



© PSMA 2002


A guide for the use of self-adhesive laminate roll and sheet

stock products 1

Choosing the right grade for specific applications 6

Glossary of adhesive terms 8

Odour and taint 9

Self-adhesive laminates 10

Variable information printing 13

Papers 16

Liners 18



Self-adhesive laminates are safe products in accordance with the material description given by EC Directive 92/59, Article 2(b).

Material safety data sheets (MSDS) as referred to in Directive 88/379/EC, Article 10 and Directive 91/155/EC are not applicable to pressure sensitive materials.

Under normal conditions of handling, no hazards are anticipated provided normal rules for good industrial hygiene are observed. Pressure sensitive adhesives are not suitable for ingestion or prolonged skin contact.

For specialist applications such as food labelling, chemical drum labelling or surgical labelling, advice should be sought from individual suppliers on specialist product requirements.


The materials involved will generally be flammable so should be stored away from all sources of heat and ignition

Consideration should be given to listing the types of material stored in order to assist the fire brigade in the event of a fire

In the event of fire Paper laminates will burn producing a black smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Plastic films pass through a melt stage and will therefore drip prior to burning, this could cause severe burns if skin contact was made. Further information and specialist advice should be obtained from your supplier

Vinyls will produce hydrochloric acid on burning as well as a dense smoke and other acrid fumes. Specialist Protective clothing as well as breathing apparatus would be required. For further information on all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) requirements contact your supplier.


All commercial waste is classed as controlled waste and as such must be disposed of at a suitably licensed landfill site as required by the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) regulations 1991 and Control of Pollution Act 1974 and the Amendment 1989.

Waste laminate may also be incinerated for energy recovery, it is a useful alternative fuel source. However, trails on suitability must first be carried out. The following points should also be noted

1. Incineration of Acrylic adhesive based laminates should ensure the process can handle corrosive flue gasses

2. Aluminium containing laminate is not recommended for incineration due to possible blocking of the incinerator

3. As Vinyl laminates contains PVC, refer to the manufacturers for advice on incineration.


• Store all material on a clean dry floor or in racking.

• All material should be stored in the supplier’s original packing until required unless it has been advised otherwise

• Reels stored on their side for long periods of time may pressure mark or form a ‘flat spot’

• Avoid extremes of heat and humidity, ideal conditions would be 16 to 22oC and 50% RH+/-5%. High temperatures can cause adhesive bleed and penetration into the face paper. Variations in humidity can cause curling and wavy edges.

• Materials should not be stored near sources of ignition, in direct sunlight or UV light.

• Refer to the supplier’s recommendations on shelf life and ensure stock is rotated as required


• Safe methods of roll and pallet handling should be utilised

• When un-banding pallets, care should be taken to avoid whiplash when the strapping is cut. Appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is recommended, e.g. goggles and gloves

• The outside wraps on a roll are to protect the product and should not be relied upon to support a roll

• Operators should be made aware that self-adhesive laminate reels could show a tendency to telescope.

• Care should be taken to avoid cuts from the exposed edges of the paper laminate


Material should be allowed to condition in the print room for at least 24 hours before processing in order to attain the same temperature and humidity. This is particularly important for sheet stock, where 48 hours conditioning is recommended. Failure to do this can result in curl and wavy edges.

There can be a build up of static during the conversion of self-adhesive laminates, therefore conversion equipment must be adequately earthed. If flammable inks or solvents are also in use, always refer to the supplier’s material safety data sheets for safety information.

It is good practice to retain the manufacture’s batch and order reference information in case a complaint should occur.


• Check that the ink or ribbon choice is compatible with the product to be used and is recommended or approved by the suppliers.

• Always check with the supplier if his material can withstand the intended process conditions, particularly if excessive temperatures or unusual web feed patterns are involved.

• Do not change winding direction prior to conversion as this will alter the release values and can create curl problems

• Use the correct die for the product, check for damage prior to start up.

• Labels should be designed with matrix stripping in mind. Refer to your supplier if complex shapes are involved. Wherever possible use round corners and avoid narrow matrices.

• Check the depth of die cutting, especially before a long run. Excessive die pressure will weaken the backing paper. Uneven die cutting can result in poor matrix stripping.

• With heat setting inks use the minimum heat required to cure inks and avoid winding up hot reels

• With UV cure-inks, always check the cure before proceeding with a run. Check on age and output of the lamps involved.

• Where heat is necessary, use minimum to achieve matrix stripping, excessive heat (induced by use of hot plates) can create adhesive stringing, fouling of the labels and heat built up in the reel. Always try to work to a fixed setting, returning to this setting after large amounts of heat have been used.

• Avoid rewinding reels to tight as this may cause adhesive bleed, conversely slack wind will result in telescoping reels. Wind labels onto cores of appropriate size e.g. large labels should not be wound onto small cores.

• Converted reels should be stacked on end with waxed or siliconised interleaving and covered in polythene prior to packing.


• Check that the print media is compatible with the surfaces to be printed

• Allow sufficient unprinted edge trim on the screen to prevent edge lift due to shrinkage

• Avoid excessive use of thinners (refer to Material Safety Data Sheets) to prevent shrinkage of filmic sheet stock

• Use a minimum of heat to dry ink in order to avoid sheet curl

• When using a jet drier for multi-colour runs, cover sheets in polythene between runs to prevent sheet curl

• When rack drying, avoid changes in temperature and humidity to prevent sheet curl

• Always allow sufficient time between passes for each colour to dry. This is particularly important when flood coating

• Print successive close register colours as soon as possible after each other. Printing separate colours under different atmospheric conditions can cause difficulties with register

• Always follow the manufactures recommendations on guillotining and slitting

• Finished work covered in polythene prior to packing.


Pressure-sensitive adhesives were first developed in the mid-nineteenth century for self-adhesive bandages. However, it took ninety years for the idea to be adapted to self-adhesive labels. Early adhesives used natural rubber and were applied by coating from a solvent solution. Although the product adhered well to a wide range of surfaces, its ageing properties were not good, and the need to use large quantities of solvent in the coating process was a disadvantage.

The subsequent introduction of acrylic adhesives overcame some of the shortcomings. Acrylics have excellent ageing properties and are highly successful as water-based emulsions. The water-based products are easy to coat and clearly eliminated the hazards and environmental concerns linked with solvent coating. However modern solvent-based adhesives coating systems have overcome many of these difficulties.

Hot-melt adhesives were introduced in the mid 1960’s. These adhesives can be coated at very high speeds and very high coating weights because there is no drying process involved. More recently, radiation curable 100% solids acrylic systems have been developed.

Modern pressure sensitive adhesives thus break down into the following major categories: -



Usually the first decision to be made will be the required level of subjective adhesion of the self-adhesive label or decal to the final substrate. There is a broad spectrum of performance available from laminate suppliers. It is important at this stage to have a clear understanding of the substrate involved and the end performance required. For paper labels, the definition of “permanent” is trivial – being simply an adhesion level that gives paper tear on attempting to remove the label. However where the label material is filmic then the major concern with strong substrates like vehicles or “white goods” (Fridges, washing machines etc.) is to prevent the label or sign material from “falling off” under the field conditions. The final result will depend a combination of many factors: -

• Adhesive formulation

• Adhesive coating weight

• Substrate type – High surface energy – e.g. steel, glass, painted metal

Low surface energy - e.g. plastic surfaces like HDPE, OPP

• Substrate shape – Flat, contoured, cylindrical

• Substrate flexibility – e.g. Squeeze tubes

• If label is to be paper based – then label orientation (Machine/Cross direction) may be significant.

When using non-paper self-adhesive labels then a measure of permanence is defined (at least in the UK) by a standard (BS 4781) which assures an adhesion level greater than 15 Newtons/25mm after 24 hours according to FINAT test method No.1.

Note : A complete copy of the FINAT Technical Handbook may be obtained from :

FINAT, Laan Copes van Cattenburch 79, NL 2585 EW The Hague, Netherlands

tel. +31 70 3123910 fax +31 70 3636348, email info@

For Removable applications, the situation is more complex.

• Definition for paper labels:- Remove-ability without paper tear or adhesive transfer

• For filmic labels

- Film much stronger than paper – tear is usually not an issue

- Main concern – avoiding adhesive transfer

• Typical adhesion of removable adhesive to steel/glass:

- Around 0.3 – 0.5 N/25mm (permanent greater than 1.2 N/25mm).

• Key of low adhesion adhesives to papers is generally very good – Adhesive transfer is generally not a problem

• For filmic removable systems – the adhesion may tend to transfer over time to the higher energy surface. Therefore choosing a permanent adhesive (with higher adhesive key to the film) may actually be the best option.

• Removability of paper labels from a paper substrate may simply depend on the care taken by the end user.


• Surfaces may be deceptive. Substrates may be contaminated, friable and variable. There is no substitute for a test carried out on the actual object to be labelled. For example, glass may have a protective coating or anti-scuff agent on the surface.

• Test for adhesion under conditions that are as close as possible to the end use.

• Do not carry out the test on a flat, empty container when the end user is labelling one filled with product.

• Check whether the label is to be applied to a plain or a printed part of the pack


• On plastic or filmic surfaces, substances that can migrate to the surface may be present. Advice should be sought from suppliers since these can have a detrimental effect on adhesion.


• Cut out several labels of the same size and in the same grain direction as the proposed printed label.

• Peel off backing and apply to object to be labelled in the same position as the eventual requirement. Rub down lightly with fingers or a pad of soft material.

• Ideally prepare several samples and place in an environment appropriate to the application or end use. Pay particular attention to substrates that are likely to be cold and / or wet at the end user.

• Leave for 24 hours minimum before assessment of adhesion.


• Examine visually for edge lift or other evidence of “spontaneous failure”

• Lift up corner of the label and peel with a firm, slow pull.

• Good adhesion should result in at least 30 % fibre tear (by area) in the paper label with a permanent adhesive. Filmic labels can only be assessed by the peel force required to remove the label.

• Removable labels can be tested in the same way, but should be assessed for acceptable levels of fibre tear, surface damage or adhesive residue when removed.

• MOST IMPORTANTLY – ensure that wherever possible the actual approval as to fitness for purpose is determined by the actual end user. The adage should always be: “One man’s permanent is another man’s removable”. Do not make any assumptions as to the actual required final performance.

From time to time, printers/end users may encounter adhesion problems and these can be expensive as they occur after labels have been printed. It is recommended that printers/end users carry out a simple adhesion check before proceeding with new business, using specific self-adhesive laminates. It is at this stage that the definition of “fitness for purpose” must be clear and unambiguous.


• Application Temperature. Usually quoted as the minimum temperature below which the label system will not adhere satisfactorily. Substrates must be both clean and dry for this property to have significance.

• High temperature, heat resistant. An adhesive capable of retaining its properties when used at high temperatures.Light stable, UV stable. An adhesive for use with clear films or where labels will be exposed to direct sunlight.

• Marine approved. A self-adhesive laminate construction, which complies with BS5609, Adhesive Coated Labels for Marine Use. This certification requires full testing of the material under seawater immersion conditions over a period of 3 months together with subsequent adhesion tests.

• Pasteurisable. An adhesive system capable of withstanding typical pasteurisation conditions used in the beverage bottling industry.

• Permanent. An adhesive with high ultimate adhesion, where labels are not intended to be removed. Available from standard to very high coating weights, depending on end application.

• Pigmented adhesive. An adhesive used for over labelling or masking heavily printed or coloured surfaces.

• Plasticiser resistant. An adhesive which when applied to PVC or other plastics containing plasticisers maintains an acceptable level of performance.

Removable, peelable. An adhesive which has a low ultimate adhesion to a wide range of surfaces. Careful choice of adhesive must be made, particularly for surfaces like fabrics, paper and plastic.

• Repositionable. An adhesive which permits removal and repositioning shortly after application, prior to the development of ultimate adhesion.

• Repulpable. An adhesive that is capable of being used in a paper re-pulping process.

Semi Permanent. An adhesive system offering a certain degree of short-term removability, but with ultimately more “permanent” characteristics.

Service Temperature. The recommended working temperature range for a self-adhesive label construction.

Textile, fabric, garment. An adhesive designed for application to textiles. It may be permanent or removable in type, according to specific applications. Careful choice of adhesive must be made particularly for sensitive materials, e. g. suede, PVC, silk, leather.

UV detectable. An adhesive that becomes detectable under UV light.

UL approved. An adhesive label system that has been certified according to defined standards through the Underwriter Laboratories of the USA.

Water removable. An adhesive that upon contact with water will have a reduced adhesive bond, allowing clean removal. This property will be temperature and pH dependent.

Water-resistant. An adhesive that is resistant to high humidity or immersion in water.

Water-soluble. An adhesive that is completely soluble in water.

Weather resistant. An adhesive for use where labels are subjected to a variety of external conditions.


Pressure-sensitive adhesives are manufactured primarily from polymers and resins and are selected to meet the challenging requirements of conversion and end user adhesion performance. Different adhesives will have a retained odour level characteristic of their chemical type, but components are selected to ensure that the odour level is minimised and, wherever possible, will be generally recognized as safe by virtue of prior industrial experience of compliance with legislation concerning labelling.

Since various foods will respond differently to different odours, the final assessment of tainting, due to residual odour should be judged by the end user concerned.



The PSMA advise that caution is exercised with the following applications. This list and the examples given are not exhaustive and in many cases, products are readily available which may give a satisfactory performance and it is strongly recommended to contact the material supplier.


• Animal skins and natural fibres, e.g. suede, leather, wool, silk.

• Tarnishable metals, e.g. copper, brass, silver.

• Weak bonded surface finishes, e.g. flock coated products, vehicle paint, some recycled boards, certain papers, some over-varnishes on print, certain decorative finishes.

• Some plastics e.g. highly plasticised films like flexible PVC, polystyrene, acrylate films, thin films.

• Certain treated surfaces, e.g. optical lenses, certain glass finishes, some lacquered films and boards.


• Rough surfaces where the adhesive contact with the surface is likely to be low, e.g. wood especially unplanned or unfinished, highly textured and embossed items, unglazed pottery, cork, some metal surfaces, expanded polystyrene and foams, coarse weave fabrics.

• Low energy surfaces such as untreated polyethylene and other polyolefins, silicone treated or contaminated surfaces, PTFE, chemical anti-corrosion treatments, certain printing inks, certain over-varnishes, certain treated textiles, polyamides, decayed pre-treatments, waxed or greasy surfaces.

• Cold and/or moist surfaces or environments where adhesive tack may be reduced or deaden, possibly only momentarily, by low temperature or moisture eg condensation bloom, deep-frozen goods.

• Changes in temperature/humidity between label application and storage, e.g. paper labels applied at room temperature but stored at chill may show wrinkling and bubbling as condensation moisture is absorbed by the label, adhesive products which work well at deep freeze may have a lower adhesion level at room temperature.

• Changes in shape of a product, e.g. a container labelled empty may bulge when filled, pre-labelled shrink-wrapped goods.

• Migration of mobile components within the product labelled including permeation of volatile ingredients through containers, will interfere with adhesion, e.g. oils, fragrances, plasticisers. If the migration occurs prior to labelling, a satisfactory bond may not be achieved. However, although initial adhesion may be excellent, migration after labelling may lead to disastrous failures at a later date.

• Curved surfaces especially those with a tight radius less than 25mm may show label winging, e.g. phials, ampoules, spirit miniatures. Also irregular shapes including items where there is more than one radius of curvature, or where the label turns 90º round a corner.

• Recycled Boards can be a problem as they are rough, the surface may be only weakly bound and tend to be somewhat inconsistent in content by their very nature.

• Friable surfaces where adhesive tack may be destroyed, e.g plaster, rusty metal.

• Contaminated surfaces, e.g. dust, dirt, flour, cement, will almost certainly deaden adhesive tack on contact. Other contamination such as liquid contents, moisture will reduce tack or interfere with the adhesion.

• Gassing after label application may lead to eventual bond failure, eg polycarbonate, fibreglass, sealant, certain plastic containers.

• Repositioning i.e. removing a label to reapply elsewhere may distort the label to such an extent that the second bonding is never satisfactorily achieved.

• Using a label to close a container, or attach an item to another, or other applications where the label itself is placed under strain may result in an unsatisfactory bond.


• Direct food labelling.

• Toy labelling.

• Medical applications e.g. skin contact, blood bags, sterilisation processes.

• Textile and garment labelling.

• Promotional gimmicks.

• Applications with toner fusing where elevated temperatures are involved, e.g. laser and digital printing.

• Outdoor use, UV exposure.

• Hostile environments, including seawater and solvents and temperature extremes of more than 80ºC and below –20ºC.

• BS5609 (Marine immersion).

• BS4781 (Pressure-sensitive adhesive plastic labels for permanent use).

• Health & Safety applications e.g. safety hats, crash helmets, protective equipment.

• Applications involving microwave use.

• Taint sensitive applications e.g. within boxes of chocolates or cereals.

• Applications with items of high value e.g. antiques or objet d’art.

• Durable labelling, UL/CSA, applications requiring certification.



Most self adhesive labels are designed for specific end uses and are not intended to be removed e.g. permanent, deep freeze. It is advisable that those are, e.g. removable grades, should be evaluated for suitability in any particular application. However it is appreciated that on some occasions it might be necessary to remove labels or adhesive residue.

The methods available will depend on the nature of the self-adhesive and of the particular item labelled. It is recommended that careful testing is carried out to derive a suitable method of label or adhesive residue removal, which ensures that the item/product itself will not be damaged or affected in any other way.

The following methods are amongst those that may be tried.

• Slow and careful peeling of the label. Residual adhesive may sometimes be plucked off by dabbing with adhesive portion of the removed label.

• Immersion in warm water, possibly containing detergent. Some abrasion, possibly vigorous may assist with removal.

• Some proprietary products, such as de-greasers and household solvents, may be trialled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

• In some cases it may be advisable to remove the paper or filmic label layer and work only on the adhesive. In other situations the inherent strength of the paper or film will actually aid label removal. Certain label materials e.g. filmic and metal foils, may need to be scored or broken in some way to allow action to take place on the adhesive layer.

For assistance with specific applications, please contact the material supplier.


Variable Information Printing (VIP) can be achieved by a series of printing techniques including:

• Dot Matrix

• Direct Thermal

• Thermal Transfer

• Laser

• Ink Jet

1. Dot Matrix or impact printing is a technique whereby a computer-controlled print head creates a series of dots to form a printed character by means of magnetically activated needles. These impact on to an inked ribbon that transfers ink onto a face stock. Drying of the ink occurs by evaporation and/or absorption.

2. Direct Thermal or chemi-thermal printing utilises a thermally sensitive top-stock. The top-stock contains an imaging layer consisting of a colourless dye, a binding agent and other additives. With application of heat the components melt and the image is formed by a chemical reaction.

The thermal head consists of a row of computer-controlled miniature heating elements. This ensures the correct amount of energy is received by the top-stock. A backing roll ensures adequate contact of the print head and paper.

The sensitivity of a thermal top-stock refers to the intensity of the image formed given a known amount of energy (heat). The chemical formulation of the imaging components can be designed to commence imaging at different temperatures. A low sensitivity paper will begin imaging only at relatively high temperatures.

A static sensitivity curve shows the image intensity for a given temperature and will therefore indicate the minimum temperature a thermal top-stock begins imaging. A typical high sensitivity paper will commence imaging at around 70oC whereas a low sensitivity paper will image from around 85oC. This is very important when considering the end application of the thermal label. If the label is likely to be subjected to temperatures of around 65oC then a low sensitivity paper would be preferable.

The speed of printing is indicated by dynamic sensitivity graphs. These graphs show the image intensity for a given amount of energy. Dynamic sensitivity is the relationship between image density and energy input. High sensitivity papers tend to have a smoother top surface that enables high-resolution printing.

Thermal papers can also incorporate other coatings for protection. A top coated paper will have resistance to mechanical abrasion, water penetration and chemicals (solvents oils etc). The top coating also protects when used in applications involving foods containing grease etc. A back barrier coating may also be used to protect the thermal layer from migrating components in the adhesive system itself and the adherend to which it is attached.

3. Thermal Transfer printing should be considered as a system comprising printer, ribbon and receiving substrate. All three elements need to work together satisfactorily to provide a solution for the customer requirement.

Thermal transfer printing utilises a ribbon coated with a thermal coated pigment. The print head consists of a row of computer-controlled miniature heating elements. The computer ensures the correct amount of energy is received by the top-stock. A backing roll ensures adequate contact of the print head and paper. The heat from the print head transfers the ink coating from the carrier ribbon onto the top-stock to produce an image which solidifies on contact. Print heads are described by the positioning of the thermal elements. Traditional types are “true edge,” “corner edge” and “centre.” Over the last few years a new configuration has been gaining ground. This is termed “near edge” and has been designed for higher print speeds. Special ribbons are required to work in this type of printer.

There are four basic types of thermal transfer ribbons (TTR).

• Wax based ribbons are used in general purpose labelling applications, bar coding, shipping and address labels. Low energy print heads achieve good print transfer. Receiving substrates are usually papers (coated, uncoated, gloss, vellums).

• Wax/Resin based ribbons are used where a degree of smudge and scratch resistance is needed. Medium energy print heads are required to achieve good print transfer. Ideal for two dimensional and rotated bar codes and applications where greater abrasion resistance is needed. Receiving substrates are usually coated papers, vellums and filmics.

• Resin based ribbons are designed for enhanced durability in chemical printing and industrial applications. High-energy print heads are required to achieve good print transfer. Very high abrasion resistance. Used for chemical drum labelling applications, pharmaceutical labelling, outdoor labelling and automotive applications. Receiving substrates are usually filmics.

• Near Edge ribbons are specially formulated for printers utilising “near edge” technology. These ribbons tend to be either wax/resin or resin based systems.

Thermal transfer ribbons are available as either monochrome or colour.

4. Laser This process starts by electrostatically charging a photo-conductive imaging drum evenly over its entire surface. The drum is then exposed using a scanning laser beam. The light discharges parts of the drum thereby producing a latent image. As the drum rotates the charge on the drum attracts toner powder. This is then transferred to the facestock and fused onto the surface by either high temperature rollers (hot fusion) or, a lower temperature, cold fusion unit.

5. Ink Jet printing is based on the ability to produce and manipulate small droplets of ink in a series of dots to create characters. The three most common systems are: -

• Continuous – a stream of dots are continually created, the ink droplets are deflected to produce the characters and the unused ink is collected and re- circulated.

• Impulse – where droplets are produced as and when required.

• Solid ink system – whereby ink is evaporated by a small heating element close to the jet. Heating impulses cause the ejection of ink droplets to provide the characters.



Paper Machine


Diagram reproduced courtesy of Angus Wilde Publications, Canada

Headbox [Wire] [Press] [Drying section] [Calendar] [Winding]

1. Uncoated. Papers which are designed for basic conventional printing or variable imprinting. This category includes

• Super-calendared, surface sized printing papers like Vellum. Relatively closed surface for ink hold out.

• Machine finished (MF), surface sized papers like Data for impact and non-impact printing. Relatively open surface for easy ink/toner anchorage

Calendar Stack


Diagram reproduced courtesy of The Paper Industry Technical Association

2. Machine Coated (MC) White papers, one side coated, with mid to high gloss or matt finishes. Used for mid to high range quality printing with additional gloss being achieved by over-varnishing if required. The range includes a light weight paper with low stiffness for labelling small diameters and curved surfaces

Blade Machine Coating Process


Diagram reproduced courtesy of the Paper Industry Technical Association

3. Cast Coated. A high gloss (mirror finish) coated white paper for high quality multi-colour print work. The premium gloss finish is achieved by ‘casting’ off a highly polished chromium drum.

Cast Coating Process


Diagram reproduced courtesy of the Paper Industry Technical Association

4. Decorative papers. A range of finishes to enhance the visual appearance of the label. These include:

• Textured papers which give a tactile and visual effect to the papers by using laid effects, ribbing, felts etc. a range of ‘olde world’ appearances are achieved which are popular in wine, jam & preservatives labelling. These papers often include wet strength and anti fungal features.

• Metallics – tinted, vacuum metallised, laminated and holographic effects in a range of shades colours and effects.

5. Coloured papers – a range of coloured papers is available based on vellum or coated papers for promotional labels. Also a range of papers with a fluorescent coating of a vivid radiant colour are available for display and price marking labels These papers can also be supplied for use in lasers and copiers.

6. Functional Papers. Papers which often incorporate a special coating e.g. to give high opacity or resistance to grease/oils etc. Also including imaging forming coatings to be used in NCR form sets.


Sometimes referred to as backing paper, sometimes as carrier and sometimes as liner. These materials are normally siliconized and allow the label material to be accurately die cut and dispensed.


• Glassine. Papers that have been super-calendared to provide good transparency (>38%) and thus allow optical sensors to see through the liner and detect label edges for automatic label application. Glassine liners are also normally strong and consistent in caliper (thickness) to allow accurate die cutting. These papers come in a variety of colours with honey and white being the most common and in a range of weights and thickness (60-80gsm, 55-70 micron being the most common).

• Kraft liners. White papers, sometimes one side coated, optimised to give good lay-flat characteristics to provide excellent fan folding properties, roll to sheet conversion and often used for A4 laser/ink jet/copier products. Normally white in colour but in a wide range of weights and thickness (45-140gsm and 50-140 micron being the most common).

• Copy-back. A PE coated white paper with an encapsulated impact sensitive copy system. Used where single and multi form self-copying sets are required.

• Filmic. Polyester (PET) and Polypropylene (PP) clear films. Used to give enhanced wet out of the adhesive (due to the exceptional smoothness) and improved strength where web snapping is critical either from a security or high speed application requirement e.g. pharmaceutical and beer labelling. These films are light and thin in comparison to the paper liners (30-50gsm, 23-50 micron being the most common).


Solvent Based

Permanent Removable

Acrylic (High Adhesion Level) (Low Adhesion Level)

Water Based


Hot Melts Opaque/Clear – even coloured possibilities









In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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