Boxcars and One Eyed Jacks: Shuffling into Math

Math Games for Grade One and Grade Two Students

Boxcars and One Eyed Jacks: Shuffling into Math

Written by Joanne Currah, Jane Felling and Cheryl MacDonald

Addition War

Materials: cards

1. Players divide cards evenly.

2. Each player turns over 2 cards and adds them together.

3. Each player states their math sentence.

4. The highest sum gets all the cards.

5. In case of a tie, Addition War is declared. Each player deals out 3 more cards face down and then turns over 2 more cards. These cards are added together. The highest sum wins all of the cards.

6. Play until one player has all of the cards.

Example: Player 1 Player 2

2+3 4+1

Addition War is declared

Each player turns 3 cards face down.

4+3 2+7

Player 2 wins all the cards

Subtraction War

Materials: cards

1. Players divide cards evenly.

2. Each player turns over 2 cards and subtracts the smaller number from the larger number.

3. Each player states their math sentence.

4. The smallest answer wins all 4 cards.

5. In case of a tie, Subtraction War is declared. Each player deals out 3 more cards face down and then turns over 2 more cards. These cards are subtracted. The smallest answer wins all of the cards.

Example: Player 1 Player 2

9-1=8 7-2=5

Player 2 wins all the cards.

Addition Snap

Materials: cards

1. Players divide the cards evenly between themselves.

2. At the same time, each player turns over one card.

3. Players add the two numbers together as quickly as possible and say the answer out loud.

4. The player who gives the correct answer first collects both cards.

5. If there is a tie, leave the cards down. The winner of the next round, picks up all of the cards.

5. Play until one player has all the cards.


Materials: cards, die, paper, pencil

1. Each player is dealt 2 cards and makes a 2-digit number between 11-99.

2. Players ay their numbers out loud

3. Player 1 rolls the die to determine who will win 10 points for the round.

If the roll is odd (1,3,5) – the lower number wins 10 points

If the roll is even (2, 4, 6) – the higher number wins 10 points

4. The first player to get 100 points is the winner.

Variation: Two dice may be used and are added together before determining if the roll is odd or even.

Let it Roll

Materials: 2 dice, paper, pencil, game board

Game board: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Player 1 rolls the dice and adds them together. Player crosses off the number rolled. (If a 2 and 3 are rolled, the player crosses off 5)

2. Player 2 takes a turn.

3. If a player rolls a number already crossed off, that player misses a turn.

4. The first player to cross off all of their numbers wins the game.

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?

Materials: cards, 2 dice

1. Each player uses their cards to make a clock. The ace is number 1, jack is number 11 and queen is number 12.

2. Player one rolls the dice and adds them together. This becomes the time and that card is turned face down. (If a 2 and 3 are rolled, then the 5 is turned face down.)

3. Continue taking turns until all the cards are face down.

4. If a player rolls a number already turned down, it is turned face up again.

Race to the Top

Materials: 2 dice, recording sheet

1. Players each take a recording sheet.

2. Player 1 rolls the dice and adds the 2 numbers together. Player 1 writes an X in the box above that number.

3. Player 2 rolls the dice and adds the 2 numbers together. Player 2 writes an X in the box above that number.

4. Continue taking turns until someone reaches the top.

4. The first player to fill in X’s all the way to the top of one number is the winner!


If this is Player 1’s sheet then Player 1 is the winner!

| | | |X | | | | | | | | | | | |X | | | | | | | | |X | | |X | | | | |X | | | |X | | |X | | |X | |X | | |X |X | | |X | |X |X | |X |X | |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 | |


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