HERITAGE CONSERVATION ACTAPPLICATION FOR HERITAGE INVESTIGATION PERMITThe undersigned hereby applies for a permit, under Section 12.2 of the Heritage Conservation Act, RSBC 1996, c.187 (the “HCA”), to carry out a Heritage Investigation in accordance with the terms and conditions in the following application.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Company: FORMTEXT ????? Address: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ????? The applicant requests a permit for: FORMCHECKBOX 1-year term (from issuance) FORMCHECKBOX 2-year term (from issuance) FORMCHECKBOX Other (specify date or term) FORMTEXT ?????Deliverables will be due: FORMCHECKBOX when the permit expires FORMCHECKBOX 6 months after permit expiration FORMCHECKBOX Other (specify date or term) FORMTEXT ?????.Financial responsibility for the heritage investigation is assumed by the following proponent(s), as expressed in s.12.2(3) of the HCA:Name: FORMTEXT ???????Representing (Company): FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax or Email: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Per the Multi-Assessment Permit Policy, other proponents may be added to this permit without an amendment, pending submission of documents as required by the Archaeology Branch (the Branch).For Heritage Investigation Permits with provisions for delegated archaeologists: FORMCHECKBOX The applicant, their representatives or other parties as approved by the Branch to compel assessments under this permit (e.g., private property owners; other government agencies) will engage a delegated archaeologist to oversee the proposed archaeological studies, ensure compliance with the HCA, and submit the permit deliverables on their behalf. Each delegated archaeologist performs all the actions of a permit holder (e.g., oversees archaeological work and submits deliverables), as though they were holding the permit. A delegated archaeologist is bound by the terms and conditions of this permit, provincial policies, and relevant provisions of the HCA. The delegated archaeologist is expected to have appropriate qualifications and experience to hold permits in the applicable archaeological culture area. It is unlikely that novice permit holders (i.e., limited number of permits or assessments) or permit holders on probationary status will be approved to act as delegated archaeologists. The Branch expects delegated archaeologists will have successfully held at least three permits, with appropriate experience for the project (e.g., contaminated site experience). The Archaeology Branch reviews an individual’s file and deliverables under other HCA permits before adding them to a permit as a delegated archaeologist. Failure to meet all permit terms and conditions related to their contracted scope of work may impact an individual’s ability to be approved to hold additional HCA permits. Individuals who no longer meet the expectations of a delegated archaeologist may be removed from this permit by the Branch. Adding or removing a delegated archaeologist does not require an amendment. FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments regarding delegated archaeologists: FORMTEXT ?????PERMIT APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATIONI certify that I am familiar with the provisions of the Heritage Conservation Act of British Columbia, and that I will abide by the terms and conditions listed herein, and any other conditions the Minister may impose, as empowered by the HCA.Permit Applicant’s CertificationDate: FORMTEXT ?????Permit Applicant Name: FORMTEXT ?????Signature: Briefly summarize the project: FORMTEXT ?????Choose applicable sector: Choose an item.Choose the Project Type: Choose an item.Application for s.12.2 Heritage Investigation Permit TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc172889556" 1.PERMIT INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc172889556 \h 62.PERSONNEL PAGEREF _Toc172889557 \h 113.METHODS PAGEREF _Toc172889558 \h 124.SITE RECORDING AND EVALUATION PAGEREF _Toc172889559 \h 155.COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc172889560 \h 176.REPOSITORY AND CURATION PAGEREF _Toc172889561 \h 197.PERMIT DELIVERABLES PAGEREF _Toc172889562 \h 208.APPLICANT PAGEREF _Toc172889563 \h 239.NOTICES PAGEREF _Toc172889564 \h 2410.REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc172889565 \h 2511.CERTIFICATION AND CONSENT PAGEREF _Toc172889566 \h 2512.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMIT PAGEREF _Toc172889567 \h 26 TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1. Location of Permit Area PAGEREF _Toc172889568 \h 6Table 2. Archaeological Site(s) subject to assessment PAGEREF _Toc172889569 \h 7Table 3. Previous Studies Relevant to the Proposed Assessment(s) PAGEREF _Toc172889570 \h 10Table 4. Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites Relevant to the Proposed Assessment(s) PAGEREF _Toc172889571 \h 10Table 5. Archaeologists Qualified to Oversee Assessments PAGEREF _Toc172889572 \h 11Table 6. Repository Information PAGEREF _Toc172889573 \h 20Table 7. Schedule of Deliverables for Multi-Year Studies PAGEREF _Toc172889574 \h 22 PERMIT INFORMATIONPermit applications are expected to describe proposed activities which fall under the jurisdiction of the HCA. Applications are expected to include maps, and spatial data which comply with Branch standards. Incomplete submissions may not be fully assessed.PROPOSED PROJECTThe project is best described to support (select as appropriate): FORMCHECKBOX Development of a GIS-based Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA). Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Response to a natural disaster or climate change initiative. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Academic research. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Significant investigations within known sites. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Research the request of a First Nation. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other. Details: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the goals and objectives of the proposed project: FORMTEXT ?????LOCATIONWhere is the proposed project: FORMTEXT ?????Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1. Location of Permit AreaJurisdiction/TenureDescription? Private Property? Municipal address including postal code FORMTEXT ?????? Legal description including land title district FORMTEXT ?????? Parcel Identifier(s) (PID): FORMTEXT ?????? Public landTenure Type and Description; if surveyed land, include land title district and/or Parcel Identification Number(s) [PIN] or Geographical information: FORMTEXT ?????? OtherAdministrative Layer and/or Operating Areas as appropriate: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments regarding permit area: FORMTEXT ?????SCOPEDescribe the duration, extent, and magnitude of impacts of proposed activities, and how these impacts may affect sites subject to protection under the HCA: FORMTEXT ?????Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2. Archaeological Site(s) subject to assessmentBorden NumberSite DescriptionAnticipated Activities FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????Does this application identify all areas of investigation? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Choose as appropriate: FORMCHECKBOX All assessment areas are identified in this application, and the size of the assessment area (ha) is known. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Assessment is focusing within the following site(s), as described in REF _Ref166067039 \h Table 2: FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX No. The Branch may implement limitations on the number and size of investigation areas. (Choose as appropriate): FORMCHECKBOX This permit is subject to the Multi-Assessment Permit Policy. Describe approach: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Assessment areas have a limited scope (e.g., size, location, other specific criteria). How will areas be selected for assessment? Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Archaeological workplans and Schedule As are the documents that will establish appropriate archaeological methods and confirm activities are authorised under the HCA permit(s).Archaeological Workplans describe the steps proposed for property developments (construction monitoring, systematic data recovery, supplementary subsurface testing, etc.). Schedule As add proponents, Delegated Archaeologists, properties/locations, and archaeological sites to the permit. As determined by the Branch, site impacts may require the authority of a concurrent Section 12.4 Alteration permit. Addition of properties/locations, archaeological sites and workplans may require referral to affected First Nations following the MAP policy. Additional details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????RISK OF IMPACTS TO ANCESTRAL REMAINSWhen partial or complete ancestral remains, grave goods, and/or burial features (e.g., cairns and mounds) are identified in the field, all nearby ground disturbance will cease. Affected First Nations, the Branch, and other concerned parties will be immediately informed, and next steps will be determined, unless otherwise described herein. Archaeologists will engage with First Nations prior to fieldwork to determine protocols in the event ancestral remains are anticipated.Where human remains of suspected forensic interest are encountered, local law enforcement and/or the Coroners Service of BC will be notified. Ancestral remains will not be subjected to destructive testing nor out-of-Province analysis without First Nation engagement and written approval from the rmation to support protection for burial places will be provided to the Branch for inclusion in RAAD (e.g., location; confirmation of site type), but the Province may not release all information related to a site at a Nations’ request. Where possible, the archaeologist will advise the Branch as to what information may be available on RAAD, and what must be withheld. Select as appropriate – when a checkbox is indicated, additional comments are mandatory:Are ancestral remains anticipated to be present? FORMCHECKBOX Unknown. (e.g., the application is province-wide). Provide details and/or rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ?????In the event unanticipated ancestral remains are encountered, all work must cease in the vicinity of the remains and the Branch and affected First Nations must be immediately contacted for direction. FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe how ancestral remains will be respectfully treated: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????RELEVANT ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIESThe following studies are known to exist within or near the proposed permit area and have been provided to the Branch with this application: FORMCHECKBOX An Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA): FORMCHECKBOX A GIS-based archaeological predictive model. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX A desk-based assessment. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX The AOA was conducted under HCA permit. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX The AOA was not conducted under an HCA permit. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Field studies. Details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other (e.g., ethnographic accounts, Traditional Use Studies). Details: FORMTEXT ?????Where desktop AOAs or AOA models exist, areas with high potential for archaeological sites will be displayed on the maps. The results of previous relevant archaeological field programs (i.e., survey, subsurface testing, areas of potential) will be shown on maps.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????The results of relevant studies are provided in REF _Ref126062602 \h Table 3. Known archaeological sites relevant to this permit are described in REF _Ref126062613 \h Table 4.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3. Previous Studies Relevant to the Proposed Assessment(s)Title of Study (include HCA permit # and/or study type)Proximity to Proposed Assessment AreaYear of AssessmentComments Relevant to this Study FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4. Previously Recorded Archaeological Sites Relevant to the Proposed Assessment(s)Proposed Development ComponentBorden NumberProximity to Proposed Assessment AreaArchaeological Site TypePermit #(s) of Previous Visit(s) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????When Notices of Intent (NoIs) are required to inform First Nations of proposed assessments, the information from REF _Ref126062602 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 3 and REF _Ref126062613 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 4 will be included in NoIs.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????RELATED PERMITSInitiatives may require the authorization of several HCA permits. Is this heritage investigation related to any known concurrent HCA permits or pending applications? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide Rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Provide HCA permit and/or application number(s): FORMTEXT ?????Select one of the following to describe how related HCA permits will work together: FORMCHECKBOX Development is proposed within a site(s) subject to protection under the HCA. The site may have been subject to assessment under a s12.2 Heritage Inspection Permit (HIP). The investigation methods authorized by this s.12.2 Heritage Investigation will mitigate anticipated impacts to the site. If avoidance of the site is infeasible, a s.12.4 alteration permit must be obtained prior to development activities. Provide further details: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other. Provide further details: FORMTEXT ?????If known, provide First Nation File numbers: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments, or describe alternative approach: FORMTEXT ?????ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIONThe scope and background of the proposed permit requires further discussion not outlined elsewhere in Section 1 of this application: FORMTEXT ?????PERSONNELWhile the permit holder (or delegated archaeologist, as appropriate) is responsible for an assessment, a field director may oversee fieldwork, unless otherwise specified by permit terms and conditions. The Branch may approve the addition of delegated archaeologists or field directors without an amendment to the permit.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5. Archaeologists Qualified to Oversee AssessmentsThe Permit Area overlaps with these Culture Area(s)Delegated Archaeologists (if required)Qualified Field Directors FORMCHECKBOX Northwest Coast FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Interior Plateau FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Sub-Arctic / Boreal Forest FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????The individual overseeing assessments (i.e., the field director) must either be present in the field, or available to support in-field decisions (immediate contact by phone or radio; reasonably able to attend an active construction site or an assessment underway), as befits the project. Describe approach: FORMTEXT ?????.Select as Appropriate: FORMCHECKBOX This is a research permit. The Branch may seek confirmation that the applicant has adequate support from someone with the experience and qualifications to ensure compliance with the HCA (e.g., an academic advisor or other mentor). The Statutory Decision Maker (SDM) may issue this to an individual who may not meet expectations to hold s.12.2 HIPs. The Branch will consider the scope of the assessment, potential impacts, and experience of the applicant. Successful completion of this permit may not result in the ability to hold additional HCA permits related to resource management (i.e., non-academic permits). Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX This heritage investigation permit will support resource management and may result in significant, irreversible impacts to protected archaeological sites (i.e., systematic data recovery). It is expected that the applicant is able to be approved to hold s.12.2 HIPs without additional conditions. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Delegated archaeologists will be responsible to oversee assessments as though they were the permit holder and are expected to comply with any additional information provided in a Schedule A. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX This Heritage Investigation Permit will support development of a GIS-based AOA. Given models are subject to Branch approval, and the scope of proposed impacts (i.e., ground-truthing), are expected to be low, the permit applicant may not meet expectations to hold s.12.2 HIPs. However, they must be able to demonstrate adequate support from someone with the requisite experience and qualifications. Successful completion of this permit may not result in the ability to hold additional HCA permits related to resource management (i.e., non-model). GIS-based models developed under this permit will be subject to Branch approval. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????METHODSThe permit holder (or delegated archaeologist, as appropriate) and field director(s) will consider and document comments and concerns from First Nations relevant to the jurisdiction of the HCA when making in-field decisions and developing management recommendations under this permit. These details will be provided to the First Nation upon request and will be included in the final report. Within this document, “field director” will be used when discussing the oversight of archaeological field methods, in recognition that the permit holder may oversee fieldwork themselves or appoint a qualified field director to manage assessments on their behalf.Field notes and camera will record in-field observations. Survey coverage and points of interest will be spatially recorded, mapped, described in relation to the proposed development in reports, and submitted as deliverables. The Branch may request all data from an assessment at any time, which should be provided within five (5) business days from the time of the request.PRE-FIELD BACKGROUND RESEARCHPrior to the initiation of field studies, all previously recorded archaeological sites near the project area (e.g., within 50?m) will be subject to detailed background review of available site records, permit reports, and site record updates on file with the Branch, including the Unreviewed Site Record Updates layer in the Remote Access to Archaeological Data (RAAD) application. Discrepancies in previously recorded site locations, site boundaries, or other site information will be addressed with the Branch prior to site visit(s). The results of pre-field background research, and how it affected in-field decisions, will be included in reports. Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????SURVEY COVERAGEIs survey anticipated? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe the proposed approach to subsurface testing: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????ARCHAEOLOGICAL POTENTIALWill areas be evaluated for the potential to contain archaeological sites? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Reports will describe areas of low potential as assessed by an AOA model or desktop review. Rationales may include a summary of the model parameters, and supporting evidence (terrain maps, forest cover information, air photos, etc.). It is preferred that Areas of Potential (AOPs) are subject to subsurface testing, to evaluate the field director’s assessment of potential, support the proponent with effective management directions to minimize or avoid impacts to archaeological sites, and generally contribute to the knowledge of archaeological site types and distribution within the area. However, it is understood there may be limitations to the study, or AOPs may be identified outside a permitted area. Areas of Potential will be recorded spatially and described (e.g., dimensions, microtopography and nearby vegetation; why the field director determined this has potential for a site). Given the AOP may represent an area subject to protection under the HCA, reports will describe AOPs in detail and management buffers must be protected from impacts (e.g., windfirm).Describe the proposed approach to assess potential: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????SUBSURFACE TESTINGIs subsurface testing anticipated? FORMCHECKBOX No (delete rest of the text in this section and subsections and proceed to 3.5). Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe the proposed approach to subsurface testing: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? Machine-Assisted InspectionsAre machine-assisted inspections anticipated? FORMCHECKBOX No (the rest of the text in this subsection can be deleted). FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Machine-assisted inspection will comply with appropriate WorkSafeBC requirements. The field director may use discretion to determine the amount of material to be processed (i.e., screened or raked). The report will describe methods and the rationale behind in-field decisions.Describe the proposed approach to machine-assisted inspections: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? Winter Assessments Will winter assessment be employed? FORMCHECKBOX No (delete rest of the text in this section and proceed to next subsection). FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe: FORMTEXT ?????Reports will describe how winter methods (and confidence in testing) considered the degree in which microtopography was discernable. Reports will describe how conditions affected methods and the confidence in the assessment (i.e., in the Evaluation and Discussion section(s) of the report). Describe field, transport, and lab methods: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? Additional Discussion: Subsurface TestingThe subsurface testing strategy of the proposed permit requires further discussion not outlined elsewhere in Section 3.4 of this application: FORMTEXT ?????OTHER FIELD METHODSOther archaeological field methods require discussion. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? SITE RECORDING AND EVALUATION Sites subject to protection under the HCA will be mapped in the field using measuring tape, compass, GPS, total station, or similar. Archaeological features (e.g., cultural depressions) will be measured, mapped, and photographed. Notes will sufficiently describe sites to include necessary information to complete a site form, which is expected to be completed to Provincial standards. General site area and a representative sample of diagnostic and other artifacts will be photographed in the field and detailed in a photo log. Archaeological methods, transport, storage, and curation should comply with provincial guidance.Proposed site boundaries should comply with Provincial policy; any variances should be discussed with Branch staff prior to the completion of fieldwork. Where the site is comprised of one positive test, a minimum of four additional subsurface tests should be placed 1?m around the test. When subsurface testing is conducted, a subsurface test log should be included with the site record.For larger sites with subsurface components, “back testing” may be applied (i.e., Site boundaries are defined by excavating tests 10-15?m away from the original discovery. If each of these tests also uncovers archaeological remains, subsurface tests may be excavated in an additional 10-15?m interval and the process is repeated. If additional tests fail to reveal archaeological resources, tests should be placed closer to the last positive test.) The specific methods will be described in the report.Select as Appropriate: FORMCHECKBOX When site extent is evaluated through subsurface testing, tests may be spaced 1-5?m apart on a grid, as appropriate. Additional testing may occur at the field director’s discretion. Testing will continue until 15?m of negative tests are reached in each direction (e.g., cardinal, or ordinal), unless other methods are approved (e.g., extent of landform). Additional details regarding approach: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????EXCAVATIONDescribe scope and approach for archaeological excavation: FORMTEXT ????? Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????CMT SURVEYAre CMTs anticipated? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe the proposed approach: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????ROCK ARTIf rock art is identified, it will be fully recorded (e.g., multiple overlapping photographs, sketches), whilst minimizing damage. Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? WET SITESAre wet sites anticipated? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe specific methods: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????HISTORICAL SITESWill this study assess historical sites subject to protection under the HCA? FORMCHECKBOX No. FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe approach, including artifact collection and analysis: FORMTEXT ?????SITE FLAGGINGWill boundaries be flagged? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Describe approach: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIONThis application requires further discussion regarding site recording and evaluation not outlined in this section. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Collection of materials from an archaeological site will be handled with sufficient care during excavation, recording, transport, cleaning, analysis, and storage to ensure no additional damage or negative impacts occur to the assemblage during these processes. It is expected that these processes will comply with Provincial standards. All collected materials from an archaeological context (e.g., artifacts, fauna) will be collected, analyzed, reported, and curated with the designated repository/repositories. The permit holder is responsible to ensure analysts are qualified. Analysts must be named in the report(s). Artifact collection and/or sampling strategies will consider First Nation comments where possible. If materials are not collected, they will be recorded in detail and photographed in the field. Artifacts and samples will only be sent out of the Province (even to other offices within the archaeological firm) following engagement with First Nations and written approval from the Branch. The request to send artifacts out of the Province will include an artifact catalogue, photographs of tools and/or diagnostics, the reason for export, the destination, and the length of time they will be out of Province.All artifact assemblages will be analyzed with the intent of defining site function, activity areas, and cultural chronology if possible. All formed tools will be measured and illustrated or photographed, with technological attributes noted and provided to the province in an Artifact Catalogue with Provincial Catalogue Numbers. Faunal remains will be analyzed to the most specific taxa possible by a trained individual with access to an appropriate comparative collection or reference materials. Faunal elements will be identified by taxa, element, and side if possible, and any relevant cultural modifications or natural taphonomic processes noted, with the aim of answering questions on site formation processes, subsistence strategies, environment, season of occupation, etc. A Faunal Catalogue or Analysis report should be submitted as part of the site record when details are too numerous to include in a site form.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????COLLECTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLINGDescribe approach to collect (or rebury) materials (e.g., what will be collected, what will be left in the field). Details: FORMTEXT ?????Describe approach to collect samples (e.g., microdebitage, Fire-Altered Rock, hearths, midden deposits). Details: FORMTEXT ?????Provide additional details, as required, regarding the collection and sampling of material (e.g., column samples). Details: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments regarding collection, analysis, and/or sampling strategies: FORMTEXT ????? ANALYSIS Describe approach to analysis of collected materials. Details: FORMTEXT ?????Describe approach to analysis of collected samples. Details: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments regarding analysis: FORMTEXT ?????SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACTS Significance Evaluation Site significance will minimally be evaluated following Section and Appendix?D of the Archaeological Impact Assessment Guidelines (dated 1998), (the Guidelines), and, where CMTs have been identified, the Significance and Management of CMTs (e.g., Eldridge 1997). Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? Assessing ImpactsAssessing impacts to archaeological sites will follow Section and Appendix?F of the Guidelines.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIONThis application requires further discussion not outlined in this section. Describe: FORMTEXT ????? REPOSITORY AND CURATIONHeritage objects and associated materials recovered under authority of the permit may not be sold or exchanged for financial gain.Is a repository required? FORMCHECKBOX No. Provide rationale: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. The permit holder, in consultation with affected First Nations as appropriate, shall arrange for a secure repository to care for any materials recovered under authority of the permit. It is expected that the permit holder will do so in accordance with Archaeology Branch policy and direction. The permit holder will confirm in writing that that the repository has agreed to accept materials, and the repository will make collections available to affected Indigenous communities and researchers. FORMCHECKBOX The repository has been contacted and provided the permit holder confirmation in writing that it agrees to accept materials collected under the authority of this permit and that it will make collections available to affected Indigenous communities and researchers.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6. Repository InformationContact Name: FORMTEXT ???????Repository: FORMTEXT ????? Address: FORMTEXT ?????Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX More than one repository will be used. Where more than one repository has been identified, describe how it will be determined where materials will go and confirm how First Nations will be advised. Rationale and contact information: FORMTEXT ?????Materials to accompany the archaeological collection include:submission letter with box inventory;artifacts and digital catalogue;catalogue numbers are provided by the Province.The Province must be advised of the final catalogue number when cataloguing is complete.faunal material;samples;field notes (original and/or digital copies, including maps and sketches);photographs and photo log; and, final permit report, with interim reports and specialized analyses appended (hardcopy and digital copy), as well as site form (or site form updates).Cultural materials and supporting documentation must be transferred to the designated repository per their standards for packing and transport. The Branch must be provided confirmation that any repository that has agreed to be added to this permit has accepted artifacts, samples, and records prior to the expiration of the reporting period of this permit. Site records and reports will identify the repository for cultural material. Additional comments: FORMTEXT ????? PERMIT DELIVERABLESPermit deliverables are expected to comply with Branch standards. The permit report and site form(s) will identify the repository. Site information described in reports will precisely match provincial site records (e.g., boundaries, recovered materials); approach will be confirmed with the Branch when there is a discrepancy between the site record following fieldwork and what is available via RAAD.Permit deliverables submitted to the Branch include: Site records (sent to Catalogues, Faunal Analysis Reports, & Dating Lab Reports may be submitted at a later date, but no later than the deliverables due date noted in the permit.PDF of Final Report uploaded via the Branch’s permit application system Hardcopies of reports will be submitted to the Branch on request.When applicable, interims, specialized analyses (e.g., radiocarbon dating), and NoI summaries will be appended to reportsSpatial files for study areas, STAs, and AOPs (sent to of acceptance from the repository The permit holder (or delegated archaeologist) will provide First Nations with reports. Other data (e.g., spatial files; site forms; photographs) will be provided upon request.Photographs of diagnostic artifacts, formed tools, and rock art should be included in the site record; with large sample sizes, a permit report may include only a selection of photographs. The site record and report may be redacted prior to distribution via the RAAD and the Provincial Archaeological Report Library (PARL) to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information.Site records, spatial data, and reports will include a License Grant, per Section 9.1 of this application.SITE RECORDSSite forms and all related documentation (e.g., maps, artifact catalogues) are expected to comply with Branch requirements. Site forms will be submitted within eight (8)?weeks of the completion of site investigations, or as directed by the Branch. Site records are expected to provide the total number of artifacts, the starting and ending provincial catalogue numbers, and confirmation of what was collected vs. what was reburied within the site.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????REPORTSPermit report titles will include the HCA permit number. Reports will include a distribution list. Permit report citations in the References sections of reports must include the relevant HCA permit number. Interim Reports may be submitted under this permit, and are expected to comply with Provincial guidance.Management summaries and recommendations will clearly outline the proponent’s responsibilities under the HCA and will make recommendations for further study (as appropriate). Reports will describe how pre-field background research influenced the study.Reports will contain detailed descriptions of every part of each proposed development area assessed, in terms of the criteria used to evaluate archaeological potential, and why the field director chose specific in-field methods (e.g., survey transect spacing; subsurface testing density). This includes all proposed development areas that are inspected in the field, as well as those development areas reviewed solely through map and document review if the permit would have authorized field inspection of those developments. A summary description of each site recorded or revisited will be included in the report, including a synthesis of previous archaeological work relating to the site.Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLESA Schedule of Deliverables ensures the permit holder (or delegated archaeologist) is consistently meeting terms and conditions of the permit and allows First Nations and the Branch to make informed decisions in nearby areas. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 7. Schedule of Deliverables for Multi-Year StudiesDeliverableTimelines (Choose as appropriate)DefaultOther (Specify)Site records FORMCHECKBOX Within eight weeks of the completion of site investigations, or as directed by the Branch FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????Interim reports FORMCHECKBOX As required to provide management recommendations to the proponent, including areas where no archaeological sites were found but development is proceeding FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????Spatial files FORMCHECKBOX Annually, on the anniversary of permit issuance FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????Summary reports FORMCHECKBOX Annually, on the anniversary of permit issuance FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????Project Tracking Report (specific to permits with delegated archaeologists) FORMCHECKBOX Upon completion of each field season FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ?????The summary report is intended to summarise assessments and results and, when possible, indicate what further work is anticipated. Though assessments and reports may vary in complexity, and First Nations or the Branch may request specific information, summary reports are anticipated to contain:Project description(s) and location(s);Summary of surveyed areas;Brief description of sites identified or revisited within the study area, including:Site function Site dimensions Artifacts and faunal remains (e.g., nature, density, counts) Significant artifacts or features Whether ancestral remains were identified and their present status (i.e., have they been reburied?) Other important information.To ensure data management for multi-year, multi-firm projects and confirm project metrics, and ensure the Branch is providing timely management direction, a Project Tracking report provides company-specific summaries regarding:The unique identifier for proposed assessments and corresponding NOI correspondence (e.g., distribution date);Confirmation whether the corresponding studies occurred. Whether sites have been identified or revisited (i.e., to track site record submissions);A status summary for the submission of deliverables (e.g., spatial files and reports).Other information, as appropriate to the project. Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????The permit holder (or delegated archaeologist) will provide permission to the Branch to distribute reports to inform work conducted near the permitted study area. The report may be reviewed by the Branch; however, these reports do not replace reporting procedures where a management decision under other legislation is required. Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????APPLICANTThe applicant’s current resume must be on file with the Branch prior to review of this application. Choose as appropriate: FORMCHECKBOX This is the applicant’s first permit issued under the HCA, or the applicant has been informed they are subject to first-time permit holder conditions (e.g., first permit did not identify sites subject to protection under the HCA).It is expected that the permit holder will not be approved to hold additional permits until the terms and conditions of this permit are met to the satisfaction of the Branch and/or BC Energy Regulator (BCER).The permit holder is expected to undertake the majority of fieldwork and reporting (including site records) in order to demonstrate their abilities under this permit.For multi-assessment permits, no more than 15 assessment areas can be assessed. This may be extended following acceptance of site forms and interim reports. The Branch will provide written authorization to the permit holder. First time applicants must submit a summary of their qualifications and experience, so the Statutory Decision Maker can determine whether to issue a permit to that individual. This review may affect timelines for this application. FORMCHECKBOX This is the applicant’s first permit issued under the HCA; work will be conducted by delegated archaeologists, who will be added to a permit with written approval by the Branch. FORMCHECKBOX The applicant has successfully completed the following permits (n≤3): FORMTEXT ?????The Branch may apply additional conditions to the permit based on the scope of the study and results of previous permitted work (e.g., where previous permits have not required management directions for sites subject to protection under the HCA). FORMCHECKBOX The applicant has held and successfully completed more than three permits issued under the HCA.The Branch may apply additional conditions to the permit based on the scope of the study and results of previous permitted work (e.g., where previous permits have not required management directions for sites subject to protection under the HCA). FORMCHECKBOX Other. Describe: FORMTEXT ?????Additional comments: FORMTEXT ?????NOTICESCOPYRIGHTWhen submitting the any permit deliverables, including any site records, spatial data, interim reports, summary reports, specialised analysis, or final reports (each, a “Deliverable”), a “License Grant” signed by an authorised person (the "Grantor”) must also be provided. The License Grant confirms how the Deliverable may be used, reproduced and distributed by the Province and others (the “License”), enabling valuable data, including archaeological data contained in the Deliverables, to be used in the protection of heritage resources across British Columbia. For clarity, the License does not alter the original owner’s (or owners’) retention of copyright in the Deliverables.It is the Grantor’s responsibility to ensure that it either owns the copyright in all elements of each Deliverable, or has obtained all necessary rights to be able to grant the License, before the Deliverable is submitted. The Grantor will be liable for any costs arising from a failure to have the rights necessary for it to grant the License.The Province has established appropriate limitations regarding how the Deliverable materials may be used and with whom they may be shared. The License Grant also creates conditions that must be followed in relation to the Province’s disclosure of Indigenous cultural or other sensitive information contained in the Deliverables. A copy of the License Grant (as may be amended by the Province from time to time) is maintained on the Branch’s website. OTHER PERMITSThis application is for a permit, under the HCA, to authorize the permit holder to carry out the investigations as described in the permit application. Please note that additional authorizations may be required to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.REFERENCESEldridge, M. (1997). The significance and management of culturally modified trees. [Manuscript on file]. Canadian Environmental Agency. , R.J. and H. Moon. (2000). Sampling culturally modified tree sites. Ministry of Forests, Aboriginal Affairs Branch. AND CONSENTCLIENT CERTIFICATIONI certify that I have read and concur with the content of this permit application. I recognise and confirm that I, by requesting this permit, am agreeing to pay for the services and related costs for this archaeological study and follow the direction of the archaeologist(s). I acknowledge and will abide by the terms and conditions of this permit and the HCA.Client Certification.Date: FORMTEXT ?????Client Name: FORMTEXT ?????Client Affiliation: FORMTEXT ?????Client Signature: FORMTEXT ?????PERSONAL INFORMATIONPersonal information, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, may be collected by the Branch in permit applications, site inventory forms, and/ or permit reports under s.26(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165 (“FOIPPA”) and s.12.4(2) of the HCA. Such personal information is collected for the purpose of this permit application and any resulting permit, including making archaeological information collected under that permit available to approved parties through the Provincial Archaeological Report Library (PARL). The collection, protection, retention, use, and disclosure of personal information by the Branch is subject to FOIPPA. Questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information can be directed to GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMITTerms and conditions are applied to a permit at the time of issuance. ................

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