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5. However, if you do want the app to save your reading sessions you will need to import the book, which will put the book on its virtual shelf. A small status bar at the bottom right allows you to manage your books. Aldiko Book Reader does not automatically save a book and hence does not take up memory. Several of the eBook apps even provide hundreds of free books. Overall, Moon+ Reader is a great eBook app for the avid reader.6. NOOKBarnes and Noble offers its own eBook reader app, NOOK, which hosts over two million books, magazines, kid's books and newspapers. You can choose colors, font face, size, animations, bookmarks, etc. It also provides information on your reading progress within the current chapter apart from the whole book. Importing files into this app is also fairly simple with its one-click import feature. It is available for devices that run on Android, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, BlackBerry10 and other platforms. Moon+ ReaderMoon+ Reader offers a unique reading pleasure by providing fine control over display settings. 7. The user interface is light and easy to use. It organizes your library by authors and titles providing a simple view. 3. Aldiko provides several options to adjust font size, font face and background settings to suit the reader's needs. Kobo's huge database of interesting titles will satisfy the interests of all kinds of readers. A series of menus appears on the left and your eBooks are presented on the right. Kindle is powered by technology from Amazon that allows you to sync your last read page, bookmarks, highlights and notes across all devices. With Kobo, you can read anytime, anywhere, from a catalog of over four million titles. The app offers a synchronization feature that automatically syncs the last page read across devices, rendering a seamless reading experience. You don't have to own a Kindle device to enjoy books through the Kindle app, it's available on Android and iOS devices too. It supports a wide range of file formats, such as ePub, fb2, html, rtf, txt and more.4. FBReaderFBReader is a highly customizable eBook reader for all types of devices. Wattpad allows you to change the background and text color to your preference. The Kindle app provides access to Google search and Wikipedia, features that enhance your reading pleasure.2. Aldiko Book ReaderAldiko Book Reader is a great alternative to some of the more famous eBook reader apps. Another unique feature of the app is the ability to sync your current reading to the Mantano Cloud. Bluefire offers a page sync feature so that you can read across devices without losing tracking of your current page. You no longer have to visit physical stores to buy books. The app provides several features including bookmarking, highlighting, dictionary lookup, note taking, contextual searching and more. Finding a book on this app is never difficult with its simple interface. WattpadWattpad is a simple eBook reader with a friendly user interface. You can also adjust the font size so that it is comfortable while you read. With these apps, you can quickly search for a book of your choice and start reading them right away. It also includes a built-in dictionary that makes it easy to look up new words while reading. Wattpad is a simple eBook reader app that is adequate for light readers. 10. It is the perfect e-reader for books in PDF and ePub formats. Bluefire ReaderBluefire Reader is available for Android, iOS and Windows devices. The app allows you to sort the book by categories that you have created. In the digital age, eBook reader apps have replaced conventional printed books. Aldiko offers a great reading experience with its extensive features. Cool Reader is the only e-reader app that provides text-to-speech for free. Here are some of the best eBook reader apps for Android.1. Amazon KindleKindle offers a wide selection of books, magazines and newspapers, making it one of the most popular eBook reader apps for smartphones and tablets. Now you can simply read your favorite book on your smartphone or tablet by downloading apps on your Android device. The Kobo app is available on iOS, Android, Blackberry 10 and Windows 8. Day/Night mode is also available, which enables reading in low light. The NOOK app is available on Android, iTunes and Windows. You can customize display and reading settings to cater to your reading requirements. The app has a status bar that displays your reading progress. It supports several eBook formats and direct reading from zip archives, and is localized for 29 languages! FBReader comes bundled with eight online catalogs that provide access to a large set of eBooks. Bluefire also provides analytic services that provide key metrics. You can also adjust the brightness for reading in dim lighting during night. Cool Reader provides information on page count, percentage read and chapter marks at the top of the screen. KoboThe Kobo eBook reader presents a special feature called Reading Life that will introduce you to a new world of social reading. It also provides in-app browsing and a downloading feature, which makes reading easy and enjoyable.8. Mantano Reader LiteMantano Reader Lite eBook reader has a great look and feel. It is integrated with popular dictionaries like SlovoEd, Fora and ColorDict. The app is available for free, though a pro version of the app provides additional statistics, such as the number of books in your shelf, pages turned and reading hours. Cool ReaderCool Reader offers a fully customizable palette, text formatting for any font size and extra smooth scrolling that makes reading a pleasurable activity. If you are low on space, you can download the books in parts. It also offers a day/night toggle that renders two sets of colors, background and backlight levels for convenient reading. NOOK offers several features that make reading easy and comfortable. You can share quotes, notes and discuss books on social media with its integrated Facebook feature. Getting an eBook is easy with this app: you can either find the book via the app's internal browser or key in the book code. 9. to suit your reading style.

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