
HEALTH CONSUMERS’ COUNCIL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGAgendaDate:Tuesday, 26th November 2019Time & Place5:30pm, Unit 6 Wellington Fair, 40 Lord Street, East PerthItemDescriptionResponsible1Acknowledgement of Country Chair2Present and apologies Chair3Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Chair4Confirm Management Positions, Committees. Check Committee ChartersChair5Acceptance and signing of October Board meeting minutesReview of Action Table Chair6Acceptance of new members Chair7Executive Director’s Report7.1 Staff SurveyExecutive Director/ Chair8Risk Management – Standing Agenda Item8.1 WH&S and any new risks8.2 Governance – Policy Review Schedule – Code of ConductExecutive Director/ Chair9Finance Committee9.1 Financial ReportsTreasurer10Board Plan Review from Saturday 23/11 sessionChair, Executive Director11General Business12.1 Health Consumers Excellence Awards – Policy has been developedChair, Executive Director12HCC Values Reflection RESPECTKINDNESSEQUITYWORKING TOGETHERINTEGRITYEMPOWERMENTNext Gathering: Tuesday 10th December 6pm Christmas Dinner at the Public House, 263 Adelaide Tce, PerthITEM 5 - HCC MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTESHELD on Tuesday 22nd October 2019 at 5:30pmAt Health Consumers Council – Unit 6 Wellington Fair, 40 Lord Street East PerthMEETING OPENED: Acknowledgement of CountryWe acknowledge the Wadjuk Noongar people who are the Traditional Owners of this Land and pay respect to all Elders past, present and future. We extend our respect to all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures.PresentNamePosition HeldNamePosition HeldMallika Macleod (MM)ChairRichard Brightwell (RB)Deputy Chair Samantha Bradder (SB)TreasurerRebecca Smith (RS)MemberRebecca Carbone (RC)SecretaryDanae Watkins (DW)MemberPip Brennan (PB)Executive DirectorSheree Mears (SM)SecretariatApologies & Absentees (Please NOTE: if you are unable to attend please contact Mallika Macleod on 0412 774 271 or email at mallikam@.au)NamePosition HeldNamePosition HeldMarlon Fernando (MF)MemberNigel D’Cruz (ND)MemberDeclaration of Conflicts of Interest – A possible Conflict of Interest could be the business partnership between Ann Healing and Steve Walker. To be noted on HCC’s Conflict of Interest Register.Acceptance of Board MinutesAcceptance and Signing of the 1 October Management Committee minutes Moved that the 1 October 2019 Management Committee minutes are accepted as tabledMoved:Richard brightwellSecond: rebecca carboneReview of Actions from Previous MeetingsMonthActionResponsibleStatusOctober 2019 Item 5Acceptance of July Management Committee Minutes to be done out of sessionPBCompleteOctober 2019 Item 5HCC need to create a Board portal in their website- a simple, no-cost solution to the current problem of difficulties accessing the documents either through DropBox or Share Point. PBCompleteOctober Item 5Check the board@hcc. email address goes to RichardSMCompleteOctober Item 7Purchase the Business Name HCC Consulting under HCC’s ABNPBIn progressOctober Item 7Ensure Social Enterprise is a standing agenda item on the Finance, Audit and Risk Management CommitteePBCompleteOctober Item 7.1Phone System Discussion Paper – Operations Manager to seek up to three references to support the decision, and put together a circular resolution to complete the action before next Board meeting SMCompleteOctober Item 8.2Convene a Policy Review Committee for the next N&GC time of 22/10 at 4.30pm and invite Rebecca Smith, Richard Brightwell, Danae Watkins and any other Management Committee members that can attendPBCompleteOctober item 9.1Circulate financial reports with minutesSMCompleteOctober Item 9.2Clare Mullen be added to HCC’s Bank Accounts as a signatorySMIn progressOctober Item 10.1Chair to call four nominees to advise them that they have been appointed to HCC’s Management Committee, effective from the AGM.MMCompleteOctober Item 10.1ED to update the AGM notice with the above amendments to HCC’s Rules, to go out next week to meet the deadlinePBCompleteOctober Item 10.2AGM Session plan to be developed for review by Management Committee in 3-4 weeksPB, CMCompleteOctober Item 10.3Board Induction to be further discussed by Chair and EDMM, PBCompleteOctober item 11.1Create a doodlepoll re: board xmas dinner date/timeSMCompleteOctober item 11.2Invite Cheryl Holland to the AGM to recognise her contribution, also arrange recognition for Nigel D’CruzPBCompleteOctober item 11.3MM to share current version of ED performance review with RSMMCompleteThe action table was reviewed and updated AS ABOVE – SEE UPDATED ACTION TABLE AT THE END OF THE MINUTES AND DISCUSSION OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISE UNDER ED REPORTAcceptance of New MembersMOVED that the 2 x new individual members applications were approved as tabledMotioned:rebecca carboneSecond: danae watkinsExecutive Director ReportThe ED report was tabled, and several points were discussed, see below:2020 health engagement conference was discussed. RB noted that HCC could attract sponsorship for this conference and raise revenue with ticket sales and that a Sponsorship Committee be formed. PB noted that her preference would be for RB to join the Conference Working Group which is being formed. Voluntary assisted dying statement – the impact of this legislation was discussed further and that there are more than palliative care patients that are affected by thisPB – has reduced her hours to a 9-day fortnight, RS asks if this will affect the budget, PB confirmedFundraising Strategy – guest speaker from Leadership WA to be invited to the January Management Committee meeting.RS – asked if HCC going to the WA Health Excellence Awards and PB confirmed that both she and Clare Mullen would be attending.Risk Management – Standing agenda itemA handwritten complaint letter resigning her membership sent by long time HCC member Margaret Ryan, who requested the letter be read out. The response was also read to the Management Committee and the interaction was debriefed.Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee (FARM)The FARM committee met 15/10/2019 and noted that the new format of the finance report is very informative. RS asked about the committee sustainability with Nigel leaving, this was discussed further and will be reviewed pending the appointment of new Management Committee members.Financial ReportsMOVED that the September financial reports are accepted as tabledmotioned: samantha bradderSECOND: rebecca carboneNominations and Governance CommitteeAGM Program/ Vision & Session PlanPB noted that she had not as yet done the AGM session plan as she had hoped, and a discussion was held as follows:MM to talk about to Management Committee updates, including the adoption of the Values and the strategy review activities.PB to talk to services, projects and future plans with the SHR, achieving the right balance as suggested by RS and MM between commercial-in-confidence realities and the goal of engaging members by providing information on plans and contract review ideas. PB to also provide background to key systemic advocacy priority areas for focus in 2020.SM suggested we acknowledge the history of HCC as we are celebrating 25years, DW suggested making a 5minute video. PB will check Michelle Kosky and other’s availabilityWorkshop Interactive segment of AGM: the aim was to seek member feedback on the priority systemic advocacy areas. RS and DW noted the workshop in the 2018 AGM was somewhat derailed by people canvassing personal issues and not being able to think strategically. A discussion was then had on how to ensure the 2019 AGM generated positive, productive conversation. SB suggested having table champions that can facilitate and negotiate these conversations. RB suggested having sheets up on the wall with the strategic priorities listed and our planned approach to how to tackle them in 2020, and attendees would then provide feedback on this. Board Planning Session/ Board Plan ReviewA short discussion confirmed that the Saturday 23/11 session would focus on planning (not induction, as new members will have a separate session on the portal prior to this) and that the 2019 Board Calendar would be a framework to plan out 2020. Policy Review Committee The Committee was introduced bi-monthly with the Nominations & Governance Committee and met for the first time prior to the board meeting. The Committee reviewed and updated 5 policies, these will be uploaded onto the board portal for approval outside of session. Noted that as a new Management Committee it doesn’t have a Charter, this to be drafted and placed on the Portal. This will mean the N&G Committee Charter will also need to be reviewed. This to be updated and placed on the Portal. General BusinessRB – was at a National Pathology Accreditation Council meeting earlier this week and shared key learnings from this an all agreed that these updates were very useful. Values ReflectionUPDATED ACTION TABLEMonthActionResponsibleStatusOctober 1 Item 7Purchase the Business Name HCC Consulting under HCC’s ABNPBHold over until new Management Committee is establishedOctober 1 Item 7.1Phone System Discussion Paper – Operations Manager to seek up to three references to support the decision, and put together a circular resolution to complete the action before next Board meeting SMThe board approved Option 2 of the decision paper. Complete.October 1 Item 9.2Clare Mullen be added to HCC’s Bank Accounts as a signatorySMHold over until new Management Committee is establishedOctober 1 Item 10.3Board Induction to be further discussed by Chair and EDMM, PBCompleteOctober 22 2019 item 4Steve Walker – new Management Committee Member – commercial relationship to HCC’s Bookkeeper to be noted on HCC’s Conflict of Interest Register.PBCompleteOctober 22 2019 item 6Rebecca Carbone to be invited to 2020 Conference Advisory GroupPBIn progressOctober 22 2019 item 9.1Invite Michelle Kosky to the AGM, develop short video on the 25 yearsPBCompleteOctober 22 2019 item 10Management Committee to view amended policies on Portal for approval outside of sessionPBCompleteOctober 22 2019 item 10Policy Review Committee Charter to be drafted, N&G Charter edited and posted on PortalPBCompleteMeeting Closed: 7pmNext Meeting: SIGNED: _________________________________ Mallika Macleod: ChairpersonITEM 6 - ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MEMBERS70961254762500NameSpecial InterestsSourcePaid[W] Website [P] In Person [M] Mbrship Drive [R] Renewal[Y] Yes [N] No [R] Reciprocal [E] Email [P] PostalORGANISATION????????INDIVIDUALJulia SzymanskiChronic Issues, Clinical Issues, Disabled Care, eHealth, Mental Health, ResearchWENam-Anh NguyenAboriginal Health, Allied Health, Child & Adolescent Health, Chronic Issues, eHealth, Environmental & Public Health, Health Education, Health, Quality, Safety & Efficiency, Legal Issues, Mental Health, Nutrition, Palliative Care, ResearchWE???????????154 Active Individual Members: 2 new applications this month27 Active Organisational Members: 0 new applications this monthITEM 7 – EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTCurrent Significant Issues HCC Contract with WA HealthHCC is in its 25th year of operation, and has always had funding from the WA Department of Health. In 2015 we negotiated the first outcomes-based contract with WA Health, and we successfully completed the review in 2018 to have the contract extended to 2020. Because of unavoidable delays in getting the initial contract completed in 2015, it is currently on a calendar year, not a financial year basis. We have therefore requested a six month extension to 30 June 2021 and this was agreed to by the Director General in a meeting held on 12/11. We are still unclear as to which area of WA Health is our Policy area as in 2015 when this contract was developed, WA Health was one entity, not six.Meanwhile, we have recently undertaken a specific project in relation to the procurement of ambulance services to ensure the consumer voice is at the centre of the procurement process. New staff in the WA Department of Health procurement area are keen to see the principles of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy enacted, including the involvement of the consumer voice. They have been very happy with the project and are keen to have it as an exemplar for the sector. We are also progressing the Maternity App which is a partnership with WA Country Health Service.Other sources of incomeWe have been in a slight holding pattern since receiving the final Social Enterprise report and acknowledge there is much work to be done. We have been doing fee for service work for an increasing number of organisations including Anglicare and Foodbank. What is important is to consider how to meaningfully implement the fee for service engagement as a fully-fledged Social Enterprise.Sustainable Health Review Implementation – Recommendation 4 – New Ways of EngagingSome of you may be aware that the Sustainable Health Review Final Report was released in April 2019. There has been something of a radio silence since, and the Chair of the Independent Oversight Committee, Hugo Mascie Taylor (from Ernst Young, who chaired the Safety and Quality Review in WA Health Services) noted that there has been some work to do internally with WA Health regarding processes and this has trumped real progress and engagement.Another key member of the Oversight Committee, Tim Marney (formerly the Mental Health Commissioner) have invited Health Service Provider Chief Executives to a breakfast meeting to discuss the implementation of the Sustainable Health Review.Risk and Compliance UpdateItem 81. On the agenda.At the recent staff meeting we debriefed the Annual Report print error, and the risk to our reputation and relationships. We had noted it as a Moderate Risk – 9 and discussed a mitigating strategy. We will ensure we have check lists of editing issues to review, and that Program Managers sign off on the pages related to their services, and also schedule diary time to spend on reviewing the Annual Report and document this in an Annual Report process and policy.Staff Update The Staff Survey was sent out and will be debriefed during the Executive Director Report agenda item. Karen Lipio will be leaving the Health Consumers Council in December and we are currently considering how to fill this position internally.Matters for Discussion, Decision and ApprovalUpdated Insurance – this will be discussed by the Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee just prior to the 26/11 Management Committee as it is above the ED’s financial delegation level.Matters for NotingOperations Plan Update – this was omitted from the previous few meetings in error. It has been loaded up to the Board Portal. Deliverables are mapped against the strategic plan pillars, and notes whether the initiative is a Contracted Service (CS), Project (Pr), or a strategy (St)See Consumers Health Forum 2020 Summit Save the Date has been sent out – it will be held on 2-3 September 2020: Report for OctoberSocial MediaHCC continued to grow its social media presence during October. Due to other work constraints there was a dip in resources spent on social media overall, and this is reflected in the results for the month. However, it’s interesting to note that even a small but consistent focused effort with Instagram, combined with paid advertising, has had a significant result. Facebook likes increased 4% on the previous month (NB: Facebook is now encouraging people to “follow” pages, and you can follow without liking. From next month I will track both figures) Instagram followers increased 10% on the previous month Twitter followers grew by 0.5%LinkedIn connections grew by 19%October followed in the footsteps of September in terms of paid posts for My Health Record (fee for service project) on Facebook. As seen in previous months, these paid posts have a positive overall impact on the reach of HCC’s Facebook and Instagram pages. I recommend we continue to include social media advertising costs in any future grants or project applications, as well as considering the use of paid advertising for our own projects/ics/posts of note that attracted a high level of interest included:WA Ambulance survey (FB – 6.3K reach)Art in hospitals (shared post) (FB – 604 reach)Weaving culture program (FB – 1.8K reach)HCC’s position on VAD (FB – 2.2K reach)Mirrabooka community choir (838 reach)HCC Community conversations (FB 649 reach)Drop the jargon day (1.4k reach) Telehealth (1k combined FB reach)Mental health (2.7k combined FB reach)Key statistics include: Facebook page views decreased by 23%Facebook page reach increased by 0.79%Facebook post engagement increased by 6% (comments largely re: MHR)Instagram profile visits increased by 110%Instagram impressions increased by 285%Instagram reach increased by 253%Potential or real risks/threats:Continued negative feedback in response to ADHA My Health Record posts. As discussed, going forward posts will focus on the survey, gaining feedback from people, and sharing informative content that hopefully answers some of the concerns raised. The first two months reports have been sent to ADHA, so we will see what their response is. WebsiteDuring October 2019 the HCC website had 2.4k visits from 21.9k users. This was a small decrease on visits the previous month, and a decrease in users. In order of highest to lowest, referrals came from: 1. Organic search 2. Direct 3. Referral (WACHS, Survey Monkey, Healthy WA, etc.) 4. Social Media 5. EmailThe most popular pages during this month were How to Make a Complaint, Contact Us, Who We Are, Rights of Patients under the Mental Health Act, Advocacy, HCC Team, Workshops. Updates to the website during October included: consumer rep opportunities, workshops, update to Palliative Care page.E-newsE-news was sent on 7/11 as a combined Oct/Nov edition Health Matters Theme: EngagementThis edition was published in November and available at the AGM. Feedback (largely from those who contributed) has been positive, “interesting articles”. There is one more edition for the year, and it will have be a wrap-up of 2019. Will look at planning evergreen topics for next year, so they can be planned in advance/callout for contributions in advance, to hopefully make the production period more efficient. Looking into having the magazine more available to the public. Events of note that support our workOctober: World Mental Health Day/Month/Week, TeleheaIth Awareness Week, HCC AGMUpcoming: World Kindness Day, AGM, Community Conversations, Consumer, Carer and Community Change Agent Networking, Movember, ................

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