Renal MCQs – Physiology

Renal MCQs – Physiology

December 2003

1. Secretion of K+ by the distal tubule will be decreased by

a. Metabolic alkalosis

b. A high K+ diet

c. Hyperaldosteronism

d. Spironolactone administration

e. Thiazide diuretic administration

2. A woman has a plasma osmolarity of 300 mosm/(. The correct diagnosis is


b. Water deprivation

c. Central diabetes insipidus

d. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

e. Drinking large volumes of distilled water

3. The following blood gas picture is most consistent with: pH = 7.56; pCO2 = 20mmHg; pO2 = 100mmHg; bicarb = 25mmol/(

a. Sepsis

b. Emphysema

c. Prolonged vomiting

d. Bicarbonate ingestion

e. 2 week residence at high altitude

4. The principal buffer in interstitial fluid is

a. Carbonic acid

b. Hb

c. Phosphate

d. Other proteins

e. Compounds containing histidine

5. Regarding absorption of Na+ in the proximal tubule

a. The proximal tubule reabsorbs 80% of the filtered sodium load

b. Absorption of Na+ causes increasing hypertonicity in the tubule lumen

c. Absorption is powered by the Na+/H+ ATPase

d. Shares a common carrier with glucose

e. All of the above are true

6. Which of the following agents does not cause contraction of the mesangial cells in the glomerulus?

a. Angiotensin I

b. Noradrenaline

c. Histamine

d. Dopamine

e. Vasopressin

7. The lower pH limit of the urine is

a. 1.0

b. 3.5

c. 4.5

d. 6.0

e. 7.0

8. ADH (vasopressin) secretion is increased by

a. Alcohol

b. Carbamazepine

c. ( extracellular fluid volume

d. Angiotensin I

e. Lying supine

9. With respect to the counter current system

a. The Loops of Henle act as counter current exchangers

b. Solutes diffuse out of vessels conducting blood toward the cortex

c. Water diffuses out of ascending vessels

d. Water diffuses into the collecting ducts

e. Counter current exchange is passive and can operate even if counter current multiplication ceases

10. Which of the following is most permeable to water?

a. Thin ascending Loop of Henle

b. Distal convoluted tubule

c. Thin descending Loop of Henle

d. Cortical portion of collecting tubule

e. Thick ascending limp of Loop of Henle

11. pH 7.16; pCO2 = 24mmHg; pO2 = 100mmHg; bicarbonate = 6mmol/(; K+ = 3.4mmol/(

Which of the following is MOST likely to cause the above picture

a. Cyanide poisoning

b. Hyperventilation

c. Liquorice ingestion

d. Addison’s disease

e. Conn’s syndrome


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