Carleton University Data Standards - Canada's Capital ...



June 6, 2002







































Appendix A - Record Creation Considerations 18



Appendix B - Name changes in the Banner system 20

Appendix C - Carleton University Code on Confidentiality 22

Appendix D - Excerpt from the Canada Postal Guide 24

Table of Contents 24

Canadian Addressing Guide 24

General Information 24

Civic Addresses (Street Addresses) 25

Post Office Box Addresses 26

Rural Route Addresses 27

General Delivery 28

Bilingual Addresses 29

Military Addresses 29

United States of America – States, Territories and Possessions Addresses 29

International Addresses 30

Symbols Recognized by Canada Post 31



Banner is the name of the integrated software purchased from SCT Corporation and tailored for Carleton University.

Banner offers the University a tremendous increase in the quantity and quality of information it can maintain as well as increased accessibility to that information, enhanced data security and compatibility across functional areas of responsibility.

Banner is modular, meaning that there are modules for different functional areas. The modules at Carleton University are Alumni, Student, Finance, Human Resources. In addition, web products are available for Student, Faculty, and Employees. There also is a General Person module that ties all of the functional modules together. A person’s ID number, name, address, biographical and demographic information is contained within the General Person module and is shared by all other modules.

Banner is a collection of forms with imbedded instructions used to enter data, modify data, delete data, and query data. Banner simply provides the forms and processes necessary to manipulate data. The data itself is stored in tables residing in an Oracle database. It is a relational database meaning that tables are linked together by means of some internal identification number and therefore data redundancy is limited. One table might have a student ID number and the course numbers that s/he is enrolled in. A separate table has the course numbers and the course descriptions. The course numbers would link the two tables together providing a course description for the courses a student is enrolled in. There are over 2,600 tables in the Banner system.



These guidelines are established for the protection, access, and use of Carleton University electronic information. They also define the responsibilities of everyone accessing and managing the data. Offices may have individual guidelines that supplement, but do not supplant or contradict this statement. Data entrusted to the University by other organizations; e.g., Foundations and Governmental agencies, is governed by terms and conditions agreed upon with those organizations. Specific issues not governed by such agreed terms shall be governed by the guidelines set forth in this document.

These guidelines have been developed to ensure database integrity and to support the goals of consistent, professional and cost-effective communication for the Carleton University community. Therefore, the guidelines address the critical concerns of:

( Avoiding creation of duplicate records for a single entity,

( Providing complete name/address information in a timely manner, with an audit trail of changes,

( Using standard data entry protocols to facilitate consistent reports and searches,

( Sharing effective processing discoveries and problem-resolution tasks with other team members,

( Using Canada Post recommended mailing address setup and procedures, and

( Taking advantage of the database capabilities and workflow analysis.


The disclosure of information contained in all personal records at Carleton University is governed by the University Code on Confidentiality and relevant government legislation. Authorized University personnel will disclose information of a confidential nature (that is, information not normally available to the general public) only to the individual concerned, or to a third party upon receipt of an original written release signed by the individual concerned. Please refer to the University Code on Confidentiality (listed in the Appendix) for more information.

All levels of management shall ensure that in their areas of accountability, each information system user knows his/her responsibilities in regards to the above.

Electronic data is owned by the University and is a vital asset. All institutional data, whether maintained in the central database or copied into other data systems including microcomputers, remains the property of Carleton University. Access to data is not approved for use outside an individual’s official University area of responsibility. Computerized, institutional data shall be used only for the legitimate business of Carleton University. Institutional computing services and facilities shall be used only as required in the performance of job functions.

Supervising administrators shall ensure a secure office environment with regard to all institutional information systems. Administrators shall validate the access requirements of their staff according to job functions, before submitting requests for the provision of access. Under no circumstances shall anyone use institutional electronic data (in detail or summary) in any publication, seminar, or professional presentation, or otherwise release data, in any form, outside the University without prior written approval from the appropriate manager. Data should never be left on any system to which access is not controlled.

As a general principle of access, University data (regardless of who collects or maintains it) is available only to those employees whose work requires it.

All information systems owned by Carleton University shall be constructed to assure that:

1. Accuracy and completeness of all system contents are maintained during storage and processing.

2. System capabilities can be re-established within an appropriate time after loss or damage by accident, malfunction, breach of security, or natural disaster.

3. Actual or attempted breaches of security can be detected promptly and controlled.


Individuals are responsible for understanding all data elements that are used in relation to the performance of their functional responsibilities. If a person does not understand the meaning of a data element, he/she should consult their supervisor or the appropriate system manager. Users should exercise due care in using the institution’s electronic information systems, both the central institutional database and all departmental systems, to protect data files from unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Each person is responsible for security, privacy, and control of his/her own data. Each user is responsible for all transactions occurring during the use of his/her log-in and password.

As a reminder to all employees of the importance of data confidentiality and security, as each new system access is requested, the department/division must have the employee, temporary employee, or student worker sign the confidentiality agreement that is on the System Access Authorization Request Form (form to be developed). All employees who require access to online records must use a system access code defined specifically for their access. This will allow updates to be tracked to a specific user access code and specific person.

Temporary employees and students will not be given update capability, nor will they be permitted access to validation tables, and transactions that directly affect the student record. Exceptions may be authorized at the discretion of the data custodian or designate. It is the department/division manager’s responsibility to ensure that system access is immediately canceled for any employee who no longer works in their department.

Any exceptions to the above guidelines must be requested in writing with justification and be approved by the data custodian or designate.


The following outlines the requirements and limitations for University departments/divisions in obtaining permission for inquiry and update access to the Banner system. Data security is everyone’s responsibility and must be impressed upon all employees.

System access will be awarded only after appropriate training is received. Entries to the Banner general tables (person or non-person) affect the overall integrity of the database used by all Banner modules. Failure to abide by the guidelines outlined in this manual for creating and maintaining general entity records will result in removal of access.

Users are not to loan or share their access codes with anyone. Users found to be sharing or loaning access codes may be subject to disciplinary action (in accordance with university policies).

Departments/divisions will make every effort to ensure that they have established some degree of redundant access for each critical office function. These individuals will have access and training to the system functions required to provide backup support.

Update access provides both query and update capability. Update capability is limited to the offices directly responsible for the collection and management of the data. Each functional area is responsible for the assignment of the appropriate combinations of query-only and update access.


Data Custodians

|Area of Responsibility |Custodian |

|General Person Module |All Data Custodians (shared) |

|Finance Module |Director of Finance |

|Student Module |Undergraduate University Registrar |

| |Registrar Graduate Studies |

|Human Resource Module |Director of Human Resources |

|Alumni Module |VP Advancement |

Data custodians are responsible for ensuring the security, access, accuracy and completeness of data in their areas. Data custodians are also responsible for the validation and approval of software releases that affect their areas of responsibility. By overseeing the procedures established to provide end-user system access, the data custodian consents to the use of this data within the normal business functions of administrative and academic offices. Data custodians are also responsible for ensuring that stand-alone systems development projects, which may impact or rely on Banner Data, are formally documented. These projects should be approved by the Banner Steering Committee before development begins.

Data Custodian Procedures

The following conventions govern which office makes changes to General Person records in the integrated administrative information system called BANNER.

|If the PERSON is… |THEN… |

|An Employee (present, former or retired) |Human Resources makes the change |

|An Employment Applicant |Human Resources makes the change |

|A Student and not an employee |University Registrarial Services (URS) or Graduate Studies (GSRO) |

| |makes the change |

|A Student Applicant; not a Student or Employee |Admissions, Graduate Studies, or URS makes the change |

|A Vendor, not an Employee and not a Student |Purchasing or Accounts Payable makes the change (Finance) |

|A Student, and/or an employee, and/or a Vendor |The information is submitted to whichever office the person/vendor |

| |has primary affiliation with |

|A Graduated Student of Carleton University; not a vendor and/or Student |Alumni makes the change |

|Applicant having obtained a degree | |

|A donor who is not an employee or an alumnus |Alumni makes the change |


Query (Inquiry) only access enables the user to view, analyze, and download, but not change institutional data. Downloaded information should be used and represented responsibly, accurately and in accordance with university policy.


Never make a change to an employee, student or vendor record without proper documentation.

Abbreviations are often used when entering data. If you are in doubt about an abbreviation first check the approved list. The approved list can be found in the appendices of this document. If you do not locate an abbreviation, spell the word out rather than abbreviate.


• Search First; before you create a new record for a person or organization. You must conduct an ID and name search to make sure the person or organization has not already been entered in the BANNER database.

• All offices must conduct a thorough search to prevent entering a duplicate record.

• In the appendices of this document you will find Record Creation Considerations that should be followed.


Date display is currently set at DD-MON-YYYY, e.g. 10-OCT-2000.


A gender code is entered in the General Person table PERS as male, female or not available.

|Code |Description |Explanation |

|M |Male |A male person, man or boy |

|F |Female |A female person, woman or girl |

|N |Not Available |Use when the gender information is not available. Where possible, this field |

| | |should be validated as soon as possible. |


A nine-character identifier (ID) is used to access a person’s information on Banner.



The Date of Birth (DOB) is required for all students is entered on the General Person form and generally captured during the admission process for all graduate, undergraduate and special students.

New employees or contractors must show their birth certificates or valid passport in Human Resources when they are documented.


A valid Social Insurance Number is Required for all employees. Students are requested to provide SIN information on application.


Citizen type is required for all students and employees. A person’s citizenship is entered on the General Person form PERS. Valid values are found in the validation table STVCITZ.

|Code |Description |

|0 |Canadian |

|1 |Landed/Permanent Resident |

|2 |Student Visa |

|3 |Other |


This non-compulsory field is entered on the General Person form PERS. The following codes apply:

|Code |Description |Explanation |

|C |Common-law |Common-law |

|D |Divorced |Once married but now legally divorced |

|M |Married |Legally married |

|N |Not Reported |Not Reported |

|P |Separated |Legally married but living apart |

|S |Single |Never/Not currently legally married |

|W |Widowed |Legally married and spouse is deceased |

NOTE: Student Records will continue to collect only the Single, Married and Not Reported choices from applications.


A Legacy Code identifies a relative or friend with whom Carleton University had or has a relationship. For example, if your mother is an alumna of the University, your legacy would be mother. A person’s legacy relationship status is entered on the General Person form PERS.

|Code |Description |Explanation |

|A |Aunt |Sister of parent |

|B |Brother |Blood brother or step brother |

|C |Cousin |Aunt or uncle's child |

|D |Daughter |Person student considers daughter |

|F |Father |Person student considers father |

|G |Grandparent |Mother or father of parent |

|M |Mother |Person student considers mother |

|N |Son |Person student considers son |

|P |Parents |When mother and father are not mutually exclusive |

|S |Sister |Blood sister or step sister |

|U |Uncle |Brother of parent |

|X |Multiple |Multiple Relatives/Relationships |

NOTE: Student, HR and Finance will not be collecting this information

Alumni may use this information


If a person wishes to have their information marked “confidential” this field is checked. When the confidential field (box) is checked, this denotes that the person has made the appropriate written request and has received approval to have no information about their presence at Carleton University released to anyone unless legally required. When information is marked confidential, no directory information is to be released. A person’s confidential request is entered on the General Person form PERS. For more information see Confidential Flag listed below.


The Confidential Flag, which is set on the PERS screen, will be added by Student Records or Human Resources and may be used by other offices such as Alumni. A warning will appear on any field displaying the affected ID.

This Flag indicates that a person wants all or part of their record kept confidential, that they want some or all of their information blocked from the Campus Directory and/or wants some or all of their information to NOT be published in other documents.


University Registrarial Services, and Human Resources will manage the procedures and documentation required when a student or employee is deceased. Alumni Services will manage in the event that the person is neither an employee nor current student.

In these circumstances, the deceased indicator is checked and is entered on the General Person form PERS with the date of death.


Name or ID changes are not permitted without proper documentation. Refer to the Change of Name policy in the Appendix.


Every identifier (ID) in Banner has a name associated with it. The name is either the name of the person or the name of a non-person. Names are entered on the General Person form IDEN. The name fields are:

• Last Name

• First Name

• Middle Name

• Prefix

• Suffix

• Marital Status

• Preferred first name

• Non-person name

• Name Type

Hyphens may be used to separate double names; e.g. Cooper-Smith. However, if there are two last names not hyphenated; e.g., Monica Lou Creton Quinton, Monica would be input as the first name; Lou would be input as the Middle Name; and Creton Quinton would be input as the Last Name.

Apostrophes may be used in such names as O’Leary, O’Connor, etc.

The period is not used. Not even in an abbreviation in a person’s name.

Special Characters. The comma (,), pound sign (#), and percent sign (%) and accents are never used.


All information is to be entered using upper and lowercase letters; i.e., not all caps or all lower case letters. Enter the legal spelling and format of the last name.

Do NOT use prefixes and suffixes in the last name field. Examples: Dr, Mr, Ms, III, Jr., M.D., etc., should never be included in the last name field.


All information is typed in upper/lower case format, i.e., not all caps or all lower case. Always enter the entire legal first name.

Single Character First Names should be entered with a period. In those cases where a single character is designated as first name, place the single character in the first name field followed by a period.

Spaces are permitted for double names; e.g. Mary Ann, Anne Marie.


When a person prefers to be addressed as something other than their legal first name, enter that name in the preferred first name field.

Do NOT use titles, prefixes, and suffixes in the first name field. Examples: Dr., Mr., Mrs., should never be used in the first name field.


All information is typed in upper/lower case format, i.e., not all caps or all lower case letters. Enter the legal entire middle name if available for identification purposes. The period is not used in the middle name field.

The system will generate the period after the middle initial and entering a period after an initial will cause it to duplicate, i.e., Jack R.. Smith.

Exception to Use of the Period – If a person’s name is John A.H. Smith, a period is entered after the single character first initial in the middle name field but not after the second single character.

Last: Smith First: John Mid: A. H


|Code |Used By |Description |

|Mr |Student / HR |Mister |

|Mrs |Student / HR |Madam |

|Ms |Student / HR |Ms |

|Miss |Student / HR |Miss |

|Dr |HR |Doctor |

| |Finance / Alumni |Free form text |

NOTE: Prefixes are not retrieved from a validation table; this is a free-form field. Periods may be used in this field.


|Code |Description |

|Sr |Senior |

|Jr |Junior |

|II |The Second |

|III |The Third |


All information is to be entered using upper and lower case letters. Acronyms are an exception. See the acronym section that follows. Enter the vendor’s name as supplied to you by the vendor.

Double quotes are not to be used.

Acronyms – Companies who are recognized by their acronyms should be entered using its’ acronym; e.g., IBM, AT&T. Use no spaces or punctuation between letters. Acronyms that are not commonly recognized should not be entered into the corporate entity name.

The Ampersand (&) can be used only when part of a formal name; e.g., Cohen & Cohen; use “and” in all other cases.

Abbreviations are allowed for Co, Corp, Ltd, or Inc when used after the name of a corporate entity. All other forms of abbreviations should not be used for the corporate entity name.

Government Offices – Federal, Provincial/State and Municipal departments and agencies should be entered with the level of government as the vendor, as well as the specific agency, ministry or department.


Province of Ontario, Ministry of Finance


BANNER permits multiple addresses to be entered for a person or vendor. These addresses can be of different types and can be by effective date. The use of each address type must be strictly defined so that conflicts do not arise among the various functional areas. As a user having permission to update address data, one can update all address data. Banner does not restrict address updates by functional area. Therefore, it is critical for the user to ensure that the most current appropriate address is available for all areas. Procedures must be in place to ensure areas make address changes only under certain conditions based upon the classification of the person or vendor.

In addition, there are some restrictions in BANNER on how addresses can be used within each system. The Student System permits address hierarchy to be used when printing reports. For instance, when invoices are run, the system can first search for a billing address and then a permanent address type. This allows for multiple locations for a single student.

When an address needs to be updated, the new address should be entered and the previous address deactivated in order to keep an audit trail. Previous addresses should not be overwritten.


Addresses are entered on the General Person form in the address information block on IDEN. For additional information on address standards required by Canada Post, see the attached Appendix. Multiple addresses can be entered for a person or vendor by using different address types. Address standards have been established cooperatively so that address types are used consistently. Use the appropriate address type code from the STVATYP table as recreated below.


|Code |Description |Explanation |Used by |

|AL |Alternate |Alternate |Alumni |

|B1 |Business-1 |Business Address 1 |Alumni, Student, Finance |

|B2 |Business-2 |Business Address 2 |Finance |

|CH |Corporate HQ |Corporate Headquarters Address |Finance |

|CO |Convocation |Convocation Address |Student |

|MA |Mailing |Mailing address if different from permanent, local, and| HR/STUDENT/ALUMNI |

| | |campus address | |

|MG |Matching Gift |Matching Gift Address |Alumni |

|NK |Next of Kin |Next of Kin Address |HR |

|CA |Campus |Campus Address (addresses serviced by university |HR/Student/Alumni |

| | |mailroom) | |

|PR |Permanent |Primary Address for Individual |All |

|RE |Remittance |Address used for mailing payments |Finance |

* For a Campus address enter the building, department, etc., in the Street field, Campus in the City field, do not enter anything in the Province and Postal Code fields, and enter 27 (Canada) into the Nation Field.

Note: Enter Building and Room Number for Students, i.e., 356 Renfrew House Enter Department only for Faculty/Staff, i.e., School of Business.


A NATION code is required for all non-Canadian addresses and for campus addresses. Do NOT enter a NATION code for Canadian addresses with the exception of CAMPUS addresses which must have 27 (Canada) entered. A complete listing of Nations can be found in the Appendix.


Address changes are entered in the address information block on the General Person form IDEN. The source of the change can also be entered. Sources for valid address change values are found in the table STVASRC.


|Code |Description |

|APPL |Application |

|CONV |Computerized Conversion Data |

|INRC |Inquiry Request Card |

|PHON |Phone Call |

|RMAG |Returned from CU Magazine |

|RPST |Returned - Post Office Change |

|SCAF |Self Reported – CAFÉ Web |

|SCPC |Self Reported – Canada Post |

|SEML |Self Reported – Email |

|SEVT |Self Reported – CU Event |

|SFAX |Self Reported – FAX |

|SFRN |Self Reported by Friend or Other |

|SMAG |Self Reported through CU Magazine |

|SMAL |Self Reported via Mail |

|SPHN |Self Reported by Phone |

|SPLG |Self Reported by Gift Card |

|SREL |Self Reported by Relative |

|STAF |Self Reported by CU Staff member |

|WEB |Web Request |


|Code |Description |User |

|B1 |Business Phone 1 |All |

|B2 |Business Phone 2 |Alumni, Finance |

|CELL |Cell Phone Number |HR, Alumni, Finance |

|CH |Corporate Headquarters |Finance |

|EMER |Emergency Contact Number |HR |

|FAX |Fax Number |Alumni, Finance |

|MA |Mailing Address Phone Number |All |

|MG |Matching Gift Co. Phone Number |Alumni |

|PR |Permanent/Primary Phone Number |All |

|RE |Remittance Phone Number |Finance |


We can also capture e-mail address information. This information can be recorded from applications. The GTVEMAL Validation Table last updated August 9, 2000 lists the following sources and corresponding codes:

|Code |Description |User |

|CAMP |Campus e-mail address |All |

|PERS |Personal e-mail address |All |

|BUS |Business e-mail address |All |

|BWEB |Business Web Page |Alumni, Finance |

|CWEB |Campus web page | |

|HWEB |Home web page | |

|CONV |Converted e-mail address |All |


Appendix A - Record Creation Considerations


Using the proper search mechanism is essential in preventing the creation of duplicates.

ID Search

Select an “Identification: i.e., IDEN or VEND form in your module.

If SIN is known, enter in KEY BLOCK to see if a match is found.

Person Name Search

If SIN is not know, press LIST FIELD VALUES to enter the search screen.

Note: Searches MUST be completed from an IDEN or VEND form because these search ALL General Person records. FTMVEND displays both Person and Nonperson records. For IDEN screens, LIST of VALUES searches for Person records: COUNT QUERY HITS searches for nonperson records. Searches from other screens restrict the information to records associated with the module.

Type in the name to be searched using the % (wildcard) to broaden the search.

Example: record = Wayne Gretzky

Query as: Last Name – Gretzky

First Name – W%

Note: Some names have unique spellings. Search on all possibilities by broadening the wildcard search or use the “sounds like” functions.

When a list of possible names is retrieved for a person, verify Social Insurance, student ID number, birth date, previous names, and any other information available. Also check the SWAPNAM screen. REMEMBER TO SEARCH FOR BOTH FULL AND COMMON VERSIONS OF NAMES. For example: William as well as Bill; Lawrence as well as Larry.

The underscore (_) key can be used to replace one character at a time. For example, to search for Anderson that may actually be AndersEn use:

Anders_n --- This will find both AndersOn and AndersEn records.


For Canadian city abbreviations, please reference the Canada Post web site for the specific province or territory.


British Columbia


New Brunswick


Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island




Appendix B - Name changes in the Banner system

With the introduction of an enterprise wide database that will contain personal data relating to students, staff, and alumni the Banner Enterprise Committee has developed the following policies, procedures, and standards relating to the collection, recording, management, and dissemination of name details.

• Policy:

As the University is committed to the integrity of its enterprise wide database system, individuals who are entering into a relationship with the institution will be asked to provide their complete, legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration, deletion or substitution, must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation.

Legal Name: For a Canadian citizen, the name under which an individual is registered in a province. The quintessential legal name is the one assigned at birth. For non-Canadian citizens, the legal name is that name under which they are registered in Canada and which is found on immigration documents or passport.

Individuals who wish to make a change of name will submit that change to the administrative unit which represents their primary relationship to the university. In general terms, students would submit such changes to university Registrarial Services, employees to Human Resources, and alumni and donors to Alumni Services. The primary unit will process the change and ensure it complies with university policy. The unit will also be responsible for ensuring that the individual is informed that the name change will be reflected throughout the system.

As the Banner system allows for the possibility of individuals carrying an alternate name some units may choose to collect and store alternate names without invoking the policy relating to legal names. In these instances the alternate name may not be used to replace the “active/legal” name on the system and would be used only for communication purposes. Alternate names will not be reflected on official university records. If an alternate name is to be changed to the “active/legal” name on the Banner system then normal change of name procedures and documentation would be required.

• Procedures:

1. Applications relating to employment, admission, registration and graduation will request and clearly outline the requirement for provision of a full and complete legal name.

2. In all instances the name provided should consist of a surname and at least one given name.

3. Names will be recorded in the Banner system according to the standards identified in the university's most recent Data Standards Document.

4. Individuals will be advised that the official university records capture only one “active” legal name and this name will appear on all documents and records. Development and Alumni's general communications and income tax receipts will use an alternate 'ALUM' name if requested by the individual donor. This name will not appear on other university documentation.

5. Any requests to “change” all or part of a legal name by way of alteration, deletion, substitution, or addition must be made in writing and accompanied by appropriate documentation to substantiate the change. Online name changes will not be allowed.

6. Requests for name changes will be directed to the administrative unit with which the individual has a primary relationship: Human Resources for employee requests, Registrarial Services for student requests, Alumni Services for graduates or friends of the university and Finance for those who are neither a student nor an employee.

7. Requests for legal name changes received by Alumni Services will be forwarded to Registrarial Services for processing.

8. The unit responsible for processing the request will ensure that the request and supporting documentation comply with university policy.

9. The unit responsible for processing the request will ensure that the individual is aware that the change will occur throughout the system.

10. Name changes will result in the compilation of one “active” name and a history of former and alternate names.

Appendix C - Carleton University Code on Confidentiality


Openness with respect to the affairs of the University is encouraged. However, individuals are entitled to privacy and to know what personal information is kept on file.


The University may collect and keep only such personal information as is specifically required for the administration of its affairs.


1. No personal information classified as confidential and which identifies the individual may be released except as follows:

a. in cases of emergency (emergencies will be defined by the President who will report reasons for her/his decision to Senate and the Board of Governors);

b. under compulsion of law; or

c. with the consent (expressed or implied) of the individual to whom the information relates.

2. On request, all personal information may be released to the individual to whom it relates. This policy may be set aside when information to be released could reasonably be considered, by the person who provided it, to have been provided on a confidential basis.

3. Information which may be released internally or externally without individual permission includes: information in the public domain, e.g., names of faculty, staff, or students; names of winners of competitive awards; names of graduates; officially settled facts of appointment, employment, promotion, membership in professional bodies, and so on; information contained in the following publications of the University – The Calendar, Convocation Programs, University Reports, Report on Research and Studies, and the President’s Report.

4. Information which may be released to any person or body within the University charged with making or adjudicating career decisions concerning faculty and staff members for the legitimate purposes of their respective offices, OR with the consent of the individual concerned, to a body outside the University, includes: age, date of birth, sex, family/marital status, citizenship, wages and salaries, letters of reference or assessment (or similar documents), curriculum vitae, disciplinary records, and other similar information.

5. Aside from statistical data which does not identify any individual, information such as medical, psychological and counselling records, and financial status, may be recorded, but not released, except to officials or bodies within the University authorized by the president to receive such information and then only with the consent (expressed or implied) of the individual concerned.

6. Information which cannot be requested nor officially recorded unless gratuitously provided by an individual in her/his curriculum vitae includes: race, ethnic origin, place of birth, religion, colour, political affiliation, non-professional memberships, and social habits.

7. When information that cannot otherwise be released outside the University is released with the consent of the individual, the University or person releasing the information is obliged to comply with any written request, from the individual, for a copy of the information being released, except in the case of material from medical, psychological and counselling files.

Approved Fall 1975 by Senate and BOG

Appendix D - Excerpt from the Canada Postal Guide

Section B - Chapter 3



Table of Contents

• Canadian Addressing Guide

• General Information

• Civic Addresses (Street Addresses)

• Post Office Box Addresses

• Rural Route Addresses

• General Delivery

• Bilingual Addresses

• Military Addresses

• United States of America – States, Territories and Possessions Addresses

• International Addresses

• Symbols Recognized by Canada Post

Canadian Addressing Guide

Canada Post's computerized systems can decipher a wide range of addressing styles – from handwritten notation to typed and printed labels, but studies show that a consistent approach to mail addressing leads to more efficient handling. For Canada Post's customers, large and small, this translates into better service and lower costs. Consistent and accurate addressing eliminates the need for extra handling or redelivery by Canada Post. Standardized addressing ensures that mail is consistently “delivered on time, the first time, every time.”

The Canadian Addressing Guide promotes the most technologically efficient formats for addressing. It does not limit mailers to any one format. In some cases, because of individual preference or other considerations, mailers may not be able to follow the formats that this Guide presents.

For more technical information on the physical characteristics necessary for effective processing by Canada Post's automated systems, Go to Section B – Chapter 4 of the Canada Postal Guide

General Information

Addresses should be written in upper case; however, mailers may wish to use lower case due to individual preference or other considerations.

All lines of an address should be formatted with a uniform left margin.

Punctuation should not be used unless it is part of a proper name, (ST. JOHN'S). However, mailers may wish to use punctuation due to individual preference or other considerations.

Accents are considered to be an integral part of language and are not considered to be punctuation.

Return addresses should be formatted in the same fashion as the destination address, and located in the top-left corner of the mail piece, clearly separated from the destination address, or on the back of the mail piece at the top.

Postal codes must be printed in upper case with the first three elements separated from the last three by one space (no hyphens).

The # symbol must never be used, nor the French equivalent no as part of the address.

Non-proportional fonts (characters which are not equal distance apart) only should be used (ex.: OCR B, Letter Gothic, Elite, Lotus Line-Draw, MS Line Draw, Courier, Courier New, Pica, Copy Pica).

Addresses must be less than 40 characters per line, including spaces.

All characters must be larger than 2 mm and smaller than 5 mm from the top to bottom (10 to 12 point). Return addresses may use smaller characters and must not be larger than the destination address.

The municipality, province and postal code should always appear on the same line.

Space between address lines must be at least 0.5 mm but no more than one blank line between lines of addressing.

Characters in the address block must not be underlined.

Civic Addresses (Street Addresses)

Figure B.3.1

Additional delivery information is optional data that a mailer wishes to include, i.e. Attention line, title, floor, etc. It is always placed above the civic address.

A unit number is placed before the civic number with a hyphen between, OR after the street type, using an acceptable unit identifier (ex. APT 10). Please see Unit Designators for a list. The unit information may be placed on the line above the street information if space is an issue.

The civic number is the official number assigned to an address by the municipality.

When a civic number suffix is present, there is no space when it is alpha (140A), and there is one space when it is a fraction (140 1/2).

The street name is the official name recognized by each municipality and cannot be translated. (Ex.: Main is not Principale.) There is no space between a numerical street name with an ordinal, or an alphanumeric character. (Ex.: 2ND ST or 36A ST). When the street name is numeric, there is only one space (no hyphen) between the civic number and the street name. (Ex.: 123 22ND AVE).

The street type is provided by the municipality. Common abbreviations should be used. Please see Street Types below for a complete list. In some instances, the street type is also the street name (THE PARKWAY). The only street types that may be translated are:

|ST |= |RUE |

|AVE |= |AV |

|BLVD |= |BOUL |

A French street type is placed before the street name, unless it is an ordinal number (1re, 2e or PREMIÈRE, DEUXIÈME).

The street direction uses the common one- or two-letter abbreviation. Please see Street Directions for a complete list.

The official municipality name, as provided to Canada Post, the official abbreviation of the municipality, or an official alternate name, must be used and cannot be translated. (Ex.: TROIS-RIVIÈRES is not THREE RIVERS)

The province should always be presented using the recognized two-digit symbol. Please see Province and Territory Symbols for a complete listing. Mailers may wish to have the province written in full and placed in brackets. Ex.: (Québec)

The postal code must be in upper case and placed two spaces to the right of the province with one space between the first three and last three characters.

Post Office Box Addresses

Figure B.3.2

Additional delivery information is optional data that a mailer wishes to include, i.e. Attention line, title, floor, municipal address, etc. It is always placed above the post office box address.

The post office box number must always be placed on the line just above the municipality, province and postal code. The # symbol must not be used, nor the French equivalent no. Punctuation should not be used.

Station information must be present to direct mail to the proper postal installation when there is more than one installation within a municipality.

|Station |= |STN |

|Retail Postal Outlet |= |RPO |

| | | |

The official municipality name, as provided to Canada Post, the official abbreviation of the municipality, or an official alternate name, must be used and cannot be translated. (Ex.: TROIS-RIVIÈRES is not THREE RIVERS.)

The province should always be presented using the recognized two-digit symbol. Please see Province and Territory Symbols below for a complete listing. Mailers may wish to have the province written in full and placed in brackets. Ex.: (Québec)

The postal code must be in upper case and placed two spaces to the right of the province with one space between the first three and last three characters.

Rural Route Addresses

Figure B.3.3

Many rural areas now have civic addresses. Civic addresses may be added above the rural route. In some locations, the rural route (RR) designator is no longer required.

Additional address information is often required for delivery. Some examples include: SITE/ COMPARTMENT, LOT/CONCESSION, civic address, attention line, title, floor. The word BOX should not be used in place of COMPARTMENT.

The rural route identifier should use the two-character symbol (RR, SS, MR), followed by the number one space to the right. The # symbol must not be used, nor the French equivalent, no.

Punctuation should not be used in RR, SS, or MR.

Station information must be present to direct mail to the proper postal installation when there is more than one installation within a municipality.

|Station |= |STN |

|Retail Postal Outlet |= |RPO |

| | ||

The official municipality name, as provided to Canada Post, the official abbreviation of the municipality, or an official alternate name, must be used and cannot be translated. (Ex.: TROIS-RIVIÈRES is not THREE RIVERS.)

The province should always be presented using the recognized two-digit symbol. Please see Province and Territory Symbols below for a complete listing. Mailers may wish to have the province written in full and placed in brackets. Ex.: (Québec)

The postal code must be in upper case and placed two spaces to the right of the province with

one space between the first three and last three characters.

General Delivery

Figure B.3.4

The General Delivery indicator should be the two-letter abbreviation "GD." Punctuation should not be used.

Station information must be present to direct mail to the proper postal installation when there is more than one installation within a municipality.

|Station |= |STN |

|Retail Postal Outlet |= |RPO |

| | | |

The official municipality name, as provided to Canada Post, the official abbreviation of the municipality, or an official alternate name, must be used and cannot be translated. (Ex.: TROIS-RIVIÈRES is not THREE RIVERS.)

The province should always be presented using the recognized two-digit symbol. Please see Province and Territory Symbols below for a complete listing. Mailers may wish to have the province written in full and placed in brackets. Ex.: (Québec)

The postal code must be in upper case and placed two spaces to the right of the province with one space between the first three and last three characters.

Bilingual Addresses

Figure B.3.5

A solid black line must be placed between the two addresses. It must be a minimum of 0.7 mm thick.

There must be a clear space on each side of the black line. This clear space should be approximately 10 mm.

Military Addresses

Military addressing is defined as mail sent to or by the Department of National Defense, Canadian Forces personnel, their dependents and civilians attached to Canadian Forces served through Canadian Forces Post Offices and Fleet Mail Offices. Go to Section E – Chapter 14 of the Canada Postal Guide.

United States of America – States, Territories and Possessions Addresses

Figure B.3.6

Addressing elements required by the United States Postal Service should be prepared according to the United States Postal Service postal standards.

The full municipality name should be used and should appear as the first component in the second last line of the address block.

The two-character state symbol is preferred over the full state name. The state symbol should appear on the second last line of the address following the municipality, separated by one space.

Please see United States of America – States, Territories and Possessions below for a complete listing.

The ZIP code must be separated from the state symbol by two spaces. It may be either five or nine digits. If the nine-digit format is used, a hyphen will be used to separate the fifth and sixth digits.

The country name must appear alone on the last line of the address block.

International Addresses

Figure B.3.7

For mail addressed outside of Canada and the United States of America, Canada Post's mechanized equipment reads only the name of the country. Therefore, the country name must be spelled correctly.

Please see Country Names for a complete listing and correct spelling of countries.

The name of the country must be the last entry on the address. It is placed at the bottom, below the municipality/city name and any postal code/zip code information.

The name of the country must be spelled in full. (Ex.: UAE is not acceptable for UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.)

|Canada Post encourages all mailers to respect the wishes of customers in matters of format. |

|The Canadian Addressing Guide has taken care to accommodate the requirements of the English and |

|French languages by recognizing and accepting the use of upper- and lower- case characters, |

|including accents, as well as the full spelling of and punctuation between addressing |

|elements. |

Symbols Recognized by Canada Post

Street Types


|Abbey |ABBEY |Knoll |KNOLL |

|Acres |ACRES |Landing |LANDNG |

|Allée |ALLÉE |Lane |LANE |

|Alley |ALLEY |Limits |LMTS |

|Autoroute |AUT |Line |LINE |

|Avenue (English) |AVE |Link |LINK |

|Avenue (French) |AV |Lookout |LKOUT |

|Bay |BAY |Loop |LOOP |

|Beach |BEACH |Mall |MALL |

|Bend |BEND |Manor |MANOR |

|Boulevard (English) |BLVD |Maze |MAZE |

|Boulevard (French) |BOUL |Meadow |MEADOW |

|By-pass |BYPASS |Mews |MEWS |

|Byway |BYWAY |Montée |MONTÉE |

|Campus |CAMPUS |Moor |MOOR |

|Cape |CAPE |Mount |MOUNT |

|Carré |CAR |Mountain |MTN |

|Carrefour |CARREF |Orchard |ORCH |

|Centre (English) |CTR |Parade |PARADE |

|Centre (French) |C |Parc |PARC |

|Cercle |CERCLE |Park |PK |

|Chase |CHASE |Parkway |PKY |

|Chemin |CH |Passage |PASS |

|Circle |CIR |Path |PATH |

|Circuit |CIRCT |Pathway |PTWAY |

|Close |CLOSE |Pines |PINES |

|Common |COMMON |Place (English) |PL |

|Concession |CONC |Place (French) |PLACE |

|Corners |CRNRS |Plateau |PLAT |

|Côte |CÔTE |Plaza |PLAZA |

|Cour |COUR |Point |PT |

|Cours |COURS |Pointe |POINTE |

|Court |CRT |Port |PORT |

|Cove |COVE |Private |PVT |

|Crescent |CRES |Promenade |PROM |

|Croissant |CROIS |Quai |QUAI |

|Crossing |CROSS |Quay |QUAY |

|Cul-de-sac |CDS |Ramp |RAMP |

|Dale |DALE |Rang |RANG |

|Dell |DELL |Range |RG |

|Diversion |DIVERS |Ridge |RIDGE |

|Downs |DOWNS |Rise |RISE |

|Drive |DR |Road |RD |

|Échangeur |ÉCH |Rond point |RDPT |

|End |END |Route |RTE |

|Esplanade |ESPL |Row |ROW |

|Estates |ESTATE |Rue |RUE |

|Expressway |EXPY |Ruelle |RLE |

|Extension |EXTEN |Run |RUN |

|Farm |FARM |Sentier |SENT |

|Field |FIELD |Square |SQ |

|Forest |FOREST |Street |ST |

|Freeway |FWY |Subdivision |SUBDIV |

|Front |FRONT |Terrace |TERR |

|Gardens |GDNS |Terrasse |TSSE |

|Gate |GATE |Thicket |THICK |

|Glade |GLADE |Towers |TOWERS |

|Glen |GLEN |Townline |TLINE |

|Green |GREEN |Trail |TRAIL |

|Grounds |GRNDS |Turnabout |TRNABT |

|Grove |GROVE |Vale |VALE |

|Harbour |HARBR |Via |VIA |

|Heath |HEATH |View |VIEW |

|Heights |HTS |Village |VILLGE |

|Highlands |HGHLDS |Villas |VILLAS |

|Highway |HWY |Vista |VISTA |

|Hill |HILL |Voie |VOIE |

|Hollow |HOLLOW |Walk |WALK |

|Île |ÎLE |Way |WAY |

|Impasse |IMP |Wharf |WHARF |

|Inlet |INLET |Wood |WOOD |

|Island |ISLAND |Wynd |WYND |

|Key |KEY | | |


Street Directions


|East |E |Est |E |

|North |N |Nord |N |

|Northeast |NE |Nord-Est |NE |

|Northwest |NW |Nord-Ouest |NO |

|South |S |Sud |S |

|Southeast |SE |Sud-Est |SE |

|Southwest |SW |Sud-Ouest |SO |

|West |W |Ouest |O |

Unit Designators

The following are the most technologically efficient unit designators. In some cases, because of individual preference or other considerations, a mailer may use other unit designators.



|Apartment |APT |Appartement |APP |

|Suite |SUITE |Bureau |BUREAU |

|Unit |UNIT |Unité |UNITÉ |

Province and Territory Symbols


|Alberta |AB |Alberta |

|British Columbia |BC |Colombie-Britannique |

|Manitoba |MB |Manitoba |

|New Brunswick |NB |Nouveau-Brunswick |

|Newfoundland |NF |Terre-Neuve |

|Northwest Territories |NT |Territoires du Nord-Ouest |

|Nova Scotia |NS |Nouvelle-Écosse |

|Nunavut |NU |Nunavut |

|Ontario |ON |Ontario |

|Prince Edward Island |PE |Île-du-Prince-Édouard |

|Québec |QC |Québec |

|Saskatchewan |SK |Saskatchewan |

|Yukon |YT |Yukon |

United States of America – States, Territories and Possessions


|Alabama |AL |Missouri |MO |

|Alaska |AK |Montana |MT |

|American Samoa |AS |Nebraska |NE |

|Arizona |AZ |Nevada |NV |

|Arkansas |AR |New Hampshire |NH |

|California |CA |New Jersey |NJ |

|Colorado |CO |New Mexico |NM |

|Connecticut |CT |New York |NY |

|Delaware |DE |North Carolina |NC |

|District of Columbia |DC |North Dakota |ND |

|Florida |FL |North Mariana Islands |MP |

|Georgia |GA |Ohio |OH |

|Guam |GU |Oklahoma |OK |

|Hawaii |HI |Oregon |OR |

|Idaho |ID |Palau |PW |

|Illinois |IL |Pennsylvania |PA |

|Indiana |IN |Puerto Rico |PR |

|Iowa |IA |Rhode Island |RI |

|Kansas |KS |South Carolina |SC |

|Kentucky |KY |South Dakota |SD |

|Louisiana |LA |Tennessee |TN |

|Maine |ME |Texas |TX |

|Marshall Islands |MH |Utah |UT |

|Maryland |MD |Vermont |VT |

|Massachusetts |MA |Virgin Islands |VI |

|Michigan |MI |Virginia |VA |

|Micronesia |FM |Washington |WA |

|Minnesota |MN |West Virginia |WV |

|Minor Outlying Islands |UM |Wisconsin |WI |

|Mississippi |MS |Wyoming |WY |

Country Names


|Afghanistan |Afghanistan |Liechtenstein |Liechtenstein |

|Albania |Albanie |Lithuania |Lituanie |

|Algeria |Algérie |Luxembourg |Luxembourg |

|American Samoa |Samoa américaine |Macao |Macao |

|Andorra |Andorre |Madagascar |Madagascar |

|Angola |Angola |Malawi |Malawi |

|Anguilla |Anguilla |Malaysia |Malaisie |

|Antigua and Barbuda |Antigua-et-Barbuda |Maldives |Maldives |

|Argentina |Argentine |Mali |Mali |

|Armenia |Arménie |Malta |Malte |

|Aruba |Aruba |Marianna Islands |Îles Mariannes |

|Ascension |Ascension |Marshall Islands |Îles Marshall |

|Australia |Australie |Martinique |Martinique |

|Austria |Autriche |Mauritania |Mauritanie |

|Azerbaijan |Azerbaïdjan |Mauritius |Maurice |

|Bahamas |Bahamas |Mayotte |Mayotte |

|Bahrain |Bahreïn |Mexico |Mexique |

|Bangladesh |Bangladesh |Micronesia |Micronésie |

| | |(Federated States) |(États fédérés) |

|Barbados |Barbade |Minor Outlying Islands |Îles mineures éloignées |

|Belarus |Bélarus |Mozambique |Mozambique |

|Belgium |Belgique |Moldova |Moldova |

|Belize |Belize |Monaco |Monaco |

|Benin |Bénin |Mongolia |Mongolie |

|Bermuda |Bermudes |Montserrat |Montserrat |

|Bhutan |Bhoutan |Morocco |Maroc |

|Bolivia (Republic of) |Bolivie (République de) |Myanmar |Myanmar |

|Bosnia and Herzegovina |Bosnie-Herzégovine |Namibia |Namibie |

|Botswana |Botswana |Nauru |Nauru |

|Brazil |Brésil |Nepal |Népal |

|British Virgin Islands |Îles Vierges britanniques |Netherlands |Pays-Bas |

|Brunei Darussalam |Brunei Darussalam |Netherlands Antilles |Antilles néerlandaises |

|Bulgaria (Republic of) |Bulgarie (République de) |New Caledonia |Nouvelle-Calédonie |

|Burkina Faso |Burkina Faso |New Zealand |Nouvelle-Zélande |

|Burundi |Burundi |Nicaragua |Nicaragua |

|Cambodia |Cambodge |Niger |Niger |

|Cameroon |Cameroun |Nigeria |Nigéria |

|Cape Verde |Cap-Vert |Niue Island |Île Niue |

|Cayman Islands |Îles Cayman |Norfolk Island |Île Norfolk |

|Central African Republic |Centrafrique |North Korea (Democratic People's |Corée du Nord (République |

| | |Republic of Korea) |populaire démocratique de |

| | | |Corée) |

|Chad |Tchad |Northern Ireland |Irlande du Nord |

|Chile |Chili |Norway |Norvège |

|China (People's Republic of) |Chine (République populaire de) |Oman |Oman |

|Colombia |Colombie |Pakistan |Pakistan |

|Comoros |Comores |Palau |Palau |

|Congo (Democratic Republic of) |Congo (République démocratique du)|Panama (Republic of) |Panama (République du) |

|Congo (Republic of) |Congo (République du) |Papua New Guinea |Papouasie-Nouvelle- Guinée |

|Cook Islands |Îles Cook |Paraguay |Paraguay |

|Costa Rica |Costa-Rica |Peru |Pérou |

|Côte d'Ivoire |Côte d'Ivoire |Philippines |Philippines |

|(Republic of) |(République de) | | |

|Croatia |Croatie |Pitcairn Islands |Îles Pitcairn |

|Cuba (Republic of) |Cuba (République de) |Poland (Republic of) |Pologne (République de) |

|Cyprus |Chypre |Portugal |Portugal |

|Czech Republic |République Tchèque |Puerto Rico |Porto-Rico |

|Denmark |Danemark |Qatar |Qatar |

|Djibouti |Djibouti |Réunion |Réunion |

|Dominica |Dominique |Romania |Roumanie |

|Dominican Republic |République Dominicaine |Russian Federation |Fédération de Russie |

|East Timor |Timor Oriental |Rwanda |Rwanda |

|Ecuador |Équateur |Saint Christopher (St Kitts) and |Saint-Christophe |

| | |Nevis |(Saint-Kitts)-et-Nevis |

|Egypt |Égypte |Saint Lucia |Sainte-Lucie |

|El Salvador |El Salvador |Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |Saint-Vincent-et-les- |

| | | |Grenadines |

|Equatorial Guinea |Guinée équatoriale |Samoa |Samoa |

|Eritrea |Érythrée |Sao Tome and Principe |Sao Tomé-et-Principe |

|Estonia |Estonie |Saudi Arabia |Arabie saoudite |

|Ethiopia |Éthiopie |Scotland |Écosse |

|Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |Îles Falkland (Malouines) |Senegal |Sénégal |

|Faröe Islands |Îles Féroé |Seychelles |Seychelles |

|Fiji |Fidji |Sierra Leone |Sierra Leone |

|Finland |Finlande |Singapore |Singapour |

|France |France |Slovakia |Slovaquie |

|French Guiana |Guyane française |Slovenia |Slovénie |

|French Polynesia |Polynésie française |Solomon Islands |Îles Salomon |

|Gabon |Gabon |Somalia |Somalie |

|Gambia |Gambie |South Africa |Afrique du Sud |

|Georgia |Géorgie |South Korea (Republic of) |Corée du Sud (République de la)|

|Germany |Allemagne |Spain |Espagne |

|Ghana (Republic of) |Ghana (République du) |Sri Lanka |Sri Lanka |

|Gibraltar |Gibraltar |St Helena |Sainte-Hélène |

|Great Britain |Grande-Bretagne |St Pierre and Miquelon |Saint-Pierre et Miquelon |

|Greece |Grèce |Sudan |Soudan |

|Greenland |Groenland |Suriname |Suriname |

|Grenada |Grenade |Swaziland |Swaziland |

|Guadeloupe |Guadeloupe |Sweden |Suède |

|Guam |Guam |Switzerland |Suisse |

|Guatemala |GuatÉmala |Syrian Arab Republic |République Arabe Syrienne |

|Guernsey |Guernesey |Taiwan |Taïwan |

|Guinea |Guinée |Tajikistan |Tadjikistan |

|Guinea-Bissau |Guinée-Bissau |Tanzania |Tanzanie |

| | |(United Republic of) |(République unie de) |

|Guyana |Guyane |Thailand |Thaïlande |

|Haiti |Haïti |The former Yugoslav Republic of |L'ex-République yougoslave de |

| | |Macedonia |Macédoine |

|Honduras (Republic of) |Honduras (République du) |Togo |Togo |

|Hong Kong |Hongkong |Tokelau Islands |Îles Tokelau |

|Hungary (Republic of) |Hongrie |Tonga |Tonga |

| |(République de la) | | |

|Iceland |Islande |Trinidad and Tobago |Trinité-et-Tobago |

|India |Inde |Tristan da Cunha |Tristan da Cunha |

|Indonesia |Indonésie |Tunisia |Tunisie |

|Iran |Iran |Turkey |Turquie |

|(Islamic Republic of) |(République islamique d') | | |

|Iraq |Iraq |Turkmenistan |Turkménistan |

|Ireland |Irlande |Turks and Caicos Islands |Îles Turques et Caïques |

|Isle of Man |Île de Man |Tuvalu |Tuvalu |

|Israel |Israël |Uganda |Ouganda |

|Italy |Italie |Ukraine |Ukraine |

|Jamaica |Jamaïque |United Arab Emirates |Émirats arabes unis |

|Japan |Japon |United States of America |États-Unis d'Amérique |

|Jersey |Jersey |Uruguay |Uruguay |

|Jordan |Jordanie |Uzbekistan |Ouzbékistan |

|Kazakhstan |Kazakhstan |Vanuatu |Vanuatu |

|Kenya |Kenya |Vatican |Vatican |

|Kiribati |Kiribati |Venezuela |Vénézuéla |

|Kuwait |Koweït |Viet Nam |Viet Nam |

|Kyrgyzstan |Kirghizistan |Virgin Islands (U.S.A.) |Îles Vierges (É.-U.) |

|Lao (People's Democratic |Laos (République démocratique |Wales |Galles |

|Republic) |populaire) | | |

|Latvia |Lettonie |Wallis and Futuna Islands |Îles Wallis et Futuna |

|Lebanon |Liban |Yemen |Yémen |

|Lesotho |Lesotho |Yugoslavia |Yougoslavie |

|Liberia |Libéria |Zambia |Zambie |

|Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Socialist|Jamahiriya arabe libyenne |Zimbabwe |Zimbabwe |

|People's) |populaire socialiste | | |




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