Kindergarten Math Menu

Week Of: March 23 - 27

• Number Sense Daily Activities

o Practice counting forward and backward by 1’s to 100

▪ Be sure to start with numbers other than 1. Students can count just a range of numbers as well. For example: Start at 25 and count to 52

o Build a number 1-10 What are all the ways you can make the number ___?

▪ Example: Number 6: Use two different types of pasta or dried beans to build the number 6 as many ways as possible.

|Comparison Battle |Solve the Word Problem |Hokey Pokey Shapes |

|Materials: |Materials: |Materials: |

|Deck of Cards 2-10 cards only or index cards or strips of |Paper |Paper or index cards |

|paper with the number 2-20 written on the cards |Pencil, crayons or markers |Pencil, marker or crayon |

|Items to use as a counter (paper clips, coins, dried beans)|Objects such as paper clips, dried beans | |

| |**Word problems are below the menu |Have student draw the following shapes on separate pieces |

|Deal the cards out to the players facedown. Each person | |of paper or index cards. |

|turns over the top card and creates that amount with the |Read the word problem to the student. Student solves the |Circle, triangle, square, rectangle |

|counters. Determine who has the most and who has the least.|word problem by drawing a picture or using the objects. |Lay the shapes in front of the student. Sing Hokey Pokey |

|The player with the highest number collects both cards. |Students should write the addition or subtraction problem|song. Instead of a body part you say one of the shapes. |

|Continue to play until one person has all of the cards. |used to solve the word problem. |Student pick that shape up and shake it all about. |

| | | |

|**Questions to ask as you play: |**Questions to ask as you play |You put your triangle in. You put your triangle out. You |

|How do you know that one is the highest? |What does the question want us to find? |put your triangle in and you shape it all about. You do the|

| |What data/information is provided in the problem? |Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s what it’s |

| |Are you joining or separating in the problem? Are you |all about. |

| |adding or subtracting? | |

| |What is your plan to solve? | |

| |How did you solve the problem? |**Questions to ask as you play |

| | |How did you know that was a ______? |

| | |Describe a square. |

|Add Them Up |3D Shape Hunt |Make a Set of____ |

|Materials: |Materials: |Materials: |

|Paper |None |Small house items such as toy cars, paper clips, dried |

|Pencil, crayons or markers | |beans, blocks, plastic spoons etc. |

|Objects such as paper clips, dried beans |Go on a 3D shape hunt around the house, in the |Number cards or index cards with the numbers 0-20 written |

|Optional: Addition flash cards |neighborhood, or in books and magazines. Look for |on them |

| |spheres, cones, cubes, and rectangular prisms. Keep a |Paper and pencil |

|Provide students with an addition fact such as 3 + 5= or |chart on how many you see of each kind. | |

|show a flash card. The sum/answer should not be more than | |Mix up the numbers cards. Turn over the top card and do not|

|10. Students use paper and pencil or objects to find the |**Questions to ask as you play |show the student. Do the following with each card turned |

|sum/answer to the addition problem. Students do not need to|What shape do you see? |over: |

|know the fact from memory. |How do you know it is a _____? |Collect that many items |

| | |Draw that many circles, triangles or squares |

|**Questions to ask as you play | |Write the number on the paper |

|What is the sum?(the answer to an addition problem) | |Add one more and tell how many |

|What are you doing joining or separating? | |Take one away and tell how many |

| | | |

| | |**Questions to ask as you play |

| | |How do you know? |

| | | |

|Math on the Spot Video |Subtraction Game |Connect the Dots Counting Game |

|Link: |Link: |Link: |

| | |

|mon/video/video.html#videoId=ref:En_108 | | |

| |Play the game. |Play the game. |

|Watch the video. | | |

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week.

Solve the Word Problem

There were 6 flowers in the garden. Macy picked 4 flowers. How many flowers were left in the garden?

David made 4 cookies for the fiesta. Dominick made 5 cookies for the fiesta. How many cookies were made for the fiesta?

Grandma read 2 books to the kids before bed. Grandpa read 7 books to the kids before bed. How many books were read to the kids before bed?

There were 10 drinks on the shelf at the store. Kelly took 3 of the drinks. How many drinks were left on the shelf at the store?


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