 2 3 4 5Your ability to handle stressful situations 1 2 3 4 5Your interest in science and biomedical research1 2 3 4 5Your breadth of interests 1 2 3 4 5How you have demonstrated commitment to service1 2 3 4 5Your familiarity with current issues in health care1 2 3 4 5How you will distinguish yourself as a candidate1 2 3 4 5How well your professors and advisors know you1 2 3 4 5Strength of your overall undergraduate/post-bac GPA1 2 3 4 5Strength of your undergraduate/post-bac science GPA1 2 3 4 5Strength of your standardized test scores (MCAT; DAT)1 2 3 4 5 AAMC Innovation Lab, 2011VI. OTHER INFORMATIONConduct/Academic Violations: Every application asks whether you were ever the recipient of institutional action by your college for unacceptable academic performance or conduct violation; if you answer “yes” or “unsure,” we will discuss confidentially during review of your application materials.Any Additional Information:Please list any additional information you feel would be helpful for the committee.NOTE: Submission of this form authorizes Pre-Health Advising and the Health Sciences Committee to obtain copies of your Pomona College transcript for use in the advising/recommending process. Be sure to save a copy of this and all others forms used in the application process. If there are any changes in information (address, phone, email, recommenders, etc.) you MUST notify Pre-Health Advising immediately. ................

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