Will this work

New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee


Friday, July 27, 2012

Albuquerque, NM



At 9:19 a.m., the Committee Chair, Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH called the July 27, 2012 meeting of the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Committee Meeting to order.



Rebecca Howard, RDH

Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH

Laura Moss, RDH

Doris Martinez, RDH

Burrell L. Tucker, DDS

Kimberly Martin, DMD

Robert Blewer


Elizabeth Caress, RDH


Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General


Kathy Ortiz, Board Administrator

Cynthia Salazar, Administrative Assistant

Amos Padilla, Compliance Liaison

Roll Call was taken by Ms. Kathy Ortiz and a quorum was determined present.

(Refer to sign-in Sheet for Other Guests)


Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to approve the agenda as amended.

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Amendments: Table proposed rules until the October meeting


January 27, 2012 Regular Committee Meeting

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2012 Regular Committee Meeting as written. Ms. Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.







Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to table until the October meeting. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


A. Committee Chair – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Written reports attached (Attachment A & B)

B. Secretary’s Report – Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH

Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH reported to the Dental Hygienist Committee that from January 20, 2012 to July 13, 2012 there were 19 Dental Hygienist Licenses issued by Examination and 4 Dental Hygienist Licenses issued by Credentials

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to enter the Committee’s Secretaries report into record. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. WREB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Written reports attached (Attachment C & D)

D. CRDTS & WREB Reports – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Written reports attached (Attachment E)

E. AADB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment F)

F. NM Health Services – Dr. Devi Gajapathi, BDS

Written report attached (Attachment G)

G. NMDHA – Ms. Valoree Althoff, RDH

Written reports attached (Attachment H & I)

H. UNM Dental Hygiene Program Report – Ms. Christine Nathe, RDH

Written reports attached (Attachment J & K)

I. San Juan Community College – Dr. Julius Manz

Written reports attached (Attachment L & M)

J. Dona Ana Community College – Ms. Evelyn Hobbs, RDH

No written report

K. Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell

No written report

L. PIMA Medical Institute – Ms. Melissa Plese, RDH

Written Report Attached (Attachment N)

M. New Mexico Dept of Health – Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH

Written Reports Attached (Attachment M & N)

N. Ad Hoc Reports


A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates and Locations

October Committee Meeting – October 26, 2012 – Las Cruces

January Committee Meeting – January 25, 2013 – Santa Fe

April Committee Meeting – April 26, 2013 – Santa Fe

July Committee Meeting – July 26, 2013 – Ruidoso

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION that board is aiming for these dates and locations.

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

B. Examining Boards


Ms. Howard stated that Dr. Brewster attended the NERB meeting which a presentation will be performed at the Board meeting.

2. SRTA:

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH is willing to be a representative for SRTA if there are other examiners for other regional boards.


Ms. Howard requested that staff submit Ms. Ermelinda Baca be submitted as an Examiner for CRDTS.

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to submit Ms. Andrea McClendon’s resume to CRDTS for consideration. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

4. WREB:

Ms. Howard stated a reminder that WREB does require that current members are to participate in exams.

C. Teeth Whitening – Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD

Whitening statement will be reviewed by Jennifer Salazar the Board’s new Assistant Attorney General. Whitening statement will be discussed at the October board meeting.

D. NM Radiology Exam Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Ms. Moss will work on the examination for the committee and board to approve at the October meeting.


A. Eastern New Mexico Dental Hygiene Program

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to send a letter to Eastern NM Dental Hygiene Program with the committees concerns regarding their accreditation status. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APOPROVAL.

B. AADB Open Forum Request for Annual Meeting

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to write a report of the upcoming issues. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. Regional Exam Membership Responsibilities – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Ms. Howard stated a reminder that WREB does require that current members are to participate in exams.

D. NMMTP Quarterly Report

No Action – Informational purposes only


Ms. Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH made a motion to close the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 10-15-1- H of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance of licensure. Mr. Robert Blewer SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Roll Call Vote:

Rebecca Howard, RDH Aye

Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH Aye

Elizabeth Caress, RDH Absent

Laura Moss, RDH Aye

Doris Martinez, RDH Aye

Burrell Tucker, DDS Aye

Kimberly Martin, DMD Aye

Robert Blewer, Public Member Aye

The motion was approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 10:05 a.m. the Committee entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.

(Items listed on Agenda)

Consider Requests for Inactive Status:

Baker, Janet

Bullock, Angelique

Carpenter, Joan

Gray, Andrea

Hesari, Mayann

James, Kelly

Jenkins, Linda

Majedi, Marla

Mead, Tami

Mattox, Melissa

Newman, Marcy

Sparks, Jocelyn

Tominaga-Minor, Gloria

Ward, Sharon

Whek-Urie, Dawn

Consider Request for Retirement Status:

Boggs-Coker, Dianna

Brister, Julie

Dalton, Amber Joy

Grogan, Betty Anne

Knotek, Karen

Morgan, Mary Lee

Gilbert-Schweiger, Jeanne

Wright-Schroeder, Stacy

Board Discussion and Action:



Back in Open Session

Let the record show that the recorder was turned back on and The New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee returned to open session at 11:09 a.m. Pursuant to 10-15-1-H of the Open Meetings Act, the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those specified on the agenda pertaining to licensing matters.


Consider Requests for Inactive Retirement Status:

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to accept the requests for Inactive Status for:

Baker, Janet, Bullock, Angelique, Carpenter, Joan, Gray, Andrea, Hesari, Mayann, James, Kelly, Jenkins, Linda, Majedi, Marla, Mead, Tami, Mattox, Melissa, Newman, Marcy, Sparks, Jocelyn, Tominaga-Minor, Gloria Ward, Sharon and Whek-Urie, Dawn. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Consider Requests for Retirement Status:

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to accept the requests for Retirement Status for:

Boggs-Coker, Dianna, Brister, Julie, Dalton, Amber Joy, Grogan, Betty Anne, Knotek, Karen, Morgan, Mary Lee, Gilbert-Schweiger, Jeanne and Wright-Schroeder, Stacy. Ms. Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Board Discussion and Action:


Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to deny application for local anesthesia permit and request that litigation attorney move forward with NCA with no proposed settlement. Ms. Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROAVAL.

Case #11-73-COM

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION that the Committee make the following recommendation to the board: Refer to the Attorney General’s Office for Proposed early resolution for the following violations: (B)(1) to have the Respondent pay a penalty fee of $1000.00 (one thousand dollars) within 30 days of Settlement Agreement, Respondent shall successfully complete the New Mexico Dental Jurisprudence Examination within 30 days of settlement agreement, Respondent shall immediately cease and desist performing, or holding oneself out as able to perform, professional services beyond the scope of one’s license and take 3 hours of board approved Continuing Education Hours in Ethics within 60 days. Should proposed early resolution fail the board will refer to AGO for Issuance of Notice of Contemplated Action. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


There being no other business to come before the Committee, Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION at 11:12 a.m. to adjourn the Dental Hygiene Committee meeting. Mr. Robert Blewer SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Submitted by:

Cynthia Salazar, Administrative Assistant Date

Approved by:

Rebecca Howard, RDH, Committee Chair Date



| |July 27, 2012 |

| |NM Gaming Control Board |

| |4900 Alameda Blvd, NE |

| |Albuquerque, NM 87113 |

| |Main Conference/Board Room |






|January 27, 2012 minutes Minutes for Committee 01.27.12 | |


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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0001.doc | |

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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0002.doc | |

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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0021.doc | |

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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0029.doc | |

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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0030.doc | |

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|Proposed Changes\16.005.0056.doc | |


|Committee Chair – Ms. Rebecca Howard ,RDH NMDHC Chair Report April 2012 NMDHC Chair Report July 2012 | |

|Secretary’s Report – Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH | |

|DH by Examination – Licenses issued = 19 DH 01/20/12 to 07/13/12 DH by Exam | |

|DH by Credentials – Licenses issued = 4 DH 01/20/12 to 07/13/12 DH by Credentials | |

|WREB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH WREB April 2012 WREB July_2012 | |

|CRDTS Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH CRDTS and WREB Laura Moss | |

|AADB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH AADB Report July 2012 | |

|NM Health Services – Dr. Devi Gajapathi, BDS Medicaid April 2012 | |

|NMDHA Report – Ms. Valoree Althoff, RDH NMDHA April 2012 NMDHA July 2012 | |

|UNM Dental Hygiene Program Report – Ms. Christine Lathe, RDH UNM April 2012 UNM July 2012 | |

|San Juan Community College – Dr. Julius Manz San Juan April 2012 San Juan July 2012 | |

|Dona Ana Community College – Ms. Evelyn Hobbs, RDH NO REPORT | |

|Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell NO REPORT | |

|PIMA Medical Institute – Melissa Plese, RDH Pima April 2012 Melissa Plese | |

|New Mexico Dept of Health - Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH NMDOH April 2012 Carol Hanson | |

|Ad-Hoc Reports | |


|Confirm Future Meeting Dates – 2012 calendar 2013 calendar | |

|October Committee Meeting – October 26, 2012 – Las Cruces | |

|January Committee Meeting – January 25, 2013 – Santa Fe | |

|April Committee Meeting – April | |

|July Committee Meeting – July | |

|Examining Boards: | |


|SRTA | |

|CRDTS | |

|WREB WREB Governance Structure | |

|Teeth Whitening In House Whitening E.Mail | |

|NM Radiology Exam – Laura Moss | |


|Eastern New Mexico Dental Hygiene Program Eastern NM University | |

|AADB Open Forum Request for Annual Meeting Ltr to Hygiene Members | |

|Andrea McClendon letter to CRDTS Andrea Resume | |

|Regional Exam Membership Responsibilities – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH | |

|NMMTP Quarterly reports | |


| | |

|Consider Request for Inactive Status: | |

|Baker, Janet | |

|Bullock, Angelique | |

|Carpenter, Joan | |

|Gray, Andrea | |

|Hesari, Mayann | |

|James, Kelly | |

|Jenkins, Linda | |

|Majedi, Marla | |

|Mead, Tami | |

|Mattox, Melissa | |

|Newman, Marcy | |

|Sparks, Jocelyn | |

|Tominaga-Minor, Gloria | |

|Ward, Sharon | |

|Whek-Urie, Dawn | |

| | |

|Consider Request for Retirement Status: | |

|Boggs-Coker, Dianna | |

|Brister, Julie | |

|Dalton, Amber Joy | |

|Grogan, Betty Anne | |

|Knotek, Karen | |

|Morgan, Mary Lee | |

|Gilbert-Schweiger, Jeanne | |

|Wright-Schroeder, Stacy | |

| | |

|Board Discussion and Action: | |

|11-65-APP | |

|11-73-COM | |




(Attachments A)

New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee Chair Report

April 20, 2012

February 2-4: Attended WREB Dental Hygiene Team Captain and Chief workshop in Phoenix.

March 14-19: WREB exam in Orem, Utah, Weber State University.

I am currently preparing for the WREB Dental Hygiene Committee meeting in May.

I continue to go to the board office regularly in an effort to keep up with reviewing applications for licensure and grading x-rays that have been submitted as completion for certification.

I again thank the staff for their help and support in keeping the business of the board and committee running smoothly.


Rebecca Howard, RDH

(Attachment B)

New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee Chair Report

July 27, 2012

April 22-23: Attended AADB mid-year meeting in Chicago.

April 27-30: Served as team captain/examiner for WREB dental hygiene exam in San Antonio, TX, University of Texas, Health Sciences

May 31-June 2: Chaired WREB dental hygiene committee meeting in Phoenix

June 8-10: Served as team captain/examiner for WREB dental hygiene exam in Spokane Washington, University of Eastern Washington,

June 29-July 1: Served as team captain/examiner for WREB dental hygiene exam, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico

July17: Attended WREB Dental Hygiene Review Board meeting in Denver, CO as NM representative

I have recently put together several power point presentations to be used for the WREB 2013 exam year online radiographic and tissue trauma standardization exercises for dental hygiene examiners to complete prior to the All Examiner Workshop held the day prior to each exam

I continue to go to the board office regularly in an effort to keep up with reviewing applications for licensure and grading x-rays that have been submitted as completion for certification.


Rebecca Howard, RDH

(Attachment C)

WREB report to the New Mexico Dental Hygiene Committee Meeting and Board of Dental Health Care

April 20, 2012


Rebecca Howard, RDH

The WREB 2012 Dental Hygiene exam season appears to have gotten off to a good start. At least I have not heard otherwise.

Dental Hygiene examiner standardization continues to be conducted on line. Examiners are required to complete the standardization exercises before each assigned exam.

The WREB Newsletter is now delivered electronically as WREB continues to find ways to be more efficient and utilize technology to the fullest.

The Dental Hygiene Department has added another Dental Hygiene Coordinator to their staff. The department will be administering Local Anesthesia, Dental Hygiene and Restorative examinations at 36 sites during 2012.

Illinois has joined WREB. WREB now consists of sixteen member states and one affiliate member. 18 additional states accept WREB results, but are not members.

WREB’s testing specialist, Sharon Osborn Popp, is spending time getting familiar with exam data that comes in both electronic and paper format. Gathering this data can be tedious, as it exists in different files, e.g., examiner details in one file, candidate results in another and the data that matches them to each other is in a third. Dr. Popp started with WREB last July and is working on understanding, managing, verifying, and analyzing data, which ensures assessments are valid, reliable, and fair. This helps maintain WREB’s status as a premier “National Dental and Dental Hygiene Testing Agency.”

Dr. Gerald Woodworth has been unanimously selected by the Board of Directors to receive the David Low Service Award. This award is WREB’s highest commendation and recognizes the invaluable contributions that an outstanding dentist or dental hygienist renders to the examining community. The must demonstrate the highest level of commitment, dedication and innovation. In addition, they must possess a genuine compassion for candidates, patients, fellow examiners and staff. In the spirit of the award’s namesake, they must also conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism; possess an open mind and an innate sense of humor.

The Board of Directors recently approved a capital budget expenditure to move forward with the conversion of Restorative and Anesthesia examinations to electronic scoring. These are the final exams to be implemented into the electronic scoring system.

(Attachment D)

WREB report to the New Mexico Dental Hygiene Committee Meeting and Board of Dental Health Care

July 27, 2012


Rebecca Howard, RDH

The WREB 2012 Dental Hygiene exam season is proceeding smoothly.

Dental Hygiene examiner standardization continues to be conducted on line. Examiners are required to view and complete standardization exercises and view HESS presentations before each assigned exam.

WREB’s testing specialist, Sharon Osborn Popp, is becoming more familiar with exam data that comes in both electronic and paper format. Gathering this data can be tedious, as it exists in different files, e.g., examiner details in one file, candidate results in another and the data that matches them to each other is in a third. Dr. Popp started with WREB last July and is working on understanding, managing, verifying, and analyzing data, which ensures assessments are valid, reliable, and fair. This helps maintain WREB’s status as a premier “National Dental and Dental Hygiene Testing Agency.”

The Restorative and Anesthesia examination electronic scoring is being beta tested and will be implemented in 2013.

(Attachment E)

Dear Board and Committee Members,


This was a busy year. I attended the following hygiene exams for WREB:


Orem UT -April 17-22 2012


Houston TX-May 8-13 2012


Great Falls MT-June 15-17 2012



I attended the following CRDTS hygiene exams


Charleston, SC - April 12-15 2012


Lincoln NE- April 28-May 2 2012


Overland Park KS- May 20-23 2012



I will be attending the CRDTS -ERC exam meeting in Kansas City July14.  I also will attend the CRDTS annual meeting Aug 24-26. 


Thank you for the opportunity to serve as an examiner. I really enjoyed the experience. I look forward to continuing in this capacit.


Thank you



Laura Moss RDH BS

(Attachment F)

American Association of Dental Boards Mid-Year Meeting

April 22-23 2012

Report to New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee and Board of Dental Health Care


Rebecca Howard, RDH

Following are highlights from the program. The presentation topics are bolded and a summary follows.

Prescription Drug Abuse: Considerations for Regulators, Educators and Practitioners:

• Illicit use of prescription drugs has become an epidemic. 15,000 people per year die from Rx drug overdose. Many people get Rx drugs from friend or relative. This is indicative that people have too much extra medication in their medicine cabinets.

• Dentists are major prescribers of opiod analgesics to 10-19 year olds. This means number of prescriptions, not number of tabs/pills.

• DEA will speak to boards and advise on what to be aware of and how to have a good relationship with pharmacists. They also want to address education of professionals and recommend a continuing education requirement.

New Developments Related to the Dental Therapist:

• A number of states are looking at the Alaska model and curriculum developed by the Kellogg Foundation.

• In Minnesota the first therapists have graduated and started to practice. Thirteen licenses have been issued.

• CODA development of accreditation standards for Dental Therapy programs are still under development. The program hasn’t been going long enough and there are not enough graduates to evaluate on whether the education is effective.

Status of ADA RFP for Portfolio-Style Examinations:

• Workgroup is still seeking proposals.

• ADA has no plans to administer a portfolio style exam. They were tasked with setting standards and are still asking for input.

AADB Assessment Services Program (ASP)-Dentist Professional Review and Evaluation Program (D-PREP) and Expert Review Assessment (ERA)

• Two pilot cases have been completed and feedback is being reviewed.

• This service is not for routine disciplinary cases, but more for someone who has been suspended or revoked. It is also not for an impaired practitioner. It is a competency assessment and a recommendation for remediation will be made if possible.

• There is no anticipated cost for this program to state boards. All costs are assessed to the licensee. There is a $1000 non-refundable application fee. A $3000 assessment packet is then put together by AADB staff and the remainder of the $10-15,000 fee goes to the educational institution where the assessment is conducted.

• An AADB representative will come to state boards to explain the process.

• Summary of program:

1. There are four categories of assessment—Pass (unlikely), Pass with minor recommendations, Pass with major recommendations, Fail (completely unsafe to practice)

2. A Pre-Evaluation Review which includes a report form referring state board, the respondent’s treatment records, and an intake questionnaire is required.

3. Followed by a four day assessment which includes:

4. an intake interview of a250-500 question exam that requires literature review and comprehensive patient case assessment,

5. a mock patient scenario,

6. and finally and exit interview

7. A report to the board is then generated which includes recommendations

i.e., Comprehensive course on ethics and professional responsibilities

This course should include




Comprehensive course on sedation including




8. Remediation can be taken anywhere.

9. Recommendations are not CEs as we know

10. Customized programs will be developed

Update on National Dental Examinations and the Committee for an Integrated Examination (CIE)

• Committee has been working since 2010 and their focus has been on content, what types of items to include, and developing communication between the committee and educators and state boards.

• There is a desire to move toward applying knowledge and not just rote memorization of facts and information.

• The integrated exam will consist of only one part instead of two. This exam will not be implemented until 2017 at the earliest.

• Contact jndecie@

(Attachment G)


Santa Fe, NM

The New Mexico Human Services Department/ Medical Assistance Division is working collaboratively with DOH, Head Start professionals and oral health providers work to link one million Head Start children to dental homes – where they receive comprehensive, continuously accessible and family-centered oral health care, and develop good habits to last a lifetime.

• This was launched in New Mexico on April 15th, 2011. Medicaid presented a topic about Medicaid system and reimbursement. New Mexico has received $10,000 from the Office of Head Start to continue the work started at the April 15, 2010 Dental Health Launch. New Mexico Human services Department/ Medical Assistance Division met with DOH and discussed training modules for:

• Dentists

• Head Start staff

• Parents/children

Dr. Devi Gajapathi B.D.S

Dental Program Manager

New Mexico Medicaid

(Attachment H)


Santa Fe, NM

1. The New Mexico Human Services Department/ Medical Assistance Division is working collaboratively with DOH, Head Start professionals and oral health providers work to link one million Head Start children to dental homes – where they receive comprehensive, continuously accessible and family-centered oral health care, and develop good habits to last a lifetime.

• This was launched in New Mexico on April 15th, 2011. Medicaid presented a topic about Medicaid system and reimbursement. New Mexico has received $10,000 from the Office of Head Start to continue the work started at the April 15, 2010 Dental Health Launch. New Mexico Human services Department/ Medical Assistance Division met with DOH and discussed training modules for:

• Dentists

• Head Start staff

• Parents/children

2. The Medical Assistance Division is also working on opening the code D7310- ALVEOLOPLASTY IN CONJUNCTION WITH EXTRACTIONS done on the same day. Medical Assistance division will inform all the dental providers once the code is activated.

Dr. Devi Gajapathi B.D.S

Dental Program Manager

New Mexico Medicaid

(Attachment I)



Report to the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee

April 20, 2012


January 21, 2012 was the NMDHA Strategic Planning meeting scheduled to be held in Albuquerque. The District IX Trustee (TX, OK, NM), Sandy Tesch, RDH, MSHP attended and gave her input for our agenda for the upcoming year.

Hygienists in the Las Cruces area and across the state volunteered at the Mission of Mercy in Las Cruces, NM March 2-3, 2012. Farmington area dentists and hygienists are beginning to plan the 2013 event. NMDHA components are planning other community activities and continuing education events: the High Desert Dental Hygienists' Society annual continuing education seminar, "Albuquerque Day" was held March 30, 2011.

The NMDHA has scheduled a Mid-year general membership CE and conference set for April 27, 2012 at UNM Domenici Center. Speakers include Dr Robert Gherardi presenting on the new hygiene legislation implemented January 2012, "Prescriptive Authority", Bernadette Jojola, CDA presenting "OSHA Update", and Cathy Sovereign, RDH presenting CPR Skills. The next NMDHA Board of Trustees meeting will be that afternoon.

The ADHA Annual Session will be held in Phoenix, AZ June 13-19, 2012. Delegates from NMDHA will represent NM and many members are planning on attending the event.


Valoree Althoff, RDH, BS

NMDHA President


(Attachment J)



Report to the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee

July 27, 2012


The NMDHA had our Mid-year general membership CE and conference April 27, 2012 at UNM Domenici Center. Speakers included Dr. Robert Gherardi presenting on the new hygiene legislation implemented January 2012, "Prescriptive Authority", Bernadette Jojola, CDA presenting "OSHA Update", and Cathy Sovereign, RDH presenting "CPR Skills". The NMDHA Board of Trustees met following the event. The Mid-year CE was very successful and well attended by members and potential members.

The ADHA Annual Session was held in Phoenix, AZ June 13-19, 2012. Delegates from NMDHA represented NM at the ADHA business meeting at the House of Delegates. The delegates and other NMDHA members attended many continuing education courses, focus groups, and met with many key ADHA personnel. Our next Board meetings are scheduled prior to and immediately after Scientific Session.

The NMDHA is undergoing the task of redesigning our website. We are aligning our brand and logo with the ADHA to be more cohesive. Many new features will be offered that we expect more traffic to the site- including online registration and credit card payment via Paypal, links to CEs and information that is important to our members and potential members.

The 24th Annual NMDHA Scientific Session is scheduled for October 19-20, 2012 to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the dental hygiene program at UNM. Many great speakers are presenting and we expect an increase in attendance for this monumental event. Information can be found at the website.

Valoree Althoff, RDH, BSDH

NMDHA President


(Attachment K)


Division of Dental Hygiene

Board of Dental Health Care

Dental Hygiene Committee Report

April 20, 2012

Respectfully Submitted by Demetra Logothetis, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Dental Medicine, Director Division of Dental Hygiene


Demetra Logothetis will be retiring from UNM after 26 years of service and 16 years as Division Chief and Dental Hygiene Program Director on August 1, 2012. She will be returning to work under the .25 ERB rule as the Graduate Program Director. Christine Nathe has been appointed the Division Chief and Program Director and will begin formally on July 1, 2012.

UNM Division of Dental Hygiene 50th Celebration

The UNM Division of Dental Hygiene will celebrate 50 years of providing excellence in dental hygiene education with a formal Gala, on October 20, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency. All UNM alumni, community dentists, dental hygienists, dental companies, and community individuals are invited to attend. We hope that members of the BODHC and Dental Hygiene Committee will plan on attending.

Table Clinics

The UNM Department of Dental Medicine in joint collaboration with the Albuquerque District Dental Society, the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Association and the High Desert Dental Hygienists’ Society will be hosting the annual Dental Hygiene Students and AEGD Dental Residents table clinics on Thursday, April 26, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm at UNM Division of Dental Hygiene Novitski Hall.


Twenty four students will receive a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene, and three students will receive a Master of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene on May 11, 2012.

Sandoval County Health Commons

Our preventive dental center in collaboration with the Sandoval County Health Commons, is operating very well. Grant funding for this program is available again next year.

(Attachment L)


University of New Mexico

Division of Dental Hygiene

July 2012 Report

TO: NM Board of Dental Health Care

FROM: Christine Nathe, Program Director

DATE: 7/12/12

The University of New Mexico, Division of Dental Hygiene will be celebrating 50 years of educating dental hygienists in New Mexico on Saturday evening, October 20, 2012 with a Gala Event at the Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque. This celebration coincides with the annual New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Association Scientific Session. All proceeds will go towards funding UNM’s school-based dental clinics, which provide excellent learning opportunities for student dental hygienists, while serving children in Albuquerque who need access to preventive dental services.

Demetra Logothetis, the UNM Program Director will retire this month and will come back on a .25 contract to teach and coordinate the graduate program in August. Demetra has been at UNM for 26 years, 16 of those as Dental Hygiene Program Director. Christine Nathe assumed administrative responsibilities in July.

The Division recently received a $10,000 grant to begin providing preventive dental services at the UNM Young Children’s Health Center- a pediatric clinic- in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The National Children’s Oral Health Foundation funded this initiative.

The Division graduated 23 entry-level BSDH students, 1 degree completion student and 3 graduate students. The entry-level students are now in the process of applying for dental hygiene licensure.

(Attachment M)

Report of the San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dr. Julius N. Manz – Director

San Juan College Dental Programs

4601 College Blvd

Farmington, NM 87402

Phone: 505-566-3018, e-mail: manzj@sanjuancollege.edu

Faculty and Staff:

Full Time:

Julius N. Manz DDS – Director

Sherry Paxson, RDH – First Year Clinic Coordinator

Tammy Sanderson, RDH – Second Year Clinical Coordinator

Sherilyn Oldfield – Program Administrative Assistant

Georgia Cotie – Clinical Manager

Dalene Meek – Clinic Administrative Assistant


Chuck Schumacher, DDS

Craig Layton, DDS

Mike Tornow, DDS

Cameron Black, DDS

Dennis Miller, DMD

Ivy Tornow

Becky Miller, RDH

Mandi Pickering, RDH

Brittany Nichols, RDH

Nancy Rhein, RDH, PA

Josalyn Sewell, RDH

Advisory Council:

Dr. Chuck Schumacher

Dr. Ronald Johnson

Dr. Gene Hilton

Josalyn Sewell, RDH

Becky Miller, RDH

Linda Parks, RDH

Tyler Moline, Dental Hygiene Student Senior Class

Kaycie Hatch, Dental Hygiene Student Junior Class

Michelle Tensay, Public member


The San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Programs next Accreditation site visit will be in 2017.

Staffing Changes

Dr. Dennis Miller has joined the Program teaching Oral Pathology and as clinical faculty

Dr. Cameron Black has agreed to teach Pharmacology to replace Jeff Nygren and continues as clinical faculty

Class of 2012

National Boards:

The class of 2012 will be taking their National Board Dental Hygiene Examination beginning next week

WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% of the class of 2012 have taken WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% have passed their LA boards

WREB Clinical Boards

95% of the class of 2012 have taken WREB Clinical Boards

80% have passed with 1 student still needing to take the clinical boards


The Program plans to graduate 11 students on May 12, 2012.


In the process of accepting 12 new students for the class of 2014 out of 20 qualified applications

Civic/Community Activities

Mission of Mercy – The San Juan College sent 11 senior dental hygiene students and 3 faculty to the NM Mission of Mercy in Las Cruces

The Program plans to participate in the upcoming 2013 MOM in Farmington as well

NMDHA scientific session.


Farmington Health Fair

Kiddie Clinic – screenings, radiographs, fluoride, prophies and OHI for community preschool children

Nursing home – Senior student rotation to provide preventive dental care to residents of Life Care

nursing home.

Indian Health service – Senior student rotation with IHS

School Educational Programs – Senior student rotation providing oral health education to area schools

(elementary to high school)

Head Start assessments, education and fluoride program

IHS Sealant Program

Special Needs Clinic

Upcoming Plans and Projects

San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is continuing to work in conjunction with the NMDA and the ADA to examine the feasibility of establishing a Community Dental Health Coordinator (CDHC) education program at San Juan College and to seek funding for such a program

Dr. Julius N. Manz, Director

(Attachment N)

Report of the San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dr. Julius N. Manz – Director

San Juan College Dental Programs

4601 College Blvd

Farmington, NM 87402

Phone: 505-566-3018, e-mail: manzj@sanjuancollege.edu

Faculty and Staff:

Full Time:

Julius N. Manz DDS – Director

Sherry Paxson, RDH – First Year Clinic Coordinator

Tammy Sanderson, RDH – Second Year Clinical Coordinator

Ruby Woodard – Program Administrative Assistant

Georgia Cotie – Clinical Manager

Dalene Meek – Clinic Administrative Assistant


Chuck Schumacher, DDS

Craig Layton, DDS

Mike Tornow, DDS

Cameron Black, DDS

Dennis Miller, DMD

Ivy Tornow

Becky Miller, RDH

Mandi Pickering, RDH

Brittany Nichols, RDH

Nancy Rhein, RDH, PA

Josalyn Sewell, RDH

Advisory Council:

Dr. Chuck Schumacher

Dr. Ronald Johnson

Dr. Gene Hilton

Josalyn Sewell, RDH

Becky Miller, RDH

Linda Parks, RDH

Michelle Tensay, Public member

Kaycie Hatch, Dental Hygiene Student Senior Class

TBD, Dental Hygiene Student Junior Class


The San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Programs next Accreditation site visit will be in 2017.

Staffing Changes

Dr. Cameron Black has been teaching as Clinical Faculty and has joined the Program teaching Pharmacology in the Fall 2012 semester.

Dr. Cameron Black has agreed to teach Pharmacology to replace Jeff Nygren and continues as clinical faculty.

Mrs. Ruby Woodard has replaced Ms. Sherilyn Oldfield as the Programs Administrative Assistant.

Class of 2012

National Boards:

The class of 2012 have all completed taking their National Board Dental Hygiene Examination.

Please note that the Joint Commission on national Dental Examinations has adopted a pass/fail score reporting policy and therefore no longer provides data on a Programs relative performance on the NBDHE.

WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% of the class of 2012 have taken WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% have passed their LA boards

WREB Clinical Boards

95% of the class of 2012 have taken WREB Clinical Boards

95% have passed (awaiting results on one student)


The Program to graduated 11 students on May 12, 2012.


The Program has accepted 12 new students for the class of 2014 out of 25 qualified applications.

Farmington, NM – 6

Aztec, NM – 2

Kirtland, NM – 1

Cuba, NM – 1

LaPlata, CO – 1

Pleasant View, CO - 1

Civic/Community Activities

Mission of Mercy – The San Juan College sent 11 senior dental hygiene students and 3 faculty to the NM Mission of Mercy in Las Cruces

The Program plans to participate in the upcoming 2013 MOM in Farmington as well

NMDHA scientific session.


Farmington Health Fair

Kiddie Clinic – screenings, radiographs, fluoride, prophies and OHI for community preschool children

Nursing home – Senior student rotation to provide preventive dental care to residents of Life Care

nursing home.

Indian Health service – Senior student rotation with IHS

School Educational Programs – Senior student rotation providing oral health education to area schools

(elementary to high school)

Head Start assessments, education and fluoride program

IHS Sealant Program

Special Needs Clinic

Upcoming Plans and Projects

San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is continuing to work in conjunction with the NMDA and the ADA to examine the feasibility of establishing a Community Dental Health Coordinator (CDHC) education program at San Juan College and to seek funding for such a program

Dr. Julius N. Manz, Director

(Attachment O)

Pima Medical Institute

Dental Hygiene Program

Report to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care & Dental Hygiene Committee

April 20, 2012

Admission: Thirty students were accepted into the second cohort that started March 26, 2012. We were pleased with the applicant pool and have noted that the accelerated nature of our program appeals to many individuals in New Mexico in that we had applicants from various parts of the state including: Clovis, Ruidoso, Mora, Estancia, Grants, Los Lunas/Belen area, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, and Taos.

Current Status of Cohorts: Cohort one consists of 27 students that are currently within their fourth semester of the six semester program. Cohort one is progressing well and has demonstrated to be a cohesive and highly motivated group of students. Cohort two consists of 30 students that are currently within the first month of their first semester. They are new to our institution and showing great promise.

Faculty and Staff: Since the last report we have hired two additional employees including a full time second year clinical coordinator and a dental assistant.

Stephanie Baca, RDH, MS- Second Year Clinic Coordinator

Rita Helak, CDA - Clinical Specialist/ Dental Assistant

The Program will be hiring a First Year Clinic Coordinator within the next months.

Community Outreach/Clinical Activities:

We are pleased to announce that we have received full credentialing as a Medicaid provider. We feel our status as a Medicaid provider will contribute to the improved oral and overall health of the public while simultaneously broadening our patient pool and educational experiences for our students.

Community/Professional Activities:

Students in our first cohort fundraised over $1500.00 within the past several months. A portion of those funds was used to support travel, lodging, and participation in the New Mexico Mission of Mercy that was held in Las Cruces in March 2012. Both students and select faculty took part in the event. All participants reported a great sense of camaraderie and pride in the dental profession. While in Las Cruces our students and faculty also attended a student social graciously hosted by the Dona Ana Community College Dental Hygiene Program.

Programmatic Updates:

In preparation for including the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries (EFDA) curriculum within our Program we have completed the following:

• Missy Pleše applied for and was granted approval to observe a WREB restorative exam. Missy traveled to Washington State and observed a restorative exam on March 27, 2012.

• Missy Pleše in conjunction with Lisa Johnson, RDH, BS, MS (c), PMI’s consultant for the EFDA curriculum, submitted an application for a continuing education course in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Procedures to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care that was approved on March 3, 2012. With this approval PMI intends to start the process of having Ms. Johnson educate and train select faculty in preparation to take the WREB restorative board and subsequently integrate the curriculum into our Program.

The expansion of our program, faculty and campus has presented the opportunity for us to explore supplemental learning experiences for our students. Currently we have faculty and students utilizing the following:

• Blackboard, a virtual/web-based learning tool.

Faculty have integrated Blackboard into the class room setting. We have found this resource to be instrumental in facilitating student/faculty communication and student peer collaboration. This learning tool is interactive and we feel the use of this resource will better prepare our student for the computer based dental hygiene board examinations.

• Simulation laboratory, a comprehensive computer based learning environment.

PMI is fortunate to have a state of the art, fully equipped simulation lab with a computerized simulation manikin. Our department has starting utilizing the simulation lab for select courses including Pain Management, Pharmacology and medical emergencies related to Clinic Courses.

Regulatory Affairs

The faculty is preparing of our upcoming CODA site visit that is scheduled for December 6 -7, 2012. A committee has been formed to review all related documents of the self-study.

In closing, Pima Medical Institute’s Albuquerque Dental Hygiene Program is diligently working toward our vision of being recognized as a premier dental hygiene program in New Mexico. It is our intent to perform excellence in teaching and commitment in the promotion of our student’s success!

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa (Missy) McDougal-Pleše, RDH, MS

Dental Hygiene Program Director

Pima Medical Institute- Albuquerque Campus

4400 Cutler Avenue, NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110


(505) 881-1234

(Attachment P)

To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee

From: Carol Hanson, RDH, MPH

Coordinator, New Mexico Dental Support Center (NMDSC)

New Mexico Department of Health

300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900

Albuquerque, NM 87108



Date: April 20, 2012

• Developed January, February, and March 2012 Newsletters. Distributed newsletters via e-mail to network dental providers, network dental educators, UNM dental residents, executive directors of community health center dental clinics, and other interested parties

• Co-planned and co-facilitated Provider Meeting January 13, 2012 at NM Primary Care Association—30 attended

• Participated in the NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meeting on January 13, 2012

• Participated in the NM Health Resources Retreat Planning Committee Meetings on January 17, and January 31, 2012

• Attended the Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Advisory Board Meeting on February 2, 2012

• Planned and facilitated NM Dental Educator Consortium Conference Call Meeting February 24, 2012—4 attended

• Provided funding for three dental educators (E. Hobbs and C. Credeur (Dona Ana Community College & C. Lefebrve (Eastern NM University Roswell)) to attend the American Dental Educator Association Conference March 16-21, 2012 in Orlando, Florida

• Participated in the NM Chronic Disease Prevention Council Meeting March 20, 2012

• Planned for the NMDSC/Southern (AHEC) Dental Conference. Scheduled for April 14, 2012 at Hotel Encanto Las Cruces, NM

• Submitted application for continued competitive funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration to continue the efforts of the NMDSC

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Hanson

(Attachment Q)

To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee

From: Carol Hanson, RDH, MPH

Coordinator, New Mexico Dental Support Center (NMDSC)

New Mexico Department of Health

300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900

Albuquerque, NM 87108



Date: July 27, 2012

• Toured La Clinica de Familia Dental Clinic in Anthony, NM and La Clinica de Familia Dental Clinic in Chaparral, NM on April 13, 2012 and met with staff. Provided a new dentist with an “Orientation to Community Health Dentistry in NM”

• Provided a Dental Education Conference with Southern Area Health Education Center on April 14, 2012 at the Hotel Encanto in Las Cruces, NM. The $35.00 fee included continental breakfast, lunch, and 5.5 hours of CE. Speakers and topics: David Ettinger, MD, DMD (Newark, Delaware) “Oral Surgery for the General Dentist”, R. Scott Boots, MPA (Chicago) “Celebrating Compassion: Beating Burnout”, and Irene V. Hilton, DDS, MPH, FACD (San Francisco) “ Perinatal Oral Health”. A total of 59 attended:

26 dentists, 19 dental hygienists and 14 dental assistants

• Developed April, May, and June 2012 Newsletters with the NM Primary Care Association (NMPCA). Distributed newsletters via e-mail to network dental providers, network dental educators, UNM dental residents, executive directors of community health center dental clinics, and other interested parties

• Attended NM Public Health Association/UNM National Health Disparities Conference in Albuquerque April 26-27, 2012

• Attended the American Association of Community Dental Programs Symposium and the National Oral Health Conference in Milwaukee April 28-May 2, 2012

• Co-planned and co-facilitated the NMPCA/NMDSC May 4, 2012 Dental Provider Meeting at NM PCA. A total of 14 attended

• Participated in the NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meeting in Albuquerque on May 11, 2012

• Toured the Las Clinicas del Norte Dental Clinic in El Rito, NM and the La Clinica del Pueblo de Rio Arriba Dental Clinic in Tierra Amarilla, NM on June 6, 2012. Met staff and executive directors

• Toured the Presbyterian Medical Services Dental Clinic in Questa, NM and the El Centro Dental Clinic in Penasco, NM on June 7, 2012. Met with staff

• Attended the NM Health Resources Provider Retreat and NMPCA Breakfast Meeting in Taos, NM June 8-9, 2012. Sponsored the following speakers: Amos Deinard, MD (Minnesota) “Creative Partnering to Build Oral Health Infrastructure” (1 CE) and Valerie Romero-Leggott, MD (UNM) “Providing Culturally Competent Care to the People We Serve” (1 CE). Sponsored eight UNM residents and 1 dental provider to attend. A total of 49 dental professionals attended

• Attended NMPCA Annual Meeting and Conference in Albuquerque June 14-15, 2012

• Participated in the NM Chronic Disease Prevention Council Meeting “Public Health 101” in Albuquerque on June 19, 2012

• Sponsored a total of 23 dental professionals (6 dentists, 7 dental hygienists, and 10 dental assistants) to attend “Spanish Terminology for Dental Providers” by Charles Tatlock, DDS, MPH at UNM on June 22, 2012

• Attended the Medicaid/CHIP Dental Association Symposium in Washington, DC June 24-26, 2012

• Arranged a July 25, 2012 conference call meeting for the NM Dental Educators’ Consortium

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Hanson


New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department


New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and

New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee

Toney Anaya Building ▪ 2550 Cerrillos Road ▪ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505ࠀࠁࠄࠅࠆࠬ࠴ࡆࡎࡔࡕࡗ࡛

(505) 476-4680 ▪ Fax (505) 476-4545 ▪ rld.state.nm.us


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