Year 3 & 4 Design Technology: Money Containers

|Wk |Learning Objectives |Activities |Differentiation |Assessment | Resources |

| |-Find out that products are |Research money containers. |The children will be working |-Can they identify |-Selection of purses |

|1 |designed for different purposes |-Examine a collection of different money containers. Focus on seams, fastenings, number|together for some part in |criteria needed for an |and wallets. |

| |and users. |of compartments, materials used, and decoration. |mixed ability groups. |effective money | |

| |-Identify criteria for their own |-Consider who the purse/wallet is designed for (child, adult, older adult). | |container? |-Research worksheets. |

| |designs. |-Consider which is the best one for keeping money secure in. | |Key Skills:- | |

| |-Evaluate commercially made |(Complete the research worksheet). | |Working together. | |

| |products. |-Draw and label a selection of purses/wallets. (I.e. the zip, any pockets, decoration,| |Thinking. | |

| |-Accurately draw and label. |straps, etc. etc.) | |Communication | |

| | |-List features essential to all money containers. (No holes, secure fastenings). | | | |

| |-Learn to sew two pieces of fabric|Testing materials to find the most appropriate one to use. |The children will be working |-Are they able to |-Variety of fabrics. |

|2 |together. |-Explain the weave of fabric using coloured pieces of woven paper, to demonstrate. Show|together for some part in |differentiate between |-Sandpaper. |

| |-Understand how fabric is woven |a wide weave piece of hessian to show how the strands are woven together, and to |mixed ability groups. |the performance of |-needles and thread. |

| |together. |demonstrate what fraying means. | |different fabrics? |-Felt for sewing. |

| |-Learn that fabric has different |-Look at a variety of fabric and test the ‘frayability’ of it using sandpaper to judge | | |-Worksheets for test. |

| |properties and some will fray |which frays the least/most. Rub the sandpaper over the edges, pull with the fingers. | |Key Skills:- | |

| |easier than others. |-Include felt in the selection. (This will be the best choice to make the money | |Working together. | |

| | |containers with as it doesn‘t fray, is highly coloured and easy to cut and sew.) (The | |Thinking. | |

| | |felt will look ‘fluffy’ but it will not fray.) | |Creativity. | |

| | |-Small groups to begin sewing two pieces of rectangular felt together as practise for | | | |

| | |when they sew their money containers later. Practise adding sequins or beads to their | | | |

| | |piece. | | | |

| | |-Practise threading the needles using a needle threader. | | | |

|Wk |Learning Objectives |Activities |Differentiation |Assessment |Resources |

| |-Make clear and labelled |Designing a Money Container |By outcome. |Design ability - |-Drawing materials. |

|3 |drawings. |-Re-cap on the research done so far. Use this to help them design a money | |details, fastenings, | |

| |-Design a money container. |container. Consider who it is for, fabrics to use, decoration, fastening, style |-Support given with practical|patterns, etc. |-Templates to aid |

| |-Use knowledge of |(how does it fold, etc.), how many compartments will it have? |tasks. | |basic design shape. |

| |purpose/user/fabrics to influence|-Make at least two designs. Label their drawings to indicate fabric used, | |Key Skills:- | |

| |their choices when designing. |fastenings (press studs or Velcro), decorations (i.e. buttons, beads). | |Creativity. |-Needles, cotton and |

| | |-Decide on their preferred choice. | |Thinking. |fabric. |

| | |-Ideas for decoration to include beads, sequins, coloured cotton, fabric pens, etc.| | | |

| | |-Make an ‘action plan’ - a list of materials they will require, and a step - by - | | | |

| | |step guide of what tasks they will do and in which order. | | | |

| | |-Small groups to continue sewing practise. | | | |

| | |-Decide who the money container is for. | | | |

| |-Learn that fabric can be joined |Cutting out the fabric and making a ’mock up’ purse/wallet |By outcome. |Accuracy in cutting out |-Card templates. |

|4 |in temporary and permanent ways. |-Make a template/pattern using dipryl and pin or tape (masking tape is ideal) to | |from a template. Sewing|-Dipryl. |

| |-Understand the purpose and |the chosen fabric. |-Support given with practical|skills. |_Variety of fabrics. |

| |practise of making a |-Make a ‘mock-up’ of their money container. |tasks. |Key Skills:- |-Pins & tape |

| |template/pattern which can be |-In order for the children to find this stage manageable it is advisable to make a | |Creativity. |-Needles & thread. |

| |pinned to the fabric. |set of card templates of basic and typical shapes for a purse/wallet around which | |Thinking. | |

| | |the children can draw to make their own pattern in dipryl. Also include templates | | | |

| | |for compartments inside if required. | | | |

| | |-The dipryl is then used to make a ‘mock up’ of their purse or wallet, attached | | | |

| | |with masking tape. If this all fits together correctly, then the pieces can be | | | |

| | |separated, and laid onto felt, taped on, ready to draw around and cut out the | | | |

| | |pieces for the actual money container. | | | |

|Wk |Learning Objectives |Activities |Differentiation |Assessment | Resources |

| |-To attach components together. |Sewing the decoration on to the front. |Each child will be at |Accuracy in cutting and |Dipryl. |

|5 | |-Review tasks to be done. Encourage to think again carefully about each stage - what |different stages according to|sewing. |Sequins, buttons, |

| |-Learn to sew the pieces together|tasks need to be done first? |their skills and abilities. | |beads. |

| |effectively. |-Begin to sew/glue the decoration on the front before sewing the pieces together. |Support given where needed. |Key Skills:- |Scissors. |

| | |Complicated patterns can be cut out in felt and glued effectively using a glue stick, | |Creativity. |Needles & cotton. |

| |-To explore ideas on decoration. |rather than PVA glue. | | |Felt. |

| | |-Beads and sequins can be attached to the front piece as per their design. | | |Fabric. |

| | | | | |Card templates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |-Learn to adapt and change their |Sewing the pieces together. |Each child will be at |Ability to work well |Dipryl. |

|6 |designs if necessary. |-Review each stage as they progress. |different stages according to|independently. |Sequins, buttons, |

| | |-Check their list of tasks. |their skills and abilities. |Sewing skills. |beads. |

| |-Develop their skills in sewing, |-Find their own materials and equipment. - Be as independent as possible. |Support given where needed. | |Scissors. |

| |and independence in organising |Once the front decoration is complete, begin to sew the pieces together. An easy way of | |Key Skills:- |Needles & cotton. |

| |themselves in terms of equipment,|attaching the pieces together while sewing is to use masking tape which can then be | |Creativity. |Felt. |

| |and order of tasks. |removed once the sewing is complete | | |Fabric. |

| | | | | |Card templates. |

|Wk |Learning Objectives |Activities |Differentiation |Assessment | Resources |

| |- Learn how to attach a fastening|Attach fastenings, and evaluate the money container. |Each child will be at |Attention to detail. |Sequins, buttons, |

|7 |and to choose the most |Add the fastening, either button and button hole, Velcro, or press-studs. |different stages according to|Ability to evaluate |beads. |

| |appropriate type. |Velcro is very hard for a child to sew through and this is best glued on using a |their skills and abilities. |their own work and |Scissors. |

| |-Develop own high standards of |glue stick. Once the glue dries it should be quite firmly attached. | |identify areas that |Needles & cotton. |

| |finish/quality. | |Support given where needed. |could be improved. |Velcro |

| | |-Evaluate the money containers as a class. What were the easy stages? Which part | | |Felt. |

| |Evaluate their product and |was the hardest to do? Children can talk positively about each other’s work, i.e.:| |Key Skills:- |Fabric. |

| |identify strengths, weaknesses |what they like and why? | |Creativity. |Evaluation worksheets.|

| |and areas for development. |-Make a written evaluation which includes a drawing of the finished product. | |Thinking. | |

| |-How close are they to the | | | | |

| |original plan/design/criteria? | | | | |

| | |-Continue to make the money containers. | | | |

| | |-rethink what kind of fastening would be the most appropriate one to use. | | | |

| | |-Set high standards - take care and pride in the finished look of the container. | | | |


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