NumPA Form B Individual Assessment Sheet - NZ Maths

Secondary Strategy Assessment Sheet

|Name: |Date of Birth | |Year: | |Gender: | |

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|Multiplication and Division |Stage 2-3 |Stage 4 |Stage 5 |Stage 6 |Stage 7 |Stage 8 |

|(8) Rohan has 8 five dollar notes in his wallet. How much money does Rohan |Count from one |Advanced Counting |Early Additive Part-Whole|Advanced Additive |Advanced Multiplicative |Advanced Proportional |

|have altogether? |Counts all objects |Uses skip counting |Uses known multiplication|Part-Whole |Part-Whole |Part-Whole |

|(9) What is 3 ( 20 = ? If 3 ( 20 = 60 what does 3 ( 18 =? | | |facts and repeated |Derives multiplication |Uses at least two |Uses two different |

|(10) What is 5 ( 8 = ? If 5 ( 8 = 40 what is 5 ( 16 =? | | |addition |facts |different advanced mental|advanced strategies for |

|(11) There are 6 baskets. There are 24 muffins in each basket. How many | | | | |strategies |decimals and fractions |

|muffins are there altogether? | | | | | | |

|(12) At the car factory they need 4 wheels to make each car. How many cars | | | | | | |

|can they make with 72 wheels? | | | | | | |

|(13) Ivan has 2.4 kilograms of mince. Each pattie takes 0.15 kilograms of | | | | | | |

|mince. How many patties can Ivan make? | | | | | | |

|(14) Each day on a life raft 26 litres of water is shared equally among the| | | | | | |

|8 survivors. How many litres of water does each person get each day? | | | | | | |

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|Proportions and Ratios |Stage 2 - 4 |Stage 5 | Stage 6 |Stage 7 |Stage 8 |Stage 8+ |

|(15) This cake has been cut into thirds. Here are twelve jellybeans to |Equal sharing of objects |Early Additive Part-Whole|Advanced Additive |Advanced Multiplicative |Advanced Proportional | |

|spread out evenly on top of the cake. You eat one third of the cake. |physically |Uses addition facts |Part-Whole |Part-Whole |Part-Whole | |

|How many jellybeans do you eat? | | |Using addition with |Finds fractions of |Uses at least two | |

|(16) What is [pic] of 28? | | |multiplication and |numbers using |different advanced mental| |

|(17) 12 is [pic] of a number. What is the number? | | |division facts |multiplication and |strategies | |

|(18) There are 21 boys and 14 girls in Ana’s class. What percentage of | | | |division | | |

|Ana’s class are boys? | | | | | | |

|(19) It takes 10 balls of wool to make 15 beanies. How many balls of wool | | | | | | |

|does it take to make 6 beanies? | | | | | | |

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