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Table of contents

1. Project Description 2

2. Introduction 2

3. Semantic Search facilitation 2

4. Capturing semantics from keyword-based search queries 3

5. Review of WordNet Lexical Database 3

5.1. Introduction to WordNet 3

5.2 General Concepts of Lexical Databases 3

5.2.1 Lexical and Semantic Data 3

5.2.2 Synsets as Building Blocks for Semantic Data 4

5.2.3 Semantic Data for Nouns: Syno-, Anto-, Hypo- and Mero- Relations 4

5.2.4 Semantic Data For Adjectives: Clasters, Gradation 5

5.2.5 Semantic Data for Verbs 6

5.3 WordNet Structure 7

5.4 WordNet Interfaces 9

5.4.1 Local and Web Interfaces: Brief Review 9

5.4.2 PyWordNet Local Interface 11

6. Integration with Google search engine via Google WebAPI 11

6.1 Google Location, History and Main Statistics 11

6.2 Google Additional Syntax 12

6.3 Google Web API 12

7. Description of Semantic Search Assistant software 14

7.1. Main Description 14

7.2. Functionality Description 15

8. Semantic capturing algorithm and search query generation 16

8.1. Generating of the New Query for Single Word 16

8.1.1. The Main Idea 16

8.1.2. Quality of Synonyms 17

8.1.3. Generating the New Query for Multiword Query 18

8.1.4. Description of Main Classes and Functions 18

9. References 24

10. Appendix: work tracing listings 25

Project Description

Research within the project concerns applications of the Semantic Web technology for improving existing information search systems by adding semantic enabled extensions (semantic wrappers) that enhance information retrieval from information systems. Presentation of “semantic-enabled” resources introduces benefits of the Semantic Web technology: a possibility to perform a semantic search, integration of heterogeneous data, use of semantically annotated search results by software.


Some attempts to create a methodology of the semantic transformation of an initial user’s search query in the form of key words or key phrases to the resulting query composed of the relevant concepts of the domain ontology has been already performed in [5]. The methodology was based on incremental user profiling, which assumes mapping of a user’s keywords to the concepts of the domain ontology according to the presented transformation rules. These rules are based on the usage of the rich set of the semantic relationships comprising subsumption, synonymy, instantiation and meronymy provided as the DAML+OIL ontology. Transformation algorithm was implemented as the research prototype as the combined capability of the query transformation agent and the ontology agent of the intelligent multi-agent information retrieval mediator.

Semantic Search facilitation

Semantic Search Assistant (Facilitator) is a software, which is an intermediate link between users and internet search engine. Its purpose is to

Currently, web search is based mainly on matching keywords specified by users with sought web pages that contain those keywords. Ambiguity of most word-combinations and phrases, which are used for searching web resources, and poor linguistic features of available web-content indexing and matching mechanisms severely affect the results of most internet searchers.

Quality of search results varies greatly depending on quality of the search query – from too limited set of results (with many important ones omitted) to a too large number of irrelevant results. For certain cases specifying a couple of keywords can be enough, if they are really specific and no ambiguity is possible. On the other hand many web users search for information that cannot be described easily by a set of keywords, this is due to wideness of expected results, which cannot be retrieved from existing search engines just with one search query.

Search Assistant uses ontologically (WordNet) defined knowledge about words and embedded support of advanced Google-search query features in order to construct more efficient queries from formal textual description of searched information. Semantic Search Assistant hides from users the complexity of query language of concrete search engine and performs routine actions that most of users do in order to achieve better performance and get more relevant results.


Figure 1 – Semantic Search Facilitation concept.

Capturing semantics from keyword-based search queries

While trying to find some information in the Internet through search engines users are frequently face the problem of getting small percent of relevant results among irrelevant. The same words can be used in different senses what leads to outputting search results from unsuitable domain or not in the meaning that user has in mind. Reformulation the search query sometimes is not a trivial task, but often it is just enough to make small changes to get much more accurate answers. Adding other words from the same domain, excluding the word that is definitely describing the irrelevant part of the results, replacing words in query by their synonyms – all that can be helpful. But how to define does the word in query have multiple meanings or not and what are related words to it? All this information can be extracted from WordNet, a lexical reference system that was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University. Of course, automatic determination of single polysemantic word sense is not possible, but if several words are given we can guess about the context (e.g., compare queries “mouse” and “mouse, pet”, “mouse, keyboard”), approved by user or not, and then, if search results are not satisfactory, rebuild the query and try once more.

Review of WordNet Lexical Database

1 Introduction to WordNet

link: from WN site (, ) and "Introduction to WordNet: An On-line Lexical Database", George A. Miller ...

WordNet© is an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator).

Presently available second version of this lexical database, called WordNet 2.0. It is located online in the WWW at the website of Princeton University: . At the latest version domain specification tools, verb frames, and some other useful features were added.

WordNet© is unencumbered, and may be used in commercial applications in accordance with the included license agreement. WordNet 2.0 is a reserved trademark of a Princeton University.

Current WordNet statistics:

|POS |Unique |Synsets |Total Word-Sense Pairs |

|Noun |114648 |79689 |141690 |

|Verb |11306 |13508 |24632 |

|Adjective |21436 |18563 |31015 |

|Adverb |4669 |3664 |5808 |

|Totals |152059 |115424 |203145 |

2 General Concepts of Lexical Databases

In this section we will briefly remind some general concepts of building lexical databases, storing lexical and semantical data, various kinds of associated semantic information depending on lexical form of the word.

1 Lexical and Semantic Data

In the classical dictionaries information about lexical properties and semantic meaning of the word is given separately in the corresponding places of the word description. Usually lexical information is given by linking to a normal form of the word (e.g. singular form for nouns or present tense for verbs, etc.). The same idea is usually used in the Lexical Databases - the database itself consists only of normal forms, and also there is some way to get normal form for any arbitrary word we have.

Semantic meanings of the word are usually given by natural language description (e.g. tree _ large, woody, perennial plant with a distinct trunk). Such descriptions are usually convenient for human reading, but not for machine processing. For example, we can't automatically find any other thing, what is a plant except tree. For doing that we must search for the word plant over all definitions, but there can exist some other meanings of this word (e.g. plant as industry manufacture). So, in modern computer-based lexical databases semantic data usually represented by structural relations between words, which have the same meanings (synonyms), opposite meanings (antonyms), and other kinds of semantic relations (e.g. "part of"/"consists of" relations, attribute and functional relations, etc.). One of the main semantic relations is generality relation. For example, woodpecker is a kind of bird. This relation means that every structural (consists of beak, wing, tail), attribute (is a living object) or functional (can fly) properties of the bird is applicable to woodpecker. Such kind of relations are usually form a "skeleton", framework for semantic networks, and the same ones are used for representing semantic data in lexical databases.

2 Synsets as Building Blocks for Semantic Data

Consider three words with the same meanings, e.g. car, automobile, machine. Every of these words has some semantic properties, e.g. has wheels. So, if the meanings of the words are the same, the same is semantics, and we can store semantic information one time for all this words together. The set of such words is called synset.

Generally, synset is a set of synonyms, that is, of words that are interchangeable in some context. So, words in one synset have the same (or, almost same) semantic properties. Thats why synsets and semantic relations between synsets are usually used as building blocks for representing semantics in lexical databases.

3 Semantic Data for Nouns: Syno-, Anto-, Hypo- and Mero- Relations

link: from "Nouns in WordNet: A Lexical Inheritance System", George A. Miller

Every part of speech has its own set of semantic properties. For example, structural relations ("kind of..") is applicable only for nouns, comparative relations ("is more...") only for adjectives, etc.

The nouns and noun forms are the main framework of every lexical database. E.g. WordNet v2.0 contains approximately 114,600 noun word forms organized into approximately 79,600 word meanings (synsets).

This variety of words usually organized as hierarchy by the structural relations. One way to construct the hierarchy is to assume that all nouns are stored in a single tree. If so, the topmost, or most generic level would be semantically empty. The alternative is to select from all nouns a set of semantic primes - a (small) number of generic concepts – and to treat each one as a unique beginner of a separate hierarchy. For example, in WordNet there are 25 such general groups:

|act |nouns denoting acts or actions |

|animal |nouns denoting animals |

|artifact |nouns denoting man-made objects |

|attribute |nouns denoting attributes of people and objects |

|body |nouns denoting body parts |

|cognition |nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents |

|communication |nouns denoting communicative processes and contents |

|event |nouns denoting natural events |

|feeling |nouns denoting feelings and emotions |

|food |nouns denoting foods and drinks |

|group |nouns denoting groupings of people or objects |

|location |nouns denoting spatial position |

|motive |nouns denoting goals |

|object |nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made) |

|person |nouns denoting people |

|phenomenon |nouns denoting natural phenomena |

|plant |nouns denoting plants |

|possession |nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession |

|process |nouns denoting natural processes |

|quantity |nouns denoting quantities and units of measure |

|relation |nouns denoting relations between people or things or ideas |

|shape |nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes |

|state |nouns denoting stable states of affairs |

|substance |nouns denoting substances |

|time |nouns denoting time and temporal relations |

After choosing such set of basic abstracts we can organize nouns hierarchically using these abstracts as first-level nodes. Typically depth of hierarchy in WordNet is 5-6 levels. In terminology of WordNet structural relations are called Hyponym relations. Hyponymy is transitive and asymmetrical relation between synsets.

But besides structural relations there are some other useful semantic characteristics usually used with nouns. Let’s describe some of them:

• Synonym relations - similarity of word meanings. Synonymy is transitive and symmetrical relations. Synonyms form synsets - basic units of semantic data representation.

• Antonym relations - opposite meanings.[1] Antonymy is transitive and symmetrical relations between synsets.

• Meronym relations - a "part of.." relations. The meronymic relation is transitive[2] (with qualifications) and asymmetrical and can be used to construct a part hierarchy.

Cross-relations between different parts of speech, such as attributes (noun-to-adjective) or functional (noun-to-verb), are not considered here.

4 Semantic Data For Adjectives: Clasters, Gradation

link: from "Adjectives in WordNet", Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross, and Katherine Miller

In every language some linguistic instruments for modifying meaning of nouns are exist. Usually it's done by special part of speech called adjective. So, lexical databases must provide a way to store adjectives and their semantic properties. WordNet v2.0 presently contains approximately 21,400 adjective word forms organized into approximately 18,500 word meanings (synsets).

WordNet contains descriptive adjectives (such as big, dry or light) and relational adjectives (such as wooden, presidential or nuclear). Descriptive adjective is a word that describes attribute (weight, height, mass, etc.) of a noun word. WordNet contains pointers between descriptive adjectives and the noun synsets that refer to the appropriate attributes. Semantic relations between descriptive adjectives are quite different from ones for nouns. There are no relations like hyponymy or meronymy, only synonymy and antonymy relations. So, topological structure of adjectives as a semantic web is not a tree, but rather a set of parallel hyperplanes.

The problem here is that the antonymy relations between word forms are not the same as the conceptual opposition between word meanings. Adjectives that have no antonyms often have similar meanings to adjectives with antonyms or antonym to similar adjective is not an antonym to the word itself. So, we can't use pointers between adjective synsets to represent syn/anto relations. As a tool for solving this problem, WordNet has different types of antonymy links. There are direct and indirect antonyms. In WordNet, direct antonyms are represented by an antonymy pointer, `!->'; indirect antonyms are inherited through similarity, which is indicated by the similarity pointer, `&->' (e.g. dirty &-> nasty !-> nice). Finally, a set of all adjectives become a set of antonymy clusters (Figure 2.1).


Figure 2.1 - Example of Antonymy Clusters for Adjectives

And sometimes also there are a whole series of meanings between two antonyms (like astronomical, huge, large, standard, small, tiny, infinitesimal). So, lexical database may use special marks to store this gradation (in version 2.0 WordNet doesn't contain such information).

On the contrary, relational adjectives don't mean an attribute of a noun, but indicate link to some another noun (like "made of ..", "belongs to .." etc.). For example, adjective dental makes link to noun tooth, or adjective wooden makes link to noun wood. Such words are usually stored in lexical databases via pointers to the corresponding noun. Relational adjectives have no antonyms, usually have no synonyms and their only semantic property is a link to the main noun, e.g. astral -> star.

Color adjectives are neither descriptive nor relational, and usually stored as separate class.

5 Semantic Data for Verbs

link: from "English Verbs as a Semantic Net", Christiane Fellbaum

Verbs are very important part of speech, especially in English-like languages, where every sentence must contain at least one verb (and even may contain no nouns, e.g. “It's raining”). In spite of that, English language has smaller number of verbs than nouns (as counted in LINK TO MILLER'S WORK, Collins English Dictionary lists 43,636 different nouns and 14,190 different verbs. Reason of it is a polysemy of verbs: the nouns in Collins have on the average 1.74 senses, whereas verbs average 2.11 senses. Currently, WordNet contains over 11,300 verb word forms and approximately 13,500 word meanings (synsets).

Like nouns, all verbs divided onto some number of separate hierarchy structures. In WordNet they are LINK TO: Design and Implementation of theWordNet Lexical Database and Searching Softwarey Richard Beckwith, George A. Miller, and Randee Tengi:

|body |verbs of grooming, dressing and bodily care |

|change |verbs of change of size, temperature, intensity, etc. |

|cognition |verbs of thinking, judging, analyzing, doubting, etc. |

|communication |verbs of telling, asking, ordering, singing, etc. |

|competition |verbs of fighting, athletic activities, etc. |

|consumption |verbs of eating and drinking |

|contact |verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging, etc. |

|creation |verbs of sewing, baking, painting, performing, etc. |

|emotion |verbs of feeling |

|motion |verbs of walking, flying, swimming, etc. |

|perception |verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. |

|possession |verbs of buying, selling, owning, and transfer |

|social |verbs of political and social activities and events |

|stative |verbs of being, having, spatial relations |

|weather |verbs of raining, snowing, thawing, thundering, etc. |

Besides synonymy and antonymy relations, verbs can have hypernymy and troponymy relations.

Hypernymy relation means that one verb describes a way to do something described by another verb, for example, run is a way to move. Contrary, troponymy relations have opposite direction: trot, jog, clip, scurry, scamper, skitter, scuttle, romp, sprint are ways to run. This two kinds of relations help to organize verbs into tree hierarchy like nouns.

Another type of relations between verbs is causal relations. These relations take place if as a result of action described by one verb we take a situation described by another verb. For example, give implies have, show implies see, etc. WordNet recognizes only lexicalized causative-resultative pairs. The synonyms of the members of such pair inherit the causal relation, indicating that this relation holds between the entire concept rather than between individual word forms only: the synonyms teach, instruct, educate, for example, are all causative to the concept learn, acquire knowledge.

All these semantic relations are used in lexical networks likeWordNet for representing complex semantic information associated with verbs.

3 WordNet Structure

“WordNet is an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets”.

So the basic concept of WordNet is a synonym set (synset). For each word the set of it's senses is given, in each sense presenting not only this word but also it's synonyms. So a synset is a list of synonymous words or collocations in defined sense. Textual description is provided for each synset. For example, there are two senses for the word “speaker" and each sense has several synonyms:

1. speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser - (someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous));

2. loudspeaker, speaker, speaker unit, loudspeaker system, speaker system - (electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance).

Every word can belong to several syntactic categories (parts of speech) - noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

Further, depending on syntactic category, each sense can have different pointers to other synsets:

• antonym synset

• hypernym (word is_kind_of smth.)

• hyponym (smth. is_kind_of word)

• meronym (smth. is_part_of word)

• holonym (word is_part_of smth.)

• etc.

WordNet lexical building blocks are Word forms - common word orthography, and Word meanings - defined, as was said, for synsets. Relations can be Lexical – between word forms, and Semantic - between word meanings. So the pointers are also divided to Lexical _ pertain only to specific word, and Semantic _ pertain to all of the words in synonym set (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 - WordNet building blocks

Nouns and verbs are organized into hierarchies based on the hypernymy / hyponymy relation between synsets, additional pointers are used to indicate other relations.

Adjectives arranged in clusters containing head synsets and satellite synsets.

Adverbs often derived from adjectives, sometimes have antonyms, therefore the synset for an adverb usually contains a lexical pointer to the adjective from which it is derived.

Pointers mainly have a reflection (hyponym to hypernym, holonym to meronym, antonym to antonym, etc.)

For now version 2.0 of WordNet is available (for Unix and Windows platforms). It contains more then 140,000 unique nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and about 115,000 synsets. Also online interface is provided and lots of APIs designed for different programming languages.

link: from report, WN documentation and Miller's Papers "Introduction to WordNet" and "Design and Implementation of the WordNet Lexical Data-base and Searching Software"

4 WordNet Interfaces

1 Local and Web Interfaces: Brief Review

WordNet lexical database itself provides storage of a lexical data. For accessing this data some kind of WordNet interface should be used[3]. Existing interfaces can be divided into two different types: Local andWeb interfaces. Web interfaces are WWW-applications, and provide access to WordNet database via thin clients technology. So, the user needs to have only web browser to access such interface. On the contrary, local interfaces are programs that work with local copies of WordNet data _les and make more speedy and universal access to WordNet data.

Web interfaces are more convenient for _one touch_ human use, local ones are more suitable for large amount of lexical analysis made by computer programs or other applications with intensive database access.

Local Interfaces

Let’s make short review of existing local WordNet interfaces.

.NET interfaces

• C# interface to WordNet by Malcolm Crowe.

Located at

COM interfaces

• WordNet TreeWalk is COM interface to WordNet by Bernard Bou.

Located at

dBase/MySQL interfaces

• wordnet2sql by Richard Bergmair is a converter from WordNet files format into MySQL and DB/2 formats.

Located at

Java interfaces

• WAP interface to WordNet for use with mobile phone. Developed by Joris Van den Bogaert.

Located at

• WNJN by Bernard Bou is a JNI-based Java library for accessing WordNet.

Located at

• JWNL (Java WordNet Library), written by John Didion.

Located at

XML interfaces

• Bernard Bou has also written a Java servlet to be hosted in a Tomcat server container, which delivers XML output to queries. A DTD is provided to format XML query results.

Located at

PHP interfaces

• Simple PHP interface to WordNet by Mike McDonald.

Located at

Perl interfaces

• Perl extension module for accessing and manipulating WordNet by Dan Brian.

Located at

• Another Perl interface has been developed by Jason Rennie at the MIT AI Lab.

Located at jrennie/WordNet/

LISP interfaces

• A Common Lisp interface to WordNet has been developed by Mark Nahabedian at the MIT AI Lab.

Located at

• Another Lisp interface by Wheeler Ruml.

Located at

Interfaces for Palm OS

• PalmPilot reader for WordNet 1.6 was developed by Krzysztof Kowalczyk.

Located at

• A Palm OS electronic dictionary based on WordNet 1.7 was developed by Alex Hwang.

Located at

Interfaces for OS X

• A Mac OS X Server and Mac OS X front end for WordNet 1.6 developed by Erik Doernenburg.

Located at

So, you can see that there are a big variety of WordNet interfaces for different platforms and programming languages. This allows to use WordNet database in a big diversity of projects.

Web (Remote) Interfaces

Here we introduce some Web WordNet interfaces.

WEB Interfaces

• Frank Hermes has developed a PHP-based MySQL version of the WordNet database.

Located at

• A "one-touch" interface to WordNet 2.0 developed by Greg Peterson at Kyoto Notre

Dame University in Japan.

Located at

• An SQL-based interface developed by Chris Greaves.

Located at

• Philippe Martin converted WordNet 1.7 nouns into an ontology browsable and exploitable for knowledge representation and knowledge sharing by the knowledge server WebKB-2.

Located at

• A WWW based Python interface to WordNet developed by Francios Yvon .

Located at

• A hyper-dictionary, HyperDic Online, was developed by Eric Kafe.

Located at

2 PyWordNet Local Interface

And now we present more detailed review of Python local interfaces for WordNet, one of which was used in SSA Project.

Programming Language Selection: Python

Python is interpretation-type programming language, commonly used for cross-platform Web application with intensive text processing.

PyWordNet vs PyWN

On the WordNet Website two Python interfaces are now introduced. These are PyWN (a Python interface to WordNet developed by WordNet employees John Asmuth and Jesse Fischer) and PyWordNet by Oliver Steele.

PyWordNet includes both object-oriented and command-line interfaces to the WordNet database, as well as functions for computing hypernym trees, least common hypernyms, transitive closures, and other commonly-requested operations. PyWordNet is a crossplatform interface available for UNIX, Windows and MacOS. PyWordNet supports version 1.7 of WordNet and also works normally with data files from WordNet v2.0. So, PyWordNet was choosen as more appropriate for our goals.

PyWordNet Description

PyWordNet is a Python interface to the WordNet database of word meanings and lexical relationships. (A lexical relationship is a relationship between words, such as synonym, antonym, hypernym, and hyponym).

PyWordNet is hosted on SourceForge: . Usage is permitted under the Artistic License ().

The latest version now available is PyWordNet 2.0.

Integration with Google search engine via Google WebAPI

As most users probably know, Google has wide possibilities for advanced search [4] (like optional searching in title, url, anchor, in specific file types and so on). However, in this work we will use only basic enlargements of search query: parentheses and quotation marks for grouping, logical operators (OR, NOT; AND is used by default) for linking words. The search string is limited to 10 words. For programmatic using of Google search results the Google API is available. To access the Google Web APIs service, programmer must create a Google Account and obtain a license key. This Account and license key allow 1000 automated queries per day.

Web API has some limitations if to compare with Google online search service (e.g. you cannot get data from Google News, but this limitations has no effect to our work, because we will not use such possibilities.

1 Google Location, History and Main Statistics

history LINK:

Google, one of the most powerful full-text[4] web search engines, nowadays contains information about 4,285,199,000 documents in the WWW. Web interface for Google can be accessed at .

Google is not a simple search machine, which takes a set of keywords and returns a list of relevant web-pages. It has some additional syntax tools to help user define his search query more precisely. There are:

• Specify key phrases (keywords blocks) to search, specify keywords that must NOT be presented at searched page, etc.

• Specify a part of page (e.g. title, url) where keywords must contains.

• Specify a kind of pages to process (e.g. pages only hosted at edu-domains)

• Specify a kind of documents to process (e.g. PDF documents or XML, etc.)

• Specify a language, refresh date, or other attributes of pages to process.

2 Google Additional Syntax

If Google search engine receives string of keywords to perform search it takes by default web pages containing all of given words. Thats, Google boolean default is AND. But Google supports additional tools for specifying a boolean expression with keywords for additional search capabilities. Give full description for Google extended syntax, LINK: Google Hacks, p.3-7.

Google search request strings are not case sensitive. But the order of keywords in search string is in_uence to the ordering of search results. Search string is bounded by maximum 10 keywords.

3 Google Web API

This section describes the main points of Google Web API Service, its functionality and format of returned results.


Picture 4.1 - Exchanging SOAP packets between the client and Google Web Services

As functionality of Google search service is widely used Google creators decided to produce a legal mechanism for accessing it.

...Developers write software programs that connect remotely to the Google Web APIs service Communication is performed via the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML-based mechanism for exchanging typed information.

What Functionality Comes With Google Web APIs?

Developers can issue search requests to Google's index of more than 4 billion web pages and receive results as structured data.

Google Web APIs support the same search syntax as the site.

Limitations of Google APIs:

• Search request length 2048 bytes

• Maximum number of words in the query 10

• Maximum number of site: terms in the query 1 (per search request)

• Maximum number of results per query 10

• Maximum value of + 1000

Requests Search requests submit a query string and a set of parameters to the Google Web APIs service and receive a set of search results.

Cache requests submit a URL to the Google Web APIs service and receive the contents of the URL when Google's crawlers last visited the page (if available).

Spelling requests submit a query to the Google Web APIs service and receive a suggested spell correction for the query (if available).

Requests: Additional Commands

• intitle: restricts your search to the titles of web pages inurl: restricts your search to the titles of web pages intext: searches only body text

• inanchor: searches for text in page's link anchors

• site: allows you to narrow your search by site or top-level domain

• link: returns a list of pages linking to the speci_ed URL

• cache: _nds a copy of the page that Google indexed from Google's cache

• daterange: limits your search to the particular date or range of dates that a page was indexed

• filetype: searches the suffixes or filename extensions

• related: finds pages, which are related to the specified page

• info: provides a page of links to more information about specified URL

Search Results Format

Search Response Search response you get each time after search request

It contains:

• - A Boolean value indicating whether filtering was performed on the search results. This will be "true" only if (a) you requested filtering and (b) filtering actually occurred

• - A text string intended for display to an end user. One of the most common messages found here is a note that "stop words" were removed from the search automatically. (This happens for very common words such as "and" and "as.")

• - The estimated total number of results that exist for the query

• - A Boolean value indicating that the estimate is actually the exact value

• - An array of items. This corresponds to the actual list of search results

• - This is the value of for the search request - Indicates the index (1-based) of the _rst search result in

• - Indicates the index (1-based) of the last search result in

• - A text string intended for display to the end user. It provides instructive suggestions on how to use Google

• - An array of items. This corresponds to the ODP directory matches for this search

• - Text, floating-point number indicating the total server time to return the search results, measured in seconds

Search Results Format: Result Element

• - If the search result has a listing in the ODP directory, the ODP summary appears here as a text string

• - The URL of the search result, returned as text, with an absolute URL path

• - A snippet which shows the query in context on the URL where it appears. This is formatted HTML and usually includes tags within it. Note that the query term does not always appear in the snippet

• - The title of the search result, returned as HTML

• - Text (Integer + "k"). Indicates that a cached version of the

• is available; size is indicated in kilobytes

• - Boolean indicating that the "related:" query term is supported for this URL

• - When filtering occurs, a maximum of two results from any given host is returned. When this occurs, the second resultElement that comes from that host contains the host name in this parameter

- Text, containing the ODP directory name for the current ODP category

- Specifies the encoding scheme of the directory information

• - If the URL for this resultElement is contained in the ODP directory, the title that appears in the directory appears here as a text string. Note that the directoryTitle may be different from the URL's

ODP - Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

Description of Semantic Search Assistant software

1 Main Description

The purpose of Semantic Search Assistant (SSA) programming complex is to help user in document search in the web. It is not the search engine, but the assistant in using another standard search engines. It helps to specify the semantics of the search query that fundamentally differ it from others.

All search engines available in the Internet for now does not take in account the semantic meaning of the queries. For them words in the query is just a sequence of letters, that should appear (or not to appear) in the document. Of course, usually, complex conjunction with logical operators (like AND, OR, NOT), words grouping and some other (or even lots of) advanced search options are possible, but still they have nothing common with notional meaning of query.

By using SSA program user can tune the query in accordance with his needs. Used algorithms allow to give him smart hints about improving search query to get more relevant results, to narrow number of obtained documents or, in opposite, to enlarge it. But the main SSA task is to specify in what exact meaning word in query are used and formulate the "question" to search engine in the way to exclude answers from inappropriate domain and also to add semantically similar results. For example, if user is looking for hotel reservation agency by using only standard search engine he will get only results that contain exactly these words, but SSA also will suggest using word booking along with reservation, by what, as we will see further, omitting of needed links will be avoided.

2 Functionality Description

Programming complex - Semantic Search Assistant - is composed from six main blocks (Figure 2). They are:

1. Semantic search User Interface

User interface of Semantic Search Assistant allows user to enter queries with simple description of searched resource, to configure search parameters and is used for interactive specification of the query semantics. As an input data human must provide context words defining the purpose of his search. It requires filling some forms, specifying attributes of the concepts defining the search, avoiding ambiguities through dialog forms, etc. This part of the Semantic Search Assistant outputs input search query in semantic form, based on ontology. Semantic query is passed to Google query generator. Results, obtained by Semantic Search Assistant (received from Search result integrator) are presented to the user.

2. Google Access (Integration with Google)

Semantic Search Assistant uses Google API to query Google search engine with supported by it query language and access programmatically the results of searches. Implementation of wrapper (adapter) for accessing Google is one of development tasks.

3. Google Search Query Generator

Textual descriptions (query strings) provided to Semantic Search Assistant are processed using WordNet ontologies that capture word meanings and relations between keywords and then converted into series of Google-queries taking into account keyword semantics and using advanced search features provided by Google; generated should return better results than if keywords are used directly.

4. Search result integrator

Search results obtained from search engine can be preprocessed by Semantic Search Assistant before returned to the user and more relevant results can be selected. Minimal integration subsumes removing redundant results, grouping results accordingly their location and/or providing quick navigation through obtained results;

5. WordNet Access

Set of algorithms to manipulate and perform most common tasks (search, information extraction) on ontology used by Semantic Search Assistant;

6. Sense Processor,

which defines the sense of words in search query if polysemantic interpretation is possible. This determination is used for narrowing the choice from plenty of sense combinations. Combination choice algorithm is based on analyzing the intersected items for different words in search query. Intersections can be found, for example, in definition of words, in their synsets, or in definitions of some pointer type for words (e.g. in upper level hypernym).

7. Search Preferences Processor,

which interprets user's preferences for the query;


Figure 2 – Structure of Semantic Search Assistant.

Semantic capturing algorithm and search query generation

1 Generating of the New Query for Single Word

1 The Main Idea

The main idea of changing initial user search query is, from one hand, to add more synonyms for the search word that characterize the query more precisely, from the other hand - to exclude such synonyms that characterize another sense of the word. For example, if user is looking for “mouse” and has in mind “computer mouse”, we can add synonyms from sense that means “device” and exclude synonyms from sense “animal”.

2 Quality of Synonyms

To know which synonyms of initial word should be added to the new query and which have to be excluded we should have some numeric value for each synonym. Let’s call this value as Q - the quality of the synonym.

Assume we have search query from w words. For the i-th (i = 1;w) word there are pi senses in WordNet. Let Rij (j = 1; pi) be a measure of relevance of this particular sense to the query, R = [-1; 1]. Value R = -1 says that this sense has nothing common with user's query domain, R = 1 - that user has means exactly this sense of the word. Other intermediate values mean the measure of con_dence for the sense that this word is used in this sense.

Default values of R can be de_ned by Sense Processor (by methods described in previous section) and can be manually customized by user. Through graphical interface user can see the list of all senses for each word from the search query and chose relevances using sliders.

Let j-th sense of i-th word has mij synonyms in synset, and each (k-th) synonym has Nijk senses (k = 1;mij).

Let Qijk be a quality for k-th synonym in j-th sense of i-th word.


This is a heuristic formula with such meaning of components: quality of synonym is directly proportional to the relevance R for the sense, to which this synonym is included, and inversely proportional to number of senses N for this synonym, because the bigger is N, the wider number of documents (from more vague areas) we will get if we add this synonym to the query. In such way we give preference to more well-defined synonyms.

If the word was not found in WordNet database, value of relevance R and value of N for it are automatically initialized as 1. So the total quality will have maximum possible value equal to 1. This choice can be explained in such way: if WordNet doesn't contain some word from user query, it can be some specific term or expression, and it must be definitely included as is into new query.

For each word in search query we obtain the set of Q values. For one word some synonyms can be duplicated (if such synonym is present in several synsets for the word) with different values of Q. So, for the same synonym we take the average between all its Q's. In this way initial word (as it is contained in all synsets) can be included to new generated query or not (if, for example, in result quality negative (irrelevant) senses of the word will prevail over positive senses).

After that we sort Q's of synonyms for each word in query by decreasing of |Qijk| value. If we have a threshold for Q, all synonyms with |Q| < threshold will not be taken into account. Setting the threshold allows to ignore some synonyms with low value of quality (from both sides close to zero relevance word has senses that don't characterize query anyhow, neither like in correct sense, nor like in incorrect, so we should not include such synonyms to new query, but also should not negate them, just ignore).

If there is only one word in search query, first 10 words from sorted array of Q's may be placed in new query. Restriction to 10 words is caused by Google limitation to query length; this number can be changed as a parameter and widely used when we have multiword query. If there are several words in synonym (collocation as a synonym) they all are counted, so in the result query we have not 10 different synonyms but set of synonyms with total number of single separate words equal to 10. Synonyms with positive value of Q are delimited in query by OR sign, with negative Q - by AND NOT sign (in Google negation signed by putting minus before negated word). At least one synonym with positive Q must be included to the formed query, because query with only negated words doesn't make any sense and even not processed by Google (Google returns empty result for such query).

3 Generating the New Query for Multiword Query

If there are several words in the initial query, we create such an array of Q's for each word and then select synonyms with top Q's in total number of 10 words (approximately equal number for each initial word).

Synonym sets of different initial words are delimited by AND sign.

User can correct parameters and refresh query to get more relevant results. Each refreshing is changing the synonym with lowest |Q| (in query) from previous query with synonym that has next value of |Q| from all set.

This work is still in progress and efficiency of presented approach is now studied.

4 Description of Main Classes and Functions

The main classes of programm are WordFunc and SeveralWordsFunc (they are determined in files WordFunc.py and SeveralWordsFunc.py correspondingly).

Class WordFunc is used for creating an object that represents a single query word.

It has the following fields:

• word - string value, represents a search word;

• syntcategory - syntactic category (part of speech) for the word, may contain values 'noun', 'adj', 'verb', 'adv' if word is correspondingly noun, adjective, verb, and adverb, or value 'undef' if the part of speech can not be defined. This 'undef' value is set when word is absent in WordNet database. Value of syntcategory can be determined automatically or initialized by _setSyntcategory function. By default automatic initialization is enabled. It checks possible syntactic categories of the word from WordNet and if this word was found sets syntcategory value to the first part of speech by priorities. Noun has the biggest priority, then by decreasing adjective, verb and adverb. So, if word can be treated like several parts of speech (e.g. present can be noun, verb or adjective), only one is selected;

• synsets_offsets - list of integer values, each corresponds to one synset offset for the word.

Class SeveralWordsFunc is used for creating an object that represents a multiword search query. It has the following fields:

• word_list - list of words in search query;

• wordfunc_objects_list - list of objects of class WordFunc, each corresponds to one words in word_list;

• words_full_info_dict - variable with Python type dictionary with complete info about each word in list;

• words_full_stat_intersection_dict - variable with Python type dictionary, contains complete info about intersections for words synsets, descriptions and examples;

• words_reduced_stat_intersection_dict - variable with Python type dictionary, contains reduced info about intersections for words synsets, descriptions and examples.

Main functions of class WordFunc and their descriptions are listed below. Parameter self is always present as first argument of Python class functions and points to passed object.

• setWord(self, word=’’)

Sets new value to word, syntcategory and synsets_offsets

• getWord(self)

Returns value of field word.

• getSyntcategory(self)

Returns value of field syntcategory.

• getSynsetsOffsets(self)

Returns value of field synsets_offsets.

• getSyntCategories(self)

Returns list of possible syntactic categories for the word, e.g. ['noun','verb'].

• getSyntCategoriesWord(self, word)

Returns list of possible syntactic categories for the word, given in parameters, e.g. ['noun', 'adj']

• getWordSynsets(self)

Returns all synsets for the word in predefined syntcategory in format list of lists, e.g. for word dog as noun, we will get [['dog', 'domestic dog', 'Canis familiaris'], ['frump', 'dog'], ['dog'], ['cad', 'bounder', 'blackguard', 'dog', 'hound', 'heel'], ['frank', 'frankfurter', 'hotdog', 'hot dog', 'dog', 'wiener', 'wienerwurst', 'weenie'], ['pawl', 'detent', 'click', 'dog'], ['andiron', 'firedog', 'dog', 'dog-iron']].

• getNumberOfSynsets(self)

Gets number of synsets for the word (integer), based on WordNet database.

• getOneWordSynset(self, synset_number=0)

Gets only one concrete synset (with number synset_number) from all possible synsets (of this word), returns result in list of strings (e.g. ['dog', 'domestic dog', 'Canis familiaris'] )

• getAllWordSensePointers(self, sense_number=0)

Gets all possible pointers of word (concrete) sense, returns result in structured dictionary

{pointer_type1: [['w1','w2','w3'],[...],[...]],

pointer_type2: [['w1','w2','w3'],[...],[...]],



e.g. {'hypernym': [['canine', 'canid']], 'part holonym': [['_ag']], 'member meronym': [['Canis', 'genus Canis'], ['pack']], 'hyponym': [['pooch', 'doggie', 'doggy', 'barker', 'bow-wow'], ['cur', 'mongrel', 'mutt'], ['lapdog'], ['toy dog', 'toy'], ['hunting dog'], ['working dog'], ['dalmatian', 'coach dog', 'carriage dog'], ['basenji'], ['pug', 'pug-dog'], ['Leonberg'], ['Newfoundland'], ['Great Pyrenees'], ['spitz'], ['griffon', 'Brussels griffon', 'Belgian griffon'], ['corgi', 'Welsh corgi'], ['poodle', 'poodle dog'], ['Mexican hairless']]}

• getOneWordSensePointerType(self, pointer_type, sense_number=0)

Gets for concrete word sense lists of words, that are related to word sense with pointer_type relation, returns list of lists: [['w1','w2','w3'],[...],[...]]

• getWordSenseDescription(self, sense_number=0)

Returns description of word sense (number of sense is given in parameters) in string format. Description includes gloss (definition) and examples for the word (with sense number sense_number).

• getWordSenseGloss(self, sense_number=0)

Gets definition of word (with sense number sense_number). Returns list from one element: ['string'] (strange returning type is for universal type of word relation).

• getAllWordGlosses(self)

Gets definitions for all word senses, returns result in format list of lists.

• getWordSenseExamples(self, sense_number=0)

Gets all examples for the word sense (with number sense_number) in one string:

'"example1"; "example2"; "example3"; ...'.

• countKWordsForPointer(self, extended_pointer_type=SYNONYM, sense_number=0)

Counts, how many times each key word (kword) is present in extended_pointer_type relation (e.g. in definition) of the word. Returns dictionary: {'kword0':num0, 'kword1':num1, ...}.

• getSynonymQualities(self, relevance_list)

Finds values of quality for all word synonyms (in all senses). Parameters:

relevance_list - list with numbers in range [-1,1], values are captured from user interface, len(relevance_list) should be equal to number of senses for word. Returns list of lists. E.g. [[abs(q1), 'cat', q1, n1], [abs(q2), 'big lion', q2, n2], [abs(q3), 'animal', q3, n3]], where q is a float number, n is integer - number of words in collocation (for single word =1).

• formQueryStringSingle(self, q_list, selecting_num, step=0, threshold=0)

Forms the search query string for Google from q_list. Parameters:

q_list in format [[abs(q1), 'syn1', q1], [abs(q2), 'syn2', q2], ..., [abs(qn), 'synn', qn]]; q is a float number;

selecting_num - how many words should be selected from q_list to be included in query string;

Step - is needed for refreshment, set the offset from the beginning of q_list.

Accessory functions of class WordFunc are used by main functions. They are listed below. They have private access.

• __init__(self, word=_)

Class constructor. Initializes field word of class by its basic form based on given parameter, sets syntactic category and synsets' offsets.

• _findBaseFormAndSyntcategory(self,word)

Finds base form of given word (on the grounds of WordNet database) and syntcategory for it.

• _setSynsetsOffsets(self)

Finds and sets synsets offsets for the word (from WordNet database). If word is not in WordNet Data base, synsets offsets is empty.

• __checkSyntcategory(self, syntcategory)

Check if syntcategory is defined properly. Valid values are 'noun', 'adj', 'verb', 'adv'.

• _defineSyntcategory(self)

Chooses from all possible syntcategories of the word first one by priorities. Order of priorities is following: noun has the biggest priority, then adjective, then verb, and adverb is the last one. Priorities are given in global variable sc_names_dict_priority.

• _setSyntcategory(self, syntcategory)

Sets new value to syntcategory from given parameter.

• _parseOneSynset(self, unformated_synset)

Converts unformated_synset from string raw format to list. E.g. one synset from getSynset(pos,o_set): {noun: dog, domestic dog, Canis familiaris} to ['dog', 'domestic dog', 'Canis familiaris'], or: {verb: consume, ingest, take in, take, have} to ['consume', 'ingest', 'take in', 'take', 'have'].

• _parseOnePointer(self, unformatted_pointer)

Converts unformatted_pointer from raw string to name of pointer and list. Returns two values: pointer type as string and list. E.g. from 'member meronym -> {noun: pack}' to 'member meronym' and ['pack']; from' hyponym -> {noun: dalmatian, coach dog, carriage dog}' to 'hyponym' and ['dalmatian', 'coach dog', 'carriage dog']

• _appendToAllPointers(self, word_sense_pointers, new_pointer, new_pointer_list)

Appends new pointer type to the list or other words to presenting in list pointer type.


word_sense_pointers - dictionary of lists: {pointer_type1: [['w1','w2','w3'],[...],[]],

pointer_type2: [[],[],[]], ...}

new_pointer - string (or predefined constant, e.g. HYPONYM)

new_pointer_list - list of strings.

• __repr__(self)

Output for command print obj, where obj is object of WordFunc class. Produces formatted text - word description.

• _getSynsetAsString(self, sense_number=0)

Returns synset with number synset_number not in formatted list, but just as string.

• _reduceWordsInString(self, str)

1) set all string str to lower case;

2) eliminate punctuation marks (defined in punctuation_list);

3) split string by ' ' (space);

4) eliminate all words with less then 3 letters.

Returns list of strings (with result words).

• _countKWords(self, list)

Counts, how many times each key word (kword) is present in list. List contains strings (words). Returns dictionary: {'kword0':num0, 'kword1':num1, ...}.

• _getSensesNumber(self)

Finds number of senses for the word.

• _getSensesNumberForWord(self, wrd)

Finds number of senses for single word wrd. Returns integer value.

• _getSensesNumberForList(self, list)

Transforms list of words and collocations to dictionary with value of senses number for each word/collocation in the list. This number is taken from WordNet. E.g. ['one', 'two', 'three times'] to {'one': 5, 'two': 4, 'three times': 2}.

• _transformCollocationListToPlainList(self, collist)

Transforms all collocations from collist to separate words, eliminates duplicated words. Returns list of words, e.g. from ['cat', 'Arabian tea', 'African tea'] to ['cat', 'Arabian', 'tea', 'African'].

• _cutQueryListByTreshold(self, q_list, threshold)

Deletes from q_list all elements with abs(q) (quality) < threshold. Returns list of lists. E.g. [[abs(q1), 'cat', q1, n1], [abs(q2), 'big lion', q2, n2], [abs(q3), 'animal', q3, n3]], where q is a float number, n is integer - number of words in collocation (for single word =1), ([abs(q2), 'big lion', q2, 2])

• _selectWordsForQuery(self, q_list, selecting_num, step=0, threshold=0)

Generates combination with number step with selecting_num words (collocations) from q_list. Parameters:

q_list in format [[abs(q1), 'syn1', q1, n1], [abs(q2), 'syn2', q2, n2], ..., [abs(qn), 'synn', qn, nn]],

q is a float number;

selecting_num - how many words should be selected from q_list to be included in query string threshold - float number - minimum value of q that can be present for word (collocation) in q_list. Returns list of lists in the same format as q_list.

• _combinationsFromKElementsForQuery(self, q_list, selecting_num, step)

Serving function for _selectWordsForQuery.

• _checkCombination(self, q_list_k, selecting_num)

Checks selected subset of synonyms:

1) to have at least 1 with non negative q

2) to have correct number of words

Returns 1 (if correct), 0 - otherwise.

Description of main functions for class SeveralWordsFunc is following.

• getWordfuncObjectsList(self)

Gets value of field wordfunc_objects_list.

• getWordsFullInfoDict(self)

Gets value of field words_full_info_dict.

• getWordsFullStatIntersectionDict(self)

Gets value of field words_full_stat_intersection_dict.

• getWordsReducedStatIntersectionDict(self)

Gets value of field words_reduced_stat_intersection_dict.

• formQueryStringMultiple(self, relevance_lists, step=0, treshold=0, length_limit=10)

Forms the final search query. Parameters:

relevance_lists - list of lists (with relevance indexes [-1,1]),

step - integer, indicates the number of generated query (0 is the initial query, 1 is the first reformulated, 2 is the second and so on),

threshold - float, minimum value of q that can be present for word (collocation) in q_list,

length_limit is maximum possible number of words in search query.

Returns search query as a string.

Accessory functions of class SeveralWordsFunc are listed below. They are used only by main functions for this class and have private access modifier.

• __init__(self, word_list=[])

Constructor of the class, initializes _elds word_list and wordfunc_objects_list.

• _setWordsFullInfoDict(self)

Fills full info about each word in word_list, is called by constructor.

• _dictIntersection(self, dict1, dict2)

Finds intersected part of to variables with type dictionary. If

dict1 = {'w1':num1, 'w2':num2, ...}

dict2 = {'w4':num4, 'w5':num5, ...}

(nums are integer >= 0)

Returns dictionary with keys, that are common in dict1, dict2, and numbers for that keys are equal to min(dict1['common_key'],dict2['common_key']).


dict1 = {'sea':3, 'boat':1, 'gull':2, 'rain':2}

dict2={'gull':4, 'penguin':8, 'sea':5}

Returns {'gull':2, 'sea':3}.

• _sensesDictIntersection(self, sdict1, sdict2)

Finds and returns intersection for senses dictionary in format of words_full_info_dict[word]. Differences from _dictIntersection: synset_offset can be integer or tuple.

• _setWordsFullStatIntersectionDict(self)

Fills words_full_stat_intersection_dict with full statistics about intersection in all word pairs, triplets and so on.

Format: the same as words_full_info_dict, but instead of w0, w1, ... are tuples (pairs, triplets, ...), synset_offset is a tuple (with numbers of correspondent sense for the word).

• _combinationsFromKElements(self,k)

Fills words_full_stat_intersection_dict (for k words-combination).

• _setWordsReducedStatIntersectionDict(self)

Finds and sets new value for the field words_reduced_stat_intersection_dict.

• _reprWordsReducedStatIntersectionDict(self)

Representation for printing of reduced intersection statistics for words in query string.

• __repr__(self)

Representation for printing of class object. Includes complete information about all object fields in readable form.

• _findSelectinsNumbers(self, length_limit=10)

Finds how many synonyms (words) has to be included to the search query for each word. Returns list of integers - each number means how many synonyms (words) will be included to the search query for the correspondent word.


1] WordNet,

2] George A. Miller, Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross, and Katherine Miller. Introduction to WordNet: An On-line Lexical Database. 1993.

3] V. Pallotta, Introduction to WordNet. 2001. WordNetHS_WS02/Texte/Pallotta01WordNet.pdf

4] T. Galishain, R. Dornfest, Google Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools. O'Reilly, 2003.

5] Ermolayev, V., Keberle, N., Plaksin, S., Vladimirov, V., Capturing Semantics from Search Phrases: Incremental User Personification and Ontology-Driven Query Transformation. In: Proc. of the 2-nd Int. Conf. on Information Systems Technology and its Applications (ISTA'2003), Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 19-21, 2003, pp. 9-20, LNI Series, ISBN 3-88579-359-8.

Appendix: work tracing listings


SEARCH QUERY ['girl', 'boy', 'child', 'man']

girl (noun)

0. ['girl', 'miss', 'missy', 'young lady', 'young woman', 'fille']

Defenition: a young woman

Examples: "a young lady of 18"

1. ['female child', 'girl', 'little girl']

Defenition: a youthful female person

Examples: "the baby was a girl" ; "the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle"

2. ['daughter', 'girl']

Defenition: a female human offspring

Examples: "her daughter cared for her in her old age"

3. ['girlfriend', 'girl', 'lady friend']

Defenition: a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved

Examples: "his girlfriend kicked him out"

4. ['girl']

Defenition: a friendly informal reference to a grown woman

Examples: "Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls"

boy (noun)

0. ['male child', 'boy']

Defenition: a youthful male person

Examples: "the baby was a boy" ; "she made the boy brush his teeth every night" ; "most soldiers are only boys in uniform"

1. ['boy']

Defenition: a friendly informal reference to a grown man

Examples: "he likes to play golf with the boys"

2. ['son', 'boy']

Defenition: a male human offspring

Examples: "their son became a famous judge" ; "his boy is taller than he is"

3. ['boy']

Defenition: (ethnic slur) offensive term for Black man

Examples: "get out of my way, boy"

child (noun)

0. ['child', 'kid', 'youngster', 'minor', 'shaver', 'nipper', 'small fry', 'tiddler', 'tike', 'tyke', 'fry', 'nestling']

Defenition: a young person of either sex

Examples: "she writes books for children" ; "they're just kids" ; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngsters"

1. ['child', 'kid']

Defenition: a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age

Examples: "they had three children" ; "they were able to send their kids to college"

2. ['child', 'baby']

Defenition: an immature childish person

Examples: "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived" ; "stop being a baby!"

3. ['child']

Defenition: a member of a clan or tribe

Examples: "the children of Israel"

man (noun)

0. ['man', 'adult male']

Defenition: an adult male person (as opposed to a woman)

Examples: "there were two women and six men on the bus"

1. ['serviceman', 'military man', 'man', 'military personnel']

Defenition: someone who serves in the armed forces ; a member of a military force

Examples: "two men stood sentry duty"

2. ['man']

Defenition: the generic use of the word to refer to any human being

Examples: "it was every man for himself"

3. ['world', 'human race', 'humanity', 'humankind', 'human beings', 'humans', 'mankind', 'man']

Defenition: all of the inhabitants of the earth

Examples: "all the world loves a lover" ; "she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women"

4. ['homo', 'man', 'human being', 'human']

Defenition: any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae


5. ['man']

Defenition: a male subordinate

Examples: "the chief stationed two men outside the building" ; "he awaited word from his man in Havana"

6. ['man']

Defenition: an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent)

Examples: "the army will make a man of you"

7. ['man']

Defenition: a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman

Examples: "she takes good care of her man"

8. ['valet', 'valet de chambre', 'gentleman', "gentleman's gentleman", 'man']

Defenition: a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer

Examples: "Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man"

9. ['Man', 'Isle of Man']

Defenition: one of the British Isles in the Irish Sea


10. ['man', 'piece']

Defenition: game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games

Examples: "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board" ; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"

INTERSECTIONS for ['girl', 'boy', 'child', 'man']:

('child', 'man')

(3, 1)

defenition: {'member': 1}

(3, 4)

defenition: {'member': 1}

(0, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

('girl', 'child')

(1, 2)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 1)

defenition: {'offspring': 1, 'human': 1}

(1, 1)

synonym: {'child': 1}

(3, 0)

defenition: {'young': 1}

(1, 0)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 0)

defenition: {'young': 1}

(1, 3)

synonym: {'child': 1}

('boy', 'man')

(0, 0)

synonym: {'male': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1, 'male': 1}

(0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1, 'male': 1}

(0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1, 'male': 1}

(0, 5)

defenition: {'male': 1}

(2, 5)

defenition: {'male': 1}

(2, 6)

defenition: {'male': 1}

(2, 7)

defenition: {'male': 1}

(2, 0)

defenition: {'male': 1}

(2, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

('girl', 'man')

(3, 0)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(3, 7)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(0, 0)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(0, 7)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(4, 7)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(4, 0)

defenition: {'woman': 1}

(2, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

(1, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

('girl', 'boy', 'child', 'man')

(1, 0, 0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 0, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 2, 1, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

(1, 0, 2, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 2, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 2, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

('boy', 'child')

(2, 1)

defenition: {'offspring': 1, 'human': 1}

(0, 2)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 3)

synonym: {'child': 1}

(0, 0)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 1)

synonym: {'child': 1}

('girl', 'boy', 'child')

(1, 0, 2)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 3)

synonym: {'child': 1}

(1, 0, 0)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 1)

synonym: {'child': 1}

(2, 2, 1)

defenition: {'offspring': 1, 'human': 1}

('girl', 'boy')

(3, 3)

defenition: {'man': 1}

(3, 1)

defenition: {'man': 1}

(4, 1)

defenition: {'reference': 1}

(1, 0)

synonym: {'child': 1}

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 2)

defenition: {'offspring': 1, 'human': 1}

('boy', 'child', 'man')

(0, 0, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 2, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 2, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(0, 2, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 1, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

('girl', 'boy', 'man')

(1, 0, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 2, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}

('girl', 'child', 'man')

(1, 0, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 0, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 2, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 2, 6)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(1, 2, 7)

defenition: {'person': 1}

(2, 1, 2)

defenition: {'human': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['zodiac', 'fish', 'scorpion']

zodiac (noun)

0. ['zodiac']

Defenition: a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic ; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes


1. ['zodiac']

Defenition: (astrology) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs


fish (noun)

0. ['fish']

Defenition: any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills

Examples: "the shark is a large fish" ; "in the livingroom there was a tank of colorful fish"

1. ['fish']

Defenition: the flesh of fish used as food

Examples: "in Japan most fish is eaten raw" ; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat" ; "they have a chef who specializes in fish"

2. ['Pisces', 'Fish']

Defenition: (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces


3. ['Pisces', 'Pisces the Fishes', 'Fish']

Defenition: the twelfth sign of the zodiac ; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20


scorpion (noun)

0. ['Scorpio', 'Scorpion']

Defenition: (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Scorpio


1. ['Scorpio', 'Scorpio the Scorpion', 'Scorpion']

Defenition: the eighth sign of the zodiac ; the sun is in this sign from about October 23 to November 21


2. ['scorpion']

Defenition: arachnid of warm dry regions having a long segmented tail ending in a venomous sting


INTERSECTIONS for ['zodiac', 'fish', 'scorpion']:

('zodiac', 'scorpion')

(1, 1)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

(0, 2)

defenition: {'region': 1}

(1, 0)

defenition: {'astrology': 1}

(0, 1)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

('zodiac', 'fish', 'scorpion')

(1, 2, 0)

defenition: {'astrology': 1}

(1, 3, 1)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

(0, 3, 1)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

('zodiac', 'fish')

(1, 2)

defenition: {'astrology': 1}

(0, 3)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

(1, 3)

defenition: {'sign': 1}

('fish', 'scorpion')

(3, 1)

defenition: {'sun': 1, 'zodiac': 1, 'sign': 2}

(3, 0)

defenition: {'sun': 1}

(2, 0)

defenition: {'person': 1, 'sun': 1, 'who': 1, 'born': 1, 'while': 1, 'astrology': 1}

(2, 1)

defenition: {'sun': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['cork', 'mouse', 'pad']

cork (noun)

0. ['cork']

Defenition: outer bark of the cork oak ; used for stoppers for bottles etc.


1. ['phellem', 'cork']

Defenition: (botany) outer tissue of bark ; a protective layer of dead cells


2. ['Cork']

Defenition: a port city in southern Ireland


3. ['cork']

Defenition: the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)


4. ['bob', 'bobber', 'cork', 'bobfloat']

Defenition: a small float usually made of cork ; attached to a fishing line


mouse (noun)

0. ['mouse']

Defenition: any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails


1. ['mouse', 'computer mouse']

Defenition: a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad ; on the bottom of the mouse is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad

Examples: "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball"

pad (noun)

0. ['pad', 'pad of paper', 'tablet']

Defenition: a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge


1. ['pad']

Defenition: the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)


2. ['pad', 'inkpad', 'inking pad', 'stamp pad']

Defenition: a block of absorbent material saturated with ink ; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp


3. ['pad']

Defenition: a usually thin flat mass of padding


4. ['launching pad', 'launchpad', 'launch pad', 'launch area', 'pad']

Defenition: a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched


5. ['diggings', 'digs', 'domiciliation', 'lodgings', 'pad']

Defenition: temporary living quarters


6. ['pad']

Defenition: the foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animal


INTERSECTIONS for ['cork', 'mouse', 'pad']:

('cork', 'mouse')

(4, 0)

defenition: {'small': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['rock', 'music']

rock (noun)

0. ['rock', 'stone']

Defenition: a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter

Examples: "he threw a rock at me"

1. ['rock', 'stone']

Defenition: material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust

Examples: "that mountain is solid rock" ; "stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries"

2. ['Rock', 'John Rock']

Defenition: United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984)


3. ['rock']

Defenition: (figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable

Examples: "he was her rock during the crisis" ; "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"--Gospel According to Matthew

4. ['rock candy', 'rock']

Defenition: hard stick bright-colored stick candy typically peppermint flavored


5. ["rock 'n' roll", "rock'n'roll", 'rock-and-roll', 'rock and roll', 'rock', 'rock music']

Defenition: a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s ; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western

Examples: "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll."

6. ['rock', 'careen', 'sway', 'tilt']

Defenition: pitching dangerously to one side


music (noun)

0. ['music']

Defenition: an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner


1. ['music', 'euphony']

Defenition: any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds

Examples: "he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes"

2. ['music']

Defenition: musical activity (singing or whistling etc.)

Examples: "his music was his central interest"

3. ['music']

Defenition: (music) the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments (or reproductions of such sounds)


4. ['music', 'medicine']

Defenition: punishment for one's actions

Examples: "you have to face the music" ; "take your medicine"

INTERSECTIONS for ['rock', 'music']:

('rock', 'music')

(5, 1)

synonym: {'music': 1}

(5, 0)

synonym: {'music': 1}

(5, 3)

synonym: {'music': 1}

defenition: {'music': 1}

(5, 2)

synonym: {'music': 1}

(5, 4)

synonym: {'music': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['hotel', 'reservation', 'agency']

hotel (noun)

0. ['hotel']

Defenition: a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services


reservation (noun)

0. ['reservation', 'reserve']

Defenition: a district that is reserved for particular purpose


1. ['reservation', 'qualification']

Defenition: a statement that limits or restricts some claim

Examples: "he recommended her without any reservations"

2. ['mental reservation', 'reservation', 'arriere pensee']

Defenition: an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly


3. ['booking', 'reservation']

Defenition: the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)

Examples: "wondered who had made the booking"

4. ['reservation']

Defenition: the written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance


5. ['reservation']

Defenition: something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.)


6. ['reservation']

Defenition: the act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion


agency (noun)

0. ['agency', 'federal agency', 'government agency', 'bureau', 'office', 'authority']

Defenition: an administrative unit of government

Examples: "the Central Intelligence Agency" ; "the Census Bureau" ; "Office of Management and Budget" ; "Tennessee Valley Authority"

1. ['agency']

Defenition: a business that serves other businesses


2. ['agency']

Defenition: the state of being in action or exerting power

Examples: "the agency of providence" ; "she has free agency"

3. ['representation', 'delegacy', 'agency']

Defenition: the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent


4. ['means', 'agency', 'way']

Defenition: how a result is obtained or an end is achieved

Examples: "a means of control" ; "an example is the best agency of instruction" ; "the true way to success"

INTERSECTIONS for ['hotel', 'reservation', 'agency']:

('hotel', 'reservation')

(0, 3)

defenition: {'services': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['natural', 'text', 'parsing', 'algorithm']

natural (noun)

0. ['natural']

Defenition: someone regarded as certain to succeed

Examples: "he's a natural for the job"

1. ['natural', 'cancel']

Defenition: a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat


2. ['natural']

Defenition: (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake


text (noun)

0. ['text', 'textual matter']

Defenition: the words of something written

Examples: "there were more than a thousand words of text" ; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech" ; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"

1. ['text']

Defenition: a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

Examples: "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"

2. ['textbook', 'text', 'text edition', 'schoolbook', 'school text']

Defenition: a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

Examples: "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition" ; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy"

3. ['text']

Defenition: the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)

Examples: "pictures made the text easier to understand"

None (noun)

algorithm (noun)

0. ['algorithm', 'algorithmic rule', 'algorithmic program']

Defenition: a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem


INTERSECTIONS for ['natural', 'text', 'parsing', 'algorithm']:


SEARCH QUERY ['text', 'sense', 'extratraction']

text (noun)

0. ['text', 'textual matter']

Defenition: the words of something written

Examples: "there were more than a thousand words of text" ; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech" ; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"

1. ['text']

Defenition: a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

Examples: "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"

2. ['textbook', 'text', 'text edition', 'schoolbook', 'school text']

Defenition: a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

Examples: "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition" ; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy"

3. ['text']

Defenition: the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)

Examples: "pictures made the text easier to understand"

sense (noun)

0. ['sense']

Defenition: a general conscious awareness

Examples: "a sense of security" ; "a sense of happiness" ; "a sense of danger" ; "a sense of self"

1. ['sense', 'signified']

Defenition: the meaning of a word or expression ; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted

Examples: "the dictionary gave several senses for the word" ; "in the best sense charity is really a duty" ; "the signifier is linked to the signified"

2. ['sense', 'sensation', 'sentience', 'sentiency', 'sensory faculty']

Defenition: the faculty through which the external world is apprehended

Examples: "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"

3. ['common sense', 'good sense', 'gumption', 'horse sense', 'sense', 'mother wit']

Defenition: sound practical judgment

Examples: "I can't see the sense in doing it now" ; "he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples" ; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away"

4. ['sense']

Defenition: a natural appreciation or ability

Examples: "a keen musical sense" ; "a good sense of timing"

None (noun)

INTERSECTIONS for ['text', 'sense', 'extratraction']:


SEARCH QUERY ['similarity', 'of', 'text', 'fragments']

similarity (noun)

0. ['similarity']

Defenition: the quality of being similar


1. ['similarity', 'law of similarity']

Defenition: a Getalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) parts of a stimulus field that are similar to each other tend to be perceived as belonging together as a unit


None (noun)

text (noun)

0. ['text', 'textual matter']

Defenition: the words of something written

Examples: "there were more than a thousand words of text" ; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech" ; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"

1. ['text']

Defenition: a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

Examples: "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"

2. ['textbook', 'text', 'text edition', 'schoolbook', 'school text']

Defenition: a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

Examples: "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition" ; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy"

3. ['text']

Defenition: the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)

Examples: "pictures made the text easier to understand"

fragment (noun)

0. ['fragment']

Defenition: a piece broken off or cut off of something else

Examples: "a fragment of rock"

1. ['shard', 'sherd', 'fragment']

Defenition: a broken piece of a brittle artifact


2. ['fragment']

Defenition: an incomplete piece

Examples: "fragments of a play"

INTERSECTIONS for ['similarity', 'of', 'text', 'fragments']:

('text', 'fragment')

(0, 0)

defenition: {'something': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['online', 'dictionary']

None (noun)

dictionary (noun)

0. ['dictionary', 'lexicon']

Defenition: a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them


INTERSECTIONS for ['online', 'dictionary']:


SEARCH QUERY ['programming', 'spider', 'bot']

programming (noun)

0. ['scheduling', 'programming', 'programing']

Defenition: setting an order and time for planned events


1. ['programming', 'programing', 'computer programming', 'computer programing']

Defenition: creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something


spider (noun)

0. ['spider']

Defenition: predatory arachnid that usually has silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body ; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey


1. ['spider', 'wanderer']

Defenition: a computer program that prowls the internet looking for publicly accessible resources that can be added to a database ; the database can then be searched with a search engine


2. ['spider']

Defenition: a skillet made of cast iron


bot (noun)

0. ['bot']

Defenition: botfly larva ; typically develops inside the body of a horse or sheep or human


INTERSECTIONS for ['programming', 'spider', 'bot']:

('spider', 'bot')

(0, 0)

defenition: {'body': 1}

('programming', 'spider')

(1, 1)

defenition: {'computer': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['design', 'patterns', 'book']

design (noun)

0. ['design', 'designing']

Defenition: the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan)

Examples: "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"

1. ['design', 'plan']

Defenition: an arrangement scheme

Examples: "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult" ; "it was an excellent design for living" ; "a plan for seating guests"

2. ['blueprint', 'design', 'pattern']

Defenition: something intended as a guide for making something else

Examples: "a blueprint for a house" ; "a pattern for a skirt"

3. ['design', 'pattern', 'figure']

Defenition: a decorative or artistic work

Examples: "the coach had a design on the doors"

4. ['purpose', 'intent', 'intention', 'aim', 'design']

Defenition: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

Examples: "his intent was to provide a new translation" ; "good intentions are not enough" ; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs" ; "he made no secret of his designs"

5. ['design']

Defenition: a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something

Examples: "the design of a building"

6. ['invention', 'innovation', 'excogitation', 'conception', 'design']

Defenition: the creation of something in the mind


pattern (noun)

0. ['form', 'shape', 'pattern']

Defenition: a perceptual structure

Examples: "the composition presents problems for students of musical form" ; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"

1. ['practice', 'pattern']

Defenition: a customary way of operation or behavior

Examples: "it is their practice to give annual raises" ; "they changed their dietary pattern"

2. ['design', 'pattern', 'figure']

Defenition: a decorative or artistic work

Examples: "the coach had a design on the doors"

3. ['convention', 'normal', 'pattern', 'rule', 'formula']

Defenition: something regarded as a normative example

Examples: "the convention of not naming the main character" ; "violence is the rule not the exception" ; "his formula for impressing visitors"

4. ['pattern']

Defenition: a model considered worthy of imitation

Examples: "the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics"

5. ['blueprint', 'design', 'pattern']

Defenition: something intended as a guide for making something else

Examples: "a blueprint for a house" ; "a pattern for a skirt"

6. ['traffic pattern', 'approach pattern', 'pattern']

Defenition: the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport

Examples: "the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded" ; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted"

7. ['radiation pattern', 'radiation diagram', 'pattern']

Defenition: graphical representation (in polar or cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle


book (noun)

0. ['book']

Defenition: a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)

Examples: "I am reading a good book on economics"

1. ['book', 'volume']

Defenition: physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together

Examples: "he used a large book as a doorstop"

2. ['ledger', 'leger', 'account book', 'book of account', 'book']

Defenition: a record in which commercial accounts are recorded

Examples: "they got a subpoena to examine our books"

3. ['book']

Defenition: a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge

Examples: "he bought a book of stamps"

4. ['record', 'record book', 'book']

Defenition: a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone

Examples: "Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'" ; "his name is in all the recordbooks"

5. ['book']

Defenition: a major division of a long written composition

Examples: "the book of Isaiah"

6. ['script', 'book', 'playscript']

Defenition: a written version of a play or other dramatic composition ; used in preparing for a performance


7. ['book', 'rule book']

Defenition: a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made

Examples: "they run things by the book around here"

8. ['Koran', 'Quran', "al-Qur'an", 'Book']

Defenition: the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina


9. ['Bible', 'Christian Bible', 'Book', 'Good Book', 'Holy Scripture', 'Holy Writ', 'Scripture', 'Word of God', 'Word']

Defenition: the sacred writings of the Christian religions

Examples: "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"

INTERSECTIONS for ['design', 'patterns', 'book']:

('pattern', 'book')

(3, 7)

synonym: {'rule': 1}

(3, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(2, 0)

defenition: {'work': 1}

(5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

('design', 'book')

(3, 0)

defenition: {'work': 1}

(0, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(6, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(2, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

('design', 'pattern', 'book')

(5, 5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(2, 3, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(0, 5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(2, 5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(6, 5, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(5, 3, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(3, 2, 0)

defenition: {'work': 1}

(0, 3, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(6, 3, 4)

defenition: {'something': 1}

('design', 'pattern')

(3, 3)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(3, 2)

synonym: {'pattern': 1, 'design': 1, 'figure': 1}

defenition: {'work': 1}

(3, 1)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(3, 0)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(3, 7)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(3, 6)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(3, 5)

synonym: {'pattern': 1, 'design': 1}

(3, 4)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(5, 3)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(5, 2)

synonym: {'design': 1}

(2, 4)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(2, 5)

synonym: {'blueprint': 1, 'pattern': 1, 'design': 1}

defenition: {'making': 1, 'something': 2, 'guide': 1}

(2, 0)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(2, 1)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(2, 2)

synonym: {'pattern': 1, 'design': 1}

(2, 3)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

defenition: {'something': 1}

(4, 5)

synonym: {'design': 1}

defenition: {'guide': 1}

(4, 2)

synonym: {'design': 1}

(6, 2)

synonym: {'design': 1}

(6, 3)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(6, 5)

synonym: {'design': 1}

defenition: {'something': 1}

(0, 2)

synonym: {'design': 1}

(5, 5)

synonym: {'design': 1}

defenition: {'something': 1}

(0, 3)

defenition: {'something': 1}

(0, 5)

synonym: {'design': 1}

defenition: {'making': 1, 'something': 1}

(2, 6)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(2, 7)

synonym: {'pattern': 1}

(1, 2)

synonym: {'design': 1}

(1, 5)

synonym: {'design': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['sewing', 'tutorial']

sewing (noun)

0. ['sewing', 'stitching']

Defenition: joining or attaching by stitches


1. ['sewing', 'stitchery']

Defenition: needlework that involves sewing

Examples: "she put her sewing back in the basket"

tutorial (noun)

0. ['tutorial']

Defenition: a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students


INTERSECTIONS for ['sewing', 'tutorial']:


SEARCH QUERY ['RDF', 'software', 'tools']

None (noun)

software (noun)

0. ['software', 'software system', 'software package', 'package']

Defenition: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory

Examples: "the market for software is expected to expand"

tool (noun)

0. ['tool']

Defenition: an implement used in the practice of a vocation


1. ['instrument', 'tool']

Defenition: the means whereby some act is accomplished

Examples: "my greed was the instrument of my destruction" ; "science has given us new tools to fight disease"

2. ['creature', 'tool', 'puppet']

Defenition: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else


3. ['cock', 'prick', 'dick', 'shaft', 'pecker', 'peter', 'tool', 'putz']

Defenition: obscene terms for penis


INTERSECTIONS for ['RDF', 'software', 'tools']:


SEARCH QUERY ['image', 'description', 'technology']

image (noun)

0. ['image', 'mental image']

Defenition: an iconic mental representation

Examples: "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate"

1. ['picture', 'image', 'icon', 'ikon']

Defenition: a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface

Examples: "they showed us the pictures of their wedding" ; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"

2. ['persona', 'image']

Defenition: (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world

Examples: "a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty"

3. ['prototype', 'paradigm', 'epitome', 'image']

Defenition: a standard or typical example

Examples: "he is the prototype of good breeding" ; "he provided America with an image of the good father"

4. ['trope', 'figure of speech', 'figure', 'image']

Defenition: language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense


5. ['double', 'image', 'look-alike']

Defenition: someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor)

Examples: "he could be Gingrich's double" ; "she's the very image of her mother"

6. ['effigy', 'image', 'simulacrum']

Defenition: a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)

Examples: "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln" ; "the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone"

description (noun)

0. ['description', 'verbal description']

Defenition: a statement that represents something in words


1. ['description']

Defenition: the act of describing something


2. ['description']

Defenition: sort or variety

Examples: "every description of book was there"

technology (noun)

0. ['technology', 'engineering']

Defenition: the practical application of science to commerce or industry


1. ['engineering', 'engineering science', 'applied science', 'technology']

Defenition: the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems

Examples: "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"

INTERSECTIONS for ['image', 'description', 'technology']:


SEARCH QUERY ['web', 'programming', 'tutorial']

web (noun)

0. ['web']

Defenition: an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving

Examples: "the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn"

1. ['web', 'entanglement']

Defenition: an intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victim


2. ['vane', 'web']

Defenition: the flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft


3. ['network', 'web']

Defenition: an interconnected system of things or people

Examples: "he owned a network of shops" ; "retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life" ; "tangled in a web of cloth"

4. ['World Wide Web', 'WWW', 'web']

Defenition: computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol


5. ['web']

Defenition: a fabric (especially a fabric in the process of being woven)


6. ['web']

Defenition: membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals


programming (noun)

0. ['scheduling', 'programming', 'programing']

Defenition: setting an order and time for planned events


1. ['programming', 'programing', 'computer programming', 'computer programing']

Defenition: creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something


tutorial (noun)

0. ['tutorial']

Defenition: a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students


INTERSECTIONS for ['web', 'programming', 'tutorial']:

('web', 'programming')

(4, 1)

defenition: {'computer': 1}

(0, 1)

defenition: {'something': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['biggest', 'computer', 'shop']

None (noun)

computer (noun)

0. ['computer', 'computing machine', 'computing device', 'data processor', 'electronic computer', 'information processing system']

Defenition: a machine for performing calculations automatically


1. ['calculator', 'reckoner', 'figurer', 'estimator', 'computer']

Defenition: an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)


shop (noun)

0. ['shop', 'store']

Defenition: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services

Examples: "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"

1. ['workshop', 'shop']

Defenition: small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done


2. ['shop class', 'shop']

Defenition: a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity)

Examples: "I built a birdhouse in shop"

INTERSECTIONS for ['biggest', 'computer', 'shop']:


SEARCH QUERY ['flowers', 'present', 'shop']

flower (noun)

0. ['flower']

Defenition: a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms


1. ['flower', 'bloom', 'blossom']

Defenition: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts


2. ['flower', 'prime', 'peak', 'heyday', 'bloom', 'blossom', 'efflorescence', 'flush']

Defenition: the period of greatest prosperity or productivity


present (noun)

0. ['present', 'nowadays']

Defenition: the period of time that is happening now ; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech

Examples: "that is enough for the present" ; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow"

1. ['present']

Defenition: something presented as a gift

Examples: "his tie was a present from his wife"

2. ['present', 'present tense']

Defenition: a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking


shop (noun)

0. ['shop', 'store']

Defenition: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services

Examples: "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"

1. ['workshop', 'shop']

Defenition: small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done


2. ['shop class', 'shop']

Defenition: a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity)

Examples: "I built a birdhouse in shop"

INTERSECTIONS for ['flowers', 'present', 'shop']:

('flower', 'present')

(2, 0)

defenition: {'period': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['bus', 'schedule', 'price']

bus (noun)

0. ['bus', 'autobus', 'coach', 'charabanc', 'double-decker', 'jitney', 'motorbus', 'motorcoach', 'omnibus']

Defenition: a vehicle carrying many passengers ; used for public transport

Examples: "he always rode the bus to work"

1. ['bus topology', 'bus']

Defenition: the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbar


2. ['busbar', 'bus']

Defenition: an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits

Examples: "the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system"

3. ['bus', 'jalopy', 'heap']

Defenition: a car that is old and unreliable

Examples: "the fenders had fallen off that old bus"

schedule (noun)

0. ['agenda', 'docket', 'schedule']

Defenition: a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to


1. ['schedule']

Defenition: an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur


price (noun)

0. ['price', 'terms', 'damage']

Defenition: the amount of money needed to purchase something

Examples: "the price of gasoline" ; "he got his new car on excellent terms" ; "how much is the damage?"

1. ['monetary value', 'price', 'cost']

Defenition: the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold)

Examples: "the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver" ; "he puts a high price on his services" ; "he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection"

2. ['price', 'cost', 'toll']

Defenition: value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something

Examples: "the cost in human life was enormous" ; "the price of success is hard work" ; "what price glory?"

3. ['price']

Defenition: the high value or worth of something

Examples: "her price is far above rubies"

4. ['price']

Defenition: a reward for helping to catch a criminal

Examples: "the cattle thief has a price on his head"

5. ['price']

Defenition: cost of bribing someone

Examples: "they say that every politician has a price"

6. ['Price', 'Leontyne Price', 'Mary Leontyne Price']

Defenition: United States operatic soprano (born 1927)


INTERSECTIONS for ['bus', 'schedule', 'price']:

('bus', 'schedule')

(1, 1)

defenition: {'are': 1}


SEARCH QUERY ['coin', 'animals']

coin (noun)

0. ['coin']

Defenition: a metal piece (usually a disc) used as money


animal (noun)

0. ['animal', 'animate being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna']

Defenition: a living organism characterized by voluntary movement


INTERSECTIONS for ['coin', 'animals']:


SEARCH QUERY ['metal', 'coins', 'animals']

metal (noun)

0. ['metallic element', 'metal']

Defenition: any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.


1. ['alloy', 'metal']

Defenition: a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten

Examples: "brass is an alloy of zinc and copper"

coin (noun)

0. ['coin']

Defenition: a metal piece (usually a disc) used as money


animal (noun)

0. ['animal', 'animate being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna']

Defenition: a living organism characterized by voluntary movement


INTERSECTIONS for ['metal', 'coins', 'animals']:


SEARCH QUERY ['finnish', 'cases']

finnish (noun)

0. ['Finnish', 'Suomi']

Defenition: the official language of Finland ; belongs to the Baltic Finnic family of languages


case (noun)

0. ['lawsuit', 'suit', 'case', 'cause', 'causa']

Defenition: a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy

Examples: "the family brought suit against the landlord"

1. ['case', 'instance', 'example']

Defenition: an occurrence of something

Examples: "it was a case of bad judgment" ; "another instance occurred yesterday" ; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"

2. ['event', 'case']

Defenition: a special set of circumstances

Examples: "in that event, the first possibility is excluded" ; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"

3. ['case']

Defenition: a problem requiring investigation

Examples: "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"

4. ['case']

Defenition: the actual state of things

Examples: "that was not the case"

5. ['case']

Defenition: a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument

Examples: "he stated his case clearly"

6. ['case']

Defenition: a portable container for carrying several objects

Examples: "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"

7. ['subject', 'case', 'guinea pig']

Defenition: a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures ; someone who is an object of investigation

Examples: "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly" ; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"

8. ['case']

Defenition: a person requiring professional services

Examples: "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"

9. ['case', 'caseful']

Defenition: the quantity contained in a case


10. ['case', 'display case', 'showcase']

Defenition: a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home


11. ['case']

Defenition: a specific state of mind that is temporary

Examples: "a case of the jitters"

12. ['case', 'grammatical case']

Defenition: nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence


13. ['shell', 'case', 'casing']

Defenition: the housing or outer covering of something

Examples: "the clock has a walnut case"

14. ['character', 'eccentric', 'type', 'case']

Defenition: a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)

Examples: "a real character" ; "a strange character" ; "a friendly eccentric" ; "the capable type" ; "a mental case"

15. ['sheath', 'case']

Defenition: an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part


16. ['casing', 'case']

Defenition: the enclosing frame around a door or window opening

Examples: "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"

17. ['case', 'pillowcase', 'slip', 'pillow slip']

Defenition: bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow

Examples: "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"

INTERSECTIONS for ['finnish', 'cases']:


[1] Antonyms turns out to be surprisingly difficult to define. The antonym of a word x is sometimes not-x, but not always. For example, black and white are antonyms, but to say something is not black does not imply that it is white, it can be e.g. green.

[2] Transitivity of meronym relations is not so obvious as it can seem. For example, a door has a handle, a room has a door, but no one says that the room has a handle.

[3] WordNet storage file formats are open, so anyone is welcome to make his own interface for accessing WordNet. For file formats description see WordNet manuals, LINK.

[4] This mean that Google indexes not only titles of pages, but whole page text


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