Do you believe in i


The letter N is given to the set of counting numbers or Natural numbers {1, 2, 3, 4…..)

Apparently, the number 0 was “discovered” much later. The new set formed by adding 0 to N is called W, the Whole numbers. W = {0, 1, 2, 3 …….}

When we start to solve equations, we find that we need other types of numbers.

Pretend that the only type of numbers you know about are the Whole Numbers :

If all problems you did had solutions in W then you would have no need to extend your understanding.

Eg If x + 3 = 17 If 5x – 7 = 13

then x = 14 then 5x = 20

and x = 4


But suppose you meet x + 5 = 2. There is no answer to this in W but we do not say that “There is no solution”. We have to extend our idea of “what numbers are” to a bigger set called the Integers I = {….–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ….}

Now we can solve problems such as : x + 5 = 2

x = –3

We can also solve x2 = 16

and we get x = +4 or –4


Now consider 5x = 6. There is no answer in I. We do not try to make an integer be the solution, so we again extend our idea of “what numbers are” to the Rational Numbers Q.

Q = { ½ , ¾ , –¼, 0.3 = 3 , 0.371 = 371 , even 0.3333333333333… = 1 }

10 1000 3

(The proper name for “decimals” is “decimal fractions”. Decimals are fractions.)

Now we can solve :

7x + 5 = 11 or 6x2 – 13x – 5 = 0

7x = 6 (2x – 5)(3x + 1) = 0

x = 6 x = 5 or – 1

7 2 3


Many people think that this must be all there is, but consider x2 = 2.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no fraction (ie no decimal) which when squared equals 2.

The solution is x = +√2 or –√2.

Most people get out their calculator and say √2 = 1.414… This is simply not true!

√2 is only approximately 1.414

By writing √2 = 1.414 people are trying to make the value of √2 into a rational answer

because 1.414 = 1 + 414


This is exactly like saying that the solution of 5x = 16 (when we only knew about whole numbers) is x = 3 because it is the nearest whole number.

√2 is a new type of number called an Irrational number.

In fact they seem absurd, which is probably where the word “surd” comes from.

Apparently Hippasus (one of Pythagoras' students) discovered irrational numbers when trying to represent the square root of 2 as a fraction. Instead he proved you could not write the square root of 2 as a fraction, which seemed to be quite “irrational”.

Pythagoras could not accept the existence of irrational numbers. He believed that all numbers were rational but he could not disprove the existence of these "irrational numbers" and so Hippasus was thrown overboard and drowned!


The following equation can be solved by a method called “completing the square”

( or the quadratic formula ). We will study this is more detail later.

Eg x2 – 6x = –7

x2 – 6x + 9 = 9 – 7

(x – 3 )2 = 2

x – 3 = +√2 or x – 3 = –√2.

The exact solution is x = 3 +√2 or x = 3 –√2.

(Calculators can only deal with rational numbers. The answers are not 4.414, 1.586 )

These new Irrational numbers are of the form a + b√c and they simply do not exist as exact decimal fractions.

You need to learn how to do operations with IRRATIONALS without pretending they have rational decimal equivalents.

Your calculator can only do operations with rational numbers!

Incidentally, after some operations, irrational numbers can become rational.

Eg (a) √3 × √3 = 3 (b) √2 × √50 = √100 = 10

(c) 3 + 2√5 + 7 – 2√5 (d) (3 + √7)(3 – √7)

= 10 = 9 + 3√7 – 3√7 – 7

= 2

The RATIONALS and the IRRATIONALS together are called the REAL NUMBERS and they can be represented by either points on a number line or vectors on a number line.

. . . . . . . .

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

We can see how these different sets of numbers are related using a Venn Diagram:






N = NATURALS = { 1, 2, 3, 4, ……………………………………………….}

W = WHOLES = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ……………………………………………..}

I = INTEGERS = { ….–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ……………………………….}

Q = RATIONALS = { a where a and b are in I but b ≠ 0


IRRATIONALS = { π , √2, √3, √17………………………………..}

R = REALS = all Rationals and Irrationals

Later we will find that we need an even bigger set of numbers which includes all of the above and a completely new type.







N = NATURALS = { 1, 2, 3, 4, …………………………………….}

W = WHOLES = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …………………………………..}

I = INTEGERS = { ….–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …………………….}

Q = RATIONALS = { a where a and b are integers but b ≠ 0 }


IRRATIONALS = { π , √2, √3, √17……………………..}

R = REALS = all Rationals and Irrationals

Later we will find that we need an even bigger set of numbers which includes all of the above and a completely new type called IMAGINARY NUMBERS.





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