Framework for teaching (non-digital) – Stage 1 sample

Learning from Home – Brooke Avenue Public School Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) – Week 4, Term 2The following timetable can be used by students to support learning at home. All tasks have been linked to syllabus outcomes. If technology is available at home, please use the attached links to support learning.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayDaily taskComplete one mindfulness task from the attached plete one mindfulness task from the attached plete one mindfulness task from the attached plete one mindfulness task from the attached plete one mindfulness task from the attached list.MorningEnglish - Reading Choose a book to read.Watch and listen carefully to the video of the shared reading - Nobody Owns the Moon. the story to someone else.SpellingBrainstorm/think of as many words as you can that have the letter/sound combinations – bl, br, nd, ng, nk, nt. Write them down. WritingWatch Mrs White’s video – Lesson 1. about why school is important to you.Create a plan about ‘Why school is important’.Plan your writing by drawing pictures or writing key ideas that you may use. Speaking and ListeningChoose ten topics that you are interested in. Write these topics on separate pieces of paper. Put the pieces of paper into a container and pull out a topic to speak about for a minute. English - Reading From the book you read yesterday, choose a page to practise reading.When you watch and listen carefully to Nobody Owns the Moon, think about what you know and wonder about the story. your thinking aloud with someone else. SpellingWrite your spelling words on flashcards or on post-it notes. Either hold them up and read them or place them around the house for you to read, whenever you see them.WritingWatch Mrs White’s video – Lesson 2. your plan from Monday to write the beginning of your persuasive text. Start with a strong opening sentence to convince the reader of your opinion. Then move onto writing a paragraph about your first reason. Edit your writing. Speaking and ListeningRead your writing to a family member and check it makes sense.Pull a different topic from the container and speak about it for a minute. Ask someone from your family to listen to you.English - Reading Practise reading the page you read yesterday, making sure you use expression. Watch and listen carefully to Nobody Owns the Moon. See if you can identify compound words the author uses to make the story more interesting. compound words put two words together to make a new meaning. For example, the words ‘farm’ and ‘yard’ become farmyard. There will be reference to other activities/worksheets. We will just be working on the compound word activities below.Write down some compound words from Nobody Owns the Moon. Read them to a family member. Can you think of any other compound words?SpellingRead your spelling words aloud. Make them with magnetic letters or other objects you have at home. Write your words.WritingWork on your handwriting. Practise the letters – ‘s’ and ‘t’.Watch the ‘s’ video and complete the worksheet. the ‘t’ video and complete the worksheet. and Listening Pull a different topic from the container and speak about it for a minute. Ask someone from your family to have a turn. English - Reading Video record yourself reading the page. Watch the video to see if you could make the reading sound better. Fast forward the reading of Nobody Owns the Moon until you get to 11 mins, 30 secs. to the next activity – identifying words the author uses to make characters interesting. Authors can use words that describe what characters look like, what they say and do, how they behave and what other characters think of them.There will be reference to a worksheet, but we will be completing the activities below.List some of the words the author used to describe ClivePendergast. Draw Clive and write the words around him. Can you write a sentence using these words to describe Clive to someone who has not read the story?Spelling Read your spelling words. Look for your spelling words in books. Write a list of the words you find. WritingWatch Mrs White’s video – Lesson 3 (The link will say Lesson 2). writing the next paragraph of your persuasive text. Check your plan and choose another reason/idea to write about. Edit your writing.Speaking and Listening Read your writing to a family member and check it makes sense.Pull a different topic from the container and speak about it for a minute. Ask someone from your family to listen to you. English - Reading Video record yourself again. Watch the video. You may like to upload it to Seesaw.Fast forward the reading of Nobody Owns the Moon until you get to 16 mins, 54 secs. to the next activity – identifying words authors use to show emotion in stories.Authors can build emotion in stories in lots of ways. One way is to choose words thatcreate feelings.There will be reference to a worksheet, but we will be completing the activities below.Write words the author used to create emotion in Nobody Owns the Moon.Draw pictures to represent these emotions.Can you write a sentence using some of these words? Share your sentence with someone else and explain the feeling you tried to create.SpellingRead your spelling words. Put them into sentences. Try making your sentences longer by using a joining word (and, but, so).WritingRefer to Mrs White’s video – Lesson 3. writing the next paragraph of your persuasive text. Check your plan and choose another reason/idea to write about.Conclude with a strong closing sentence, convincing the reader of your opinion. Edit your writing.Publish your work on the computer or write it in your best handwriting.Speaking and Listening Read your published writing to a family member.Pull a different topic from the container and speak about it for a minute. You may like to video your speech and upload it on Seesaw to show your teacher.BreakTime to stop and refuel. Eat, play, have fun. Self-directed outside activities where possible.MiddleMathematicsNumber Talk -Split two-digit numbers into tens and ones.Split three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.Can use MAB Blocks to do this (Refer to Seesaw activity).Year 1:Find items around the house/classroom to use as counters (cars, pencils, pasta, Lego, Play-Doh). Collect a group of 15 of the same items. Break into 2 groups.Write down the addition number sentences you can make using these materials. E.g.left000Year 2:Work out addition problems using the split strategy. 46 + 33 =58 + 25 =62 + 47 = There are different ways to do the split strategy. See the addition examples at the back of this booklet and find the way that works for e up with your own addition problems. Start with two-digit and then try some three-digit examples like 315 + 123 =PD.H.PEThis week we will be keeping a journal of what we eat and the physical activity we do. Complete thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Go for a walk, run or ride with an adult.Play a game outside (tip, hide and seek, ship/shark/shore, hopscotch, skipping or make up a dance).Don’t forget to fill in your food and activity journalMathematicsNumber Talk-Create your own problem like Sam and Holly ()Collect 10 countersGet someone to put some of the counters under a cup.Work out how many are under the cup.Get someone to put some counters under 2 cups.How many are under the cups? Write down all the possibilities.Do the same with 20 counters.Year 1:Find items around the house/classroom to use as counters (cars, pencils, pasta, Lego, Play-Doh).Collect a group of 15 of the same items. Take some away to make a subtraction problem.Write down the subtraction number sentences you can make using these materials 15 – 3 = 1215 – 12 = 3Try to create other number sentences by breaking the items into different combinations (10/5, 14/1, 6/9 etc).Year 2:Work out subtraction problems using the split strategy.79 – 33 =96 – 65 =81 – 24 =There are different ways to do the split strategy. See the subtraction examples at the back of this booklet and find the way that works for e up with your own subtraction problems. Start with two-digit and then try some three-digit examples like456 – 212 =PD.H.PEThink about the word healthy. Brainstorm all the things we do to keep our bodies plete thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Go for a walk, run or ride with an adult.Try and make an obstacle course outside with everyday items from home. E.g.- Balance on the hose- Run to the fence - Run around/to the clothesline twiceComplete the obstacle course and time yourself. Try again and see if you can get a quicker time.Don’t forget to fill in your food and activity journalMathematicsNumber talk - Fill in the missing numbers using addition or subtraction.6 + __ = 99 – __ = 37 + __ = 1212 – __ = 5Ask a family member to create some addition and subtraction problems with a number missing for you to work out. Year 1:Fun fact dice game.If there is no dice, use the following numbers:5 and 8, 9 and 2, 4 and 3, 5 and 6, complete the fact fun worksheet.Year 2: Work out addition word problems using the split strategy.Sophia and Tyler held a lemonade stall over the weekend. They sold 25 cups on Saturday and 18 cups on Sunday. How many cups did they sell altogether? Lily practised playing the trumpet for 48 minutes before school and 34 minutes after school. How many minutes did she practise altogether? Create your own addition word problems and share them with your teacher.Work out subtraction word problems using the split strategy.Riley had 35 lollies. He gave some to his friends. He has 16 left. How many lollies did he give to his friends?There were 65 cups in a shop. 37 cups fell off when a shelf broke. How many cups were left unbroken? Create your own subtraction word problems and share them with your teacher.PD.H.PEWatch thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Go for a walk, run or ride with an adult.Tabata plete the following video – Avengers Tabata Do each exercise two times for 20 seconds each set with a 10 second rest in between.Air squatsHigh knees LungesFrog jumpsDon’t forget to fill in your food and activity journalMathematicsNumber Talk - Represent a two or three-digit number in as many ways as you can.E.g.Year 1:Using a deck of cards (or homemade flash cards to 10). Flip two cards to add together. You might even want to try three cards. Year 2:Work out addition problems using the split strategy. 76 + 31 =89 + 14 =91 + 27 =There are different ways to do the split strategy. See the addition examples at the back of this booklet and find the way that works for e up with your own addition problems. Start with two-digit and then try some three-digit examples like 425 + 371 =PD.H.PEUsing the healthy food plate, create your own healthy meal (either by drawing or cutting out pictures from a magazine and paste on).Complete thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Go for a walk, run or ride with an adult.Play a game outside (tip, hide and seek, ship/shark/shore, hopscotch, skipping, running race, obstacle course or make up a dance).Don’t forget to fill in your food and activity journalMathematicsNumber Talk- Number bustersWatch Get 26 items (for example, pasta pieces, counters or pencils).Organise and describe your collection. E.g. 2 groups of 10 + 6 onesTry to reorganise and describe your collection as many times as you can within the next five minutes. Draw and record all of your ways of thinking about your collection.Try this activity with another two-digit or three-digit number.Year 1:Using a deck of cards (or homemade flash cards to 10) create subtraction problems to answer. Take the chosen card away from 10, 15 or 20.Year 2:Work out subtraction problems using the split strategy.69 – 23 =99 – 35 =72 – 36 =There are different ways to do the split strategy. See the subtraction examples at the back of this booklet and find the way that works for e up with your own subtraction problems. Start with two-digit and then try some three-digit examples like378 – 165 =PD.H.PEComplete thirty minutes a day of physical activity. Go for a walk, run or ride with an adult.Star Wars Tabata Or Do each exercise two times for 20 seconds each set with a 10 second rest in between.Star jumpsMountain climbersPlankSkipping on the spotDon’t forget to fill in your food and activity journalMake sure it is filled in for the whole week.BreakTime to stop and refuel. Eat, play, have fun. Self-directed outside activities where possible.AfternoonCreative ActivitiesChoose an animal that you would like to create an artwork about. Find photos of the type of animal you choose.You can choose to create an artwork that looks real or abstract like the image of the dog below. Your artwork could be a painting, drawing, collage or sculpture. HistoryDiscuss how holidays have changed overtime as a result of technology. We can usually travel by plane, boat, car. In the past this was not possible. Think about all the places you have been or would like to go. Discuss what you did or would like to do.Draw a picture of your favourite holiday destination. If you haven’t finished your animal artwork, you can continue to work on it. History Read/Listen to Mem Fox’s?Whoever You Are?(or another story on families) and discuss how families are similar and different.?? you haven’t finished your animal artwork, you can continue to work on it. History Discuss family celebrations/traditions. Identify days, holidays, events celebrated by your family. Draw a picture to show all the things you celebrate together.If you haven’t finished your animal artwork, you can continue to work on it.Creative ActivitiesCreate a menu based on the foods you have had for dinner this week. Make it colourful and draw pictures of all the yummy food.Share your animal artwork on Seesaw. Mindfulness activities1) Go outside and lay down somewhere comfortable, perhaps get a towel and lay on the grass. Look up in the sky, what do you notice? Are there any clouds? Can you see any trees? What can you hear? Are there any birds around? Can you make any shapes or objects out of the clouds? Sometimes when I look at the clouds, I can see all types of things. Like a dolphin jumping or a dinosaur walking. 2) Complete mindfulness activity on seesaw3) Have a family member read you the guided meditation while you lay or sit somewhere comfortable4) Complete a smiling minds activity 5) Complete a mindfulness activity on cosmic kids yoga 6) Find a quiet space – get a piece of paper and a pencilList or draw – 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can smell, 2 things you can feel and 1 thing that makes you feel happy. ................

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