Printed Resources - NKESC

Universal Design: Promoting Academic Success for All Learners

Kathy Kersenbrock-Ostmeyer, Karin Rasmussen, and Dan Thornton

A Few of Our Favorite Resources


(Universal Design & Strategies/Differentiated Instruction)

Acrey, Cynthia, Johnstone, Christopher, & Milligan, Carolyn. (2005) Using Universal Design to Unlock the Potential for Academic Achievement of At-Risk Learners. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38 (2), 22-31.

* A must read study examining the feasibility of using elements of universal design for study guides and classroom tests.

Duquette, Cheryll, Stodel, Emma, Fullerton, Stephanie, & Hagglund, Karras. Teaching Students with Developmental Disabilities: Tips from Teens and Young Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39 (2), 28-31.

* A guide to better understanding students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders. Interventions, resources, and teacher competencies are provided.

Duvall, Emily D. (2006) Including Students with Disabilities in a Foreign Language Class. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38 (6), 42-48.

* This article describes a practical resource goal to assist teachers in making instructional adaptations and modifications. The “Friend and Bursuck” INCLUDE model is described to assist in successful inclusion practices.

Edyburn, Dave L. (2000) Making Technology Work for You. Teaching Exceptional Children. 32 (4).

* An entire journal devoted to technological ideas and programs to assist in improving student outcomes.

Harlacher, Jason, Roberts, Nicole E., & Merrell, Kenneth. (2006) Class-wide Interventions for Students With ADHD: a summery of Teacher Options Beneficial for the Whole Class. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39 (2), 6-12.

* This Article provides a summary of effective strategies for students with ADHD. However, special emphasis is given to inclusive class-wide interventions.

Hitchcock, Chuck, Meyer, Anne, Rose, David, & Jackson, Richard. (2002) Providing New Access to the General Curriculum - Universal Design for Learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35 (2), 8-17.

* A “how-to” article explaining Universal Design as it relates to the general curriculum.

Keck, Susan & Kinney, Scott. (2005) Creating a Differentiated Classroom. Learning & Leading with Technology, 12-15.

* This article provides several technological resources to assist teacher in differentiating their curriculum.

Ludlow, Barbara L., Berkeley, Terry, & Collins, Belva. (2004) Rural Special Education Quarterly. 23 (4).

* This journal is entirely devoted to culturally relevant classrooms and promising practices for diverse programs.


(Brain Research)

Bailey, Becky A. (2000) Conscious Discipline. Oviedo, Florida. Loving Guidance

* A discipline must for both parents and educators. The book illustrates seven basic skills for brain-smart classroom management.

Bailey, Becky A. (2003) There’s Got to Be a Better Way: Discipline That Works for Parents and Teachers. Oviedo, Florida. Loving Guidance.

* This book details on approach to developmentally appropriate discipline.

Hannaford, Carla. (1995) Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head. Marshall, North Carolina. Great Ocean.

* An easy to follow guide for integrating the whole body approach into learning. Scientifically researched activities and demonstrated to help fully activate learning potential.

Jensen, Eric. (2004) Brain Compatible Strategies. 2nd ed. San Diego, California. The Brain Store.

* Hundreds of easy-to-use strategies to motivate and encourage student achievement. Sometimes the best help can be the easiest to implement.

Levine M.D., Mel. (2005) A Mind at a Time. New York, New York. Simon and Schuster.

* This book clearly demonstrates that on size does not fit all. Different minds and different brains learn differently. Educators and parents learn ways to individualize learning for successful student achievement.

Sousa, David A. (2001) How the Brain Learns. 2nd edition. Howard Oaks, California. Corwin Press.

* This exceptional book contains classroom activities and lessons based on current knowledge of basic brain processes.

Sylvester, Robert. (1995) A Celebration of Neurons: An Educator’s Guide to the Human Brain. Alexandria, Virginia. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

* One of the best introductions to the brain and how it works--as well as a must read for educators in developing scientifically supported education practices.

Wolfe, Patricia. (2001) Brain Matters: Translating Research into Classroom Practice. Alexandria, Virginia. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

* What we do in schools to promote achievement should be based on our knowledge of how the brain works. This book teaches educator about the brain and provides research based strategies for implementation.

(Differentiated Instruction)

Forsten, Char, Grant, Jim, & Hollas, Betty. (2002) Differentiated Instruction: Different Strategies for Different Learners. Peterborough, New Hampshire. Crystal Springs Books.

* 101 ideas to guide educators in helping them “to teach students in the way they learn.” Most activities are appropriate for grades K-8.

Heacox, Diane. (2002) Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teach All Learners, Grades 3-12. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Free Spirit.

* Tips, strategies, reproducible handouts, and information to guide teachers in developing differentiated classrooms in most content areas is provided.

Northey, Sheryn Spencer. (2005) Handbook on Differentiated Instruction for Middle and High Schools. Larchmont, New York. Eye on Instruction.

* Hundreds of ideas and strategies are provided to meet the needs of diverse students in middle to high school programs.

(English Language Learners/English as a Second Language)

Boyer, James B., &H. Prentice Baptiste, Jr. (1996) Transforming the Curriculum for Multicultural Understandings. San Francisco, California. Caddo Gap Press.

* This book is an easy to read text for those who want a quick study of issues in transforming the curriculum to multi-cultural understanding. It is divided into short easy to read chapters covering everything from the rationale for multi-cultural curriculum to diversity issues in the research.

Chamot, Anna Uhl, & O’Malley, J. Michael. (1994) The CALLA Handbook. New York, New York. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.

* This is a very readable handbook that provides ready to use templates for a variety of activities including lesson plans, worksheets, and communication tools.

Freeman, David E, & Freeman, Yvonne S. (2004) Essential Linguistics: What You Need To Know. Portsmouth, Virginia. Heinenmann.

*This is a must read for every practitioners who do not have a background in linguistics. It provides an easy to understand presentation on linguistic skill and development. It provides information on the acquisition of the first and second language and the implications of linguistic components in teaching second language learners.

Herrera, Socorro G., & Murry, Kevin G. (2005) Mastering ESL and Bilingual Methods. Boston, Massachusetts. Pearson Education, Inc.

* This text provides basic and enhanced writings relative to the methods of teaching CLD students. Its focus is on giving the reader a broad and diverse discussion on the various methods and techniques used to develop and implement successful teaching practices.

O’Malley, J. Michael, & Pierce, Lorraine Valcez. (1996) Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners. New York, New York. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.

* This is a handbook on assessment practices and samples. It provides read to use templates for a variety of assessment tools. It also provides easy to read narrative on the “how to” of assessment.

Payne, Ruby K. PhD., (2005) A Framework for Understanding Poverty (rev. ed) Highlands, Texas. aha!Press, Inc.

* Nothing more negatively impacts educational readiness and attainment than poverty. This book can easily be read in one or two settings and provides a vivid visualization of poverty and how one reacts to it. It is an enlightening writing of how ones’ personal bias impedes even the best intentions. Dr. Payne has several related books that are worth having in your personal library.

Universal Design/Differentiated Instruction Websites




(Powerpoint Websites)

(Additional Websites)


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