Situation Report on Region 2 (Afar National Regional State)






Agreements of the Third Round of the Habar Je’clo/Habar Yonis Negotiation Convened at Duruqsi - July 1996

By Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Farah, Anthropologist, UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia

According to the document (in Somali) containing the contractual agreement produced by the latest round of a peace negotiation progressing in Somaliland between Habar Je’clo and Habar Jec’lo clans in Bur’co region (Togdher), the reconciling parties are the Garhajis and Habar Je’clo. Convened in Durqsi village in Somaliland 1 to 13 July 1996, the inter-clan peacemaking process marks an important step seeking comprehensive reconciliation and stepping up a representative administration in Togdher region.

The fourth round of the ongoing peace process recently finished inWaraabeee Village near Burc’o. This village is important as it was the site of a recent conflict between Habar Yoonis and the local ‘Ma’xamad Ciise (subclan of the Ciise Muse clan); a conflict that was mediated and successfully resolved by Habar Je’clo mainly due to fear of derailing the signficant Habar Je’clo/Habar Yonis ongoing reconcilation process.

The other epicenter of the current cycle of violence in Somaliland is Hargeisa town and its surrounding area. Here, the Peace Committee for Somaliland (an independent group of Somalilanders living abroad) sponsored last month the first peace conference at Camp Abokor between the major protagonists in the area: the Habar Awal and ‘Ciidagale.[1]

The following is an English translation of the Duruqsi accord:

1. The two parties have agreed to follow a Muslim rule based on Sharia

2. Each clan is fully responsible for its arms and militia and their activities. Each party also bears the full responsibility of what happens in its own customary territory, including the activity of its militia. The parties have also agreed to guarantee the security of the lives and property of Habar Je’clo and Habar Yoonis clansmen across the territories controlled by reconciling parties.

3. Any means of support (military, financial, logistic, etc.) by one party to the enemy of the other is strictly forbidden. The use, as a base or hideout, by the enemy, of the traditional territory of one party against the other is also outlawed.

4. The armed clan-militias of both parties should be located and confined to specific localities.

5. Anything that violates or threatens the agreements entered into by the two parties should be resolved jointly or by individually by the appropriate party depending upon the circumstance.

6. Cessation of deliberate provocation and sinister propaganda that is anathema to peace and stability.

7. Formation of two joint sub-committees responsible for security and miliary matters under the general joint security committee. The responsibilities of the sub-committees will be drafted later in a regulation supplementing this point.

8. The public will be allowed to return to Bur’co on the approval of the general joint security committee.

9. Dispatch two delagations representing the two parties to their areas respective area of influence in order to dissiminate the news regarding this treaty.

10. Negotiation on the formation of a representative administration in Togdher (Burao) region will commence after peace and stability is fully restored.


Except the armed clan-militias referred to in agreement number four, the presence of any other armed force in Bur’co town is prohibited. In order to consolidate agreement on this item, which represents the most controversial of the accord, the two parties agreed on the following supplementary regulations:

a) To secure a firm peace the two parties have agreed to honor all the other agreements contained in this accord.

b) The two parties agreed upon to postpone the conclusion of agreement number four to next round of the negotiation.

c) Habar Je’clo clan will be accountable for any damages done by non-Habar Je’clo clan militias in the region- Ma’xamad ‘Ciise (‘Ciisa sub-clan) and ‘Cabdalla Arab (Arab subclan).

The concluding round of the inter-clan negotiation in Bur’co region is anticipated to take place one month after the completion of the current fourth conference in Waraabeeye village (July 1996). This is expected to be an inclusive negotiation process involving all the clans in the region.

Allaa Mahad Leh (Tribute be to Allah)


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[1] For details see:

1. Camp Abokor Meeting, Produced by UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, 27 June 1996;

2. Camp Abokor Peace Conference: Produced by UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, July 1996.


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