1 - DCFirst

|Salatory conduction is described as conduction or an action |In order to absorb Vit. B-12 which of the following is required? |

|potential through which type of fiber? |Bile salts |

|Myelinated nerve |Micells |

|Unmyelinated nerve |Intrinsic factor |

|Cardiac muscle |Pepsin |

|Smooth muscle | |

| |Which of the following is a rapidly adapting receptor? |

|The greatest increase in peripheral vascular restriction in |Golgi tendon apparatus |

|response to wide spread sympathetic stimulation is going to |Thermoreceptor |

|effect which tissue? |Ruffini coruscle |

|Nepatic |Pacinian corpuscle |

|Cardiac |Golgi tendon apparatus |

|Cutaneous | |

|Pulmonary |What maintains basic body temep. Wht the entire body is chilled? |

| |Skin vasoconstriction |

|Glomerulus consist primarily of ? that contain relative ? |Sweating |

|pressure compared to similar vessels in the bobd? |Chemical thermogensis |

|Capillaries/high |Shivering |

|Capillaries/low | |

|Arterioles/high |Which of the following is the stimulus to activate the |

|Arterioles/low |flexor/withdraw response? |

| |Pain |

|Relative refractory period is influenced by which of the |Cold |

|following conditions? |Pressure |

|( Na |Touch |

|( K | |

|( Na |Stimulation of which of the following tracts causes involuntary |

|( K |contraction of an excitatory extensor? |

| |Reticulospinal |

|During which of the following stages is the most prolactin |Rubrospinal |

|secreated? |Corticospinal |

|Soon after implantation |Vestibulospinal |

|After delivery | |

|Post partum |Which of the following structures is not involved in the light |

|Before implantation |reflex? |

| |Pretectal |

|Which of the following organells of skeletal muscle transmitts |Edinger westphal nucleus |

|the action potential from outside of the cell to the inside of |Cillary ganglion |

|the cell? |Lateral geniculate |

|Myofibril | |

|Sacroplasmic reticulum |Which of the following is a characteristic of smooth muscle? |

|T-tubule |Chodroitin |

|Cross bridges |Fibers are arranged in sarcomere |

| |Actin |

|The resting membrane potential of a neural membrane is said to |Muscle spindles |

|be? | |

|Neutral | |

|Polar | |

|Depolarized | |

|Hyperpolarizied | |

| | |

| | |

|Influx of what ion is responsible for depolarization? |The stomach secretes which of the following substances? |

|Potassium |Lipase |

|Sodium |Gastrin( 2 functions 1) Activates prital cells to produce HCL. 2)|

|Magnesium |Activates Chief cells. |

|Magnesium |Cholecystokinin( Fat stimulates the duodenum to release this. The|

| |duodenum acts on the gull bladder to release bile salts |

|The greatest % of CO2 is transported as? |Secretin( Secreted by duodenum. Stimulates the pancreas to |

|Dissolved CO2( 7% |release aqueous humor. ( gastric mobility. |

|Carboxylhemoglobin( AKA for letter C |Which of the following is responsible for the formation of the |

|Carbaminohemoglobin( 23% |corpus luteum? |

|Bicarbonate ion( 70% |LH |

| |Estrogen |

|Which area of the brain coordinates voluntary eye movement? |Progesterone |

|Frontal( (motor) pre motor cortex |FSH |

|Temporal( memory, hearing, & smell | |

|Occipital( vision |When you come in contact with a cold object heat is lost by which|

|Parietal( sensation( primary sensory cortex.( all sensations go |of the following means? |

|to the thalamus except smell( “thalamus don’t stink.” |Convection( air currents |

| |Conduction |

|From which of the following structures is LH derived? |Evaporation( sweating |

|Leydig cells |Radiation( ambiation |

|Anterior pituitary | |

|Posterior pituitary |When body temperature is decreased by air currents what type of |

|Hypothalamus |heat loss is this? |

| |Convection( air currents |

|The pancreas secretes which of the following substances? |Conduction |

|Amylose |Evaporation( sweating |

|Gastrin( Stimulates parital cells to produce HCl & Chief cells to|Radiation( ambiation |

|produce pespicigen. | |

|Somatoststin( From delta cells of the pancreas( Balancing hormone|Which of the following is most apt to produce the lowest renal |

|for GH. |filtration faction for glucose? |

|Somatomedian( In liver, growth hormone for cartilage. |Hypoglycemia |

|NOTE( alpha cells of pancreas( glucagon. Beta cells of pancreas(|Hyperglycemia |

|insulin |Glucosuria |

| |Galactosemia |

|During the resting phase of a neuron what is secreted? | |

|Na. K. pump |Which the following is present in both cascade pathways? |

|Na. Out |C-1 |

|K. out |C-2 |

|Ca. In |C-3( links alternate and classical |

| |C-4 |

|Which of the following will lengthen the time for blood clotting?| |

|( Vit. K |Systemic circulation differs from pulmonic circulation in that it|

|( arterial pressure |has a ? Pressure and a ? resistance to flow? |

|( venous pressure |Lower/lower |

|( capillary pressure |Lower/higher |

| |Higher/lower |

| |Higher/higher |

| | |

|Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause edema? |Which of the following is secreted from the follicular stage of |

|Decrease arterial pressure |the menstrual cycle? |

|Increase plasma |Estradiol |

|Increase venous pressure |LH |

|Increase lymphatic pumping from skeletal muscle action |Testosterone |

| |Progesterone |

|Which of the following is increased in fast muscle fibers? | |

|Concentration of glycolytic enzymes |The function of angiotensin II is for the? |

|Concentration of Mitochondria |Absorption of glucose |

|Concentration of myoglobin |Constriction of arterioles |

|Intercellular K concentration |Absorption of Na |

| |Absorption of potassium |

|Which of the following does not promote the secretion of Glucose?| |

|Cortisol |Which of the following cause the delay in the in the impulse in |

|Epinephrine |the heart? |

|Norepinephrine |SA node( pacemaker of the heart |

|Acetylcholine |AV node( between atrium and ventricles |

| |Purkinje fibers |

|The glomerulus freely filters ? but does not filter? |Bundle of his |

|Urea, glucose | |

|Urea, albumin |Which has the largest lung the volume? |

|Creatine, glucose |Title volume ( 500 ml |

|Glucose, sodium |Inspiratory reserve ( 1100 ml |

| |Expiratory reserve( 3000 ml |

|From which the following is a monocyte derived? |Vital capacity |

|Myelocyte( monocyte ( Macrophages |NOTE(Vital to TIE( Vital = title + inspiratory + expiratory |

|Mast cells |(remember it is vital to TIE) |

|Lymphocyte ( plasma cells ( antibodies | |

|Macrophages |The first audible sound found in diastole? |

| |Closure of AV valve |

|Which of the following has largest cross-sectional area? |Atrial relax |

|Venules |Closure of similar valve |

|Capillaries |Here of the 1st sound |

|Arterioles | |

|Arteries |That makes action potential of a neuron stronger? |

| |Brain |

|The P wave on the EKG demonstrates the? |Increased myelination |

|Ventricular repolarization |Increased stimulation |

|Ventricular depolarization |Increase diameter |

|Atrial repolarization | |

|Atrial depolarization |Which of the followingmost effectively causes also body heat when|

| |compared to ambient heat? |

|The sucking reflex stimulates the release of which of the |Radiation |

|following from the posterior pituitary? |Evaporation |

|Oxytocin |Convection |

|LH |Conduction |

|Estrogen | |

|FSH |Which of the following neurotransmitters is released at a somatic|

| |neuromuscular junction? |

| |Dopamine |

| |Serotonin |

| |Epinephrine |

| |Acetylcholine |

|Neurotransmitter molecules are released at nerve cell endings due|The amount of their left the long after maximal forceful |

|to which ion? |expiration is called what volume? |

|Ca |Title volume ( 500 ml |

|Na |Inspiratory reserve ( 1100 ml |

|Chloride |Expiratory reserve( 3000 ml |

|Potassium |Residual(vital plus residual = 5800 ml = total lung capacity. |

| | |

|Which of the following is transported in the lymphatic system? |Pacini corpuscles are stimulated by? |

|Chylomicrons |Insignificant vibration |

|Cholesterol |Pain ( free nerve endings |

|Bile salts |Temperature |

|LDL |Severe depression of tissue ( Merkels disc. |

| | |

|An increase in thyroid hormone would result in which of the |On an EKG Arterial repolarization is represented by? |

|following? |RS wave |

|Decrease Glucose production |T wave |

|Decrease blood pressure |P wave |

|Increase fat metabolism |Hidden by the QRS wave |

|Weight gain | |

| |Which is the greatest amount of resistance in the periphery? |

|A lower motor neuron lesion extends from the ? to the? |Capillaries ( sympathetics don’t affect |

|Cortex, spinal cord |Arteries |

|Spinal cord, cortex |Veins |

|Spinal cord, effector |Arterioles |

|Effector, spinal cord | |

|NOTE ( upper motor neuron lesion is from brain to anterior horn |Total lung capacity could be defined as? |

|in there is no atrophy with the upper motor neuron lesions but |Tital volume + residual volume |

|there is atrophy with lower motor neuron lesions. |Vital capacity + residual volume |

| |Inspiratory reserve + vital capacity |

|Which of the following is the integrated system of the spinal |Tital volume + inspiratory reserve |

|cord? | |

|White spinal cord |The PO2 is greater and the pulmonary Veins than the O2 pressure |

|They spinal cord |of? |

|Extrapyramidal system |Left atrium |

|Cerebral motor cortex |Inspired air |

| |Pulmonary alveoli |

|When exercising a muscle which of the following does not cause a |Atmospheric pressure |

|muscle to shorten? | |

|Isotonic( lifting ( moving through a range of motion |The greatest percent of filtrated water is resorbed in the? |

|Eccentric |Descending loop of Henely |

|Isometric( muscle is not going through a range of motion. |Proximal tubule( 90% |

|Concentric |Early distal tubule |

| |Collecting duct |

|Which substance made by the kidney is responsible for the oxygen | |

|carrying capacity of the blood? |Which of the following substances is not a catacholamine? |

|Aldosterone |Norepinephrine |

|Erythropoietin |Epinephrine |

|Renin |Dopamine |

|Angiotensin |Acetylcholine |

|Which hormone is responsible for producing milk? |The Hering-Brewer reflex is initiated by which of the following? |

|Prolactin( anterior pituitary |Stretch receptors in the lung and Bronchioles ( keep lungs from |

|Oxytocin |exploding when you breathe ( located in the phumotaxic center |

|Estrogen |(Apneustic center inhabits pnumotaxic center. |

|Progesterone |Chemoreceptors in Medulla |

| |Peripheral chemoreceptors |

|What is the function of an inhibitory neurotransmitter? |Arterial baroreceptors |

|Inactivates the Na channels | |

|Increased potassium channels |The most difficult aspect of breathing to overcome is |

|Activate sodium potassium pump |Airway resistance |

|Activates calcium channels |Tissue resistance |

| |Elastic resistance |

|The hormones are involved in the initiation? |Surface tension ( effects alveoli ( surfactant overcomes this |

|LH and progesterone |(type II neumocytes) |

|FSH, LH | |

|LH and testosterone |Which of the following does not have a rule in regulating blood |

|FSH and testosterone |sugar? |

| |Growth hormone |

|Which of the following is responsible for reducing Peripheral |Luteinizing hormone |

|Arterial pressure? |Epinephrine |

|( sympathetics |Cortisol |

|( Parasympathetic’s | |

|( pit sympathetics |The absence of a cost around causes what to occur? |

|Decrease sympathetics ( there are no Parasympathetic’s in the |Reabsorption of filtrated Na from the distal tubule is decreased |

|periphery |Sodium is not reabsorbed by the proximal tubule |

| |( the GFR |

|The descending pain modular system specifically inhibits which | |

|the following? | |

|Internal C fiber in the dorsal horn |The net amount of tension developed in skeletal muscle is |

|Alpha fibers from spinal nerves |determined by? |

|Renshaw cells in the ventral horn |The relative number of the fast twitch fibers |

|Periaqueductal gray containing neuron |The amount of cholinesterase at the myoneural junction |

| |The number of motor units recruited ( motor unit ( the nerve with|

|Which of the following conditions increases the secretion of |all the muscles it supplies |

|rennin? |The number of slope which fibers |

|( plasma chloride concentration | |

|( blood volume |Which of the following is the primary factor in long-term altered|

|Decrease blood pressure(ADH released by the posterior pituitary |blood pressure? |

|in response to low blood pressure (AKA for ADH is vasopressin) |CNS Ischemic reflex |

|( plasma sodium concentration |Blood volume |

| |Chemoreceptors |

|The role of the troptin tropmysoin complex in skeletal muscle is?|Barroreceptors |

|Regulate Ca | |

|Inhibit cross bridge formation | |

|Hydrolyze ATP | |

|Regulate membrane permeability to Na | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|What is the integrative portion of the spinal cord reflex? |The greatest percent infiltrated water is reabsorbed in the? |

|White matter of the spinal cord |Descending loop of Henle |

|Gray matter of the spinal cord |Proximal tubule |

|Cerebral motor cortex |Distal tubule |

|Cerebellum |Who really knows |

| | |

|Protein metabolism can best be measured through? |The greatest delay and not transmission of the cardiac system is?|

|Glucose nitrogen urine |SA node |

|Uric acid in urine ( decreased Bun is indicating of liver |AV node |

|problem, increased Bun is indicating of kidney problem |Purkinje fibers |

|Creatinine in urine ( muscle breakdown |Bundle of his |

|Urea in the urine | |

| |What is the functional unit of skeletal muscle? |

|Osmoreceptors are located in? |Motor end plates |

|Adenohypophysis |Sarcoma |

|Hypothalamus |Motor unit |

|Proximal convoluted tubule |Muscle spindle ( stretch |

|Neurohypopysis | |

| |Where do muscle tendons signals transmit? |

|Which of the following connective tissues is derived from |Post central gyrus |

|monocytes? |Pre-central gyrus |

|Mast cells |Superior temporal |

|Plasma cells |Middle temporal |

|Lymphocytes | |

|Macrophages |Fixed action patterns or motor programs for suckling in the |

| |bombing reflex are controlled by centers in the? |

|Proprioceptive fibers for sensory information from joints, |Basal ganglia |

|tendons, muscles and ligaments are carried by what ascending |Hypothalamus |

|tract? |Motor cortex |

|Spinocebellar( unconscious proprioception |Brain stem |

|Spinothalamic | |

|Vestibulospinal |Node to node conduction best describes? |

|Corticospinal |Salatory conduction |

| |Axoplasmic |

|After ACH binds with this receptor, a channel opens in the end |Chronaxic |

|plate region that is large enough for both sodium and potassium |Electronic |

|ions to pass through. Initally, sodium ions move through and | |

|potassium ions don’t. What best explains this? |The adrenal medulla is analogous to? |

|Calcium ion movement inhibits potassium movement |Postganglionic Parasympathetic nerves |

|K is at an electrochemical equilibrium |Preganglionic parasympathetic nerves |

|Na is at an electrochemical equilibrium |Postganglionic sympathetic nerves |

|Ca/Na binds & becomes too large |Preganglionic sympathetic nerves |

| | |

|Most metabolically produced CO2 is transported in the? |What chemical produces hyperpolarization reactions in humans? |

|Plasma |Potassium |

|Hemoglobin |Na |

|Erythrocytes |Ca |

|Albumin |Cl |

| | |

|Neurons which mediate conscious control over single muscle groups|Normal Serum contains the greatest amount of? |

|are located in the? |IgA( Saliva, tears, breast milk (you can’t spit and cry in the |

|Cerebral cortex |milk at the IgA) |

|Cerebellum( unconscious |IgE |

|Basal ganglia ( planned and coordinated voluntary movement |IgG( greatest amount |

|Pre-motor cortex( best answer |IgD |

| |IgM( biggest and first to respond |

|When there is a significant decrease in Extracellular Na there is| |

|also an? |The primary function of the lymphatic system is to control the? |

|Decrease in amplitude of action potential |Concentration of protein in the interstitial fluid. |

|Increase in amplitude of action potential |Maintain positive interstitial pressure |

| |Controlled concentration of fat in the circulatory system |

| |Control venous pressure |

| | |

|Which ion is primarily responsible for reverse potential of over |At normal partial pressure of O2 in the alveolar the hemoglobin |

|shoot of an action potential? |is? |

|Ca |40% |

|Na |97% saturated |

|Potassium |45% |

|Chloride |105% |

| | |

|What is the pituitary hormone involved in the secretory phase of |The respiratory system in the brain stem is most strongly |

|menstruation? |influenced by? |

|LH |CO2 concentration in blood( Pontomedguallary center ( this ( |

|FSH |respiration |

|Estrogen ( follicular stage |O2 concentration in the blood |

|Progesterone |Blood pressure fluctuation |

| |Osmolality of the blood |

|Stimulation of Barrow receptors cause an increase in? | |

|Vagal stimulation of the heart |The air remaining in lungs after maximal expiration is known as? |

|Sympathetic stimulation of the heart |Title volume |

|Deep breathing |Expiratory volume |

|Ganglionic filtration |Total lung capacity |

| |Residual volume |

|HCl acid is responsible for activation of? | |

|Parietal cells ( release HCl |( surface tension created by water affects compliance of which |

|Chief cells ( release pepsinogen |pulmonary structure? |

|Pepsinogen |Bronchi |

|Pepsin |Bronchioles |

| |Alveoli |

|The sympathetics exert the least effort on which of the |Trachea |

|following? | |

|Aorta ( you never want to constrict aorta |Under normal circumstances the substance is completely absorbed? |

|Large arteries |Urea |

|Arterioles |Na |

|Capillaries ( no sympathetic innervation |Potassium |

| |Glucose blood |

| | |

|Laminar blood flow is characterized by | |

|Parabolin velocity profile | |

|Murmurs | |

|Turbulence | |

|Eddy currents | |

| Dehydration causes an ( in what secretion? | |

|ADH | |

|Cortisol | |

|Epinephrine | |

|Insulin | |

| | |

|Which of the following causes ( glomerular filtration? | |

|Plasma colloidal osmotic pressure | |

|Obstruction of nephritic tubules | |

|( glomerular pressure | |

|( blood flow through the Efferent Arterial ( this will ( GFR | |

|because water follows proteins. | |


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